The Reckless and the Brave

By heyjasmin

254 6 0

Alice Grayson, known to be the prettiest girl in their school, had always been under the close watch of her b... More



62 2 0
By heyjasmin

Copyright © 2014 by heyjasmin


Enjoy! :))


Chapter 1

“So, where are we going again?” I ask my brother for what seems to be the hundredth time already.

Andrew rolls his eyes at my question and continues to drive. “Chill out, Alice. We’re not going to a slaughter house for crying out loud. We’re just going to party with our friends for the night so just relax will ya?”

I huffed and looked at the blurred images outside the window instead. I know I’m exaggerating but I just can’t help myself from being nervous about the fact that I’m actually going to a party.

It’s just that I’m not the partying type and definitely not the revealing type of girl that shows much skin in public. But with how the way the dress I’m wearing right now practically clings to my body like a second skin is literally driving me insane. How did I end up in this situation? Well, let me enlighten you.

My brother, Andrew Grayson, just graduated from High School and would be off to law school in a few days. In a way of celebration or in this case, a farewell party, he and his friends came up with the idea of celebrating at one of the city’s hottest club, The Argo, which is the place we are on our way to right now.

According to Andrew, The Argo isn’t really a club, but only looks similar to it. It may have the complete set of lights and fast foods just like the rest but it doesn’t serve alcoholic drinks since most of the customers are minors.

That’s what it makes it different from a club. However, what makes it off the hook and insanely popular is because of the different bands that come to play every night. If you want to party hard, then The Argo is the perfect place.

“Don’t worry Ally, I’ll make sure no pervert will lay a hand on you,” Andrew says so seriously that I had to laugh. He was always so protective and at times like this I’m really grateful of that. “And besides, you’ll have your best friends to party with throughout the night.” He smiles at me and winks.

The moment I stepped in The Argo, my jaw instantly fell as I stared wide-eyed at the scene before me.

The place was huge and packed with people all the way to the second floor. Loud music is playing through the speakers and wild lights bounce along the walls. It was pretty chaotic, yet there’s something vibrant in the atmosphere that makes me want to stay all night long.

Andrew holds my arm and guides me deeper inside. People were constantly singing along to the bands playing on stage or just simply dancing and jumping. It was a real sight to see when you’re not being pushed over in the process.

“Ally!” I turn around to see who called me and found my best friends coming towards us. Marie, Ren, and Hazel gave me a hug as soon as they got close. They all looked amazing in their outfits and seemed ready to jump in the party.

“Wow! You look gorgeous in that dress!” Ren says as she looks at me. “I bet every guy will be dying to get their hands on you tonight,” she says and giggles.

“Whoa, whoa. Hold that thought. No one dares to touch her,” Andrew says menacingly and folds his arms to emphasize his rippling muscles. “Unless they want to get pounded into a pulp.”

My friends laughed at his remark as I merely rolled my eyes. “Oh please, now that you’re gone in school, the guys will definitely make a move on Ally because you’re not there to scare them off anymore,” Marie stated out and smirked.

What the heck?!

The girls nodded in agreement as I watched in horror.

I cleared my throat. "Can we change the topic? I don't really like where this conversation is going," I say to them, but they totally shrug me off and continue.

“She’s right. You always get in the way with every guy that asks her out. You torture them into doing the weirdest stuff and interrogate them using that amazing brain of yours that literally scares them away,” Hazel says.

But before Andrew could say something, Hazel beat him to it. “But just like what Marie said, without you in the picture, no guy will be holding back this time.”

“WHAT THE HELL GUYS!” I shout in exasperation at the conversation that they’re having about me.

To my dismay, they completely ignore me, again, and continue their banter. “HAHA! I might not be there anymore but I still have eyes and ears in campus. So whoever dares will still have to face my wrath.” Andrew’s eyes were filled with a terrifying glint as he said those words.

My best friends just laughed at him though. They laughed. “Well, let’s just see about that,” Ren says in a challenging tone.

“Uggh… You guys are impossible,” I say as I slap my forehead. The nerve of them talking about that topic right in front of my face.

Honestly speaking, I never really cared about the guys that ask me out because I never lead them on. If they ever want me to be their girlfriend, I always politely decline and just settle as friends. So basically, Andrew’s efforts to scare them off are practically useless because I never encourage them anyway.

“Yo, Andrew!”  One of his friends shouts over the music as they pop out of the crowd and calls Andrew to join them.

“Well, there’s my cue. Have fun on your last day of summer girls.” Andrew pats my shoulder and winks at the girls before leaving. Wait, did my friends just swoon?

“Oh my, your brother is just so freaking handsome Ally. We will definitely miss him,” Ren says with a pout.

“Along with the whole female population in school,” Hazel says casually.

I groan. “Yeah, right.”

Andrew had quite a reputation in school and was really popular. Being one of the smartest and athletic had its perks, which in his case had most of the girls swarming around him all the time.

“Anyways, it’s our last chance to go all out and have fun since classes starts tomorrow already.” Marie says as she begins to push us towards the dance floor. “So what are we waiting for? Let’s party!” She shouts and we all begin to dance to the music.

Different bands continue to play on stage and we sing along to the songs while simultaneously dancing and jumping to the rhythm. We’d been doing it non-stop for about an hour already but we still can’t get enough. If I knew that partying was this fun, then I would have done it a long time ago.

There was a moment when I was so lost dancing that I didn’t realize that a guy had already had his hands on my waist. I was so surprised that I practically stumbled in a haste to get away from his grasp. From then on, I tried to stick to where my friends are and to be extra careful when a random guy suddenly dances with me.

 It’s a surprise Andrew hasn’t barged in the moment guys started to dance with me, but we haven’t seen him since he left. So he’s probably having the time of his life as much as we are at the moment.

Then the most unexpected thing happened.

The music stopped playing and everyone in the building froze. My friends and I looked at each other, confused. What was happening? Murmurs started to erupt in the crowd and all eyes were on the stage.


“It’s them!”

“They’re finally here!”


“The Wanderers,” Marie finished off what the other girls were about to say.

A series of screams filled the air as a new band emerged from the stage. The crowd went wild at just the sight of them.

As you can see, the Wanderers is a band consisting of four good-looking and talented boys who all go to our school. I only see them perform in certain occasions in school, but never in places like this. However, judging from the reactions of the crowd, they’re probably well known here already.

“Whoa. I never knew they were this popular,” Ren said in amazement. “Wait, if they’re here, then…”

“He’s also here.” I finished for her. The girls looked at me but I was already watching him on the stage.

It was no other than a certain blonde hair and blue-eyed boy in the name of Nick Wilde.

I never had a grudge on him and I never had a problem with him but there will always be a wide gap between us, separating us like opposite poles.

Ever since I could remember, our families had always hated each other. I'm not kidding, they seriously hate each other. It's crazy.

It all started way back in our grandfather’s time. Our grandfather’s hatred towards each other had caused a rippling effect on both families, and now we’re stuck in a family feud that no one knows how it even started.

Except for our grandfathers that is, but they never tell us why. Now people are starting to think that it’s because of work. Both the Grayson and Wilde family are known for owning the largest law firms in the country, so other people see it as a competition instead.

“This can’t be good. Especially with Andrew here,” Marie says exactly what I was thinking about.

In the whole Grayson family, I might be the only one whose blood doesn’t boil at a sight of a Wilde. Nevertheless, I’m still subjected to the “Grayson Code” wherein we have to keep our distance from them.

Seriously, am I the only one who thinks this is stupid?

But my friends are right; Andrew would be seething in anger already. Oh man, talk about too much drama in one night.

Then a strum of a guitar suddenly blasts through the speakers as The Wanderers start to play a song that instantly makes the crowd wilder than I have ever seen before. Then…

Hey, hey, hey, hey

Oh shit.

They start to sing one of my favorite songs that I always dance to like crazy.

Hey, hey, hey, hey

“Oh my gosh! They’re singing ‘She looks so perfect’ by 5SOS!” Ren shrieks along with the crowd.

Everyone in the dance floor went crazy and started singing along. We were being shoved around as they try to get closer to the stage, pushing us along with them. Now, we were practically on the first row with the band just meters away.  

Simmer down, simmer down

They say we're too young now to amount to anything else

But look around

We work too damn hard for this just to give it up now

If you don't swim, you'll drown

But don't move, honey

Damn. They were good. And I mean really, really good. My friends and I looked at each other with goofy grins and soon enough, we were jumping hysterically along with the crowd.

She looks so perfect standing there

in my American Apparel underwear

and I know now, that I'm so down

Your lipstick stain is a work of art

I got your name tattooed in an arrowed heart

and I know now, that I'm so down

I couldn’t remember the last time I had so much fun, but this night was really worth something to remember. That’s for sure.

 In the midst of the dancing and singing, I run my eyes to the stage and found a pair of blue eyes staring back at me. I found myself in a stare-off with Nick as he continues to sing and play the guitar.

Let's get out, let's get out

Cause this deadbeat town's only here just to keep us down

While I was out, I found myself alone just thinking

If I showed up with a plane ticket

And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it

Would you wanna run away too?

Cause all I really want is you

Nick never looks away from my eyes as he sings those words and I can’t help stare back at him. But what took me by surprise was how he smiled at me as he said the last phrase.

I stopped dancing and looked at the people around me. He couldn’t possibly be looking at me right? It would totally be wrong especially with the way our families hate each other. But as I glanced around, I could only see people thrashing around and singing like crazy.

Utterly confused, I looked back at Nick and saw that he wasn’t staring at me anymore. Hmm, I must be imagining things, I thought as I start to shake my head. What the hell, I’m starting to lose my sanity here and the party is obviously to blame.

But as I slowly processed my surroundings, I might not be the only one after all, because as bizarre as it may sound, the people were starting to strip.

Holy cow!

This time, I’m really sure I’m not imagining it because majority of the people around are starting to take their clothes off. And I mean it when I say that clothes are starting to fly into the air. My friends and I watched in horror as they start to dance with only their underwear on.

“Oh gosh…They’re really taking the song literally,” Hazel says as she throws away a shirt that hit her in the face.

Ren wraps here arms around her body and shakes her head. “There is no way I’m going to strip out in the open.”

“Don’t worry, you’re not alone,” I say reassuringly as they nod in agreement.

We might look like cowards, sticking out like a sore thumb in a sea of daring people only in underwear on, but we’d rather be partying in the comforts of our dresses rather than without it. Yeah, we prefer it that way.

Suddenly Marie gasps loudly and points at the stage. “Oh my goodness! Look!” We turned to what it was all about and instantly, our jaw drops and our eyes widen.

Oh fudge.


Piercing screams that threaten to destroy the whole place down were an instant reaction as The Wanderers start to take their shirt off. And oh my… they were insanely fit. No doubt about it. The lights perfectly show their incredibly tight, sculptured muscles and abs as they flaunt it out while singing the climax of the song.

She looks so perfect standing there

in my American Apparel underwear

and I know now, that I'm so down

Your lipstick stain is a work of art

I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart

and I know now, that I'm so down

They finish it off with a blast just like how they started it. Everyone was still crazy about their performance even after they exit the stage and got replaced by another band. I mean who wouldn’t be? They just took it to a whole new level that would put other famous bands to shame. This will certainly be the first thing people will start to talk about at school tomorrow. No doubt about it.

Feeling a little disoriented and exhausted from the hardcore partying, my friends and I exit the dance floor and head towards a large dining area on the second floor. We sat at a table with plush cushions that had an amazing view of the entire floor below.

Although, they were still people trying to find where their clothes have gone off to, the place was still buzzing with energy. It feels like being in a concert every time you’re in here. No wonder this place is famous.

“Hello, ladies. What would you like to order?” A waitress suddenly appears. We give her each of our orders and excuses herself as she walks away.

“Wow! What an amazing night! I’m so glad we came,” Ren gushes out cheerfully. “To think we got to see The Wanderers play too.”

“And see them strip for that matter,” Hazel says and we all laughed in amusement.

“Hey, don’t forget about the part where people started to strip. That was pretty hilarious.” We laughed as I let them recall the bizarre moment.

“How could anyone forget?” Marie suddenly looks at Hazel and bursts out laughing. “You even got hit by a shirt in the face.” Hazel hit her on the arm but we all laughed at the image.

“Could this night get anymore crazier?” I said in between laughs but the girls suddenly fell silent. I stared at their surprised faces. “Hey guys, what’s wrong?”

Someone cleared his throat from behind me. As I turned around and saw who it was, I finally knew why.

Four boys were standing near our table and were watching us with wide smiles.

“Hello girls, is it okay if we joined you?”

And that ladies and gentlemen is when everything got even crazier. Why?

Because standing right behind me was no other than The Wanderers themselves.


WOOH! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!  :D


The boys portraying The Wanderers are actually 5 Seconds of Summer.

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