Survive on Coroleya - Decide...

By Hurt_My_Toe

790 4 0

You are on the world of Coroleya a land filled with mythical creatures and monsters. There you will fight for... More

Rules of the Game
Chapter 1 - Trial Run
Scenario 1 - Choice 1
Scenario 1 - Choice 2
Scenario 1 - Choice 3
Scenario 1 - Choice 4
Scenario 1 - Choice 5
Chapter 1 - Scenario 2
Scenario 2 - Choice 1
Scenario 2 - Choice 2
Scenario 2 - Choice 3
Scenario 2 - Choice 4
Scenario 2 - Choice 5
Chapter 1 - Scenario 3
Scenario 3 - Choice 1
Scenario 3 - Choice 2
Scenario 3 - Choice 3
Scenario 3 - Choice 4
Scenario 3 - Choice 5
Chapter 1 - Scenario 4
Scenario 4 - Choice 1
Scenario 4 - Choice 2
Scenario 4 - Choice 3
Scenario 4 - Choice 4
Scenario 4 - Choice 5
Chapter 1 - Scenario 5
Scenario 5 - Choice 1
Scenario 5 - Choice 2
Scenario 5 - Choice 3
Scenario 5 - Choice 4
Scenario 5 - Choice 5
Chapter 1 - Scenario 6
Scenario 6 - Choice 1
Scenario 6 - Choice 2
Scenario 6 - Choice 3
Scenario 6 - Choice 4
Scenario 6 - Choice 5
Chapter 1 - Scenario 7
Scenario 7 - Choice 1
Scenario 7 - Choice 2
Scenario 7 - Choice 3
Scenario 7 - Choice 4
Scenario 7 - Choice 5
Chapter 1 - Scenario 8
Scenario 8 - Choice 1
Scenario 8 - Choice 2
Scenario 8 - Choice 3
Scenario 8 - Choice 4
Scenario 8 - Choice 5
Chapter 1 - Scenario 9
Scenario 9 - Choice 1
Scenario 9 - Choice 2
Scenario 9 - Choice 3
Scenario 9 - Choice 4
Scenario 9 - Choice 5
Chapter 1 - Scenario 10
Scenario 10 - Choice 1
Scenario 10 - Choice 2
Scenario 10 - Choice 3
Scenario 10 - Choice 4
Scenario 10 - Choice 5
Fight in the Arena
Fight in the Arena
Chapter 2 - Scenario 1
Scenario 1 - Choice 1
Scenario 1 - Choice 2
Scenario 1 - Choice 3
Scenario 1 - Choice 4
Scenario 1 - Choice 5
Chapter 2 - Scenario 2
Scenario 2 - Choice 1
Scenario 2 - Choice 2
Scenario 2 - Choice 3
Scenario 2 - Choice 4
Scenario 2 - Choice 5
Chapter 2 - Scenario 3
Scenario 3 - Choice 1
Scenario 3 - Choice 3
Scenario 3 - Choice 4
Scenario 3 - Choice 5
Chapter 2 - Scenario 4
Scenario 4 - Choice 1
Scenario 4 - Choice 2
Scenario 4 - Choice 3
Scenario 4 - Choice 4
Scenario 4 - Choice 5
Chapter 2 - Scenario 5
Scenario 5 - Choice 1
Scenario 5 - Choice 2
Scenario 5 - Choice 3
Scenario 5 - Choice 4
Scenario 5 - Choice 5
Chapter 2 - Scenario 6
Scenario 6 - Choice 1
Scenario 6 - Choice 2
Scenario 6 - Choice 3
Scenario 6 - Choice 4
Scenario 6 - Choice 5
Chapter 2 - Scenario 7
Scenario 7 - Choice 1
Scenario 7 - Choice 2
Scenario 7 - Choice 3
Scenario 7 - Choice 4
Scenario 7 - Choice 5
Chapter 2 - Scenario 8
Contract Broken Bone
Scenario 9 - Choice 1
Scenario 9 - Choice 2
Scenario 9 -Choice 3
Scenario 9 - Choice 4
Scenario 9 - Choice 5
Contract Dark Deeds
Scenario 10 - Choice 1
Scenario 10 - Choice 2
Scenario 10 - Choice 3
Scenario 10 - Choice 4
Scenario 10 - Choice 5
Trading OutPost
Fight in the Arena 2
Arena Ladder
Dark Mage - Spell Book
Fae'lon - Spellbook

Scenario 3 - Choice 2

1 0 0
By Hurt_My_Toe

Choice Results are at the bottom of the page. Goodluck!

In the aftermath of the battle in the hall, Dywin whispers to you that the creature that had hidden itself behind the feral dwarves was one of the Ancients that you'd heard about. Terrible and powerful creatures that have somehow managed to regain control of their mind.

Curious to learn more about creatures, you gesture once more for Dywin to guide the way, while you listen intently to his words.

"Long ago in days gone past, there lived an ancient and great race of dwarven warriors called the Dorkirlium (Dworkin for short). These warriors imbued with great wisdom and power by our God Sezrath ruled a large empire that stretched for thousands of miles in all directions. Until one day the greatest warrior of our people Steelbiter, discovered ancient tomes that exposed the true origins of Lord Sezrath. Revealing our benevolent God to be nothing more than an primordial demon of incredible power, that bides it's time patiently, before sinking it's claws beneath our hides to steal our very souls.

Dywin pauses for a moment in his story to glance over at Gorrak, who is busily bent over whispering to Lorna heatedly. Feeling eyes upon him the huge Orc stretches up to his full height and scowls at the old dwarf. Provoking a series of sputtering coughs in the old dwarf, who blinks his bleary eyes repeatedly and hurriedly turns away to continue on with his tale. While the party enters an adjacent corridor, lined with bedrooms.

"Well, ahh where was I, ohh right... This revelation caused much discord within the lands ruled by the Dorkilium, with followers of Lord Sezrath battling against the Unbelievers. A war that shattered our grand empire into a thousand pieces. Ending the long and peaceful rein of the Dorkirlium. It was during this period of war and discord among my people, that Lord Sezrath in his righteous fury over the lost souls he had so patiently worked to attain. Inflicted upon us the greatest affliction imaginable upon all dwarven kind.Feral Dwarfs. Once our people reach a certain age, we begin to lose our minds, and become like mindless beasts that we've seen here. Creatures that have but one desire. Flesh and blood. These damaged creatures roam our halls and attack our people. But the worst of their kind are not the feral dwarves, but the beasts that have managed to survive for centuries to become Ancients. Bestial dwarves that are able to think, but still suffer from the sickness of Yearning."

You stare thoughtfully at Dywin, after he finishes his tale, and notice Gorrak gazing at him with a strangely worried expression on his big ugly mug, when a thought occurs to you. "You said all dwarves have the sickness, and become feral dwarves. Does that mean you too will become one?" The old dwarf gives a sad smile,his brown eyes staring off into the far distance. "Aye, that will be my fate too, eventually. God's willing I still have a few more years left in me, before I too lose my mind and join them." Not sure what to say to that, you look away from the brooding Dwarf searching for something to break the tension, and see a large ornate doorway to the right of you.

With Dywin's words resounding back and forth through your mind. You step over towards the doorway, carved with strange symbols and wave Lorna over to your side. Clearly annoyed that you've stopped moving, she glides over to you with icey cold expression on her beautiful porcelain face. "Can you read what the symbols say?"you ask her. She lets out a loud huff and crosses her hands beneath her chest. "We don't have anymore time for this nonsense. You can explore the Stronghold on your own time, after we collect our belongings." Gritting your teeth to stop yourself from lashing out at her uppity attitude, you plaster on a pleasant smile. "What if there are more magical items to be found inside?" You see her eyes light up with interest, that she quickly tries to mask with distaste. "Very well, if you must see what's inside." She pushes you aside and stares at the symbols inscribed upon the ornate surface of the door.

After pausing for for a moment to study the door, she murmurs, "Interesting. I believe this is a dwarven gateway. Once activated it will transport us into another dimension, used to store their most precious items." Almost drooling at the possibilities that lay beyond, you quickly ask her how to activate the doorway. She points to the symbols upon the doorway. "It seems we must press each symbol in the correct order to enter."

The door vanishes before your very eyes, becoming a swirling pool of inky blackness. You gaze at Lorna questioningly, hoping that this is what is supposed to happen, and see her completely unworried by the swirling pool of darkness. Your appetite for treasure returning, you leap head first into the doorway without another word.

The inky black water swirls all around you, heating your skin and warming your insides. Enveloped in a sea of darkness, you feel yourself moving in slow motion, as if walking through snow. Then all of sudden your hurled forward to plant yourself face first into the ground, banging your head hard against the surface. Head aching, you gingerly get back up onto your feet looking around at your surrounding, skin still tingling, and let out a gasp of surprise. Somehow you've been transported into the heart of volcano, where liquid hot lava bubbles beneath you, white hot flames dance upon the surface and black sheeted magma roils together. Sweat beading on your brow, and your throat dry. You realise your standing along a narrow stone walkway that runs back and forth across the center of the volcano, with sheer cliff walls surrounding you on all sides. Not far from you standing in the middle of the stone walkway is a monstrous looking dwarf warrior made of clay. Armed with a heavy war hammer.

Gazing behind the dwarf golem on the other side of the bridge, you see a large treasure chest. Filled with untold wonders, causing your fingers to itch. As your thoughts turn towards the treasure, the golem's lifeless eyes flicker to life, shining a bright orange light. "Welcome stranger, I see you've come for my treasure. Defeat me in a duel, and I shall allow you to pass." Not sure what to make of this creature, you back away and see Lorna, Gorrak and Dywin arrive to join you in the volcano, their mouths gaping in wonder.

2. Do you accept the duel and fight the golem on your own (Damage cannot be distributed to companions)?  

"Golem, I accept your challenge. I will face you alone." Your companions stare at you dumbfounded, as you rush in to meet the grinning dwarf golem. Swinging his warhammer in a wide arc the Golem attempts sweep you off the stone walkway. Rolling forward, you avoid the golem's blow and attack the creature from behind, throwing everything you have at it. Banging away at it's tough stone hide with everything you've got. 

Unharmed by your attacks, the golem spins around launching more swings from it's huge warhammer, that splashes air into your face with each miss. Worried about what a blow from the golem's warhammer could do to your body, you keep your feet moving. Dodging, and attacking, when the golem lands a lucky kick to your chest that flings you backwards a few paces from the edge. Chest in agony at the unexpected attack, you grit your teeth and get back up. Determined to win this fight, you come in hard, ducking another blow, before launching a series of attacks yourself against the golem's chest. 

The golem however seems oblivious to your strikes, and sends a stone fist flying towards your face, connecting with your jawline. Bloodied and bleeding, with more than a few teeth loose. You spit the blood pooling in your gums, ready to go again, when the dwarf golem simply stops and stands still.

"You have prove yourself worthy warrior. You may pass." With that the dwarven golem resumes it position at the center of the bridge, the power in it's eyes ebbing away. 

Battle Results

- 70 Health Points

Companion Reputation + 3 (Dywin, Lorna and Gorrak are pleased with your actions.)  


Eagerly you make your way across the stone bridge and open it up. Inside you find several heavy pouches filled with gold, + 1,200 gold pieces (If you wish to split this gold four ways with your companions, you may increase your companion reputation score by +3. On other hand you can keep the gold all to yourself, which seems fair considering you've done all the fighting.) In the chest you find a blade made of dragonbone, which removes -7 damage. (Acid Tongue received). A pair of solidly built boots that fit you perfectly + 2 Resilience (Cobbler's Pride received) and a black cloak that adds 5% resistance against elemental damage (Midnight's Cowl Received). You also find a potion of Life's Glory Potion, which can heal you back up to full health (Can be used twice). Having collected everything, you return to portal whistling a merry tune.

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