Frosty Burns || MinJoon

By HellisHeavenn

62.3K 530 231

Being a male Omega in an Alpha supremacist society was already hard enough. Add to the equation the fact that... More

What Is Happiness?

Kiss Me Before You Go

5.9K 242 149
By HellisHeavenn


I don't condone toxic behaviour. This is a fiction with fictional characters, their actions don't reflect mine in real life.

For the sake of the plot, Jimin is two years older than Namjoon and Taehyung.

In this universe Werewolves present as Alpha or Omega from thirteen to eighteen but they only discover their soul mates after their twentieth birthday.

If someone is lucky enough their soul mate is near them or from their entourage. But sometimes they never get to meet theirs because they live on the other side of the globe, therefore they can't feel them, or they're dead, or any other unfortunate circumstance.



Jimin rolled his eyes at the younger Omega. He walked into the apartment's entrance bumping his shoulder against Taehyung's.

"Where's Namjoon?" Jimin asked when he realized that his friend's scent wasn't too present around the place. Jimin was already annoyed by Taehyung's presence, he couldn't stand the little shit. He placed his backpack on the fancy black sofa.

"Namjoon left moments ago to bring me a cake! Isn't he such a sweet boyfriend!"
Taehyung gushed happily flashing his weird box-shaped smile at Jimin who grimaced in return. Jimin gave the other Omega a dark glare and headed to the kitchen searching for something to eat, he was so hungry that he could eat a whole lamb in one sitting.

Jimin found an unopened pack of Cheetos in the first cupboard he opened, he took it and headed back to the living room plopping himself down on the large and comfortable sofa.

Taehyung sat beside Jimin, a little bit too close for the older Omega's liking, Jimin scooted far away from him. The taller Omega looked at Jimin apologetically a small reserved smile adorning his perfectly asymmetrical face, he muttered a small "sorry hyung".

Jimin rolled his eyes for the ninth in the span of five minutes and took the TV remote. Jimin wasn't sure why he was so rude and mean to Taehyung, after all, none of this was the younger's fault. Nonetheless, Jimin found himself despising Taehyung so much that sometimes it made him sick to look at the other Omega.

Deep inside, Jimin hated himself a little bit for the way he was treating Taehyung. But unfortunately, his hatred for Taehyung outweighed his hatred for himself.

When Jimin was halfway through the movie he was watching he heard the door's lock beep. A wide smile took place on Jimin's face, he knew it was Namjoon. Jimin could tell from the younger Alpha's addicting scent.

He stood up and ran towards the front door, when he spotted Namjoon Jimin let out an excited squeal and ran jumping in his friend's arms.

"Ah! Jimin hyung! I missed you, how have you been?" Asked Namjoon smiling and hugging Jimin tightly back.

Jimin nuzzled into Namjoon's chest, he sniffed him discreetly. He loved Namjoon's scent so much, he smelt heavenly, his scent was a dizzying mixture of sandalwood and lavender. Not too overly masculine nor was it as sweet as the smell of an Omega.

But that wasn't the sole reason for Jimin to be enamoured by Namjoon's scent. The real and most important reason was that Namjoon was Jimin's soul mate.

It must be confusing, how Namjoon was Jimin's soul mate but had a boyfriend too. Well, it was because Namjoon didn't know yet that they were soul mates. Jimin was two years older than Namjoon.

Two years ago on Jimin's twentieth birthday, he discovered that they were soul mates. At first, Jimin was elated (he had a long-time crush on Namjoon since their teenage years).

Jimin was going to tell Namjoon about them being soul mates, but unfortunately the same day Namjoon told him that he got a boyfriend recently. A male Omega Jimin was vaguely acquainted with.

Kim Taehyung.

Namjoon was eighteen years old back then. To say that Jimin was sad was the understatement of the century, he was miserable. Jimin decided to not let Namjoon know about them being soul mates.

Maybe it was a somewhat selfish decision but Jimin decided it nonetheless, he will live with the possible consequences when the time comes.

Jimin chose to let Namjoon have some fun with his new boyfriend, and let him be happy with the other Omega. Jimin didn't want to pressure his best friend so he decided that it was best for Namjoon to discover the matter alone.

Namjoon asked Jimin many times back then if he found his soul mate. Jimin lied saying that he didn't find them yet. After a while Namjoon stopped asking him, he must have thought that Jimin would never find his soul mate.

Namjoon broke the hug, it startled Jimin out of his dark musings. Jimin couldn't stop himself from thinking that it would have been nice if the hug lasted longer.

But Namjoon's Omega boyfriend ruined it by joining them at the apartment's entrance. Ruined their hug, like everything else.

Jimin pouted when Namjoon headed towards his Omega boyfriend and kissed him handing him a medium-sized pink plastic bag.

Taehyung let out a weird sound (it made Jimin cringe) and ran towards the kitchen. Namjoon chuckled fondly following Taehyung.

Jimin heard his best friend asking Taehyung to give Jimin a slice of the cake. Jimin sighed forlornly.

Why was his life so miserable? Seriously. Why?

Jimin found himself thinking about the fact that Namjoon and Taehyung weren't twenty yet. They didn't know who their soul mates were.

Namjoon would be twenty in two weeks and Taehyung in one month. They have been together for two years, they naively thought that they were soul mates. How ironic.

Jimin hoped that Namjoon wouldn't reject him when he would find out that Jimin was his soul mate.

It would kill Jimin. Not physically (maybe, who knows?) but it definitely would kill him emotionally.

When Jimin entered the kitchen he stood beside Namjoon who was looking fondly at Taehyung. That made Jimin's blood boil, He hated it whenever he saw that Namjoon liked Taehyung but not him who was his soul mate.

Taehyung handed Jimin a slice of strawberry cake on a ceramic plate smiling widely like a fool. Jimin was surprised at the all-consuming hatred he felt at that instant. He wanted to erase that stupid smile from Taehyung's face. Jimin looked down at the plate in disgust, he felt as if he was swimming in a bubble of dark green jealousy.

Jimin glared at Taehyung. The venomous words left his lips without his consent. "I don't want to eat this, take it away from me you complete waste of space!!" Jimin growled.

Taehyung's stupid smile disappeared in an instant, replaced by a despondent expression.

Jimin didn't know why he insulted the younger, this wasn't like him. Jimin wasn't a poisonous snake.

Taehyung always has been kind to him, there was a time when Jimin was friendly with the younger Omega but after finding out that he was his soul mate's boyfriend, Jimin hated Taehyung that instant.

Taehyung was Jimin's opposite. He was kind, sweet and fragile just the society's typical Omega. But Jimin was bold, never shied away from expressing his thoughts. Sometimes he was rude and mean but only when it was necessary. Not like this, Taehyung didn't deserve his ire.

Taehyung lowered his head, a small whimper escaped his lips.

Namjoon hurriedly pulled him in a hug, he looked at Jimin disapprovingly.
"Jimin! Why are you like this to him? He just wanted to share his cake with you!" It was clear that Namjoon was holding back, he didn't want to shout at Jimin but the disapprovement and disappointment were clear as day on his frowning face and cutting voice.

Jimin felt his already shattered heart shattering even more. Seeing Namjoon taking Taehyung's side was heartbreaking, even though Jimin was in the wrong.

He didn't let any emotion appear on his face. Jimin mastered the resting bitch face a long time ago. Jimin rolled his eyes and got out of the kitchen heading to the leaving room.

Jimin seated himself on the sofa, he crossed his arms defensively. He knew that he was in the wrong but his hatred for Taehyung was strong.

Small whimpers coming from the kitchen reached Jimin's ears. Jimin had an incredibly sharp hearing, he was able to hear Namjoon's voice clearly even though he was whispering to Taehyung.

Jimin felt a nauseous wave of sadness engulf him, suffocating him. He chose to ignore the heavy emotions swirling violently inside of him.

Jimin didn't want to cry. He didn't want to appear as a weak being in front of anyone, specially Namjoon. Instead, he tried to concentrate on the TV in front of him.

Moments later Namjoon and Taehyung came to the living room.

Taehyung bowed in Jimin's general direction and headed to the front door followed by Namjoon.

Jimin didn't give them a single glance, he was ashamed of his behaviour but at the same just thinking about apologizing to Taehyung made his Internal Omega growl in fury.

Jimin heard them bidding their goodbyes to each other, and then Namjoon closed the front door. Namjoon's long sigh of exhaustion made Jimin's heart squeeze painfully. Jimin knew that he was the cause of Namjoon's current issue.

After a moment he came back and sat beside Jimin.

Jimin ignored his friend and kept watching whatever was on the plasma screen in front of him.

Namjoon sighed again.
"Hyung stop ignoring me. You're the one who's at fault." The Alpha tried to reason with Jimin.

"Yeah, I'm at fault because I told your precious cry baby that I don't like strawberry cakes!" Jimin exclaimed loudly, he knew that he was being toxic but he couldn't stop himself. He needed an outlet for all the explosive emotions simmering in his small body.

"No, hyung you insulted him! Tae has always been kind and respectful to you, I don't understand why you're so mean to him. He's such a sweetheart everyone loves him! Why can't you?" Namjoon's tone increased in volume with every sentence.

Jimin's blood boiled more if that was possible. "I don't fucking care if everyone loves him! I'm not everyone! Why is everything for you Tae? Tae! Tae! Tae!" Jimin shouted at him, his face red from anger.

"Of course he's everything! He's my boyfriend for God's sake!" Namjoon shouted back as loudly. A rare feat, Namjoon rarely got angry.

Jimin stood up and Namjoon did the same. Jimin glared at the taller wolf, he couldn't believe that Namjoon said that Taehyung was everything to him.

"How can you say that he's your everything? He isn't even your soul mate!" Jimin hissed, he knew that he was being childish but he was beyond caring.

"He'll be! Tae and I love each other and we are sure we are soul mates." Namjoon said confidently, clearly, he was regaining his usual state of calmness.

Jimin's battered heart skipped a beat, it was painful. Namjoon loved Taehyung. That couldn't be.

Jimin was the only one that Namjoon was supposed to be able to love. Jimin! His soul mate!

That was enough! Jimin was going to show Namjoon that he was his mate, he was tired of waiting. Call him selfish, call him a piece of shit, it didn't matter. Not anymore, he had to do something. Jimin's chaotic emotions needed an outlet.

"If I was you, I won't be sure of that." He said in a detached cold tone.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon looked confused. Even in a moment like that Jimin couldn't stop his treacherous heart from finding Namjoon's confusion cute. Well, Namjoon was always cute, handsome, sexy... Okay, that was enough.

Jimin smirked. If Jimin kissed Namjoon, the younger would feel their unbreakable bond. He would feel electrifying tingles all over his body and he would know that Jimin was his soul mate.

All Jimin wanted was for Namjoon to know that Taehyung wasn't his soul mate, that it was Jimin instead.

Jimin headed slowly towards Namjoon. The younger wolf looked at him with a puzzled expression, Jimin stopped in front of him. His hand cupped Namjoon's cheek gently, Jimin shuddered, he could feel the tingles from a mere touch. Namjoon couldn't feel them unless Jimin's lips touched Namjoon's.

"Hyung? What are you doing?" Namjoon asked slowly.

"I'm going to kiss you. If you don't want to, just use your words." Jimin whispered. He waited a moment, no matter how he felt Jimin will never do something to someone without their consent.

When Namjoon didn't utter a single word, he stood there watching Jimin's face with intensity, Jimin smiled softly. He leaned on his tiptoes.

Jimin's face was so close to Namjoon's, that he could feel the warm breath on his face. Namjoon didn't budge.

Jimin's plump pink lips were mere centimetres from Namjoon's full ones.

Jimin was going to close the gap between them when he heard a beep from the front door.

He only had the time to back away from Namjoon at a reasonable distance when an excited Taehyung burst into the living room.

"Joonie! I forgot my wallet!"




Sorry for any typos or grammatical errors 🥲

Cuties cuuutiiiiiies ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

Oooooh My Rabiiii ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

Likes, comments and constructive criticism are highly appreciated 💜


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