Blue Ice | Larry Stylinson

Door purpledandeli0n

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❝Don't ever try to get near me! I don't wanna see you.❞ Harry had slurred in his face looking him in the eye... Meer



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Door purpledandeli0n

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Chapter 2

Being ignored by Harry was what hurt Louis the most. Since that awful first night as a married couple, Harry has never even glanced his way. He only talked to Louis when he needed to, and that was when he had to tell him something about his family. He didn't even give him a glance or a word. Not even an insult to him anymore. It was as if Louis didn't exist.

That tore Louis apart the most. He craved Harry's attention. He wanted his husband to approach him, even if it wasn’t in a friendly way but Harry hated him and Louis didn't understand why. They could be friends at least to make the living arrangements easier. Who was he kidding? They were strangers to each other. There would be days when Louis didn't even get to see Harry and that hurt him the most. More than he would like to admit.

Louis was being stupid. He knew it. There he was, crying on his bed again, after not being able to cry for two weeks. He had fallen in love with Harry's lies those three months they were engaged. Louis had believed all of the acting because that's all it had been. An act. Now that he knew this, he didn't understand why he couldn't let go of his feelings, as any normal human being would. Instead, he longed for someone who hated him, even though Louis wasn't sure what he had done to cause Harry to feel such hatred for him.

It was morning, and the rest of Louis’ day would be pretty uneventful. Last night was the first time, Harry had talked to him in days, eleven days to be exact. Of course it was to say to Louis that he had to behave like the good little husband that Harry wanted him to be in front of his parents, and act like they were living a happy married life, when in reality the four past months had been nothing but a horror movie. For Harry, tall, gorgeous, handsome, green-eyes, dimpled-smile Harry, everything was going perfectly. He had lots of lovers, a perfect job, a warm house to come home to, and a stupid little husband to show off..

Oh, how exhausted Louis was! He felt nauseated at the fact that he had to act like nothing was happening in front of the world. He had to maintain the act the whole evening that Harry treated him like fine china, only to come home later that night to sleep in an empty cold bed.

All he did the whole day was lay in bed, scrolling through his phone to keep his mind off of what was coming in the evening. He didn't leave his room, not even to eat. Louis had lost his appetite somewhere through this whole fucked up situation.

It was almost six in the afternoon when Harry opened Louis’ bedroom door, not even bothering to knock when Louis realized that most of the day had passed.

"Start getting ready. We leave in an hour." Harry said with a bored face, with one hand on the doorknob.

"Okay," was all Louis said, not even moving from his bed where he lay on his back with his phone in his hand.

"You really need to expand your vocabulary, 'yes' 'okay' and 'no' won't impress my parents very much."

"Fine," Louis replied.

"Don't make me angry Louis. You know it's not that pleasant when I get angry. It's been a while since the last time. Thought you appreciated that." Harry entered his room this time, walking slowly and stopping at the end of his bed to get his attention, a stern look on his face.

"I do," Louis said again. He got up from his bed, placing his phone on the bedside table and made his way to the bathroom. As he was about to enter the bathroom a hand caught his wrist and he was harshly turned around to face Harry.

"You are really getting on my nerves. Stop talking like you are a shy five-year-old girl. Drop this fucking game because it won't do you any good." Harry said not releasing his hard grip on Louis' wrist.  The older boy's brows were furrowed and his jaw was clenched, meaning he was getting angrier by the second. 'Good' Louis thought.

"Okay," Louis answered again, catching Harry's hand with his smaller one, h and pulled it away from his wrist then turned around to go to the bathroom.

Harry was furious by now. He wanted to shout and scream at Louis and tell him that he wasn't being very smart by replying that way to him, but Louis needed to get ready, so he let him pass so could get ready and get this dinner over with already.

An hour later Louis was showered and had just finished his hairstyle. He styled his hair in a slight quiff. He liked the way this hairstyle framed his face. He was looking at himself in the mirror. He had lost some weight from the last time he had worn these clothes. He was wearing a white Calvin Klein t-shirt with the CK graphic on it, a pair of black jeans, which (even though Louis had lost some weight) still managed to make his bum stand out. How he hated round bum, it made him feel fat. He paired the outfit with white sneakers.

He walked out of the bedroom and waited for Harry in the living room.

"I know sweetheart but we can't meet tonight. Tomorrow night though I'm all yours." Louis heard Harry's voice as the latter one was approaching the living room. "I know, I know. I can't do anything though... I miss you too. I will make it up to you tomorrow. That's a promise. Kiss you... You know where... Bye." Harry laughed as he closed his phone, and Louis never felt more disgusted.

He didn't spare a look at Harry, keeping his gaze fixed on the television; however, that was the last thing he was paying attention to.

"Let's go," Harry said. "Remember everything I told you. Like last time. Just follow my lead. We are in love and happy. Smile sometimes and engage in conversation. Your tiny little brain can do that much, right?" He added putting his phone in his pants.

"I know. Don't worry." Louis got up from his couch and walked towards Harry's direction. He passed Harry to the front door. He saw Jeffrey outside, he was their driver.

"Hi, Jeffrey. How are you today?" He gave Jeffrey a smile.

"Fine Mr.Louis. How are you?"

"Good. Now Jeffrey, we've talked about this drop all that "mister" stuff with me. It makes me feel old." Louis replied as he got in the backseat after he opened the door for him.

"You are my boss. I can't do that sir and you know that." Jeffrey said without looking at him, keeping his eyes on the pavement. 'He must be shit scared of Harry to act like this' Louis thought.

"So what if I’m your boss? It can't stop us from being friends." Louis tried to ease the situation by smiling at Jeffrey even though the latter did not see it.

"So you can talk more than three words? Good to know. Stop talking to the driver! Save the conversation for when we are at my parents." Harry said with a stern look on his face, sitting in the opposite seat next to Louis.

Louis didn't reply. He knew that Harry hated it when he didn't reply, but he couldn't do anything when there were people around, so he took his chances whenever he could. Instead of replying to Harry, he looked out the window and kept his eyes fixed on the scenery until they arrived at Harry's parents' house. He wished this ride would be over soon, so that Harry could be further away from him then he could breathe easier.

Fifteen minutes later and they were at the front door of his in-laws' house. They were good people. Especially Harry's sister, Gemma. She had a bubbly personality and Louis always felt so good in her presence. Same thing for Harry's parents. What didn't make sense to Louis was how such good people could have a son like Harry who was nothing like them. In their eyes, Harry was a perfect gentleman, but Louis knew differently.

Harry knocked on the door, staying by Louis’ side. He put his right arm on Louis' waist. Louis hated himself for the feeling that meaningless touch gave him. He knew it was all an act, but couldn't help the way his body shivered, when Harry put his arm lightly on around his waist and made Louis come closer to him. Harry's body heat was the last thing Louis wanted to feel right now because his traitorous heart couldn't help but beat faster.

'It's all an act. That's all it is. He doesn't want you near him. Don't let this fool you.' Louis kept repeating to himself.

"Remember what I told you. Relax, don't look so tense. Be good for something once in your life. Now, fucking smile." Harry told him as if his words were going to make the situation better.

A couple of seconds passed when someone came and opened the door. It was Gemma. Hiding behind her legs was Kathy, Gemma's daughter. The little girl had wavy, brown hair with big green eyes. Louis loved her so much.

"Mom they're finally here. Come on in guys. How have you been?" was the first thing the blonde haired girl said to them. She gave each of them a hug.

"We've been great, how are you, big sis?" Harry started his award-winning act giving her a big smile as they entered the house.

"Ugh tired. My job is killing me, and this little monster isn't giving me a moment to rest!" Gemma said looking at her little girl and gently caressing her head.

Louis got on his knees in front of Kathy then gently grabbed her arms and pulled her in for a hug. The little girl rested her head on Louis' shoulder, and he gave her a little kiss on the side of her head. "This angel? A little monster? I’m sorry but I don't believe you, Gemma. Look at her little face, she couldn’t be bad even if she wanted to."

"See mommy, LouLou knows I‘m a good girl," Kathy said giving her mother a big grin, still in Louis' arms. She pulled away from the hug and grabbed Louis' face with her tiny puffy hands."You are so beautiful LouLou, that's why Uncle Harry married you." Kathy added looking at Louis' eyes, her own beaming with sincerity.

Louis tensed up. If only this little bundle of joy knew how miserable his life was in reality. He didn't know how to reply, so he just smiled at her giving her a light pinch on her cheek. He loved this girl so much. Harry coughed at the awkward situation and then motioned for them to move to the living room. When Gemma went to pick up Kathy she shook her head. "I want LouLou!" She stomped her foot.

"That can be easily arranged. Come on Kitty." Louis said picking the little girl up. Kathy punched him in the shoulder as she was settled in Louis's arms. "It's Kathy!" She huffed and then gave Louis a cute pout.

"If you call me LouLou then I can call you Kitty. Deal?" Louis said winking at her while walking to the living room, Gemma and Harry walking behind them.

Kathy seemed to be thinking about their deal and then she nodded in agreement.

"See Louis, that's why it’s difficult for me to put up with her. You spoil her too much." Gemma shook her head, putting her hands on her hips, as Louis sat on the couch with Kathy in his arms. Harry sat beside him, but not exactly near him, putting a fair amount of distance between them.

"What can I say? She has me wrapped around her finger." He said as Kathy began playing with his hair trying to braid it but doing a terrible job at it. Louis didn't mind though. "Your hair is too short to braid!" Kathy exclaimed.

"I’msorry sweetie. You can play with your uncle's hair if you want. He has longer hair than I." Louis motioned with his head to Harry.

"Don't want to. He always gets angry and then shakes his head messing my braid," the little girl said continuing her work on Louis' hair, sticking her tongue out in concentration. Louis wanted to suffocate her with hugs.

"I know right? He's such a bad guy! Don't you think so Kitty?" Louis said giving Harry a mischievous smile. Oh, how he loved life sometimes! Harry gave him a stern look, understanding exactly what Louis really meant by that.

Kathy nodded in agreement and he couldn't be happier by his little accomplishment.

Harry asked Gemma about her husband. "Where is Josh?" He wanted to put an end to Louis and Kathy's conversation about him because he couldn't reply to Louis the way he wanted to.

"Still working. His business is expanding these days and he feels the need to stay there and make sure the workers are doing a proper job. Dad's with him too. He thought he could help Josh with some ideas." Gemma said sitting on the little couch in front of them.

"How's the happy new couple? I am really upset with you guys, it's been a month since I last saw you." Anne said as soon as she entered the living room, interrupting their conversation. She gave each of them a hug and sat with Gemma.

Harry mostly talked with them as Louis was in his own world with Kathy, and the little girl couldn't be happier from the attention she was getting from her handsome uncle-in-law. They cuddled and laughed together all the time when Anne said it was time for them to go sit to have dinner. Des called her and informed that he and Josh were at the front door.

As if on cue, there was a knock at the front door which Anne went to open. Josh and Des entered the living room, placing their jackets on the big sofa. Kathy left Louis' arms and ran to hug her dad. Josh greeted Louis and Harry as well as Des, giving them both a pat on the shoulder.

With his little girl in his arms, Josh went and greeted his wife with a peck on her lips. "Hey honey," he smiled at her.

After leaving her father's arms, Kathy ran back to Louis. "LouLou why don't you and Uncle Harry kiss each other like mommy and daddy do? You're mommy and daddy too right? Well daddy and daddy in fact," the little girl giggled at her own words.

Louis’ blood froze. He didn't know what to say. He was thinking their act was going great until now, for the whole cover to be blown away by a four-year-old girl. He smiled awkwardly as he was trying to find the words. "Um... W-we save our kisses for when we are alone."

"Why? Mommy and daddy kiss all the time and that’s good because they like each other." The little girl tilted her head to the side with a confused look on her face.

Harry laughed awkwardly, which drew the attention of all of the people present in the living room. He leaned closer to Louis and put an arm around his shoulder. "We like to hug more," he said and Louis stayed there feeling uncomfortable, trying to give Kathy a genuine smile as best as he could.

"Has Uncle Harry been a bad guy so that's why you don’t give him a kiss?" Kathy asked curiously, completely ignoring what Harry said. "Uncle Harry apologize!" She looked angry at Harry.

"Why do you think I’m the one to have done something bad?" Harry pouted trying to joke.

"Because LouLou is so good to everybody. He is an angel." Kathy put her hands on her hips looking at Harry with a 'duh' expression on her face.

Louis cooed at her and gave her a hug as he pulled away from Harry's arm, not wanting to stay there any longer than he needed to  He longed for more when he knew he shouldn't. This seemed to get the attention away from what just happened.

They all made their way to the dining table. Des and Anne sat opposite facing each other, Gemma and Josh one side and Louis and Harry on the other. They were such good people and always made sure to make him feel like their own son/brother. After dinner, Kathy was fast asleep and tucked in bed by LouLou by her own demand. They started talking about everything. Louis felt so good in their presence.

"So, I've been thinking, you guys didn't have a honeymoon. Why? I will never understand," Des said placing his napkin at the side of his plate.

"We never really had the chance dad. You know, with Louis' studies and my job in the way." Harry answered after taking a sip of his wine.

"Don't you want to have one though? As a young couple, you have to make sure to enjoy as much as you can of each other," Anne said looking at both of them.

"We don't need a honeymoon mom to enjoy each other. Right, Louis?" Harry placed his hand on Louis' thigh from under the table and gave it a squeeze. Louis hated how good it felt.

Louis tried not to choke from the touch. He knew the squeeze was a warning, but after all that time from getting nothing from Harry, this was all too much. Louis tried to push Harry's hand away, but the green-eyed boy gripped his thigh tighter.

"Harry is right. Right now we don't need to have a honeymoon. Maybe later." Louis smiled as best he could, still dazed a little by the grip on his thigh.

Even though Louis agreed to Harry's words, Harry’s hand was still there. Louis tried to push it away once again and Harry finally released his thigh, Louis' skin still burning from the touch.

Anne and Des nodded and left the conversation there, and Louis never felt more relieved.

They were in the car coming back from the dinner. Louis called it a success. Apart from one or two situations; he had managed to keep up with the show.

Neither of them spoke during the ride. Louis hated how he had to go back to that hell he called his house. A house, because that wasn't a home. A home is a place one feels warm, loved, and accomplished. He felt none of these things there.

"Thank you, Jeffrey and good night," Louis said as he climbed out of the car as the driver opened his door. He didn't wait for Harry and started to walk to the door as fast as he could.

He left the front door slightly open so Harry could enter and walked towards his own room. Louis knew Harry would complain about something as he always did, and to be honest he was already tired and didn't want to hear any of it.

He stripped off his clothes, washed his face and got ready to go to bed. At least when he slept his nightmare was over.

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