Standing on my own Sequel To...

By leftforgotten

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After coming back to Miami, Tim struggles to come back to his own life More



72 1 5
By leftforgotten

At 6.30 I was ready. A bit nervous but ready to start again.
I took my notebook with me ready to make notes.
When I was standing on front of the lab,I felt a tap on the shoulder. "Hi Speed. "
The voice belonged to one and only lieutenant Caine, no doubt.
"Hi H."
"What are u doing here?"
"Waiting for my CSI trainer"
"Yeah. Hope to remind something."
"That's great."
The conversation was neat.Words were limited. We both felt it.
"Listen H... "
"No. It's ok. We don't need to talk about that day."
"We actually have to. Maybe just not yet, hm?"
"Let it be. When you're ready. Just let us know. "
"I will. I"m starting a therapy."
"I know. Good luck with that."
"By the way- beautiful tulips. She loved them".
I said nothing.
"Hey, ready to go?" I've heard the voice behind
"Yeah " I turned my eyes from H.'s sudden look.
"Lieutenant Caine" she nodded him.
"Miss Walsh. "He said.
"Gotta go, H. "
"Then I'm leaving you in good hands. Until next meeting, Speed."
"Until, H. Say hello to others. "
I turned around and entered the building with Courtney.
We went to the trace labs. It was quiet and peaceful. 'Night shift' I thought.
" much do you remember?"
"I don't know... Until I start doing something."
" you know what the machines are for?"
"Yeah...but I'm not sure if it's because I remember using them or rather reading about them"
"Ok... Let's look at today's evidence ok?"
So we started processing. Or rather she started. I followed her footsteps- she was working fast and methodical. I could easily repeat the things she did, I could even do it as fast as she did. The only problem was with the chemical substances- i couldn't quite recognize them. She noticed it fast.
"Any problems, Speedle?"
"Yeah... I don't recognize the substances. I..."
"Ok. Needn't worry. I'm not gonna babysit you- you must tell me if you don't follow."
"Sure. So I don't follow. " I said angrily.
"Ok. Sit here with me".
I sat and she started showing me the chemical equations. Weren't difficult actually, and she was a good teacher. I could easily understand what it was about.
"Now you get it?"
"Yeah. Thanks" She smiled
"No problem"
The phone rang and scared us both.
"Dispatch. We have a crime scene. Let's move Speedle."
I took her case and we left.
There were whole lot a people there, however no known faces.
We ducked under the tape and approached the victim. The woman was lying on the ground, naked. There was one more CSI around.
"What do we do now Speedle?"
"Well," I put the case on the ground, "look for trace. "
"After the ME's finished, we need to collect biological and other trace on and around the victim".
"Great. Here you are"- she gave me my gloves. "Go get it. "
I started with watching the body closely and she was observing me carefully. I took some samples of a substance from the vic's face and body. Then I found sth around her wrists, which looked like a rest of rope piece. She stopped observing me and started doing the same, still paying attention to my actions.
Then we bagged everything. She wanted me to do the list of evidence, which was actually a piece of cake.
When we were going back she said "you're still good. Remember the procedure well and have an eye for clues. "
"Thanks. Maybe there still is hope for me..."
"Not to worry. I'll teach you well." Well, well,'re a confident person aren't you?"
"Yeah. I'm good and I know it."
"So why do you work as a nightshifter?"
"Well, let's say me and the dayshift CSIs don't match. Have you ever met me at the scene?"
"No, but I wasn't here for a while"
"Yeah. I've worked here for 4 years. I've seen you few times before, mostly when sleeping on the couch."
"Yep. And in court. I'm actually a shift for Belmontes."
"Are you really?" I was amazed.
"Yeah. We've met before, but you, Caine's stars, never joined us in a pub or at the party."
"No problem. Suits me. I'm not a party animal actually. "
"Me neither".
"I was hanging around with Delko for a short time, but he's actually not my type."
"Really? He never mentio...ooops. Sorry." Fuck it Speedle, fool....
"And he dumped me for a blondie with no brain, so no offence. No hard feelings. But I must say I was interested in you for a moment. "
"Don't flatter yourself,Speedle, professionally. Every evidence prepared by you was well done and the reports were clear and scientific, easy to process and understand. "
"Thanks." I felt weird.
"Sure. Telling the truth. However we never met in person. "
"Shame. "
"Yeah, shame. But now I'll see you more often ;)"
"Yeah. I hope only for a short time...."
She suddenly lost her smile and her forehead frowned.
"Thanks a lot Speedle..."
"No, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. I thought about my abilities- hoping to get them soon. "
"Ok. You're forgiven. But I demand coffee. "
"Sure, whenever you want."
We left the evidence in the locker and left for the trace lab.
I haven't noticed when there was 6 am and the shift was over.
"Ok Speedle, I'm going home to get some sleep."
"Need a lift?"
"Sure. "
I was driving slowly because it was really nice talking to her.
"How about coffee now Walsh?"
"Don't call me that. I hate when someone does it. My name is Courtney."
"Courtney... Nice name. But you'll stop calling me Speedle, ok?"
"Sure. Do you prefer Tim?"
"No. I prefer Speed."
"Ok. So Speed- a cafe nearby serves great coffee. Shall we?"
I ordered two cups and she started sipping it. I saw she's tired, I wonder how long her shift was. 'Delko's a loser' I thought. She's really pretty- dark hair and big eyes... Not the dolly type Eric used to date... I wonder if she's single..
"Speed??? Hello??? Are you listening?"
"Yeah of course... " She looked doubtful. "Ok, sorry. I was thinking about....something else."
,Ok. I understand nightshifts can be tiring."
"I'm not that tired."
"Ok. Drop me home will you?" I nodded. When I stopped outside her house she left quickly and said "nice work Speed. See you tomorrow."Then entered the house.
I was sitting in the car and wondering how did that happen? How come I've never met her before?

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