Book The Overcomer Series Lov...

By MindDrifterkkk

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Knowledge and wisdom on becoming our better selves, the Loving Light! Walk in Loving Light and spread love ac... More

Chapter 1 Stay Focused!
Chapter 2 The Meaning Of Friendship!
Chapter 3 The Overcomer's
Chapter 4 Actions Speak Louder Than Words!
Chapter 5 Changes!
Chapter 6 Love And Respect!
Chapter 7: Be Careful And Love Self
Chapter 8 Be Considerate!
Chapter 9 Keep Composure!
Chapter 10 True Victory Is Found In Mind!
Chapter 11 Being Loving Light!
Chapter 12 Meditation!
Chapter 14 Meditational Stages!
Chapter 15 Connections!
Chapter 16 Brutal Light!
Chapter 17 Love Meditations!
Chapter 18 True Importance!
Chapter 19 Love Gang!

Chapter 13 The Beauty Of Silence!

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By MindDrifterkkk

Chapter 13 The Beauty Of Silence!

There are many things that are
beautiful about silence. The sad
part is that most of us don't
notice it.

Most of us think that silence is
boring! That's because we're
too comfortable with noise.
We're surrounded by noise!

Silence however is the natural
form. Before and after noise
there'll always be silence!
Silence is perfection.

Silence is so perfect that it
doesn't even need to be
created! It's one of the first
forms of love!

Where there's silence there's
love. Where there's noise there's
hate. Silence is surely better
than noise.

Like most things that are good for
us silence isn't liked by the many.
Like most things that are bad for
us noise is loved by the many.

Silence like most other forms of
love takes a lot of dedication and
commitment to do. It's so boring
and tedious to remain silent!

It's super easy to talk and make noise
however. Love always needs commitment.
Hate is a natural emotion therefore things
dealing with hate are normal and easy to do.

If you love your body you'll work out
and give it the proper exercise it needs!
If you hate your body you'll remain lazy
not lifting a finger to sacrifice anything!

Love is always about sacrifice. In times
of silence we sacrifice all the things we
really want to do. There's no sacrifice in
being noisy however.

We have to train ourselves to enjoy
the silence before we can just give
in to it. The noise however is something
that comes freely. It is so natural to do.

We're always ready to make noises!
Noise is something that we create.
We have to put energy into creating
noise. Silence however takes no energy.

That being said we still rather use
energy to make noise than not use
energy and be silent. Noise hurts
us just like hate does.

Silence however heals and repairs us
just like love! We however run to that
which damages us and breaks us down
rather than running to what heals us!

We readily accept hate while throwing
away love! We all say we want love but
yet we rather do and see things that are
of a hateful nature!

Hate is where the entertainment is!
Hate is where the addiction is! Hate
is where the feel good and fun is!
We are driven to hate naturally!

Love is where all the hard, boring,
lacking, stupid, crazy, unreal,
not ordinary, weak, pathetic, foolish,
and many more things are!

We're driven away from love naturally!
Since silence is love we're driven away
from it naturally! Love is unconditional
while hate is conditional.

We love rules and conditions therefore
we love hate! We love to be active and
speedy rather than still and calm.
We rush into things because we're
conditioned to.

Silence is patience and taking the time
out to be clear. We rather just move with
the flow and emotions therefore our
actions are hateful and unclear.

Noise scatters the brain and forces
movement! It doesn't care what the
movements is long as it's movement.
Silence does the opposite.

Love is unconditional. The only thing
love needs is commitment and dedication.
Hate is conditional. It is ruled by the condition
of our emotional and physical importance!

Noise just like hate distracts us from the important
things and makes us focus only on mediocre things.
Silence just like love tunes us into everything.
Noise is loud and disruptive just like hate.
Silence is caring and attentive just like love.

Noise is hate and silence is love!
The basic rulers of everything is
love and hate! If we do not do that
which is love then we'll only do that
which is hate.

If it separates and divides for whatever
reason then it's a form of hate. If it adds
to and multiplies then it's a form of love!
If it's rules and conditions then it's hate!

If it's freedom and unconditional then it's love!
We're to be unconditional love steadily multiplying
our greater selves. We're not to be hate and steadily
destroying ourselves!

It's a very hard thing to be complete
love having no hate. It's easier to be
duality. To have love and hate working
both together to make a more easier form
of love.

With this said, we must learn to be
silent and only make noise when

Thanks for listening!
Stay tuned for the later
SOK Chapters!

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