Falling For Mister Nobody [CO...

By Books_and_nerds

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Have you ever wondered what more you could be missing when you have everything? Well, Michelle Reynold who is... More

Ohmigod! Finallyyy❤️
Chapter One- End of Summer
Chapter Two- The video
Chapter Three- You're Michelle Reynold
Chapter Four- He's a real gangster
Chapter Five- I hate movies
Chapter Six- I know karate. Kung-fu thing-y
Chapter Seven- What do you want?
Chapter Eight- The Tragic death of Iphone 6s
Chapter Nine- Punishment Slip
Chapter Ten- Kill him
Chapter Eleven- I am here to propose a deal of your interest.
Chapter Twelfth- The Brook
Chapter Thirteen- The Fight
Chapter Fourteen- I-- No, everyone saw Nobody shirtless
Chapter Fifteen- What's your favourite colour?
Chapter Sixteen- Evan
Chapter Seventeen- I know you
Chapter Eighteen- I don't bite
Chapter Nineteen- Poor Evan
Chapter Twenty- Mr. Black Richmond
Chapter Twenty One- Heart-attack
Not an UPDATE!
Chapter Twenty-Two- Mr and Mrs Reynold
Chapter Twenty-Three-I don't hate you
Chapter Twenty-Four- I never saw that coming!
Chapter Twenty-Five- You're not going anywhere Martin Woodie
Chapter Twenty-Six- And it happened!
Chapter Twenty-Seven- Stupid Building, Stupid street!
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Nutella
Chapter Twenty Nine- Watch me
Chapter Thirty- I love burgers
Chapter Thirty two- I thought you would catch me like he did
Chapter Thirty Three- Lost times
Chapter Thirty Four- Rumor
Chapter Thirty Five- This hilarious meeting
Chapter Thirty Six- Ice cream
Chapter Thirty Seven- I couldn't believe this guy!!!
Chapter Thirty Eight- It's nothing. It doesn't matter
Chapter Thirty Nine- Girlfriend
Chapter Forty- Stitches
Chapter Forty One- Hug day
Chapter Forty Two- It's not a goodbye
Chapter Forty Three- Share the same oxygen as her
Chapter Forty Four- Use him
Chapter Forty Five- The Farewell
Chapter Forty Six- Jacket
Chapter Forty Seven- SURE JERK!
Chapter Forty Eight- The winter formals
Chapter Forty Nine- Come to the dance
Chapter Fifty- Lucky me
Chapter Fifty One- I love you Mister Nobody
Epilogue- It's not an End

Chapter Thirty One- Oops I'm still tipsy

1.2K 76 29
By Books_and_nerds

Goal: 20 votes and 15 comments:)


Chapter Thirty-One: Oops I'm still Tispy

"I didn't know my son had a girlfriend."

An known amused voice sliced into our simply perfect and magical moment, and I felt my heart break slightly when Evan jerked away, abandoning my lips, and instantly turned his back to me.

Leaving my lips almost swollen and wet. I bit my lip and I could still taste him. My stomach fluttered wildly, as I swooned over the reality of what'd just happened.

Oh my god!!!!

 We kissed. 

Like kissssssssed?!!!!

!!!Holy Molly!!!

Evan kissed me. 

I kissed him.

We kissed.

My happiness didn't last too long and I was brutally dragged down back to the ground when I heard Evan's grunt raging in his chest, as he spoke with husky and furious voice, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

I cringed and looked up.

For the first time I realized who the intruder was and what he'd said started to seep into my bones, making me slightly dizzy, and my stomach dropped.

Wait.... son?

I wish I could rewind and replay just to be sure.

Then I knitted my brows together, almost amazed how much Evan took after his father. Only he was old and little shabby looking. They shared same hair, eyes, and nose. Maybe even smile? Who knew.

He was wearing loose khaki pants and a white button down shirt. The shirt buttons were disordered and it made him look all funny. He was thinner than he should be and half hem of his unclean shirt was tucked in his pants.

I gazed down at his father's worn out faded black flip flops and then straight up to his hair, which were messed up. Not the way Evan's were, his made him look hot but his father's? Nah... just the opposite.

His facial expressions were something my mind at the moment couldn't process, and I stared just too long at his over-grown beard and it's then I noticed he wasn't alone, he was dangling a bottle of beer in his hand.

Was he drunk?

His eyes were red with huge bags underneath them. And he was slightly staggering.

Yup! Definitely... drunk.

"Ah! I've missed you too son."

When I looked up, he was gazing at me with a smirk on his face. Nobody saw that too because his arm immediately came around and he tucked me behind him. Shielding me from his father's scrutiny.

His father's laugh filled the empty echo of nothing in the dimness of the street.

I cringed again. His laugh was not a happy laugh. It was loud and weird and it rang in my head.

I clutched the back of Nobody's shirt, just to be sure I wasn't swaying. Let me in you on a secret. Come closer!!!

The ground is moving like a freaking ferries wheel!

"Stop laughing!! And just fucking answer me." My heart skipped a beat. And I could feel his heart through his clothes, thudding so frantically as if it was in a hurry to just get the hell out of his chest.

I sighed.

Suddenly his father's voice faded and I felt the air grow thick around us. I couldn't see his father but, I knew he'd stepped closer because Evan stepped back, making me stagger back too.

"You don't talk to me that way, boy."

The way he boy-ed him, it was almost as if he just spat on him.

The word hung between them. Loud and heavy.

I saw Evan's hands fisting (if that's a word... oh I don't know I'm drunk on love) so tight that his knuckles turned white. In that moment, all I wanted to do was slid my fingers through his and give his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"You get the fuck away from me, you hear me!!"

His father laughed again. "Well, won't you introduce your beautiful girlfriend to your father first? Where are your manners boy?"

Was that sarcasm?

"I shoved them up your ass. Now get the hell away!" Nobody growled. I swear I felt the ground shake. Or maybe it was me...

Definitely. Me.

Then Evan's arm came around and he pressed me to his back, blocking my view from his father's sight.

I wanted to laugh and tell him I was a big girl and I could take care of myself but, didn't. Only because I was starting to see his two-two fathers.

Whoops! Not good.

I bit my lip, clutching the piece of his shirt– which I'd been holding– tighter.

The tips of his ears were so red. If I'd been his father, I would've been running for the hills right now.

"Fine! It's alright if you don't want to share your whore with me." And my heart sunk back.

Nobody stiffened and before I knew he had thrown the punch square at his father's face.

I gasped in horror, watching the blood gush out of his father's nose, as he tried to stabilize himself.

I was frigging horrified out of my wits. I had seen him mad/angry/even furious but, this was different and so dangerous.

I grabbed his wrist, "Hey, let's just go okay?" He was about to beat the shit of the old man and I didn't know anything about their history but I knew one thing that I couldn't let him get in any trouble.

I moved my thumb in weird pattern on the inside of his wrist, trying to calm him down.

His entire body was shaking with rage and it scared me.

"You piece of shit!!" His father's drunk voice growled and echoed.

"You say one more word about her or even dare to look at her... I will kill you without blinking, dad."

I swallowed. He wouldn't kill him.... right? He's just saying because he's mad at whatever his father has done.

Were they always like that?

What happened between them?

Where's his mom?

All I had were questions. And it's then that something very horrible downed on me. I didn't know anything about the guy I was in love with.

Wait... love?

I sighed inwardly. Yes. I'd fallen in love with Mister Nobody and it was the most beautiful thing that had happened to me. No more denying, it's excruciating.

But, really...who was he?

I swallowed the bile that formed yet again and tried to squeeze back my tears.

"You get me my money and I will stay the fuck away. You won't see me ever again!" His father yelled.

Nobody took a dangerous step towards him, unintentionally pulling me along considering I was holding his arm.

"Fuck off right now and I'll get you the fucking money. Goooo!" He hollered back so loud that his voice shook me from inside and rang all the way down to my toes.

My heart had not for once functioned like a normal human being's. It was thudding so loud in my ears.

His father took a step back and I did what I thought would be right in that moment. Slowly, I let my hand slip down to his. Once I touched his tightly clenched fingers, he visibly relaxed--just a little but it was working. I uncurled his hand and weaved our fingers together-- amazed they still felt too perfect together.

I didn't have to say anything just the gesture made him a little calmer.

"Just leave right now..." He grumbled, less angrily.

I smiled at my victory and sighed a little in relief that I wouldn't be witnessing any murder tonight.

"I am going... But, I will be back," Suddenly the old man's voice had a pointy edge to it as if he's threatening him. "And I will take everything you love and care for if you didn't get me what I asked in two weeks."

His grip on my hand tightened to the point that my bones could have broken. "Get lost, asshole." He screeched, I could feel him heavy breathing.

Tears swelled in my eyes. I didn't like Nobody getting hurt-- not even the idea of it. And right now he hurting so bad inside.

I heard the old man evilly laugh before he walked away-- when his footsteps totally faded in the background, I stepped out of Evan's shadow and looked up at him.

His face was like a blank paper. Nothing could be read in that moment.

When his eyes met mine, I knew the switched had flipped back on.

And it hurt. A lot.

Slowly, he let go of my hand and stepped back, wrecking a hand through his hair.

He was pissed off and I didn't know what to do or say.

I spun on my heels, angry at him when everything moved around me and I-- "Hey," His arm wrapped around me, saving me a deathly fall.

My eyes fluttered. They felt so heavy...

I heaved a breath, gazing in his gorgeous eyes-- which every time took my breath away. "You need to go home. Where do Justin live?"

I smiled. He wasn't angry at me. Then why should I? Right.

I stumbled again. But I was safely tucked in his arm. "Oops... I'm still tipsy." I gave out a faded giggle.

Then I let the heaviness take over me, as darkness surrounded me.


When I regained some consciousness, I felt my head in pretty excruciating ache and I winced.

I opened my eyes and saw Nobody staring down at me. I was in his arms, so I let my arms go around his neck, for better support. It was dark and we were at his place.


His stare was distant and it only brought disappointment in me.

I rested my head on his chest, listening to his frantic heartbeat.

He was moving and then we were in his shabby and stupid building– which  wasn't stupid anymore. I reminisced him telling me about the other night situation. He wasn't getting any action from a whore and neither did he have a girlfriend.

Once we were inside his building and were already two stories high, I asked him to let me down. He obliged immediately and grabbed my arm, carefully, as I drunk walked up the stairs with him.

Suddenly only couple of stairs from his apartment, I stopped.

He knitted his brows together, and opened his mouth when I placed my hand on his chest and asked him to stay where he was. I strolled five stairs up and without a second thought I closed my eyes, straightened out my arms and fell backwards. I didn't know why I did that but I needed to.

I'd never been able to do that with any of my best friends. Not even Justin or Kim. I'd always stopped before I could let myself fall, too afraid to get hurt.

But in truth, I just didn't trust anyone enough to catch me.

But this time I did let go, smiling.

And you know the funniest thing? I wasn't scared. Because in my heart, I knew Nobody would never let me fall.

And I was right. He caught me before I could even get close to falling and hitting my head, badly.

I sighed out. Grinning.

"What the hell, Michelle! Are you out of your fucking mind? What are you? Crazy-drunk? What if I--" He shrugged off his question and shook his head at me in disbelief.

He turned me around fully and immediately engulfed me in a hug. I was stunned and mesmerized.

"I'm s-sorry." I slurred, wrapping my arms around him. Feeling his warmth. This was it. It was my heaven because for the first time I felt complete.

"I just wanted to let you know... that I-I trust you Evan."

I felt him take a deep breath and then a small chuckle escaped him. He pulled away just slightly and gazed down at me-- the warmth in his eyes had returned-- "You're the most craziest, spoiled, beautiful, and stubborn girl I've ever met, Michelle Reynold."

I chuckled against his hoodie and held onto him. Slowly mumbling, "You're the most judgmental, angry, stupid, thick-head, hot, and stubborn boy I've ever met, Mister Nobody."

He laughed, full on. My heart squeezed inside of me. Oh, how much I love his laugh.

Evan took me upstairs and gently put me down on the couch and straightened himself up.

My eyes were only half open. He pushed a lock of my hair behind my ear. My eyes fluttered on his touch and because I couldn't hold any longer in me to stay awake.

But I did.

He ever so slowly smiled. Stroking his thumb on my cheek. His eyes held so much emotion in them but nothing was coming out of his mouth.

"You're beautiful and strong, Reynold. And I know whatever has been going wrong in your life... you'll figure out a way to fix it. You always do." His thumb danced close to the side of my mouth, sending small shivers of pleasure down my spine.

His smile grew wider, as if he was remembering something in his head when he softly hushed, "It's just like the other night. The only difference is you're still somewhat conscious." I smiled not really understanding a thing anymore. My mind had shut itself down.

He straightened up and draped the red blanket over me.

He knelt down once again and kissed my forehead, his face becoming a mess of blur.

And just before I drifted into a loving and peaceful slumber, I'd heard him say, "And I'm really sorry."

💋 XOXO 💋

I'd been so busy with my other three books lately – (do give them a chance. It will be worth it)– that I got pulled totally away from FFMN.

But look, I've found my way back.

Keep the notifications on and my book in your library for more updates.

Don't forget to shower some love guys


~D <3

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