Chasing The Queen [ DISCONTIN...

Galing kay Jacee_xoxo

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˝I knew he liked me, I just never knew that I liked him back.˝ --------------------------- Katrina, the quee... Higit pa

All You Need To Know
Incomplete Completion
not an update but...


159 15 140
Galing kay Jacee_xoxo

Word Count: 4439

Hey baes! I'm sorry this took so long... I wanted to update on 4th July as a gift to y'all but it got delayed by a little...

Anyway, happy belated Fourth of July!!! I hope you've all had a great holiday and here's chapter 11. After you're done reading please don't hate me 😂😂 I think my friends are gonna kill me tho...


Follow me on IG: @jaceelxw

Happy reading and don't forget to leave comments and a vote! ❤❤


PS I featured an IG acc of my friend's so please go check it out 😊

Chapter 11:

Pretend Dating and
The New Queen

          I walked out the door after breaking away from the hug between Aunt— Mum and me. It still set an odd feeling in me to call her that, but hey, things take time, didn't they? Deciding it would be fun to ride my bike to school today and play the badass girl, I had on a black outfit made up of a leather jacket, a leather wrap bustier top, a pair of leather leggings and some velvet ankle boots. I hopped onto my bike after throwing my bag into the compartment under the seat.

          ˝Bye, Mum!˝ I yelled for the last time and smiled when she waved at me before driving off.

          I was feeling much happier than I ever did since I was six, knowing that my mother was actually still alive. I knew, however, that things would turn horrible once I got to school. The good-bad catch, remember? Still, I drove there quickly and parked my bike.

          I got off my bike and slung my bag over my left shoulder before striding towards the big, glass double-doors. Some of my schoolmates smiled and greeted me whereas I just nodded curtly back at them. The rest just stared as I played out my act. It was ridiculous, of course, but I wouldn't want to lose my concentration. After all, who knows if I might get a Oscar like Jennifer Lawrence one day? But my act was probably already ruined by my stupid arm in bandages.

          I pushed the doors open as effortlessly as I could and walked to my locker, trying to look as cool as possible. There by my locker stood my friends— Melanie, Violet, Allen, Widen, Natasha, Elliot, Leroy and Crystal. Wait a second. Where is Chase?

           Giggles and squeals erupted from the group of girls standing behind us and I took a selfie with a frustrated face, circling the girls in red before posting on Instagram. My caption was When you try to act cool and stuff but fail miserably only to watch as your real badass friend steps onto school grounds. PS I'm like a nugget compared to his chicken cutlet.

          Chase, as usual, was looking hot. Not gonna lie. He was in a black outfit too, to my dismay. What? What dismay? Ugh, what's that smell? OMG KATRINA YOUR PANTS ARE ON FIRE! I rolled my eyes at both my conscience and Chase, huffing loudly as I hit the post button.

          ˝Hey beautiful,˝ Chase kissed the side of my head, throwing an arm around my shoulders, ˝What's with the attitude?˝

          I huffed loudly again and ignored him, taking my books out of my locker before locking it. He chuckled, shaking his head. He definitely did not know what I thought, so I was confused as to why he was laughing. My first period that day was Music, as well as Chase's, so we decided to walk to class together.

          The bell rang and Chase quickly got his stuff before entwining his fingers with mine and walking to the music room. My heart sank as I remembered a detail I almost forgot. I didn't just have Music with Chase; I had it with Eddie and Sherella too.

          ˝Class, as I've said yesterday, I will be grouping you up so that you can work on a song cover,˝ Mrs Wrangle said, clapping her bony hands in glee.

          While the class responded with loud groans, I was frozen in my seat just praying that I wouldn't be grouped with the two devils. Chase, who was sitting beside me, seemed to finally realise what I was so tensed up about.

          He put a reassuring hand on my arm, but he didn't look too comfortable himself. As Mrs Wrangle started calling out names, four in a group, I squeezed Chase's hand in anxiety. I shut my eyes tight and focused on my breathing, not wanting to hear my name. I lived an extremely cliché life and in moments like that I would definitely get paired up against my will with some evil people.

          A moment later, Chase pried his hand out of my grasp and heaved a sigh of relief, ˝They're not with us, don't worry. We're with two hot chicks.˝

          I opened my eyes and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Chase chuckled and kissed the side of my head. He was doing that a lot lately, could it be that he...? No of course he doesn't like you, Kat! Good Girl said, He won't! I mean, he's the bad boy! Kasey chimed in, Don't listen to that stupid conscience, listen to me— these kind of lives are cliché as f*ck so he definitely likes you. Like a lot. The question now is just if you like him back. There was a pause and a moment of silence while my head was just blank. Well, do you? Kasey asked again very soon, obviously impatient.

          I— I don't know... I replied. It had been a long period of six years from the time that I had a crush on him, but then again, that was just a crush. Yeah, a crush that lasted for three years and died down because everybody left it alone, Kasey said, sounding annoyed. Well good thing they did, I answered, I can't go on liking someone who will never like me back.

          ˝Oh. Sorry, I've made a mistake. Chase and Katrina with Eddie and Sherella,˝ Mrs Wrangle corrected herself, lifting her glasses up higher.

          Sherella's face spelled delightful as she walked towards us. But before she could even reach us, the bell rang, signalling a change in period. I was more than glad it did, because based on my mood, it seemed like I was going to skip school.

          I picked up my bag and rushed out before the teacher, who was still reading the list, could notice. Eddie called after me but I ignored him and ran down the halls. I quickly dumped my books in my locker and fumbled with the lock when trying to close it. If the impact of my breakup didn't hit me before, it sure did now.

          I couldn't even lock my locker at all— the tears that were flowing down my face had blurred my vision as the pain in me just ached on. I screamed loudly in frustration and kicked my locker hard. Click. I chuckled bitterly and turned, speed walking to the doors as I wiped my tears rapidly. They kept falling, but at that moment, I didn't care anymore.

           I didn't care that Ruby, the news-writing girl, just came out of the bathroom and saw me weeping. Or the fact that she would make me the headline of the school news that week. Pushed to the back of my head was the fact that the druggies and skippers were laughing their asses off at me. Let them laugh, I thought, Let them tell. I don't give a f*ck anymore.

          God seemed to really hate me, for some weird reason. He could have simply let Mrs Wrangle look on and left me with the two girls and Chase as group members, but he didn't. I mean, who blames him anyway? It was my fault that I decided to trust guys again. I already had two valuable lessons on that, yet I seemed to be begging for more.

          Gone was the laughter and the attention. Or so I thought. I was suddenly on my bike, driving through the streets of Beaufort, but that didn't mean I wasn't getting unwanted attention. Even with my bright blue helmet on, I could still feel the stares from drivers around me burning holes in the side of my head. I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. Right, stupid, f*cking air resistance.

          I laughed insanely at myself again as I got off my bike and stormed into the house. Once I got to my room, I threw my bag aside and sprawled onto my bed. I grabbed my nearest soft toy which was my hippo. It had been with me since I was one and I talked to it whenever I was down, like now. I looked up at it and opened my mouth to talk, but all that came out was loud cries of pain. The soft toy was soon replaced with Jake.

          He snuggled into me and whined loudly. Nudging me with his nose, he looked into my eyes with a sad expression and hopped off again. Soon after, he returned with a box of tissues on the floor. Seeing him push it forward to me, a smile creeper its way up my face and I got off the bed for awhile to pick both him and the tissue box up.

          ˝Thank you Jakey,˝ I cried, hugging him, ˝I love you so much.˝

          He seemed to get the message, because he wagged his tail lightly to show he was happy, but not too much so that I knew he was sad too. Jake was only one and half, but he was so smart and understanding that he didn't seem his age at all. I was damn lucky to have a beautiful puppy like him, I knew. But sometimes, even beautiful things weren't enough to ease the pain.

          ˝Honey? Are you still home?˝ a door closed downstairs and Mum's voice rang out.

          I breathed and wiped the tears away, croaking, ˝Up here Mum.˝

          She appeared at my door in a matter of seconds, but she didn't scold me for not going to school for the fifth day like normal mothers would. Instead, she had in her hands a tray of muffins in courtesy of Shawn Mendes, pizza in courtesy of Jennifer Lawrence and cheese in courtesy of me.

          Unlike other girls who binge-watched Netflix and eat ice cream or chocolates after a breakup or sad day, I locked myself in my room to sleep for the few days after that. Then, when I felt a little better, I would allow my mother into my room with muffins, pizzas and cheese, with a dose of Mum's understanding.

           That meant full on crying, pain in my chest, eating fatty food and long talks for hours. Mum could have even used up one hour trying to explain a single thing to me, so since I had so many stuff to say, it definitely took more than an hour. Not to mention the little extra talk that I started when we were just about to stop.

          ˝Mum, why are you home so early?˝ I asked, suddenly realising that she came home three hours just after she left for work.

          She laughed nervously, averting her gaze to my horrendous, pig-faced, mini bookshelf. She never liked it, so it was obvious that something was up.

          ˝You see, my boss asked me to hire a new financial services manager and I managed to; he's called Jesse. He's got a 15-year experience and was promoted from assistant to manager in his first year of work—˝

          ˝Mum, just get to the point.˝

          ˝Well... I kinda... really... lost my, um, job...˝ she spoke, getting softer with every word.

          My mouth hung open in shock as the information set in. She lost... Her job? Kasey asked shakily, her voice echoing in my head. Yeah... She did... I forced my mouth to move, attempting to ask why and how it happened, but all that came out was What?

          ˝Yeah...˝ she stared awkwardly at the wall.

          I groaned loudly. The only way we could afford stuff was because of mother's high work pay. Since she'd lost her job, we would only probably last for another few months before we start starving. Considering the fact that I didn't have a job at that time, we were literally dome for.

          I groaned loudly once again, letting my head fall onto the pillow in a loud thump. Now I was going to have to get a job to stick up for us while my mother finds a new job. The most common job I knew in that little hometown of mine that hired teenagers like me was waitressing. Waitressing, the job in the world that I probably hated the most.

          It included balancing trays and plates and bowls of steaming hot food which I was not trained to do. Of course I would have to go through training courses before taking up that part time job, but I was a clumsy girl and it definitely did not suit me.

          ˝I'm going to have to get that stupid waitressing job, don't I?˝ I asked, fully aware of the answer.


          I rub my hands down my face, muttering under my breath, ˝Well shit.˝

          The only 'friend' of mine who knows most about the waitressing jobs in town was Sherella. And there was no way in hell I was gonna talk to her. I hadn't even forgave her yet. I mean, who would? She cheated and betrayed, a sign that she knew so much about business until she could give me a two-in-one package. Heck, I didn't even need that stupid cheating package!

          And to think I thought he really loved me... I snorted at myself. Dumb kid. Who in their right minds would love me? They all probably think I'm just faking this shit just like Courtney Crimson from Thirteen Reasons Why, I thought sourly.

          I looked up to catch any reaction from my mother but was disappointed to find that she had already left the room. Right now, I was pretty sure I had gone berserk. All thoughts of keeping myself and my mother alive completely left my mind as a single word flashed in my head. Revenge. Clear as the light of day, it lit up an idea in me that I didn't even realise I had.

          Kasey yelled at me, Stop it! Don't do it! What about Chase?! And as much as I wanted to drag myself away from my phone, my limbs didn't obey. What the f*ck are you doing, Katrina?! I screamed at myself, shocked that I would do such a thing.

          If you do this, you won't be you anymore, you'll be just like Eddie! I tried to contain myself. Suddenly, a deep voice from the darkest corner in my head rumbled, He deserves it. They deserve it. Don't let them treat you like shit and get away with it. It's like what President Snow said. If them, of all people, could hurt you this bad and just walk away, what is preventing others from doing the same? No matter how reserved you can be; no matter how many walls you can put up, there will always be someone to knock it down and trample all over you. But you can stop it. Just do what I say. Call him.

          Before my real self or Kasey could protest any further, my fingers pressed his number. There's no going back now, I thought as he picked up.

          ˝Kat? Why'd— why'd you call me? Did something I say hurt you? I'm so sorry! Was it the 'prata man' thing? Are you—˝

          I let out a breathy laugh, ˝Whoa, chill. And if you hurt me, do you seriously think I would call you?˝

          ˝Well... No.˝

          ˝Okay. See, I need a favour from you and I know it's a lot to ask and I don't want to lead you on so I'm telling you this first: it's to help me get back at the cheaters, nothing else. I'm not going to fall in love with you or anything like that, we clear?˝ I said, my real self getting more anxious with each word.

          At first, there was only silence. Hello silence my old friend... But then, he finally answered.

          ˝I can't guarantee that I won't be led on, but I'll do it anyway. Yolo, right? Alright, so what do I have to do for you, your majesty?˝

          I smirked, ˝We're going to pretend-date.˝

          ˝Hey,˝ I opened the door, pecking Aiden lightly on the lips before pulling him into the house.

          A perfect act meant no cracks or tiny little flaws and that was exactly what I was aiming for. Even if perfect acts didn't exist. So, no cracks.

         ˝We're going to my room,˝ I smiled.

         He grinned back and wrapped his arm around my waist before sweeping me off my feet. I let out a soft squeal, giggling at the ticklishness when his fingers brushed my thighs. I had sent Mum back out of the house to search around for work while I'd stay home to help her via the internet because she was quite social-awkward.

          So, I invited my 'boyfriend' over to 'help' me out. The no flaw rule was emphasised throughout our act so we agreed to not even break the act at any point of time or talk about it in any of our houses. Just in case any one of my best friends were to bust in and discover my secret. I wasn't afraid that Melanie would let it out, but Allen might. He was dating Violet, after all, who had told quite a number of my secrets out before. So I definitely wasn't going to risk that again.

          Aiden slowly made his way up the stairs and to my room, dropping me gently on my bed after. For a guy who had a crush on me, he sure was going to enjoy it. He was the best person to be my partner in that particular crime because of that. It would be pretty cliché that the guy didn't get the girl at first but finally did in the end. That was what made him my perfect target.

          ˝Mmm,˝ I mumbled against his lips when he pushed them against mine, ˝Laptop. Work.˝

          He groaned in frustration, and pecked me one more time before reaching behind for my laptop. He kicked his shoes off like I did and leaned against my headboard. I crawled between his legs and whipped out my phone to start Googling and screenshotting hiring websites. Aiden sneakily typed around on my laptop with his arms around me and before I knew it, my instagram was going live.

          ˝Babe! Why did you— urgh!˝ I pouted at him after slapping his boulder lightly.

          Since we already had 178 views, I didn't have the heart to just end that video. Just then, a comment by '' popped up, saying Noooooooo SAVE MY JENSON SHIP! RECRUITING SOLDIERS NOW. I felt Aiden shift behind me, a sign that he was uncomfortable. I tilted my face to him a little and kissed him for awhile, just ignoring the socialising going on in my video.

          Aiden instantly kissed me back, his mouth moving against mine. It was then that I realised how Kasey and Good Girl both disappeared from my train of thoughts. Kase? Kasey! GG? I got no reply. Had I lost both my real self and my consciences? No, I'm your conscience, that deep voice chuckled. I shivered at the darkness I pictured in my mind. Aiden wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back, trying to warm me up.

          ˝Okay, okay,˝ Aiden laughed, breaking away from me breathlessly, ˝I need air.˝

          I let out a short laugh, nodding along with him. Honestly, I didn't feel much during the kiss. I was mostly worrying about myself and two of my consciences the whole time. I was really wrecking my brain for possibilities why I lost my consciences, but I still had only one possibility.

          How cute omgggggg Kaiden all the way! A comment caught my eye. I smiled a little when I realised that Aiden was planting soft kisses on my neck. He was good at the act. I threw a mere glance at the screen and saw that my views decreased. Did they hate that I was 'with' Aiden? Don't care, the deep voice grumbled.

         I looked as if I was staring intently at my phone, really focused on finding a job. Sad to say that I wasn't. I leaned my head back against Aiden's chest and started scrolling through Google again. I mean, you could ask to work in Uncle Dan's café... A sweet, familiar voice spoke. Kasey! I yelled excitedly.

          ˝Shhhhh... baby,˝ Aiden whispered, ˝You're saying it out loud.˝

          I turned my head a little and pressed my lips to his for a short while, ˝Sorry, baby.˝

          Kasey? Kasey, please don't go...

          You could call Chase now and ask...

         No! Don't listen to that bitch! The deep voice roared.

         The real me finally decided to break through and I screamed at the demon, No, you listen to me! I control you—

          Oh really? I could picture it smirking, shrinking my body with just his ink-black, stick-like hand. I cringed at the ugly image I had put in my own mind, shaking it away.

          ˝You okay, Kat?˝

          ˝Yeah,˝ I sent a small smile his way.

          I'm taking control, the demon laughed evily in its deep, dark voice. I had lost all the remaining control I had of myself when I smashed my lips onto Aiden's. Yep, completely lost control, I thought.

          Aiden kissed back immediately, his hand reaching up to cup the back of my neck. Dear lord please help me... I thought as the demon forced me to part my lips, allowing Aiden to do what he had probably always wanted. When he broke away to suck at my collarbone, I let out a very involuntary moan. What the f*ck is wrong with you, Katrina Tylar Marie Jackson?! I shrieked at myself, trying to stop. But my body wouldn't listen to me— it was as if I was watching by the side as two other people kissed. Like my body wasn't mine. Stop this now! I cried at the demon, but it just smirked back at me.

         It was just like my soul was swapped with another's. Another who was completely blinded by revenge and hatred until she couldn't see the bigger picture. The bigger picture which well consisted of hurt. Hurt of which was caused by her. But maybe it wasn't her. Neither was it the demon. Maybe it was just another side of me.

          As I stepped into school, I realised that everything was different. None of the students greeted me as usual, at most they've only nodded curtly in my direction. Something was wrong. The geeks and nerds didn't even spare me a glance when I walked by. Did I do something wrong?

         ˝Lanie!˝ I called as soon as I saw her.

         Aiden walked me over to her, like we were a couple. Melanie was facing her locker, trying to lock up her locker very quickly like she had to run somewhere. My guess was that she hadn't heard me, because she continued to fiddle with the lock. When we reached her, I touched her shoulder gently and she jumped.

          ˝Oh my God, Kat! I was so worried! I haven't seen you in a week! Are you okay? I've sent Eddie to the nurse after something I did with his lower half so he should stay away for awhile— shit they're here,˝ Melanie immediately quietened down.

          I turned my head to the door and saw Natasha walking in with Crystal, Sherella, Elliot and Eddie walking behind her like cronies. That's it— croonies. She must have took over me while I was gone. Sneaky little girl.

          I told Aiden to stay with my shooken bestie as I strolled over to Natasha.

          ˝Hi Natasha, seems like you've changed our school quite a bit while I was gone... How did you enjoy the free trial?˝ I batted my eyelashes sweetly at her, well aware that my sarcasm broke the scale.

          At first, she looked intimidated, shrinking away from me by a little. But then, she regained her posture and rose a perfectly drawn eyebrow at me.

          ˝Katrina. How... Wonderful to see you. Now shoo, run along before I waste my strawberry smoothie on you,˝ she warned, putting her palm out for her drink.

          Crystal handed the cup over obediently. Who does she think she is?! We've backed her up when she was being bullied and have been her friends for so many years! And she dares to repay us like this? Bitch, no. You don't treat my friends like slaves.

          I scoffed, deciding to just throw a rant at her even though I'd risk getting disgusting strawberry smoothie poured all over me, ˝You're sick, Natasha. You thought you stole my boyfriend by seducing him and now you try to steal my crown? Awesome. You know, you're really going to enjoy how people talk behind your back about those fake eyebrows and revealing clothes you wear. So—˝

          The crowd that had formed gasped as they watched the yucky goo slide slowly down my hair. I reacted quickly, smacking the cup in her direction so the rest of the gross drink would be on her instead. Aiden appeared at my side in a matter of seconds and handed me a pack of tissues which I gladly took to wipe the sticky mixture away.

          ˝Thank you,˝ I mummered and pecked his lips.

          As I wiped the remains of the drink from my hair, I snickered, ˝I've heard you love strawberry smoothies but I never knew you used it for showering, Nat. Now clean that up.˝

          She scowled at me, ˝You're going to regret this!˝

          I pouted at her mockingly, ˝Aww, does Natasha want some more smoothie? I could shower you with more, if you want.˝

          The crowd tried to muffle their laughter as I flicked some of the smoothie at her. Crystal bit her lip and Elliot looked away, refraining himself from letting out a chortle.

          ˝Enjoy wiping the floors, your majesty,˝ I mocked, curtseying before throwing her a pack of tissues.

          She stomped over to me and slapped me, her artificial nails scratching deep into my cheek. I felt blood drip down but I ignored it.

          ˝You want to play dirty? Sure honey, let's do this the bitch way. I just hope you don't back out,˝ I began to burn with rage.

          Boy was she going to regret this. No one had ever seen the worst of me and this was just the beginning. The watchers were so going to get free entertainment.

          With that, I stalked off to the female locker room, hoping to wash my hair of the sickeningly sweet smoothie. I'm going to get my kingdom back, whether you like it or not. Just you wait...

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