Travel Tales: Hawai'i [BoyxBo...

By panda_lover____

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[COMPLETE] Book 1 of the Travel Tales Series Josh and his family are going to Hawai'i on the last week of win... More

Chapter 1 - He's a What?!
Chapter 2 - Cold Pool, Hot Lifeguards
Chapter 3 - Fat, Old Chicks and Sexy Hawaiian Men
Chapter 4 - Joshua Kaden Anderson
Chapter 5 - My Brother, My... Boyfriend?
Chapter 6 - It Gets Even Worse...
Chapter 7 - A... Date?
Chapter 8 - I'm Sorry...
Chapter 9 - MY Josh
Chapter 10 - THAT Much
Chapter 11 - Something's Up
Chapter 12 - Mom?
Chapter 13 - Coming Out
Chapter 14 - My Love
Chapter 15 - Double Date?
Chapter 16 - I'll See You Soon...


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By panda_lover____

Josh’s POV


So far, life hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be without Brandon by my side. We talked everyday and not a single day had gone by without a message from him. It’s also become a ritual that we video chat every Saturday and Sunday. On those days, I cared nothing for the world. 

We’d usually start video chatting on Saturday night which would last until the early hours of Sunday morning. Then we’d go to sleep and after a few hours of rest, we’d go back to talking to each other.

Of course, now I had school to deal with, so when we Skyped each other, I’d also be doing my homework at the same time. It’s a plus for me because it only makes doing homework more fun than it’s supposed to. Surprisingly, he actually helps me keep my focus on my work, because I know that when I’m done, I’ll be able to give all of my time to him, which is always something to be excited for.

“How was your week, babe?” he asked.

“Exhausting. Teachers are seriously trying to kill us with all of the homework they dump on us every week! Don’t they know that the school year ends in like two weeks?” I sighed. “How’s your work? Meet any cute guys?” I teased.

“Work’s the same as always. Yeah, actually, I have. One even dared to ask me out.”

I stiffened at his words. “Calm down, babe. You know you’re the only guy for me.”

I scoffed, “Oh please, Brandon. We haven’t been physically together for six months. You could be getting it on with all the guys there for all I know!”

“Are you doubting me?” he said, cocking his eyebrows. I felt horrible as he asked that question with a cold tone. “You better not. I have to go, Josh. I’ll see you soon.”

Before I even got to say a goodbye, he hung up on me. What just happened? Maybe he just needs to cool off? I’ll give him until tomorrow. Hopefully he’s not too mad at me.

— — — — — — —

It’s been two days and I haven’t heard from Brandon. I tried texting him, calling him, Skyping him, but nothing! I tried calling Micah too, but he said he hasn’t seen Brandon. Where the hell did he go? Was he really cheating on me? I got nauseous at the thought and clenched my stomach, willing myself to pull myself together.

I stared at the screen of my phone, but nothing was coming. Not a single text. Not even a phone call. I’m starting to worry about him. Is this his was of breaking up with me? Because if it was, it’s not a good way at all. He should at least tell me that he doesn’t want me anymore. I don’t like thoughts like these flowing through my head.

I buried my face in my hands as I started to quietly sob. I was in the school’s football field so I can have some alone time, but I hope that nobody’s here to see me doing this. Tears uncontrollably fell from my eyes although I tried as hard as I can to stop them. I miss Brandon. I want to see him now.

My crying was interrupted by a hand falling on my shoulder.

“Why are you crying?” the voice asked.

I slowly turned around to tell him off. “Why the fuck do you ca— Brandon?” My eyes widened.

“Hi, Joshua,” he said giving me a weak smile. “Did you miss me?”

I punched his arm. “You’re a jerk!” I shouted as I jumped into his arms. “I love you,” I said as I tightly hugged him. He was here! He finally came to visit!

“Why did you decide to visit now?” I asked.


“Yeah, aren’t you just visiting?”

He shook his head. “No, actually. I’m not.”

“You’re not? Did you get fired, Brandon?” I asked him.

“No!” he chuckled. “I asked to be transferred to the resort here at Disneyland.”

I pulled away from him. “You what?”

“I’m staying here, Josh. I’m staying her with you,” he smiled at me.

I tackled him onto the grass and rolled around with him. I could stop myself from squealing and giggle at the thought that I’m finally going to be able to see Brandon everyday now. 

“Wait. Then why did you ignore my texts and calls for the last couple of days?”

“I wanted the tension to build up and surprise you,” he said coolly.

“You jerk! Do you know how bad I felt when you just hang up on me like that and not talk to me for two whole days? I hate you so much right now.”

“Pfft. You can never hate me,” he said. Knowing he was right, I gave in to him.

“You’re right. I love you so much!” I said giving him kisses all over his face. He just laughed at me and rolled us back around the grass. “You’re the best boyfriend ever,”

“I love you, Joshua. I’ll always love you.”

“I love you too, Brandon. And I always will.”

— — — — — — —

After I graduated from high school, I decided to move in with Brandon. We continued to work at the hotel while I continued my studies in college. We always had fun together. We went to parties together, hung out with friends together, and we’d also have dates every now and then.

Micah stayed in Hawai’i though. He visits me and Brandon every time I’m on break from school. It’s always fun to see Micah again. Now I heard that he found someone for him. Her name was Jenny. I’ve talked to her a few times and knew that he was a nice person.

I knew that Jenny would be the one who would treasure Micah dearly and be faithful to him. I hope that she makes Micah happy forever and not give him heartache. Micah’s gone through a bad relationship with Alice and has been rejected by me, so of course he needed his own happiness.

Meanwhile, everything was finally going in its place. We couldn’t be happier with how things turned out to be and now we had each other to rely on. I hope that our relationships and happiness will remain strong forever. No, I knew it will last forever. Our love for each other was so strong that nobody can ever destroy it.

It’s out with the old and in with the new. I lost Trent (who I probably never had in the first place), but instead got an amazing boyfriend and an amazing friend. I can live happily forever now. In the loving care I get from my two new amazing friends, but mostly in the warm, comforting arms of my love boyfriend. 

Brandon. The only guy I love — the only guy I’ll ever love.

* * * * * * *

A/N: *sniff* *sniff* Alright, I admit. This is probably the worst story every created, but hey it's my first book ever! I'll be honest and say I didn't have fun writing this one and I really won't be missing Brandon, Josh, and Micah. Well maybe a little bit, but not too much. Anyway, I'm so done with this story. I hope you guys still enjoyed it though.

The next task: editing. Ugh. What a pain.

Oh yeah! Be sure to check out my next book, which is going to me awesome-er than this one!  :)

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