Seeing Double(Cameron Dallas)

By Ljokpizza

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madison carter de la Rosa Ramirez was only 13 when her and Cameron also 13 gave up their virginity to each ot... More

From the begging
surprise and surprise again
4 years later
hi again
I love those twins
authors note
second day, it's really hot
no, no, no, no, no, don't tell him
soo, who the twins father
Cameron's ex girlfriend
the break up
the truth
not the end
authors note

lost in disneyland

244 5 0
By Ljokpizza

I woke up and found my little girls asleep well mia asleep and bella awake

I had to get ready and change them for there day with Cameron and Amanda I still don't trust her and I really don't want to let my kids near them but I want them to have fun so I have to put up with it so i have to take them a shower and get themready this will be there second time going to disney land the first time was with me and my family there favorite spot is cinderellas castle all they wanted to do was stay at her castle the whole time they were there

I got them dressed in this

after I got them dressed I told them to brush their teeth as they were brushing their teeth I heard a knock on the door i went to go open it was cam and Amanda I let them in and told them that they would be out soon and that they were in the washroom brushing their teeth they came out a few minutes later and they saw cam so they ran up to him screaming his name

Cameron you hear bella say

yeah are you two ready to go to Disney land with me and Amanda

yeah were ready to go with you Cameron, mia said

ok lets go then cam said

as they were leaving Maddie stopped them

wait mads said

cam stopped

ok girls you be good for Cameron

ok mommy we will  the girls said

now give me a kiss

they both kissed their mom one at a time

and they finally left

now I can finally have time off mads said

im going back to sleep she said to her self

cams pov

we finally arrived a Disneyland  and I asked the girls what they wanted to do they wanted to go to Cinderella's castle so we went when we got there we saw Cinderella having a tea party with fairy god mother and gus and that other mouse i don't know his name we finally got done and we went to go on the spinning tea cups and we had fun Amanda was acting weird but I didn't think much of it after that we went on the monorail system it was cool and then we went to alice in wonderland and after that we went to the pirates of the Caribbean we went to get food we all got a hotdog and some popcorn with some drinks the girls got chocolate milk and I got a pepsi while Amanda got root beer I was done with my food and so were the girls so we went to walk around I had to go the washroom so told the girls and they were waiting outside

amandas pov

I hate these girls and I hate that Maddie used to date Cameron ad that they have kids together she still hasn't told him and I don't want her to or else he is going to want to be with Maddie again and i cant have that so maybe I should...she thought all this in her head

she turned and bent down to the girls level

listen you little runts I don't care about you two I want you guys to be gone and never come back or else  i am going to get the cookie monster to come and get you

but the cookie monster only eats cookies bella said

shut up Amanda yelled at them which mad them get scared and start to cry

i will get some monster to come after both of you now run off and don't come back

the girls both ran off crying

cams pov

i was done in the washroom and i came out and saw Amanda but i didn't see bella and mia i panicked and ran up to Amanda

amanada where are bella and mia  she turned around and started to panic too

 oh no they were just here a minute ago we have to find them those pore things out there alone they might get lost and or someone could kidnap them hopefuly she said quietly

what you say cam said

nothing Amanda said

oh no we have to look for them come on they kept asking people if they saw two twins and they kept running around

ok we have to call heir mother so cam took his phone and dialed maddies phone number

ring ring ring ring ring

she not picking up we have to call nash

ring ring

n-hello Cameron whats up man hows Disney land

c-we lost the twins

n-you did what you lost 4 year old girls at Disney land Maddie is not going to be happy your a dead man bro

c- i know can you and the guys come and help us Disneyland is a huge place

n-ok were on our way bye man

nash pov

holy man

whats up nash, whats wrong hayes said

i just hung up with Cameron and he told me that he lost the twins at Disneyland

what everyone said at the same time

he wants us to help him find them we gotta go get ready and meet me at the loby i have to get Maddie

dude are you sure you want to do that she is going to go full blown mama bear on Cameron Taylor said

yeah she has to know its her own kids now get ready nash left

he knocked on maddies door there was no answer he knocked again and she finally opened the door

oh hey nash i just woke up whats up wait somethings wrong what is it

woah how you know nash said

i can feel it mom instincts

well Cameron kinda called me just now and he said that he lost the kids

HE WHAT maddies said

he kinda lost the woah

lets go you are coming with me we are going to Disney land and fining my kids and after they are safe and sound I AM GOING TO POUND CAMERON AND THAT LITTLE RED HEADED BITCH WITH HIM.

they left and went downstairs everyone was there ok lets go we have to hurry in the car maddie was worried she was shaking her foot the whole way there

they finally arrived and they went in they immediately spot Cameron Maddie starts bursting up and is yelling at Cameron nash hold her back and tells her to calm down and to just talk to him and see what happened

ok ill be fine ok ill calm down mads said to nash

they walk up again

she sighs and asked cam what happened

ok so i went to the washroom and i left them with Amanda and when i came out they were gone Amanda said she didn't know where they went and that she was sorry for not paying close attention to them and shes so sorry

so you lost them you little bitch you know what nash you are coming with me and we are going to look for the girls

and you guys spilt p and look every where im going this where and you guys go that way

ok. everyone said

where could they be mads said

maybe there at the teacups they got there and they weren't there

 its been an hour and they still couldn't find them and mads broke out in tears

nash what if we cant find them what if we never see them again

its ok we will find them they hugged your a good bestfriend nash thank you ya your right I'm a prince charming

yah prince charming wait prince charming i know where they are come on

we ran to the Cinderella castle if they were ever lost in Disney land they would go to Cinderella's castle we got there and we looked around and we saw them my two beautiful girls i called them

bella mia!

mommy your here. they ran up to their mother

and ran up to them and hugged them

why did you girls run away from Cameron you shouldn't do that they were still crying

w-we didn't mean to mommy i-i-its just that mean girl told us to and s-s-s scared us

what mean girl who scared you guys

a-Amanda did bella told me and mia to leave

ok tell me what happened ok

w-well we were waiting for Cameron and when he left Amanda told u-us t-that we were runts a-and that she was going to get a monster to come get us and s-s-she yelled at us 

i hugged my girls and when i find that red headed bitch then i will beat her ass up i thought

i knew that girl was a bi-i mean bad person

nash call the guys and tell them that we found them  


we walked back to the entrance and saw that bitch i told nash to hold the girls while i beat a bitches ass i walked up to Amanda

YOU LITTLE BITCH i punched her

you stay away from my daughters  you slut i was going to go punch her again but Cameron stopped me

woah what are you doing cam said

what am i doing your little princess over here yelled at my daughters and threatened them and your telling me to back off

what she would never threaten little kids right babe cam said

that's right babe i would never Amanda said

i rolled my eyes and walked back to my girls i picked up mia while nash had bella and we walked pass them to the cars Cameron was about to come in our car but i stopped him and told him to go in the other van 

what how come i have to et in the other van

you know why Cameron alexander dallas

i shut the door and we drove off

we finally got home and put bella in bed cause she was asleep and mia was awake i sat her on my lap her head was on my shoulder and i was rubbing her head the door opened and it was Cameron i did not want to talk to him i saw that mia was asleep so i picked her up and put her to bed and i came back out and sat on the couch Cameron was gone so i was glad i was watching tv and Cameron came out again and sat beside me

ok so maybe i should've kept close eyes on the girls

you think

but i know Amanda she wouldn't threaten kids ever

do you, do you really know her cause i think you don't cam

you know what i think

what, what do you think i wanna know

i got close to his face

i think you are only with Amanda to make me jealous but guess what I'm not jealous

in a flash he was kissing me i kissed back i know it was wrong and he has a girlfriend but it felt right after the make out session we stopped

cam that was wrong you have a girlfriend and its just wrong

no its right i like you Maddie and i wanna be with you

well i can think of two ways you wouldn't wanna be with me

what are you talking about

nothing i have to go to bed we have along day tomorrow i left and  went to  sleep

you know what I'm going to tell him next week, yeah ill tell him next week

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