The Dance (Unedited)

By dracocacola66

886 60 0

He stands up and walks over to me. He grabs my arm and says "don't leave." I furrow my brows in confusion. "w... More



43 5 0
By dracocacola66

Chapter Six

I take a deep breath before knocking on Jake's door. When we were talking before, Ashton had rang the doorbell right as Jake said he is leaving tomorrow night. I ran as quickly as I could to get away from Jake. I could not believe he did that to me. He's leaving tomorrow night and I just don't know what do to. I want to spend as much time as I can with him, but then again I don't want to be anywhere near him right now. I want to be happy for him, but it's hard. He didn't tell me. I wouldn't really mind if he told me after Ally, but being the last to know? Are you serious? Jake and I are super close and it really hurts to know that I wasn't the first person he told. I probably sound like I am being melodramatic, but I'm really not. When someone close to you doesn't tell you big news that will eventually crush you, postponing the inevitable is stupid, really. At least telling you first means that they wanted you to be one of the first people to find out. Who knows, maybe I wouldn't be this upset if he had just told me in the first place. Jake and I have never really kept anything from each other. Well, until now that is. I wish I could forgive him, but I just can't bring myself to do it. He really hurt me. I honestly did not think that it was going to be this hard. I knew I would be mad for a while, but I didn't think I would still be mad at him.

"Yeah?" Jake says as he opens his door. "Oh, uh, hey Maddy..."

I gulp. I shouldn't have even knocked. I should have just went up to my room. I'm such an id- "I forgive you," I say without thinking. Oh crap.

Jake's eyes widen. "Really? I-I didn't think you would."

I take a deep breath and bite my bottom lip. "Just don't think that I'm not still mad at you, because I am. I just want to be able to spend, well spend the last day I have with you before you leave."

He sighs and looks down at the floor. "Alright, I understand." It's quiet for a few minutes before he speaks again. "Do you want to come in and watch a movie? I just put on Pitch Perfect..."

Although I really want to accept, I can't. I need to change and take a shower before I start my homework and then go to sleep. "Nah, maybe tomorrow?" I suggest with a small smile.

"Okay." With that, I turn around and head to my room.


It has been three weeks since my first date with Ashton and my talk with Jake. Jake ended up leaving to next night, as he had said. It was quite emotional and I didn't like it at all. He says he'll be back soon, to visit my family and I, but I don't know how long soon is. Ashton and I have been fine. We actually had our first kiss on our next date, which was the next Friday. We had hung out before that date, but we we first kissed when we were at his house. Our second date consisted of watching movies at his house so you can imagine why we kissed then. We have been on other dates, five to be exact, since our first. It is currently Friday morning and I have just arrived at school with Tammy. Tammy had to go meet Alex at his locker so I am left to fend for my own this morning. I was mindlessly thinking when I bump into someone in the hallway. I look up, only to wish I hadn't.

"Watch where you're going, you bitch," Natalie exclaimed at me before pushing me down to the floor, making me drop my phone and the sunglasses that were in my hand as well. Natalie bends down and snatches my phone from the floor. I carefully get up, not wanting to be pushed again. After I am up, she starts to talk. "So you're dating Ashton, huh?" She glances at me from my phone. I really need to put a pass code on my phone. I don't need people randomly going through my phone, especially the people I dislike the most.

"Um, yeah..." I respond.

She scoffs and says, "yeah, well, we'll see about that."

The drops my phone once more. I can literally hear it cracking. She takes my sunglasses and walks away. What the hell is here problem? I gently push myself up from the floor and stand after I grab my phone. I take a look at it before unlocking it. It's pretty bad and I'll have to get a new one. Once it is unlocked, I notice that she had texted Ashton.


Meet me at the bleachers in five. (:


I'll be right there. :}

Well, looks like I'm going to have to see what Natalie's up to. As I walk to the bleachers, Angel see's me and jogs over to me. "Hey Addy, what's up? You know schools about to start, right?"

I sigh, nodding my head. "Yeah, I know. It's just that..." I contemplate on telling him for not. But of course I should. "Well, Natalie pushed me a few minutes ago, cracked my phone, texted my boyfriend, and then stole my sunglasses."

He huffs and shakes his head. "What'd he tell your boyfriend?"

"To meet 'me' at the bleachers. That's why I'm on my way over there."

He nods his head a few times. "Alright. I'll go with you because I would love to see what she's up to," Angel replies sarcastically.

I breath out a laugh. I feel so bad for him. Natalie legit makes his life hell and that's just another reason why I hate her so much. We walk to the bleachers in silence, afraid of what we'll see. Once we are there, I feel like throwing up. I no longer wish to see what Natalie's up to because I already know.

"Fucking Natalie," Angel curses under his breath and I can't blame him. I would to if I weren't so speechless. "Oh Natalie," Angel says in a sweet voice.

Ashton pushes Natalie away from his lips and also curses under his breath. "Shit."

Natalie glares at Ashton and turns to Angel. Her eyes widen a bit. "Damn," is all she says before Angel stomps over to her. I stand where I am, still shocked of what I just saw. I just stand there, waiting for the unwanted drama to unfold.

Angel groans. "Explain," he demands.

Natalie puts on her best pouting face. "There's nothing to explain. I was waiting for you at our usual spot, and this guy came up to me and started to kiss me. I tried to run away, but then he threatened me and made me kiss him back." Although I knew this wasn't true, I couldn't stop the tears from pricking my eyes. "I was so scared. Baby, I would never hurt you like that." Natalie is such a dirty little liar.

"Liar," Angel steals the word right out of my, well, my mind. "I have caught you doing things so many times and I've forgiven you more times than I can count. I am honestly so done with you." He scoffs and shakes his head. I don't pity Angel, because I know that he wouldn't want me to, but I feel so bad for him. He deserves so much more than her.

Like you? my subconscious adds. No, shut up.

"Angel, don't do this..." Natalie warns.

"No, I am going to do this because I'm done. I'm done with you and your lies. That's all you ever do anyways. So you can go get all of your lies and shove them up you ass because we're over." And with that, Angel walks away from her and to me. We make eye contact for a millisecond before he marches away.

A pissed off Natalie struts over to me and says "This is all your damn fault, you bitch." Before I could react, her hand collides with my cheek.

I furrow my eyebrows as my mouth drops open. She did not just slap me. I close my eyes and shut my mouth. I open them a few seconds later to see Natalie still standing there. "This is not my crime. This is because of your negligence and lets not forget about the fact that you're a damned whore!" I shout. I am sick and tired of her crap. I am not going to stand for it any longer, simply because she isn't my best friend's girlfriend anymore, thank God.

"I will get you back, I swear." She grabs the top of my shirt and pulls me close to her. Her mouth is near my ear. "I. Will. Ruin. You," she whispers. Like I actually care. She lets go of me, but pushed me to the ground. Damn it. How many times will I be pushed on the floor today, jeez. Good thing I wore jeans today. She walks off, leaving Ashton and I alone. Ugh. I don't even want to deal with this. I literally just saw my best friend get his heart broke for the hundredth time, I'm not about to let someone break mine too. I'm glad this happened now, rather than later, after I had fallen for Ash. Ashton. Whatever.

"Maddy, please listen to me. I didn't-"

"Mm," I cut him off. "You listen to me," I say with total seriousness. I sigh before continuing. "I have no interest in talking about this right now. Maybe we can in the future, but as of now..." I quietly drift off. I kills me to do this, but I know i have to. "I can't be with you anymore." I look at him, my head held high, before turning away from him and treading off. I hear his pleas perfectly clear through my walk of shame back into the school. I can do this. I can make it through the day without crying and I will be strong and- Oh who am I kidding? No I can't. Why do my relationships ends so horribly? I will never understand. Speaking of past relationships...

I wonder how Pj is doing.

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