malec wedding oneshot

By _winnie_

100 3 0

when the institute is being threatened and a group of demons are going to invade, Alec decides to make a quic... More

malec wedding

100 3 0
By _winnie_

The institute was under warning of an attack from demons far powerful than any others that have attacked before. Shadowhunters and downworlders alike were running rampant​ trying to reenforce the wards and protect the barriers. As much as they didn't get along, Alec's negotiations were beginning to have an effect on the way they treated each other. Downworlders were now willing to help as long as the Shadowhunters helped protect them in time of need. Needless to say, Magnus was very proud of his boyfriend. High warlock of Brooklyn and the head of the New York institute, now that's a power couple.

Magnus was alongside Alec as he raced around giving demands. He would occasionally offer advice or answer questions whenever Alec was busy. Alec had wanted him to be the official downworlders advisor, but he had refused. All he wanted was to help, not claim a title. Even as his boyfriend was extremely powerful and dangerous, Alec understood that he was a gentle man underneath his rough past and cat eyes, so he let him do as he pleased.

"Alec please take a breath. You're going to run out of air if you don't slow down."

"Magnus, we're going to be attacked soon-"

"Not for another two days. They aren't even on their way yet. Our scouts see that they're still strategizing on how to get past our barriers. We'll be okay." Magnus placed a hand on his shoulder and looked into his worried eyes. Alec sighed, he knew Magnus was right.

"But I can't help but get the feeling that they're right on top of us and we can't see it," Alec took a deep breath. "I'm scared," he whispered. Magnus was the only one he would ever admit he was scared to. Ever since he though he died after Valentine's massacre, he was completely open about his hidden feelings.

Magnus pulled him into a tight embrace. "I know Alexander, but fretting will do nothing about it. How about we just sit and have a cup of tea while the others do what they need to. You've done enough, darling."

Alec was against the idea at first but then relaxed into magnus' arms. He didn't realize how tired he was until now.

"Okay but only for a minute. I have a duty to fulfill." Magnus let out a chuckle.

"Of course you do dear. Now let's go," Magnus said with a smile as he led Alec by the hand to his office.

Once they were in the office, Alec slumped on the couch and closed his eyes. Magnus walked and sat down next to him, placing Alec's head in his lap.

"I knew you were tired my love. Get some rest. I'll wake you if anything happens." Magnus ran his fingers through Alec's hair as he mumbled something about responsibility and dosed off.

2 hours later Alec finally opened his eyes and found Magnus staring lovingly at him.

"Good morning sleeping beauty. How was your nap?" Magnus asked with a smile.

"Uneventful. I really shouldn't have done that. It was unprofessional," Alec complained as he sat up. Magnus leaned over and kissed him.

"But you're so cute when you sleep." They stared at each other for a moment before Alec suddenly took in a deep breath.

"Wait," he said. "I remember what my dream was about."

"What was it dear? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I feel like I am right now." Alec took a deep breath before continuing, "In my dream you died."

"My God Alexander. Why would you dream such a thing?" Magnus looked worried.

"I don't know. It was after the demon attack. You ran in front of me as a demon was attacking. You saved me but he killed you. That's when I woke up." Magnus hugged Alec again tightly.

"You know I would do anything to save your life, but that doesn't mean it will happen."

"But Magnus it made me realize something." Alec said softly. "I can't live without you. I remember the feeling when I held your body in my arms. I was so cold. And that's not what scares me the most. I'm terrified that one of us will die and our love will mean nothing." Alec started to tremble in magnus' arms at the memory. "I need you," he whispered.

"And I need you Alexander. I'll always need you." Magnus was slowly starting to realize that Alec wasn't afraid of what he said he was, but rather he was afraid to die and be left only as a memory.

"Then marry me," Alec said suddenly. Magnus was speechless for a moment, not something that happens very often. 

"W-what?" Was all he could get out.

"Marry me." Alec said and pulled away to look him in the eyes. "I want to be bonded with you for the rest of my life and beyond. If that be a couple of days or an eternity, I want it with you. I need it with you, or my life has nothing."

Magnus blinked once. Twice. Took a deep breath. Swallowed hard. "Yes. I'll marry you."

They both erupted with smiles and grabbed each other's faces.

"I love you so much Alexander. That was one hell of a proposal. But I know what you're afraid of. You're afraid to die alone."

Alec smiled sadly and looked down. "We're all afraid of something Magnus."

"You don't have to be afraid, my love. You'll never only be a memory to me. You are my first and last true love. You are my world, my forever and always." Alec leaned forward to capture magnus' lips. He put in as much passion as he could and furrowed his brows as their tongues met in a waltz. They broke apart breathless. "Thank you," Alec whispered.

"Thank you, Alexander. But now brings to light the question of where should we go to become wedded?" Magnus asked. "We're one portal away from anywhere in the world, my love."

"I have no idea I didn't really think that far ahead. We probably shouldn't go anywhere where there's a lot of people, or Idris since you're not a Shadow hunter. Do you have anywhere in mind?" Magnus thought for a minute as he stared into Alec's eyes. He knew the perfect place, but it was going to be a difficult time for him emotionally.

"Yes," was all he said as he stood and took Alec's hand. He created the portal and before Alec could ask questions, he's pulled him through.

Alec knew exactly where they were. All his years of geographical and cultural studies made it so he could identify almost anywhere in the world. What confused him though was why they were there, considering the memories it brought back for Magnus. With a deep breath he asked, "Magnus, where are we?"

Magnus smiled grimly. "Dutch East Indies, my birth place." Alec studied his expression carefully. He looked pained yet blissful.

"But why?" He asked slowly. Magnus looked him in the eyes and smiled slightly.

"This is the first place I felt unloved, useless, horrible. This is the place my own mother and father called me a monster, a demon. I believed them." Magnus took a breath as Alec bit his lip anxiously and looked down, afraid to show Magnus his tears. "But with you, you are the first to ever make me feel loved, useful, wonderful. You make me remember that I'm not only a demon, but that I share the same blood as humans; that I'm not a monster, but a man. You made me remember what love is like and how wonderful it makes you feel. No amount of demon blood in me could ever deter the way I care for you." Magnus took a step toward alec and lifted his chin up. Alec reached up a hand to cup magnus' cheek and wipe away a stray tear as his own threatened to fall.

"Don't ever believe that you're a monster Magnus. I'm so completely astounded by the way people have treated you in the past, because all I see is a wonderful, beautiful, kind man who is capable of literal magic. That doesn't make you a monster, that makes you incredible. You are just- just -" Alec stuttered, unable to find a word the describes Magnus. "I love you. All of you, not just your human side, but the demon in you as well."

Magnus let more years fall silently down his cheeks as he smiled painfully and took in a deep breath. "Aku cinta kamu, Alexander." Magnus whimpered. Alec had never seen this side of Magnus before. He looked so broken, but beautifully crafter together. He didn't know how someone could look so wonderful, and he was determined to find a way to make it so he was so longer broken, but just a work of art.

"What does that mean?" Alec whispered as he placed his forehead against magnus'.

"It means 'I love you' in my native tongue. I haven't spoken it since I fled after my stepfather tried to drown me." Magnus choked the words out as if they threatened to suffocate him. Magnus had never told him specifically what had happened, but his research had shown a very rough childhood that left ruins is magnus' head.

Alec looked deeply into magnus' eyes as if he could see past the glamour. He knew he had it up because of what people would think of him; they would think he's a monster. But Alec knew better. "Show me," he whispered as his thumb touched the side of his eye to indicate what he wanted. Magnus understood as he took a shuttered breath and closed his eyes. When he opened them they were gold and wonderful to Alec and he gasped at the beauty. Magnus mistook this and looked down ashamed, but Alec wouldn't let him.

Alec didn't know what to say, or if there were even words that could be said. He simply inched forward and let Magnus breathe in his life as he did the same. Their lips touched softly and tenderly. The intensity and closeness of it all was extremely overwhelming for both of them as their knees grew weak and threatened to collapse.

They pulled away slightly so they were still touching their lips but they could speak. Alec reached forward and grabbed magnus' hand. He pulled a chain with a shiny gold ring with black swirls engraved out of his shirt. He had secretly been keeping with him in case something like this ever happened.

"I give this ring to you to symbolize my love and devotion, to give my heart and soul over to you to hold for the rest of my life and beyond it." Alec slid the ring on magnus' left ring finger.  "I hand over my life to you." He looked Magnus in the eyes and whispered. "Will you accept it?"

Magnus smiled and looked at the ring, tears still in his eyes. "Of course I accept it. I accept all you have to give me, and I will keep your light with me wherever I go." Magnus snaps his fingers and an ornate pitch black ring with sapphires and diamonds appears in his palm. "To you Alexander, I give this ring to symbolize my utter devotion and compassion for you." Magnus takes Alec's hand and finds him trembling. "I wish for you to only find happiness and joy, and with me by your side i shall ensure this for the rest of my life." Magnus slides the ring slowly into Alec's finger. "I hand over my life to you as you have done for me. Will you, Alexander Lightwood, take me as your husband for as long as we both shall live, and forever on?"

Neither can keep the smiles from consuming their faces as Alec nods. "I do. Of course I take you to be my husband. Will you, Magnus Bane, take me to be your husband, and carry my love for all of eternity?"

"You know I would be honored to call you mine, Alexander. I do." They grabbed each other's left hand so that the rings we're next to each other. Their enchantments wove together in a silver mist. The both gasped as they felt the rings connect to their hearts and minds.

They met again with their lips but neither could keep from smiling. Their teeth clashed and their tongues dances and their hands wandered as they relished in the moment of absolute bliss. Blue sparks flew from magnus' fingertips as he lost control of his magic. The sparks found their way to Alec and he shivered at the bursts of electricity through his body.

When they finally pulled away, the rings had stopped glowing and Magnus had control again. They were panting against each other's mouth and they struggled to regain their breath.

"I think it may be time to go home. As much as I loved our time here, I wish to never come back," Magnus said after a long minute. Alec looked at him apologetically.

"I understand. Let's go." Magnus created a portal and they walked through hand in hand back to the office in the institute.

"Now about our honeymoon-" Magnus started but was cut short by Alec laughing and grabbing his face to pull into a kiss.

There was a knock at the door and Isabelle walked in. "Oh there you are brother. Sorry to interrupt but we have important news."

Alec straightened up and fixed his shirt collar before facing her fully. "Yes Isabelle?"

"The demons have- OH MY GOD IS THAT A RING?!" She ran over the Alec and grabbed his hand. "Oh my god Alec this is beautiful." She mused as she studied it carefully.

"Why thank you dear Isabelle. I though it matched his eyes and hair, don't you think?" Isabelle looked up at Magnus and smiled brightly at him, noticing his golden cat eyes were out but not saying anything about it as to scare them away. She then looked at his hand and her suspicions were confirmed as she then grabbed his hand and held it up with Alec's. "Oh my god you guys got married!"

They both smiled and nodded at the excited girl. She bounced up and down and screamed so loud someone definitely thought she was getting murdered. She then jumped on them and squeezed them until they couldn't breathe. "Oh my God I'm so happy for you two! But why wasn't I invited?" She asked pulling away suddenly upset. Alec swears she has mood swings.

"I'm afraid it was a private, last minute affair, my dear. But when he have an official sharing of vows, you'll be the first one who knows about it, I assure you." Magnus assured with ease. His way with words made Isabelle look at them with narrowed eyes but then nodded and agreed she would be planning the whole thing, along with magnus' wardrobe design of course. Although Alec was to stay far, far away, according to Isabelle.

Alec then remembered what she was to tell them before she got distracted. "Wait Isabelle why did you come in here?"

"Oh right! Okay so our scouts sent word that the demons ran into some trouble with a few werewolves and vampires out in the east end. The whole group was destroyed and sent back to hell where they belong," she said with a smile.

Magnus looked at Alec and said, "see no reason to fret, now, husband, we have some much needed business to attend to." Isabelle winked at them and walked away as she understood what Magnus meant. Alec however was confused.

"What business? There's not much left for us to do here as of now." Magnus chuckled.

"Oh darling, I'll never get used to your innocence." He took Alec's hand. "I was speaking of our honeymoon."

"Ooooooh yeah that would be fun." Alec smiled seductively at Magnus. "Where would you like to go? Or we could just do it here or over there or-"

"Baby I want you everywhere," Magnus mumbled and kissed Alec forcefully as they back up into a portal.

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