Senorti's School for the Gift...

By aphrodietys

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Imagine a world where people had the ability to do the supernatural More

1. Aleksander

2. Rayna

12 0 0
By aphrodietys

2. Rayna

Denise and Aleksander shook hands as they continued to walk and Rayna sighed.
"What's wrong this time, Ray?" Denise looked at her and Rayna shrugged.

"I'm bored." She muttered. "Aren't you always." Denise rolled her eyes.

       "So, Alek." Denise rose an eyebrow and Aleksander looked at her weirdly.

"You transferred from Toreeka, didn't you?" She inferred. Aleksander gave her a dumbfounded looking before answering.
"How did you—"

"I had a hunch. My hunches are rarely ever wrong." Denise stated showily.

"That and about fifty other kids transferred from there yesterday." said Rayna. Aleksander let out another laugh and she smiled. She loved Denise, they'd been friends since before she could remember but it felt nice having a fresh face around. Alek seemed like a good kid.

"Ok, so what can you do?" Denise looked at Alek.

He rose his hand and electricity bloomed out of his fingertips.

"Alright, Electro!" Rayna laughed excitedly. "It's not that cool." Alek said with a wide smile on his face.
"Keep telling yourself that, sparky." Denise joked.

"Are you kidding, there are people who control fire, a-and time." Aleksander bargained. Both girls grinned and his smile fell.
"What did I—"
Denise snapped her fingers and a small flame appeared in her hand. Aleksander gasped and Denise chuckled. "Oh my god," He mumbled.

"Calm down, spark plug. Let's walk a little faster so we're not late." Rayna urged them forward.

The three continued to speak about their powers. How Rayna could control light, which only surprised Aleksander more.

"So you've met someone that can control fire. You mentioned controlling time earlier, did you know someone?" Denise asked and Aleksander nodded slowly as they approached the door to their classroom.

"He transferred here too. His name was Is—"
          "Isaac Day, enough with the horseplay, young man." The professor stood up.

"That." Aleksander spoke quietly and Denise rose an eyebrow as the tall boy turned around, showing his face. Denise's expression softened and Alek and Rayna both noticed it.

Isaac Day was a tall, lanky boy. Jet black hair, hard jaw, and she couldn't quite put her finger on where but she knew for sure he was east asian.

Rayna looked at Alek, who only looked at Isaac, who was gawking at Denise, and Denise was avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"Take a seat children." The man gestured and all four teens walked towards the seats.
"What the hell was that?" Rayna asked Denise jokingly. Denise made a face and shrugged before the Professor began to speak.

Boring. Boring. Boring.

She'd learned all she needed to the year before, but he parents didn't think so. It was her seventh year in the giant, stupid school, and she was glad. One more year, she'd always think.

    She'd grown tired of it long before she'd reached this year.

"Miss Luce," The professor sighed. She leaned forward and looked at him before laughing.
"Professor Sanchez,"

"I don't know what I did to have you in my class again," He squeezed his eyes shut. "Oh, come on. I wasn't that bad." She rolled her eyes. He's over exaggerating. "You blinded me for two months, Rayna." He groaned and she held in another laugh. "In my defense, you were in the way." She shrugged.

He sighed again before scanning the room. "Lots of unfamiliar faces, Like Mr. Schott and Mr. Day." He rose his chin at the two boys in the front. Alek's eyes widened and Isaac leaned back in his chair.
"How did you—"
"He can see into the future or something." Isaac muttered.

"He's psychic, smart one." Denise scoffed. Isaac gave her a preposterous look and Denise rose an eyebrow as if to say 'What are you gonna do about it?'

"Mr. Sanchez," Rayna rose her hand and the man had to refrain throwing his head back.
"Yes, Rayna," He gestured.

"Is there a reason we need math in a school that's supposed to be teaching us how to suppress our powers?"
"Well, the math is so you don't become a complete bum, it's so you can find a job. And We're not teaching you suppress your powers—"

"Then what are we doing?" Rayna persisted. "Managing and mastering. Now, let me teach." He told her seriously. Rayna rose her hands and rose both eyebrows before the lesson began.

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