My Secret Knight || x Ge...

By dearful

28.1K 399 144

Our mission is the same - to protect. He wanted to keep a secret from society as I tried to protect society... More

The Break Down


1.3K 24 6
By dearful

* Genji's POV *

The three of us walk in the shadows of the night as I stare at the big clock tower. 

"2 AM." I whisper to myself as I quickly follow behind Jesse and Gabriel.

We crouch down behind bushes as Gabriel pulls out a pair of binoculars. 

"All the lights are off." He mumbles to us as we nod. "Let's follow the plan."

I swiftly dash towards the other side of the building. Gabriel plans for me to attack from behind when those two get their attention in the front. I pray Hana and I won't have to go against each other. I glance over at Jesse as he tips his hat slightly and mouths the word 'Good luck'. 

I crawl on top of the roof and sit in the shadows. 

"Now to wait." 

- - - -  

* Gabriel's POV *

Genji is in place and now it's all up to Jesse and I. The day is finally here, I'll get my revenge on Jack and end him for good. An evil grin creeping on my face as I silently walk towards the entrance, kicking in the door. 

I hear a door swing open. 

"Can't an old man sleep?" Reinhardt yawns as he rests his hammer on his shoulder. 

"Death waits for no one, old man." I mutter to him as I pull my shotguns out of my cloak. Jesse fires the roof alarming the others as they enter the hallway. My eyes dart to notice I can't see Jack, Ana, or Winston. Where are those idiots? 

"Where's my old friend?" I ask the force in front of me. 

Jack fires rockets towards my general direction as I sharply turn my head to the side. He's taking the high ground. I click my tongue as I repeatedly shoot Reinhardt's shield. 

"You can't all hide behind your old man forever." I laugh as Jesse and Jack fight it out behind me. 

Angela heals Reinhardt as he takes a few scratches. 

"Lena now!" Reinhardt yells as Lena bounces around me catching me off guard.

"What?" I shoot aimlessly as I hear her giggle. 

"Can't catch me, can you?" Lena taunts me as I grumble. 

"Just you wait little girl." 

The turret now going off as I hear Genji reflect the bullets. Was I an idiot to think the three of us can capture Overwatch? I hear Jack grunt as Jesse lands a shot on his arm. A laugh escaping my lips as I wound Lena on the leg.

"Try to flash around now." I smirk as she clinches her teeth. Angela with furrowed brows tries to aid her teammates as the three of us move in closer. 

"Come on baby!" Torbjörn shouts as he fixes his broken turret. Genji quickly slicing his turret into pieces as he yells. "YOU DAMN CYBORG HUMAN." Torbjörn runs crazily trying to whack Genji with his hammer. 

"Come on Torbjörn, I'm up here." Genji taunts him as he growls. 

Jack and Lena now wounded leaves me with Ana, Winston,  Reinhardt, and that damn new girl. Where is she anyway? 

Jesse takes a shot at Reinhardt once his shield breaks. Good, every one is falling I grin. 

"Fuck!" Jesse shouts as Ana tries to shoot him with a sleep dart, Genji quickly assisting with a reflect catching Ana off guard. I try to keep my focus on Torbjörn now as he tries to hammer me.

"Cut that out you munchkin." I kick him across the hallway. His body already weakened from chasing after Genji. 

"Are you ok?" Genji asks Jesse with worry clouding his face.  

"Yeah." Jesse rubs his arm as Genji helps him up. Winston jumps into the air about to ambush the two as I turn around shooting in the direction. 

Winston releases a roar as his eyes stare down in mine full of anger. His huge body pouncing towards me as I wraith out of the way towards the other corner of the room.

"We're almost done guys." I shout as the two nod. I hear the sound of a mech flying above me as I look up. The little girl waving at my direction. "You cocky girl." I growl as I shoot at her mech only to have it eaten up by her matrix. She giggles pleased with herself as Winston provides assistance. 

Ana sniping a far to keep the two up as Jesse tries to shoot the mech. 

"Genji, attack!" I yell at him as he snaps out of his delusions. He pounces into the air, pulling his sword out as he attacks Ana and then towards Winston. 

"WINSTON!" Hana screams as she tries to protect him leaving me an opening to shoot her from behind. 

She jumps out of her mech and into the air, continuously shooting at Jesse and I. Winston brutally beat up tries to cover his cuts with his hands as he breaths heavily. 

"Looks like its only you left little girl." My laugh evil as I look at the sweat on her face. "You're pretty young to be in the force." I walk closer to her as Genji and Jesse corner her from behind. The fear not appearing on her face but her heavy breathing saying otherwise. 

I roughly grab her neck with my rough hands lifting her off the ground. Her tiny hands trying to pry my fingers off as she struggles in my grasp. My eyes flickering with excitement as I laugh. 

"It's finally time for Overwatch to end." My voice low as she glares at me.

"Fuck off you emotional man baby!" She spits in my face as my eyes widen. 

"What did you say? Do you want to die right now!?" I growl at her as her face turns red. 

"Now!" Genji shouts as Jesse shoots my hand making me release the girl as I groan in pain. Genji catches her before she lands on the ground. 

"The fuck are you two doing?!" I shout at them as Jesse smirks. 

"Taking you down." He spits as he shoots the shot gun out of my hand. These idiots, I knew I shouldn't have trusted them. I hold onto my other shot gun tightly as I aim towards the girl. 

"Say good bye to the pretty girl." I laugh as I press the trigger. Genji swiftly reflecting the bullets with his sword as the bullets fly back towards me, hitting me in the chest and scratching my face. 

I get ready to aim another fire but Jack quickly interrupts by pouncing me from above. 

"It's over Gabriel. No one's on your side." He says with anger as I only laugh. 

"What a sad life I live." I try to throw Jack off of me but only to feel darkness over taking my vision. 

- - - - 

* Genji's POV *

I stare at Hana's tiny frame as I brush my fingers on her neck. Bruises now visible from Gabriel's tight grip on her neck. I mentally curse myself for not stepping in earlier as Jack handcuffs Gabriel who's knocked out. 

Angela walks over to Jesse and I with arms crossed. "Who's side are you two on?" Her face upset. 

The two of us gaze at each other. 

"Not his side." Jesse scoffs as he grunts from the pain. 

"We'll question you two later. You did help us after all." Jack looks at us as his eyes fall on Hana. He hands Gabriel over to Reinhardt as he walks towards me. 

"Hana?" His rough hands grabbing her away from mine. 

"She probably passed out from the shock, Jack." Ana whispers as she limps over. I bow down to her.

"Sorry, Ana. I didn't hurt you too bad did I?" I ask her as she shakes her head. 

"You put on a nice show. I know you don't mean any bad blood when you pulled out your sword." Her voice kind as she pats my back. 

"Let's get you all patched up." Angela waves us towards the infirmary as Jack carries Hana to her room. My whole entire being wanting to follow those two but I knew Jack will be against it. 

My eyes watching them disappear as Jesse elbows me. 

"Let's get our cuts cleaned."

- - - -

* Hana's POV *

I wake up gasping for air and drenched in sweat as I sit up. I held my neck with my hands nervously as my vision clears up. 

"Hana?!" Jack's voice straining as he tries to calm me down. My breathing heavy. "Hey...hey calm down." His tone soothing as he rubs my back. "You're safe." 

I shut my eyes tight as he envelopes me into a hug. 

"I was so scared Jack." I tremble under his grasp as he rubs my back slowly. 

"I know...You're ok now." His warmth calming my rapid heart. 

"What happen to everyone?" I ask him as he pulls away.

"Everyone's treated for by Angela. We'll have to fix up the headquarters a bit because of the interior damage but Gabriel is behind bars. We'll tell the media when we all get some rest." A smile finally on his tired face as I nod. 

"What...what about Genji and Jesse?" I softly ask him as his eyes drop down. 

"Even though they did help us in the end we still have to investigate them closely. They're going to stay with us for the time being and they're willing to discuss anything." 

A light smile on my face. I'm glad they're safe...especially him

Jack stands up and ruffles my head. "I'll let Genji know you're awake. I didn't want him watching you sleep. Guys his age will probably do anything to a vulnerable girl..." His eyebrows scrunching as he clinches his teeth. 

I giggle as Jack leaves the room. I pull the blankets off of me as I try to cool myself off. The nightmare of Gabriel nearly killing me with one grip giving me anxiety again. I hear a soft knock on the door as Genji walks in, closing the door behind him. 

I watch his tall figure walk over to my bed as he sits down on the chair Jack was in earlier. 

"Hey..." His voice low as I smile.

"Hi there." I whisper to him as his gaze avoids mine. Why is he acting so weird? Usually he's ready to tease me or whatever. I lean my face down letting him see me as I look at his dark red eyes. 

His eyes startled to see me. 

"What's wrong?" I ask him as I lean back up with his gaze on me. His eyes searching into mine as his lips slowly part open. 

"I'm sorry..." His shoulders drooping. "I should've stepped in earlier." His fists clenching tightly. 

Is he feeling guilty about earlier? I purse my lips as I feel a pair of warm and cold hands brush my neck making me shiver slightly. Anxiety creeping as Genji softly rubs my neck staring at my bruises. 

"I couldn't protect your perfect body..." His voice low as my heart beats rapidly. Perfect body? I feel my cheeks redden as his eyes finally look into mine. What is this feeling? His face now leaning close to mine as I clinch my hands on my bed sheets. 

I close my eyes afraid of what he is thinking as I only hear the sound of our breathing. His fingers lightly brushing on my bruises sending me a tingling feeling and then the warmth disappears. I open my eyes as Genji pulls away. 

"Get some rest." He mutters as he gets up to stare at me one more time before quickly leaving the room before I can stop him.

What was that about? 

I feel my cheeks heat up as I touch my bruises where he just touched still feeling the tingling feeling, a smile creeping as I hide my face with my blanket. Why am I getting so flustered over his small actions?! UGH. 

- - - - 

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