Stanford's Daughter (Book 1)

By BillCipher_Lover

16K 235 74

This book is based off of weirdmageddon part 3 with a new character and a new twist to the story. This is my... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note

Chapter 12

642 12 8
By BillCipher_Lover

Bill stares at everyone in the Fearamid and laughs,

"Oh this is too perfect! And what's better is that you brought every threat to my power!"

Bill puts Stan and Ford in arm chains and lifts them up and says,

"You wanna see what happens when your friends don't get along?"

"Hey! You give them back!" , Old man Mcgucket yells.

"You've gone to far Cipher!", Gideon yells.

" Yeah! We're not scare of you! " , Wendy yells.

Bill narrowed his eye at them and said,

"Oh but you should be!"

Bill takes everyone surrounds them in a red aura and floats them up in the air and says,

"You know! This castle could really use some decorations!"

He turned everyone into his flags of horror except the original pines. Bill looks at the five people and says,

"Looks like its to late for your friends Stanford!"

He points in his finger at the three kids and traps them in a blue pyramid.

"Ah kids!!!!!", Ford yells.

Bill says, " But you can still save your family! Last Chance. Tell me how to take Weirdmageddon global and I'll spare the kids!"

"No don't do it!!!", Talyah yells.

" Yeah! Bill makes bad deals!", Mabel yells.

"Bill says, " Don't you toy with me Shooting Star! I see everything!"

Mabel sprays Robbie's spray paint in Bill's eye.

"Ah! My eye! Why?! Everytime!", Bill screams.

Stan says, " Nice shot Pumpkin!"

"Bill yells, " I just regenerated that eye!"

Mabel says, "I know that hurts because I accidentally did that to myself. Multiple Times!"

Dipper uses the magic flashlight to enlarge the blue pyramid. Dipper and Mabel escape except Talyah because she can't fit through.

Dipper says, "Run! We'll take care of Bill!"

Ford says, "What! That's a suicide mission!"

Dipper says, "Trust us! We beat him before...."

Mabel adds, "And we'll beat him again!"

They both fist bump and looks at Bill and Mabel says,

"Hey Bill! Come and get us you pointy jerk!"

They both run and Mabel blow raspberries and runs off.

"No you can't its too dangerous!", Ford yells.

Ford and Stan try to get to them, but they get choked out by an invisible force by Bill.

Bill says, " Not so fast! You three wait here! I got some children I need to make into corpses! "

Bill turns into a red monsterious looking demon with lots of arms and says with a demonic voice,

"See you real soon!"

He crawls up on the wall and chases after Dipper and Mabel.

Stan says, "What do we do?!!! What do we do?!!!"

Talyah yells, "Kids!!!!!"

Dipper and Mabel are running through the halls of the Fearamid with Bill right behind them. Bill says,

"When I get my hands on you kids! I'm gonna disassemble your molecules!"

Mabel grabs Dipper and uses her grabbling hook and goes up. Bill screams,

"You tricked me for the last time!"


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