By JooOm2

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By JooOm2


Time for Turnes, who encouraged me to move ... And for P. N. Elrod, who knows why. 


It could not have happened without Sondra Lehman, Josefine Corsten, Sharon Sams, and my friends at LSG Sky Chefs. I also thank Lucienne Diver and Anne Bohne, without whom. . . well, you know! 


Claire Danvers was going to Caltech. Or perhaps MIT. She wanted the big schools ... but his parents were a little concerned about sending a girl sixteen years of age without notice due to high pressure in the world. So they agreed and sent to a safe place for a year - Texas Prairie University, a small school located in Morganville, Texas, just an hour or more of your home. 

One problem: Morganville is not what it seems. It is the last safe place for vampires, and that makes it not very safe to humans who work or study. The rules of the vampires in the city ... and all who live there. 

Claire's second problem is that it is surrounded by enemies, large, human and vampire. Now she lives with her roommates Michael Glass (recently a vampire), Eve Rosser (always Gothic), and Shane Collins (whose father is a vampire killer). Claire is normal ... or she would be, except that it thoroughly understands the secrets of Morganville. She became an employee of the Founder, Amelie, and friend of the most dangerous, even more vulnerable vampire Myrnin. 

And just when she thinks things can not get worse ... they are. 

Amelie's father is coming to town, and he is not happy. 

When Dad is not happy ... nobody is happy. 


It was hard to imagine how Claire was the day - even with the standards of Morganville - could be worse ... and then the vampire that made her hostage wanted breakfast. "Coffee?" Claire repeated blankly. She glanced in the window of the room, just to prove to herself that, yes, it was still dark outside. Totally dark. 

The three vampires looked at her. It was bad enough that kind of attention the two that she had not been properly presented - man and woman, very beautiful - but when the cold eyes of the old Mr. Bishop focused on her, made her want to run and hide. 

She held his gaze for about five seconds, then looked down. She could almost feel him smiling. 

"Coffee," he said softly, "is something to be eaten in the morning. Mornings are not controlled by vampires dawn. And I like eggs. " 

"Scrambled or hard yolk?" Claire asked, trying not to sound as nervous as she felt. Do not say hard yolk. I do not know how to make egg yolks hard. I do not know why I said it. Do not say yolk lasts ... 

"Scrambled," he said, and Claire was relieved breath. Mr. Bishop was sitting in the comfortable chair in the room that Michael usually occupied while he was playing his guitar. 

Unlike Michael, Mr. Bishop made him look like a throne. Part of the reason everyone is standing - Claire, with her boyfriend, Shane, who was on his side preocau\u00e7\u00e3o, Eve and Michael for a short distance, shaking hands. Claire risked a look at Michael. He looked ... contained. Angry, sure, but under control, at least. 

Claire was more scared about Shane. He had a well documented history of acting before thinking, at least when he was supposed to be personal safety of the people he cared about. She took his hand, and he sent him a quick, dark, unreadable glance. 

No, she was not sure about it at all. 

Mr. Bishop's voice pulled his attention back to him with a cold wave. "You told Amelie that I got, girl?" 

That was the first command - to warn his daughter that he had come to town. His daughter? 

Amelie - the head vampire of Morganville - did not seem human enough to have a family, or even a family as Mr. frightening. Bishop. Ice and crystal, this was Amelie. 

He was waiting for an answer, and Claire had a rush to get. "I called. I left message on her voice mail, "Claire said. It tried not to sound defensive. Bishop's brows drew a frown. 

"I guess that means that you left some kind of message." She nodded mutely. He tapped his fingers impatiently on the arm of the chair. "Very well. We eat while we wait. Eggs, scrambled, as I said. We will also have bacon, breakfast " 

"Cookies," joked the woman leaning on the arm of his chair. "I love cookies. And honey. "The vampire was a bit slow accent, something that was not the South and was not very far, anyway. 

Mr. Bishop gave him a tolerant look as if it were a human being looking at your puppy. She had a sparkle in her eyes frozen, and moved smoothly and quietly indicating that she had no way of being human. 

Not hiding it, too, as some of the Morganville vampires trying to do. 

She kept smiling, dark eyes fixed on Shane. Claire did not like the way she was looking at him. It was a look - greedy. 

"Cookies," Mr. Bishop agreed, with a little smile. "And I will be lenient with you in future by agreeing with that child." The smile faded as he turned to the four foot in front of him. "Will you take care of business then. Now. " 

Shane grabbed Claire's hand and practically dragged her into the kitchen. No matter how fast he was moving, Michael was there first, Eve pushing through the door. "Hey!" Eve protested. "I'm walking here!" 

"And the sooner the better," said Michael. His cherubic face often seemed strange, all the wrinkles, and he shut the door when they were safe in the kitchen. "All right. We do not have many options. We do exactly what he said and hope Amelie straighten it all when it arrives. " 

"I thought you were the big bad bloodsucker in those days," said Shane. "It is our home. Because you just can not send him away? "That was a reasonable question, and Shane could not say it seems like a challenge. Well, a big part. The kitchen was cold, Claire found - as if the whole house temperature was dropping steadily. She straightened. 

"It's complicated," said Michael. He started to open the cabinets and build things to make coffee. "Yes, it is our home" - emphasis, Claire noted, in our - "but if I withdraw the invitation to Mr. Bishop, he'll kick our asses, I guarantee." 

Shane leaned on the stove and crossed his arms. "I thought you would be stronger in your own home -" 

"It was to be. I'm not. "Michael poured coffee in the filter. "Do not be a jerk now, we do not have time for that." 

"Man, I was not trying to be." And Claire could tell he really was not. Michael seemed to understand, too, and sent Shane an apology. "I'm trying to figure out how big we are in the trash heap. By not blaming you, man. "He hesitated a second and then continued. "How do you know? Or not we have a chance? " 

"Like any other vampire I knew, I know when I'm with them. Who is stronger, who is weaker, or I could not have them in a fight or come to that. "Michael put the water in the machine and waited heat. "These guys, I know I have a chance in hell. Not against one of them, let alone three, even with the home behind me. They are so bad,, man. Truly the heads. Oliver and Amelie will need to deal with it. " 

"Then," said Shane, "are grounded in the trash. Good to know. " 

Eve pushed it out of the way and began to make pots and pans out of the cabinets, making a loud noise. "Since we will not fight, do the best coffee," she said. "Claire, you make the eggs, since you offered us as cooks." 

"Better than we volunteer to be the breakfast," Shane pointed out, Eve and breathed. 

"You," she said, and pressed a finger on his shirt. "You, sir. You make the sauce. " 

"You want to see us dead, right?" 

"Shut up. I'll make biscuits and bacon. Michael-"She turned, looking at him with big dark eyes, almost gothic animated by mascara. "Caf\u00e9 And I think you have to be the main eye here. Sorry. " 

He agreed. "I'll make sure I know what they are doing when I finish here." 

Assign the role of Michael and spy barista made sense, but it left them with a lot more work, and none of them was just in training future chefs. Claire struggled with scrambled eggs. Eve cursed the bacon grease in a fierce whisper, and regardless of what Shane was doing, did not look too much sauce. 

"Can I help?" 

They all jumped in the voice, and Claire looked toward the kitchen door. "Mom!" She knew she looked panic in his voice. She was panicking. She forgot all about their parents - they went with Mr. Bishop, and friends of Mr. Bishop went while they were discussing the whole scheme of non--without-being-casa.No guest in front of the grand scheme of things scary, Bishop had taken the lead. 

But her mother was there, standing in the doorway of the kitchen, smiling a weak, confused and beautiful smile and looking ... vulnerable. Tired. 

"Mrs. Danvers "Eve jumped, startled, and directed it at the kitchen table. "No, no, we're just - ah - making some food. You have not yet eaten, right? What about Mr. Danvers? " 

Her mother - just looking at each forty-two years of it - looked tired, vague, fuzzy type. Concerned, too. There were lines around his eyes and mouth that Claire does not remember having seen before, and it scared her. 

"He -" Claire's mother had frowned, then bowed his head on the palm of your hand. "Oh, my head hurts. I'm sorry. What did you say? " 

"Your husband, where is he?" 

"I find it," Michael said quietly. He slipped out of the kitchen with the grace and agility of a vampire - but at least he was the vampire of them. Eve's mother Claire sat at the table exchanged a helpless with Claire, and nervously started talking about the long journey that should have been up to Morganville, which was a good surprise, they move to the city, as Claire was enjoying the presence them here. Etc, etc, etc.. 

Claire continued to move the eggs back and forth in the pan. This could not happen. My parents can not stay here. Not now. Not with Bishop. It was a nightmare in every way. 

"I could help her cook," said the mother, and made an effort to get up. Eve looked at Claire and whispered, 'Say something!' Claire swallowed a cold bubble of panic and try to make your voice sound at least partially under control. 

"No, Mom," Claire said. "It's okay. We have everything under control. Look, we're doing extra in case you are hungry and father. You just sit back and relax. " 

His mother, who was usually a control freak in the kitchen, likely to give wrong commands such as boiling water, seemed relieved. "All right, dear. Let me know if I can help. " 

Michael opened the kitchen door, and pushed the father of Claire. If her mother looked tired, her father just seemed ... blank. Perplexed. He tied the guy to Michael as if he were working to find out exactly what was happening but did not know a finger. 

"What's going on here?" He bombed Michael. People out there - " 

"Relatives," said Michael. "From Europe. Look, I'm sorry. I know you wanted to spend time with Claire, but maybe you should just go home, and we will - " 

He paused, then turned around because someone was standing at the door behind him. Following them. 

"Nobody's going anywhere," said one of the vampires Bishop - the man. They were smiling. "One big happy family, eh, Michael? Michael, do you? " 

"What we are treating us by first name now?" Michael put Claire's father into the kitchen and closed the door on the vampire. 

"All right. Let's give you out of here, "he told the parents of Claire, and opened the back door, which led to the backyard. "Where's the car? On the street? " 

Outside, the night seemed black and empty, not even a moon showing. Claire's father went to Michael frowned again and then took a seat at the kitchen table with his wife. 

"Close the door, my son," he said. "We're not going anywhere." 

"Lord -" 

Claire tried, too. "Father" 

"No, dear, there's something strange going on here, and I'm not going. Not until I know that everything is okay. "His father moved to frown for Michael again. "Just who are these ... relatives? " 

"The kind that nobody wants to talk," said Michael. "Every family has them. But they are only here for a short time. They will be coming out soon. " 

"We will leave after they do," said the father. 

Claire tried to focus on scrambled eggs she was doing. 

His hands were shaking. 

"Hey," Shane whispered, leaning close. 'It's okay. We'll be all right. "He was a big, strong, warm presence beside her, shaking what could not really be gravy. She knew this mainly because the unique ability Shane was cooking the chili. But at least he was trying to, what was new and different, and probably showed how seriously he was taking all this. 

"I know," Claire said, and swallowed. Shane's arm pressed against it, something like a deliberate, and she knew that her hands were not occupied, he put his arms around her. "Michael will not let them hurt us." 

"Do not you hear?" Eve joined them on the stove, whispering fiercely. She moved her frying bacon. "He can not stop them. As much as he tries to get hurt in the process. Then perhaps you should turn again to Amelie and tell her to come here with a whole- 

powerful tail now. " 

"Yes, good idea, chat the only vampire we can help. Look, if they will kill us, I do not think I would first ask for some eggs, "said Shane. "Not to mention cookies. If you ask for biscuits, clearly, you think you're some kind of guest. " 

He had a point. It really would not stop shaking the hand of Claire, though. 

"Claire, honey?" The voice of his mother again. Claire jumped and almost flipped the spatula full of eggs off the stove. "These people. What they are really doing here? " 

"Mr. Bishop - he, uh, is waiting for her daughter to come pick it up." That was no lie. Not at all. 

Claire's father rose from the table and went to the coffee pot that was simmering, ready to say, he poured two cups and brought them back to the table. "Drink a coffee, Kathy. You're tired, "he said, and had a soothing note in his voice that made Claire look at it strongly. His father was not the most emotional of the guys, but he looked worried now, almost as concerned as their mother. 

Father took his coffee like water after a hot afternoon of lawn mowing. Mother added cream and sugar, then stir. None of them spoke again. 

Michael slipped out of the kitchen, carrying coffee mugs for others. When he returned, he closed the door and leaned against it for a minute. He looked white and tense, he was worse in the months that he was totally transformed into a vampire. Claire tried to imagine what they told him to stay like this, and could not even begin to guess. Something bad. No, something horrible. 

"Michael," said Eve tense. She looked at Claire's parents. "More coffee?" 

He agreed and left the door to get the coffee, but he never got to the table. The kitchen door opened again, and Mr. Bishop and his entourage entered it. 

High and active as the royalty of the nineteenth century, the three vampires filled the kitchen. The other two vampires were beautiful, young, and scary, but Mr. Bishop was responsible, not denying it. When his gaze fell upon her, faltered and Claire returned to eggs. 

The female vampire went to the stove and put your finger in the sauce that Shane was moving and then slowly put a finger to his lips to suck it. She stared at Shane all the time. And Shane, Claire realized that seemed helpless, with a nasty shock, and looked away. 

"We will sit down for a meal now," said Bishop Michael. "You will be happy to serve us, Michael. And if your friends decide to try to poison me, I see your stomach out, and believe me, a 

vampire may suffer long, long time when I want to do. " 

Michael swallowed and nodded once. Claire sent an involuntary glance toward his parents, who could not possibly have missed it. 

And they did not. "Excuse me?" Claire's father asked, and began to rise from his chair. "It's threatening to these children?" 

Bishop laid eyes cold toward them, and wondered if Claire desperately hot iron skillet full of fried eggs could be a useful weapon against a vampire. His father froze halfway up. 

She felt a wave of something go in the kitchen, and her parents had white eyes and vague. His father again and sank heavily into his chair. 

"No more questions," Bishop said. "I'm tired of your talk." 

Claire felt a wave of black rage. She wanted to jump on the old evil and take your eyes out. The only thing holding back these two long seconds, was the fact that if she tried, they all end up dead. 

Even Michael. 

"Coffee?" Eve broke the silence with a desperate, brittle brilliance in his tone. She grabbed the coffee cups and put into Michael's father and mother of Claire as a black avenging angel of caffeine. Claire wondered what her parents would make Eve, with her makeup powder and black lipstick and mascara, and her hair dyed black scrutinized in fierce spikes. 

Then again, she had coffee, and she was smiling. 

"Sure," said the mother, and attempted a smile in return. "Thank you, dear. So - you said that man is a relative of yours? "She threw a glance toward the Bishop, who was leaving the kitchen and the dining table in the living area. The handsome young male captured the look of the look and Claire blinked, and she hurried back to focus on Eve and her parents. 

"No," said Eve, with rosy cheeks through. "Distant relative of Michael. From Europe, you know. Cream? " 

"The eggs are ready," Claire said, and turned off the fire. "Eve" 

"I hope we have enough dishes," Eve interrupted more than a little frantic. "Wow, I never thought I'd say this, but where we are the Chinese? There is the Chinese? " 

"It means dishes out of chips on the edges? Yes Upstairs. "Shane pointed to an office about four feet higher than the head of Eve she gave him a look. "Do not look at me - I can not get them. Still hurt, you know. "He was. Claire had forgotten that, too, in the rush of all other things - he was better, but he was just outside the hospital for a few days. There is hardly enough time to really heal the stab wound that nearly killed him. 

This was another good reason for doing absolutely nothing - no Shane, their capacity for fighting was seriously compromised. 

Eve went on the counter, he found the plates and handed them to Claire. Once that was done, Claire Shane put the dish on the stove, stirring the thing that supposedly was the sauce. It looked something like an alien vomiting. 

"That girl," Claire said to Shane. 

"What girl?" 

"You - you know. Out there. " 

"You mean the blood sucker? Yes, what is it? " 

"She was looking for you." 

"What can I say? Irresistible. " 

"Shane is not funny. I just - you should be careful. " 

"I always am." That was an absolute lie. Shane's eyes fixed on hers, and she felt a blast of heat within her that crept up her cheeks burn. He smiled slowly. "Jealous?" 


"No reason. I like my ladies with a pulse. "He took her hand and gently pressed his fingers into a fist. "Yes, you have one. Is beating very fast, too. " 

"I'm not kidding, Shane." 

"Nor am." He stepped closer, and they were breathing a little beyond. "No vampire will stay between us. Do you trust me? " 

She nodded heavily. For her life, she could not have forced a single word that would suffice. His eyes were dark, the color of brown velvet, with a rim of gold. She looked into his eyes recently, but she never noticed how beautiful they were. 

Shane stopped again while the door opened again. Michael turned to them first, offering an apology and changes, then their parents faced Claire. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Danvers, Mr. Bishop would like to join him for dinner, "he said. "But if you have to go home-" 

If Michael was hoping that they changed their minds, Claire could have told him that would not happen. While the father had no idea that something funny was going on, he would not do the sensible thing. Sure enough, he was standing, holding his coffee cup. "I could take a breakfast. Never tasted eggs Claire before. Kathy? Are you coming? " 

Patricia, Claire thought in despair, but again, was not as bad as the first time she came to Morganville. She had not taken strong suggestions, or even the final instructions, seriously. Maybe she wanted to be forgotten by their parents, along with light skin and curly hair slightly. In his defense, however, Mr. Bishop was playing with their minds. 

And they were afraid for her. 

She watched as their parents follow Michael into the other room, and then Eve helped to lay the eggs and bacon and biscuits in the dishes - or something. The weird sauce could not be helped. They poured into a bowl and expect the best, then silently ferried them to the dinner table, which was actually a corner of the living room. 

Claire was hit again, as she at other times, as the mood of the house could change at a time. Not only is the mood of the people within it - was the mood of the home. At this point, it felt dark, cold, foreboding. Almost hostile. And yet all seemed dark emotions directed at intruders vampires. 

The house was concerned, and on guard. The solid Victorian furniture crumpled and deformed, it was not warm or gave welcome on this. Even the lights appears faded, and Claire could feel something, almost a presence - the way she was able to sometimes feel Michael when he was stuck in the house like a ghost. The arms were fine animal hair bristling, and his skin felt chills. 

Claire placed the eggs and bacon on the wooden table and supported remotely. No one had asked her, Eve, and Shane to sit down, although there were empty seats at the table, she caught the eyes of Eve and returned to the kitchen, grateful to escape. Michael remained on the table, putting food on the plates. Serving. There was a tight, defined wrinkle on her pale face and a cold fear in his eyes, and God, if Michael was panic, there was reason for a total disarray. 

While the kitchen door closed again, Shane grabbed her and Eve and quickly dragged into the corner. "Sure," he whispered. "It's official - it's getting increasingly creepy. You feel that? " 

"Yes," breathed Eve. "Wow. I think if the house had teeth, it would be a good time for them to show. You have to admit, that's cool. " 

"Legal will not get us anywhere. Claire? " 

"What?" She looked at him strangely for a few seconds, then said, "Oh. right. Amelie Yes I will call again. "She dug the phone out of your pocket. He was young, and came up with some numbers pre-recorded. One - the first speed dial, in fact - was a number to contact Amelie, the Founder of Morganville. The head vampire. Claire's boss, type. In Morganville, Patron was the technical term, but Claire has known since the beginning, it was just a more polite word for for homeowners. 

She called - again - voice mail. Claire gave a roar rushed, half hoping to get the part that makes the messages "come to our house, please, we need your help," and hung up. She looked mutely for Eve, he sighed and took the phone and then dialed another number. 

"Yes, hi," she said when she had someone on the line. "Let me talk to the boss." Long pause, and Eve looked like she was alone doing something really nasty. "Oliver. It's Eve I will not bother saying it's nice talking to you because it is not, and this is business, so save the BS. Off. " 

Eve gave the phone to Claire. Frozen, mouth open, you sure? Eve made an emphatic gesture for her to put the phone in his ear. 

Claire reluctantly took the call. 

"Oliver?" She asked. At the other end of the line, she heard a low, lazy laugh. 

"Well," he said. The owner of Common Grounds, the local coffee shop, had a warm voice - the kind that made her think he was a nice guy when she met him for the first time. "If it's the little Claire. Eve did not listen, but I'll tell you - you'd better call me in time of need. It is a time of need, I suppose? And not an invitation to socialize? " 

"Someone is here," she said as softly as she could say. "In the house." 

The heat from the voice of Oliver, left a strong discomfort. "Then call the police if you have a bum. I'm not your security service. It is home to Michael. Michael can " 

"Michael can not do anything about it, and I do not think we should call the police. This man, he says his name is Mr. Bishop. He wants to talk to Amelie, but I can not speak to El - " 

Oliver cut it. "Stay away from him," he said, his voice had grown. "Do nothing. Do not say anything. Tell your friends the same thing, especially Michael, yes? This is too much for any of you. I'll find Amelie. Do as he says, whatever he says, until we came. " 

And Oliver hung up. Claire winked at the phone mute, confused, and looked at his friends. "He said to do what we're doing," she said. "Following orders while we wait." 

"Council fantastic," said Shane. "Remind me to have a stock of vampire killer kit under the sink for moments like these." 

"We'll be fine," said Eve. "Claire has the bracelet." She grabbed the handle and Claire got to show the delicate wrist identification bracelet that it had a picture of Amelie, instead of a name. Identifying as their own, someone who had given life and limb and soul to a vampire for certain protections and considerations. She did not want to do it, but it seemed that was the only way at present to save his friends. Especially Shane, who was already undermined by the vampires. 

She knew that the bracelet could bring your own risk, but at least forced Amelie (and maybe even Oliver) to come to his defense against other vampires. 

In theory. 

Claire slipped the phone into his pocket. Shane took his hands in his and rubbed slightly, a gentle, kind of making a move for her to feel secure at least a little, just a moment. 

"We'll get through it," he said. When he tried to kiss her, but he shivered. She put a hand lightly on his stomach. 

"You're hurting," she said. 

"Only when I do more strength. When you come so close, anyway? " 

"Five minutes ago." She rolled her eyes, trying to sound funny, but she was worried. According to the rules of Morganville, he was outside the bounds of vampires during his convalescence, strap him to the hospital was still around his wrist, shiny white plastic with a big red cross on it, to ensure that any blood-sucking he was not in the game. 

If your visitors to follow the rules. What Mr. Bishop was not doing. He was not a vampire of Morganville. He was something else. 

Something worse. 

"Shane, seriously. How bad is it? "She asked in a low whisper, only in the ears of Shane. He messed up his hair short and then kissed her. 

"I'm fine," he said. "It takes more than a punk with a knife to put a down Collins. Tell him. " 

Do not talk about the fact it was a technique to avoid the hell that was, and he knew it. 

"Do not do anything stupid," she said. "Or I'll kill myself." 

"Oh, girl. What happened to unconditional love around here? " 

"He got tired of you visit the hospital." She kept her eyes on him for long seconds. "What you are thinking of doing, do not. We have to wait. We have to wait. " 

"Yes, all vampires said. It must be true. "She hated to hear that from him this way, with so much aversion, as he said, she always thought of Michael, the way he suffered when the seething hatred of Shane. Michael did not want to be a vampire, and he was trying the best he could to live with it. 

Shane was not so easy. 

"Look." Shane put his hands around your face and look earnestly into his eyes. "What happens if you get out of here and Eve? They are not watching you. I'll cover for you. " 

"No. I'm not leaving my parents. I'm not leaving you. " 

And they did not have time to talk about it because there was a huge noise coming from the room. 

The kitchen door flew, and Michael stumbled on it, held by the throat by the handsome young vampire who arrived with Bishop. He beat Michael against the wall. Michael was struggling, but there seemed to be doing well. 

The other vampire opened his mouth with rage, and his great and sharp fangs appeared as a knife. 

So did Michael, and Claire involuntarily put him in front of Shane. 

Shane yelled, "Hey! Let him go! " 

Michael looked at him, "No!" But obviously Shane was not listening, and Claire put her arm to stop him, too. 

What stopped it was Eve, holding a big, nasty-looking knife. She gave Shane a wild look of warning and then turned around and leveling the knife fight with vampire Michael. "You! Let him go! " 

"I do not even have an excuse," said the vampire, and emphasized that beating Michael against the wall again, strong enough that each piece of glass in the room rocked. No - not the impact, was a low level of vibration from the room itself. The walls, the floor ... the house. As a warning growl. 

"You'd better let it go," said Claire. "You can not feel it?" 

The vampire made a scowling at her, and her green eyes quite small, even when their pupils were expanded. "What are you doing?" 

"Nothing," said Eve, signaling the knife. 

"You're doing it. The house does not like when you play dirty with Michael. Now stay away from him before something bad happens. " 

He thought they were bluffing - Claire could see in his eyes - but he did not see much reason to lose your fortune. He let Michael go, with total disregard to his lips. "Hide it, silly girl," he said to Eve, and before any of them could even blink, he took it from his hand - hit so hard that she flew across the room and arrested on the wall. Eve grabbed her hand and she found a close, far from supporting him. 

"Apologize," he told her. "Beg my pardon for threatening me." 

"Bite me!" She countered. 

The vampire's eyes burned like hot glass, and he laughed at Eve Michael moved faster than Claire had seen only a confused blur and then the stranger was thrust into the stove. He grabbed it with both hands, and she heard the screeching as their palms touched the burner, followed by a cry of pain of rebellion. 

That would be really bad, and there was nothing, nothing they could do. 

Shane grabbed by the shoulder Eve, Claire's arm, and he dragged them to the edge of the table, where there were at least a partial coverage. But that left Michael on their own, struggling with someone who was out of his size more like a cat than a man. 

It was not long, maybe a few seconds before the power fails Michael. The stranger played Michael in the kitchen floor and threw herself against him, down and gleaming teeth. The temperature was only in the kitchen fridge for cold, cold enough that Claire could see her as she breathed in fear. This low frequency began again, shaking plates and cups and pots. 

Eve screamed and fought to get rid of Shane, she could not do anything, absolutely anything - 

The rear door opened noisily and fell into a single powerful blow. Wood splinters flew across the kitchen, and Claire heard the locks and leave the ice breaking. 

Oliver, the second creepy vampire in town (the first few days), stopped at the door, looking inside. 

He was a tall man, like a tank, all muscle and strength. Tonight, he would waive its usual guise of guy, he was black, and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. His face seemed carved in the moonlight. 

He hit his open palm against the door empty air, and he leaned against a solid barrier. "Fools!" He cried. "Let me in!" 

The stranger laughed, and lifted him into a sitting position, placed teeth a little closer to his neck. "Do this and I'll drain it," he said. "You know what to do. He is very young. " 

Claire did not know, but she knew she could not be any good. Perhaps not even survive. 

"I invite," Oliver repeated in a soft voice deadly. "Claire. Do it now. " 

She opened her mouth, but she was interrupted. 

"There is no need for it," said a cool female voice. The cavalry had finally arrived. 

Amelie Oliver moved to the side and crossed the invisible barrier as if it were not there, which for her was not, as Amelie was technically the creator and owner of the house. She was without his usual bodyguards and attendants, but was not a problem for her, nor Oliver, it did not matter as she walked in the door. 

As always, Claire thought of her as a queen. Amelie was wearing a yellow silk suit perfectly adapted, and his pale hair was piled on a glittering crown upon his head and secure with pins of gold and diamond. 

She was not especially high, but the aura that she emanated was large and as powerful as a bomb about to explode. His eyes were cold and very wide, and entirely focused on intruder threatening vampire Michael. 

"Leave the boy alone," she said. Claire had never heard her use this tone, ever, and she was surprised but not looking for it. "I rarely kill our own, but if you test me, Fran\u00e7ois, I will destroy you. I only give a warning. " 

The other vampire hesitated only a second, then dropped Michael, who collapsed on the floor. Francois came to his feet in a single, graceful motion, facing Amelie. 

Then he relented. Claire did not have much experience watching the men, but she knew it was a very respectful look. 

"Miss Amelie," he said, and turned vampire teeth in his mouth, discreetly hidden. "We've been waiting for you." 

"And having fun at my expense while you do this," she said. Claire thought she had not blinked. 'Come on. I would like to speak with Master Bishop. " 

Francois smiled. "I'm sure he wanted to talk to you, too," he said. "This way." 

She went in front of him. "I know my own house, Francois - I do not need a guide." A quick glance over her shoulder, where Oliver still stood silently at the door. "Come in, Oliver. I will replace the Protections against you later on behalf of our young friends. " 

He raised his eyebrows and walked through the door. Michael was just sitting. Oliver stretched out a hand to him, but Michael did not catch. They exchanged a look that made Claire shiver. 

Oliver growled, stood near him, and Amelie and Francois went to another room. 

When the kitchen door was closed, Claire gave a long, deep breath, and listened to Eve and Shane do the same. Michael felt his feet painfully and leaned against the wall, shaking his head. 

Shane placed a hand on his shoulder. "All right, man?" Michael gave him an answer thumbs up, very shaken up to do something more, and Shane hit his back and grabbed the collar of his shirt Claire as she hurried to the kitchen door. "Wow, wow, Flash, where you think you're going?" 

"My parents are in there!" 

"Amelie will not let anything happen to them," said Shane. "Breathe. This is not our fight, and you know it. " 

Now that Shane was talking sense? Wow. Opposite day? "But-" 

"Your parents are good, but I do not you investigating. Got it? " 

She nodded sadly. "But-" 

"Michael. Help me out here. Tell her. " 

Michael was doing vampire equivalent of pulling the air, but he nodded, eyes unfocused and vague. 

"Yes," said weakly. "They're fine. That is why Fran\u00e7ois came after me because I was between him and his mother. " 

"It was then my mother?" Claire went to the kitchen door, and this time Shane barely handle. 

"Dude, that was not the kind of help I was looking for," said Shane Michael, and wrapped both arms around Claire to hold it in place. "Easy. Easy, Amelie is in there and you know she will keep things under control, " 

Claire did. After a second thought, she made her fight harder, because Amelie was perfectly able to see Claire's parents as expendable if it served the need of it. She saw Claire as expendable. But Shane was not going to let her go because he was holding his elbow and she almost tripped while trying to break free. She did not realize what he had done ... until she saw a thin line of red on your shirt, and Shane is trying hard to establish the nearest chair available. 

She struck where he had been stabbed. 

"Damn!" Eve cried, and dragged Shane's shirt to expose his chest and stomach - still injured - and the white bandages, which were stained with fresh blood. Claire could smell ... 

... and as if she were in a dream or a nightmare, she turned to look at Michael. 

His eyes were no longer vague and unfocused. No, they were broad and intense and very, very scary. His face was still smooth and white, and he was not breathing. 

"Make the bleeding stop," he said. "Fast." 

Michael was right. Shane was a bait in a shark tank, and Michael was one of the sharks. 

Shane was looking at Eve as he straightened his bandages and analyzed, making sure they were tight. "I think it's good, but you need to be careful," she said. "These bandages should be changed. You could have an infection or something. " 

She put her shoulder down of Shane and helped him stand. Michael Shane was still watching, and Michael did not seem to be able to physically look away from the bar bloody gauze on his stomach Shane. 

"Want some?" Shane said. "Come look, bat boy." He was almost as pale as Michael, and his expression was limited and furious. 

Michael managed a smile. "You're not my kind of blood brother." 

"Rejected again." But the wild eyes of Shane eased. "Sorry." 

"No problem." Michael turned toward the closed door of the kitchen for a moment. "They are talking about. Look, I'm going to get there and his parents, Claire. I want everybody together still - " 

"Breathe?" Shane said. 

"Endangered," said Michael. "Back in a second." He hesitated only a second and then said, "See if you can help while I'm out there." 

And then he was out the door, moving unnaturally fast, as if it were a relief to get away from the smell of the blood of Shane. Claire swallowed and exchanged a look with Eve Eve seemed so agitated as she was, but she moved quickly with the priorities. "Okay Where is first aid kit? " 

"Upstairs," said Claire. "In the bathroom." 

"No, down here," said Shane. "I changed." 

"You did? When? " 

"Some days ago," he said. "I thought it would be better if I could reach him, because usually I am the one receiving the bonds. Look under the sink. " 

Eve did, and taking out a large white metal box marked with a red cross. She opened it and pulled the drugs. "Take off your shirt." 

"You only love me because of my stomach." 

"Shut up, asshole. Shirt. " 

With an eye toward Claire, Shane pulled her over the head and threw it on the coffee table beside him. Claire took the shirt to the sink where she rinsed with cold water, seeing how the color of blood Shane left the water color pink. She did not like what Eve was doing, seeing the damage was placed Shane made her feel sick and weak, because he had done so - as always - by others. For her, and Eve 

"There," Eve uttered a few minutes later. "You'd better not bleed all over my nice clean bandage, or I'll keep a sale price on you and put it in the corner to the next muncher neck." 

"You're a bitch," said Shane. "Thank you." 

She gave him a kiss in the air and joked. "Like most girls who do not line up to play the role of nurse you. Right. " 

Claire felt an undesirable, quite amazing surge of jealousy. Eve? No, it was just the usual play Eve Nothing much, right? It does not - she would not. It just would not. 

Claire enfresgou the shirt until you feel your hands hurt, and then pressing it between two towels to try to leave it as dry as possible. She handed to Shane while Eve was busy putting the unused medicine back in the box, and helped drag the wet cloth under his head and chest. She could not help but let his fingers run on your skin, and to be honest, it really was not trying. In fact, it could have been moving a bit slower than she did. 

"It feels good," Shane said, very quietly in his ear. "Are you okay?" 

Claire agreed. He touched her gently on the underside of the chin to lift it, and studied his face closely. 

"Yes," he said. "You're fine." He touched her lips with her and watched her as she opened the kitchen door. 

Michael, Claire's parents in tow. The knot in my chest Claire, loosened the grip around his heart beat like a young heart. 

His parents seemed ... white. Frozen, as if they had forgotten something important. When his mother laid eyes on them, Claire gave up a smile. 

"We were not going out to dinner?" Mom asked. "It's getting very late, is not it? You're going to cook, or-" 

"No," said Michael. "We're going out." He grabbed his car keys off the hook by the door. "All of us." 


There were not many choices for a late dinner in Morganville for those who are not under the persuasion of prey, but there were some places near the campus, was that they were more normal restaurants that operated 24 hours a day. They ended up in an uncomfortable seat around a table, the four most Claire's parents, after a ride even more uncomfortable in the car with dark windows vampire Michael. The burgers were good, but Claire could not concentrate on the taste. She was too busy watching the people outside the restaurant. Some were university students, in groups laughing in the parking lot, ignoring the occasional pale strangers passing by. Claire remembered videos pero lions passing of antelope as they watched, waiting to either be left behind. She wanted to warn those kids, and she could not. The gold bracelet on her wrist made sure of that. Michael, as expected, had to endure the conversation of parents. He's just better at it, and he has a gentle presence that makes everything seem ... ... Normal. Claire's parents did not remember exactly what had happened in the house, most of the influence of Mr. Bishop, Claire was sure. She hated that he went out to their heads, but somehow, she was also relieved. One less thing to worry about. The attitude of her father Shane was enough. 

"So," the father said, pretending to concentrate on the pan, "how old you are right, son?" "Eighteen, sir," Shane said, voice raised more smoothly. They have experienced it. Repetitively. "You know that my daughter only -" "Almost seventeen, yes, I know." 

The father frowned more deeply. Sixteen, and protected. I do not like her living in a thing with a bunch of hormone-crazy teenagers - no offense, I'm sure you want to do right, but I was young once. Now we're in town, with a proper place is probably better that Claire move out and come live with us. "Claire did not expect this. No one bit. "Father! Do not you trust me? "" Honey, it's not about not trusting you. It is about trusting in the two adult men with whom you live. Especially one that I can see that you are clinging too, although you know that this is not very smart. " 

Fury exploded inside her and all she could see beyond the red wave Shane was standing between her and Eve, putting their lives defending itself in danger. Shane, pushing her away again and again because he was better - better by far - than it was in self-control. Claire sucked the air and was about to drop the tornado of words, out loud, when the Shane's hand came over hers and squeezed. 

"Yeah," he said. "You're right about that. You do not know me, you know and probably will not like much. I'm not really friendly with parents. I'm not like Michael. "Shane pointed chin to Michael, who was trying to shake his head in a no, do not. "I think maybe you're right. Maybe you better go back to Claire live with you for a while. Give a chance to meet everyone, especially me. "" What the hell are you doing? "Claire whispered fiercely. It does not matter that the father could probably hear, and Michael certainly could. "I do not want to go anywhere!" "Claire, he's right. You'll be safer there. Our house is not exactly a fortress, if what happened today has not been absorbed yet, "Shane said. "Hell, among strangers coming and going, my father threatened to come back and finish what he started -" 

Claire dropped her fork. "Wait just a minute. You're telling me it's for my own good, is it? "" Yes "" Michael? Enter at any time! "Michael raised his hand in surrender. He had enough, and Claire could not blame him. Eve, however, cleared his throat and went through the swamp conversional. "Mr. Denvers, honestly, Claire is perfectly fine with us. All care of it, and Shane is no kind of guy who takes advantage of - "" I would not say that, "Shane said, very indulgently. "I'm just this guy. Actually." Eve gave him a menacing look. "- And besides, he knows he'd kill us both if he tried. But he would not. Claire is right where you are. And she's happy, too. "" Yes, "Claire agreed. "I'm happy, Dad." 

Michael had not yet spoken. He was, instead, watching Claire's father with a strange kind of intensity, at first she thought he is trying to put some kind of vampire eye on it, but then she changed her mind. It was more like Michael was 

honestly terrified, and trying to figure out what to say next. 

Her father had not heard a word of what anyone said. "I want you to move home, Claire, and that's it. I no longer want you to stay in that house. End of discussion. "Her mother was not talking, which was also rare, she just stared at the coffee and try to look interested in the food on your plate in front of her. Claire opened her mouth to make a threat, an answer is not very polite, but Michael shook his head and put his hand on hers. "Do not waste your breath," he said. "This is not their idea. Bishop planted the suggestion. "" What? Why would he do that? "" I have no idea. Maybe he wants to separate us. Maybe he just likes to mess with people. Maybe he wants to irritate Amelie. But the important thing is, I do not think you should let it hit you - "" Do not hit me? Michael, my father is saying that I have to change! " 

"You do not need," said Michael. "Not if you do not want." Claire's father, who was frowning, it was dark, an unhealthy color of red in the face. "You need to yes," he flipped out, "You are my daughter, Claire, and up to 18, you do what I say. And you - "He pointed a finger at Michael. "If I have to make an accusation against you -" "For what?" Michael said softly. "Why - look, do not think I do not know what's going on here. If I find that my daughter was - it was ... "The father did not seem to be able to speak the words. He continued watching him steadily, with no sign of understanding. Claire cleared her throat. "Father," she said. She felt the move to color her cheeks, and her voice was barely steady. "If you're asking if I'm still a virgin, I am." 

"Claire!" Her mother's voice broke sharply for the last sentence of it. "Enough." Silencio total on the table. Even Michael seemed to be able to know where to resume the conversation. Eve seemed to be having trouble deciding if she should laugh or backward, and finally sank in chocolate sundae as the best possible answer. Michael's phone rang. He opened it, softly spoken, heard, and closed with no answer. He called the waitress. "We must go," he said. "Where?" 

"Back home. Amelie wants to see us. "" You come home with us, "the father said to Claire, who shook his head. "Do not argue with me -" "Sorry, sir, but she has to come with us now," Michael said. "If Amelie says it's the right thing to do, I even take her to his house. But we'll leave you in the way, and I'll let you know as soon as possible. "He said in a respectful manner, but no room for discussion, and Michael had something about that moment that simply could not be insisted. The face of the father said, although old, and very hard. "This is not over, Michael." "Yes, sir," he said. "I know that. Not even begun yet. " 

The trip back was even more uncomfortable, not only physically, Claire's father was white, her mother embarrassed, and Claire was so angry she could hardly bear to look at any one of them. How could they? Even if Mr. Bishop had done something with them, messed with their heads, they fell through. They always said they trusted her, always said they wanted her to take their own decisions, but ultimately, they wanted her to be a helpless little girl. Well, not gonna happen. It has come too far for that. Michael stood in front of her parents' new home - another big house gothic style, looking almost exactly like them except for the landscape ahead. The home of the founder of the parents have had a spreading oak and live through the property that made a noise like paper dry in the morning breeze, and the ornament was painted in what seemed in the dark, with black lacquer. Claire's father leaned over to give her one last look. "I hope to hear from you tonight," he said. "I hope you tell me when he comes home. And by home I mean here, with us. "She did not answer. After extending the look out for too long, her father closed the door, and Michael accelerated smoothly away - not too fast but not too slowly. 

And they all sighed audibly in relief when the house disappeared into the darkness behind the car. "Wow," Shane said. "The guy has a glare. Maybe he even belongs Morganville. "" Do not say that, "Claire said. She was fighting with all sorts of emotions - anger of her parents, frustration with the situation, concern, absolute fear. Her parents did not belong here. They were right where they were, but Amelie had to take them out of there and call them here. Claire's parents have here where they could control it gave her more leverage. And now Mr. Bishop gave the advantage too. 

Shane took her hand. "Easy," he said. "As Michael said, you do not have to go if you want. Not that I would not be much better if you were in a much safer place. "" I do not think the house will be safer Danvers, "Michael said. "They do not understand the rules, or the risks - they are new here. I think Bishop is trying to play with the head of Amelie, and whatever we think about it, it is worse. I guarantee it. "Claire shook. "It was Amelie who called you in the restaurant?" "No," Michael said, and had a disgusted tone in his voice. "It was Oliver. I have to admit, I'm not feeling good about it. Oliver was never really on her side - he might take the Bishop. In this case go home can be a trap. "" We have a choice? "Shane said. "I think not." "Then what the hell. I'm getting tired. "Shane yawned. "We will be eaten. At least so I can get some sleep. " 

Nobody found it funny - let alone Shane, Claire suspected - but they had better ideas, and Michael headed home. Morganville was silent out of darkened windows; Claire could barely see the faint glow of lights, and may be few and well separated light poles, or the brightness of the balconies of the houses. It was like being in a space capsule, but with a better forum. Michael parked and turned off the car. While Eve was going to get the door handle, he said, "People." She waited. They all waited. "I just did not get any better knowledge instantly when I - when I moved, but I'm sure of one thing. This Bishop, it is real problem. Problem as we may have never seen before. And I'm worried. So beware. I'll try to - "He did not seem to know how to end it. Eve moved to touch his face, and he turned toward her, lips parted. The look that passed them was so naked that seemed wrong. Shane cleared his throat. 

"We're it, man," he said. "We'll be fine." Michael did not answer, but then Claire thought maybe there was not much to say. He got out, and the others followed. The afternoon was getting cold and the wind passed through the hair and clothes Claire, looking for skin to freeze. Finding too. She put the jacket closer to her and ran after Michael toward the back door. Inside, the kitchen was just as they left - confused. Pots and pans on the stove yet, but thank God, they are reminded to turn off the fire before leaving. The smell of bacon and meat sauce was heavy in the air, cutting off the bad smell of old, and spent much coffee. 

They have not stopped. Michael led them straight to the kitchen door, right into the room. Bishop was gone. As both handsome fellows. Amelie and Oliver were just sitting alone in the large wooden table. They carelessly pushed aside the plates and cups and cups in a stack, and among them were a chessboard. Nothing that Claire has been recognized as belonging to house, looked old and well used. It's beautiful too. 

Amelie was playing the white pieces. She ignored their entrance and watched the chessboard. In front of it, Oliver was leaning in his chair, arms folded, and gave the four a look garbled. He seemed at home, what did Claire foam, and she could only imagine how Michael felt. Oliver had killed Michael - severed human existence and it trapped in a twilight state between humans and vampires - right here in this house. In fact, almost at this point here. It had been brutal and bloody, and Michael for a second forgot who and what Oliver was, whenever he appeared. Amelie had offered Michael the chance to escape their prison, and he accepted even at the cost of becoming a real vampire. So far, it did not seem to regret it. A lot. 

"You're not welcome here," said Michael Oliver, who raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Waiting to throw me out the house? Keep waiting, "he said. "Amelie, you really ought to teach manners to their pets. Then they will be scratching the carpet and tore the curtains. "She looked up. "Try to be civilized," she said. "You are a guest in their house. My house. "She moved a piece of board. "Sit down, all of you. I do not like to see people standing. "He had the strength of a royal order, and before she can think, Claire was sitting on the desk chairs, and on the side of Oliver. Michael shook his head, folded his arms on his chest and leaned against the wall. Amelie looked at him, but do not force the issue. "So you met Mr. Bishop," she said. "And he definitely knew you. I wish this had not happened, but since it happened, we must find ways to protect you against him and his associates. "Oliver ate a bishop and put it aside. She had no visible reaction. "Otherwise, I fear that this house will be in the market for new tenants soon." Oliver laughed. He stopped laughing when Amelie made her next move, and focused on the chessboard with an angry, empty expression. "Who is Bishop?" Michael said. 

"Exactly who he said it. He has no reason to lie. " 

"So he's your father?" Claire said. There was a long silence, one that neither Oliver broke \/ Amelie looked up ashes cold and focused on the face of Claire Claire to feel the need not only to look away, but to flee. Amelie finally said, "In a sense, at least, if you can understand that. Both my language and immortal human blood passing through it. Oliver, hurry. I feel no need to go home before sunrise. " 

The sun was not even close to birth, which must have been a dry Amelie idea for a joke. Oliver moved a pawn. Amelie ate it without effort. Michael intruded. "Perhaps the better question is, where is Mr. Bishop?" "Gone," Oliver said. "I sent him with a great limo with a driver. He'll be one of the houses of the Founder. "" What? "Claire felt a wave of unease, one that got worse when none of the vampires said. "It is not my parents' house, right? Right? "" I'd rather you not know the exact location, "said Amelie, which was not an answer, and certainly not the exact answer. She moved the white queen in a long, deliberate motion and the chessboard. "Checkmate." Oliver studied the board, not studied with the same irritation as he dropped the condemned black king. "We need to discuss it," he said. "Obviously." 

"His tragic lack of strategic skill?" The color-frozen eyebrows rose slowly. "I'm acting what to do about our guests. For now, go home, Oliver. And thanks for coming. "She said with no trace of irony - it could have dismissed him as a servant, but at least she thanked him. Oliver's eyes were even darker, but he lifted without comment and walked to the kitchen. Claire heard the door slam behind him. Amelie took a deliberate breathe, and then released him. She stood up and waved to Michael. "I think you're safe enough here tonight," she said. "Do not let anyone, for any reason." A rapid and almost invisible smile. "Except for me of course. I can not stop you. "" What about Oliver? "Shane said. "The invitation to enter it has been revoked. He will not be able to bother you unless you do something foolish. "Which, by the look that he gave Amelie, she considered unlikely. "Bishop is my problem, not yours. Will take care of your life and stay away from him. All of you. " 

"Wait, my parents -" Amelie did not wait. With a quiet grace, she left the table and went upstairs, and bright and pale figure on top of it disappeared, Shane said, "Where the hell is she going? Do not have a door there. "Claire knew. She knew too well. "Be that as she does, she's gone" They all looked at her, even Michael. "There must be some way out. What will she do, bring pajamas and sleep on the couch? "" Do you think she have any? "Eve said." Because I bet she sleeps naked. "" Eve "" What? Anda. You really see the sweater? With bunny slippers? "Michael sank into the chair where Amelie had been, and stared at the chessboard. He slowly replaced in the place, but Claire realized that he was not really thinking about the game. "Shane," he said. "Go make sure they're closed, okay?" Shane nodded and left, going straight to the kitchen first. Claire sat in front of Michael, in the chair that Oliver had occupied. "You are worried," she said. 

"No," Michael said, and picked up the white knight, to turn him on his pale fingers. "I'm scared. If this guy made Amelie and Oliver nervous, he's out of our league. Morganville is out of his league. "He looked at Eve, who did not respond except to press his lips juntos.Claireo heard the footsteps of Shane as he walked toward the front door, check the locks and lock, and then was to test the windows. "We should get some rest," Michael said. "It may be a long day tomorrow." As he raised the hand of Eve spent in it, only a mild affection, and the two locked eyes for a split second. "Yeah," Eve agreed. "I should go and rest well." Claire threw a magazine in it. "Get a room." "I've paid for one," Eve said. "And I'll get my money's worth, too." 

She hurried down the stairs, stopping near the top to play a look back at Michael, who had the brightest smile on his face. He shook his head no as she could not believe he was past the head and cleared his throat when he saw Claire watching him. "Discreet," Claire said. "You'd better hang a towel on the doorknob or something." 

"Silence." But Michael was smiling, and when he smiled, her heart just took off. She loved to see him happy. He was usually so ... focused. "If you need something, you know where to find me." "Yeah, you think?" He waved Eve followed up. Shane came back from where I was checking all entry points, and sat in the chair that Michael had been. "Where'd they go?" She pointed up. "Oh," He knew all too well. "So. Want to play? " 

"I want to call my parents," said Claire. "Are you seriously that Amelie would let Mr. Bishop to stay in their house?" "I do not know," he said. "Call if you think it will help." She took the phone from his pocket and dialed information, her parents had a new list, since they had just wound in Morganville. While she was waiting for an answer, Shane went to the table and put it in his free hand, and the warm touch of the skin had made her feel a little less nervous. Until her mother answering the phone at least. "Claire! I did not expect you to call so early. You're coming home? "She froze for a second, then said, as calmly as possible," No, mother. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Everything okay? "" It is clear that all is well. Why would not you? "Claire closed her eyes tightly." No reason, "she said. "Just wanted to check and see how you're putting. How is home? "" Well, it's old, you know. Need some wiring, and a mountain of decoration, but hopefully looking forward to it. "" This is great. And - so you do not have any guest or something? " 

"Guest?" Her mother laughed. "Claire, honey, we barely sat down in our house now. I'm not ready for guests! "This at least was a relief. "Great. Well - a mother, I must go. Good night. "" Good night, sweetheart. I look forward to having you home. "Hung Claire and Shane slipped his arm around her waist. "Hey," he said. "Are they okay?" "For the time being. But he can catch them, right? At any time he wants. " 

"Maybe. But he can get us just as easily. Look, you can not help them now, but he has no good reason to hurt them. They will be fine. "Shane was optimistic. That's how you knew that things were really bad ... Claire grinned and opened his eyes, and tried to be a little brave little robot. "Yeah," she said. "Yeah, we'll be alright. No problem. " 

His dark eyes looked to them, and she knew he could see she was lying. But he did not speak to her, probably very familiar with the concept of denial. "So," he said. "How about a nice and civilized game of chess?" A blow, and the unmistakable sound of muffled laughter, going through the roof on the second floor. Approximately one quarter where Eve was. "Hey!" Shane yelled. "You can lower the porn soundtrack! Trying to concentrate here! "More laughter, quickly subdued. Shane focused back on Claire, and Claire felt her lips curving into a more genuine smile. "Chess," she said. "His movement, tough." Another blow up there. Shane shook his head and brought down the king. "What the hell. I surrender. We'll call the video game and kill some zombies. " 


In the morning, was ... the morning. For a few precious seconds when Claire woke up, nothing was wrong, nothing at all. Her body was full of energy, and birds were singing outside, and the sun burned hot on tracks by her bed. She looked at his watch. Seven and a half. Time to wake up if she wanted to get the first class and still have room for coffee. It was not until she was in the bath, and hot water to be playing back a sense of her head, she realized that all was not well. Her parents were in town. Her parents were on the radar of monsters. And her parents wanted her to return to live with them. It ended with her good humor, and even the time she finally went down, dragging the backpack full of books and carrying her shoes, she was frowning. The house was a bagun\u00e7a.Ningu\u00e9m had done their work, including her. The kitchen was still a mess, with coffee in the morning freezing pans. She muttered to himself as the coffee was ready, and throw dirty dishes and pans in the sink with hot water and threw, and left a note for her housemates. Especially Shane, who was even lazier than usual. Then she put her shoes and went to school. Morganville seemed like any other dusty, sleepy town and the light of day, people going to work, walking, pushing a child cuddling, walking the dogs. University students with backpacks as she approached the campus. The casual visitor never knew, at least during the day, this place was so scary. Claire guessed that this was the point. 

She saw some delivery trucks in places of commerce knew these couriers? They just came and went without incident? Was there any rule for the vampires over who they could hunt or not? Had to have. Having the state police would not be useful in Morganville for the vampires ... "Hey." 

Claire blinked. A car was close to her, barely keeping pace as she walked. A red convertible, hard and bright as fresh blood in the sun. Inside, three girls with fake smiles identically. The driver was Monica Morrell, daughter of the mayor of the city. The worst enemy of human Claire since the day she arrived in Morganville. Monica had recovered from his recent brush with death due to drugs, or at least so it seemed - as bright as the car, and as hard as. Her blonde hair was bright and tidy casually, her makeup perfect, and it seemed only a darker 

paler than the usual, was hard to tell. "Hey," Claire said, and made sure to go deeper into the sidewalk, out of reach to be grasped. "How are you feeling, Monica?" "I? Great. Could not be better, "Monica said cheerfully. There was something much more black in the dark eyes of her than the tone of voice. "You tried to kill me, freak." Claire stopped walking. "No," she said. "I did not." "You gave me that drug. Almost killed me. " 

"You got me!" The red crystals, the ones she had stolen from Myrnin. Those, however briefly, had seemed a good idea. Not so much after she saw the effects on Monica and her own face in the mirror after taking them. They had not hurt her, but the effects were shocking Monica. "Neither comes with this. You almost killed me, "Monica said. "I made a complaint, but with you being the founder of the pet and all, it will not do. So we have to find another way to make sure you pay. Just wanted to warn you, bitch - it's not over. Not started. It's happening. "She gave Claire a cold, hard smile, and accelerated away from making a mark on the asphalt rubber. 

Claire fumbled in the bag and looked around nervously. Nobody was paying attention, of course. It was not worth, in Morganville, meddle in the affairs of someone. She was alone here. Eve worked on campus, but Claire did not want to drag her friend about it. They had trouble enough, and Monica was her problem. Like it or not. But as she passed through the shop door, she felt someone watching her. She tried to believe it was her imagination, but was anyone really watching it. She could not make it for a few seconds, and then she got with another nasty shock. Thin-as-a-for-heroin addict, pale, dirty hair. Using black. Eve's brother "Jason," she said, and involuntarily looked around for help. There was nobody there, no one she could turn. Not even a passing police patrol - and the police definitely wanted to talk to Jason, after his encounter with Shane. Hit it again: He shot her boyfriend. He tried to kill him. The police said it was self defense, but she knew better. 

Jason took his hands from his coat pocket and held up. "Do not cry," he said. "Unless you're in the mood. I will not hurt you. 

Not in broad daylight on a crowded street, anyway. "He sounded ... different. Stranger than usual, and had a very high standard for strange. "What do you want?" She grabbed the handle of the bag leaving a white fist so tight. In an emergency, would object to a respectable defense. She could topple him with this, or at least make him stumble. It needed only one block to the Common Grounds - Oliver would give her protection as she entered the building even of human enemies. "Stop freaking out, genius. I'm not here to hurt you. "He put his hands back in his pockets. "How is Shane?" "Why do you care?" "Because -" He frowned and gave the shoulders. "Look, that was self-defense, okay?" 

"You made an ambush for him. You and I threatened to Eve. You wanted him to come up on you. "" Yeah, well, I agree, I was threatening, but the guy tried to make a home run with my head * if you have not seen. "(* Baseball ... is when the ball leaves the field) 

Uncomfortably, that was true. "What about the other people you killed? That was self-defense as well? "" Who said I killed people? "" You Remember? You left a dead girl in our basement to find Shane. You tried to put him in jail. "Jason said nothing about it. He just stared at her,. And in the shadow His dark eyes were like holes in hard and pale face. He seemed ... dead. More dead than most vampires. "I need to talk to my sister," he said. 

"Eve does not want to talk to you, you crazy. Leave us alone! "" It's about our father, "he said, and while Claire was away, leaving him and his problems behind him crazy, she slowly looked back. "I need to talk to Eve Tell her I'll call. Tell her not to go. "Claire nodded, once. She did not hate him less, but there was something different about him now - something that called for a truce, but did not get on your knees and beg too. "I promise nothing," she said. Jason nodded in response. "I did not expect anything." He did not say thank you. She kept walking. 

When she looked back, the door was empty. She saw a marvel of a black jacket around the corner at the end of the court. Damn, he moves fast, she thought, and this gave her another kind of chill. And if Jason had achieved his wish? And if someone had turned it into a full vampire, however difficult it seemed? She asked Amelie decided at the first chance he got. 

The classes in the morning came and went. It was not like any of them was especially difficult, even the higher physics courses she had taken part. She changed some of the boring lectures her for a course in mythology, or rather Amelie had insisted on that - it was a cool thing, and she found herself looking forward. No discussion of vampires right now, unfortunately. It was all about zombies, voodoo, the media and popular subjects. They were going to watch Night of the Living Dead next week. Claire did not know much about zombies as the other students, except for the game in the first person to kill zombies that Shane enjoyed playing, she could not remember ever having watched the idea. Of course, since she moved to Morganville, it did not exclude anything as improbable. After mythology, what ended up being a healthy information about voodoo, if she ever needed it, Claire had a break before starting the lab session. She went to the University Center. It was an extensive building, home to a large study area with long tables and chairs grouped together and had a bookstore, a bar that served a fantastic grilled cheese sandwich and salad, and a decent coffee. There was no line today. Claire paid by mocha and moved toward the barista, where Eve was working. Eve looked great today, not only because of the care she had with her clothes and makeup, she kind of radiated satisfaction. Oh Right. 

Eve gave her an absolutely stunning smile and handed her the drink. "Hey, traces of books. All right? "" Sure. You? "" Not bad. It's a little slow today, after the morning rush. "He had a secret smile. "So? How was your night? "Claire encouraged. The key would be shared, and besides, it was kind of curious .... 

"Fantastic," Eve sighed. "I just - yeah. Since I was 14, I got a crush on that kid, you know? And he never knew I existed. I went to each of his concerts since he started playing, until his last appearance at Common Grounds. I never thought - I just never thought it would work. " 

"How did ...?" Claire raised her eyebrows and left the question open for anything that Eve wanted it to mean. Eve's smile was mischievous. "Fantastic." They shared muffled squeals. Eve did a little dance of happiness behind the counter, drink served in a dose and move. Claire had never seen her look so full of happiness. The reality returned, and she remembered why she was there first. She had a strong suspicion that she was about to end with all this happiness. Eve's smile was fading, as if someone had flicked a button on it. "Claire, you're in your face for concern. What problem? " 

"I. .." Claire hesitated, then continued. "I saw Jason. This morning. "Eve's dark eyes widened, but she said nothing. She waited. "He wanted me to tell you he'll call. It's something about his father, he said. He told you not to disconnect. "" My father, "repeated Eve. "Are you sure." "That's what he said. I told him that did not promise anything. "Claire drank coffee, which was perfect, and observed the expression of Eve was not easy to read, now. "He did not try to hurt me." "In broad daylight, on a main road? Yeah, well, he's crazy but not stupid. "Eve looked away, suddenly. And all the brilliance of her happiness was gone. "I do not speak with any of my parents since my 18th birthday." "Why not?" "They tried to sell me to Brandon," she said. "As a piece of meat. I do not know why Jason suddenly got all nostalgic about the family, it's not like good times to remember. "" But they are still your parents. " 

"Yeah, unfortunately. Look, this is the story of the clan Ross: We are the original nuclear family. As in, nuclear bomb. Toxic even if not explode. "Eve shook her head. "Whatever the problem of my father, I do not care. And I do not know why Jason would mind too. "Another student paid for coffee, and Eve threw it away and an empty smile, and began with a dose of espresso machine precision. "It's nothing," she said. "And I'll hang up when he connects. If he calls. And even if it is something I did not even give a damn. "Claire just waved. She had no idea what to say. Eve was clearly upset, more upset than she expected her to stay. She waved goodbye and went to the nearest study table, and 

began to move in the books she borrowed from the library. The PhD work of someone who clearly showed that the guy had not bothered to go in English classes. But the equations were good. She was very involved in them when the phone rang. "Hello?" She did not recognize the number, but it was local, and it was not her parents. "Claire Denvers?" "Yes, who is?" 

"My name is Dr. Robert Mills. I was the one who treated his friend Shane in the hospital. "She felt a piercing sensation of alarm. "There's nothing wrong with -" "No, nothing like that," he said quickly. "Look, it was you that had the red crystals, right? Those who almost killed the mayor's daughter? "A momentary wave of relief as it burned photo paper. "I think so," she said. "I gave them to the doctor." "Well, the deal is this: I've been searching with these crystals. Where did you get them? "" I - I found them. "Technically true. "Where?" "In a lab." "I need you to show me this laboratory, Claire." "I do not think I can do this, sorry." 

"Look, I understand you're probably protecting someone - someone important. But if it helps, I already have the approval of the Council to work with these crystals, and I really need more information about them - who created them, as the ingredients. I think I can help. "Amelie was at the Council of Elders. But she had not said anything about working with the doctor. "Let me see if I can tell you," Claire said. "I'm sorry. I return the call. "" Soon, "he said. "I was told that the goal is to increase the effects of the drug at least 50% over the next two months." Claire blinked in surprise. "You know what he does?" Dr. Mills - which sounded nice and normal - laughed. "I really know? Probably not. That's Morganville - invented the concept of secrecy 

here. But I have a pretty decent idea of ??what is and is not for human consumption. "This was the maximum that Claire wanted to talk on the phone, no matter how friendly they seem. After a quick excuse, she hung up and called Amelie. She wanted to leave a message, and this, she thought, would probably be the end of it. Amelie answered. Claire gasped, breath, and told her about Dr. Mills and his request. 

"I should have told you last night. I decided to grant your request to have additional resources in this project, "said Amelie. "Dr. Mills is a trusted expert, a former resident in the city, and he will not make the kind of moral judgments that others can do. He is also able to keep our secret, and it is imperative. Do you understand why. "Claire knew, too well. The crystals were drugs that helped lessen the effects of degenerative disease of the vampires - a disease that they all had, one who was stealing their ability to reproduce. Amelie was the strongest, but she was sick, too, and the worst cases were insane and locked in cages below Morganville. 

And so far, a few vampires knew about the disease. When they did, there might not be anything to prevent them from attacking, blaming others. Human innocents, probably. The effect on the human population would be just as bad. When they know that vampires are not invincible, how many would actually cooperate? Amelie had long understood that it could destroy Morganville, and Claire was sure she was right. "But - he wants to see the lab Myrnin," Claire said. Myrnin, her mentor and sometimes even her friend, had been lost in the insanity, and he was one of those cells. Lucid sometimes and other times .... not dangerously. "I must take him there?" "No. Tell him you'll take what he needs for the hospital. I do not want any human outside that lab you, Claire. It has to be kept secret, and I trust you to look like. Restrict search to refine it in and just increase the formula that you have already created. "Amelie What he meant, this way of royalty, that Claire was talking too much, she'd end up dead. Or worse. "Yes," Claire said faintly. "I understand. As for my parents - "" They're safe enough, "said Amelie. This was not the same thing as saying that they were safe. "You will not see Mr. Bishop for a while. If you end up seeing the two members thereof, to be polite, but fear not, they are well controlled. "Perhaps by the standards of Amelie. Claire was a little worried. "Okay," she said with doubt. "If something happens -" 

"Discuss with Oliver," said Amelie. "Interestingly, the differences between us has decreased dramatically since my generator came to visit. Nothing 

as a common enemy to unite neighbors in dispute. "She paused for a moment, then said, almost sheepishly," And your friends? Are you okay? "Let's talk crap now? Claire shook. "Yeah, we're fine. Thank you. " 

"Good" Amelie hung up. Claire murmured a silent Oooo-k, and kept the phone. As she was leaving, she saw Eve in the season of the baristas, so empty looking for the buttons of the machine while she worked. The glow of happiness had not returned. In fact, she seemed bitter. And scared. Damn. Because I ruined her day like this? I should have just given him the pipe, the little crazy. Claire looked at his watch, took the bag, and went to the lab. When she found Dr. Mills later that afternoon, she did at the hospital, in his office. He was an average guy - average height, average age, medium skin tone. He had a beautiful smile, which seemed to promise that everything would be fine, and despite the fact that Claire knew it was entirely fictional, she smiled back. "Sit down, Claire," he said, and pointed to a blue chairs in front of the table dele.Atr\u00e1s them had shelves of books ranging from floor to ceiling - medical references links in combination with some newer volumes on various things. Dr. Mills had stacks of magazines and articles photocopied in a corner of the table, and several files of patients in the other corner. A framed photo was turned back to Claire, so she could not see whether he had family. But he had a wedding ring. Dr. Mills did not speak immediately, he leaned in his chair, snapped his fingers, and looked at her for a while. She fought the urge to squirm, but could not keep her fingers stay through the fabric of her jeans. 

"I knew you were young," he finally said, "but I admit, I am even more surprised now. You're sixteen? "" Seventeen in a few weeks, "said Claire. She was getting resentful of having to have this conversation with each adult in Morganville. She thought of simply pressing record and play all she did find someone new. 

"Well, the notes that gave me Amelie, you have a solid understanding of what you are doing. I do not think I'll drive a lot your search only help you perform the experiments. Where do I see any opportunity to add something, I iriei. Of course, the laboratories in the hospital is much more sophisticated equipment that I imagine you have - wherever you've developed your initial crystals. "He went on the leaves of the huge folder on the table from her, and Claire saw copies of own writing. Her notes, she had given to Amelie. "I took the liberty of making some crystals based on their formula, using our laboratory. I discovered that if you speed up the drying process with heat, you can increase the strength of 

dose by 20%. And I also created a stronger version of liquid that can be placed directly into the body through an injection. "She blinked." Injection. "She tried to imagine getting close enough to Myrnin to stick a needle in his arm, especially when he was beside himself. "It can be applied using a dart," he said. "As an animal tranquilizer, although I would not use this analogy with anyone else. It would be disrespectful. "She managed a smile. "That would be - very useful. I have not tried to heat the drying process of the crystals. This is interesting. " 

"There's no reason you have tried. I tried because I did not have unlimited time to withdraw them - our lab is busy, and I do not want anyone wondering what I was doing. I asked Amelie to provide us some sort of safe space in the laboratory of the university. More convenient for you and safe for me. Can I bring equipment there as I need, or order for the Council. "Dr Mills raised his head and looked at her again, brown eyes bright and challenging. Because of Myrnin, only not half as crazy. "On my request to visit the lab where you made the crystals ..." 

"Sorry I can not." "Maybe if you talk to Amelie -" "I have spoken." He sighed. "So when I look at our patient?" "You will not." "Claire, this will not work if I can not have a base with the patient and determine the improvements that need to be made as we change the formula." She knew that, actually, but the idea of ??putting the gentle Dr. Mills at a distance to be grabbed Myrnin made her tremble. "I'll check," she promised, and stood up. "Sorry, it's getting late. I need - "Dr. Mills looked at the office window. Outside, the sky was darkening and vanishing in the azure. "Of course. I understand. Here is a sample of the new crystals. But before you give him, if you can see basic information - and most importantly, a blood sample. "" A sample of blood, "she repeated. He opened a drawer and handed her a small, sealed kit. He had a syringe, gas, alcohol, and some vacuum tubes. "You're not serious." "I'm not saying it can not be difficult, but if you do not let me go with you to make ..." 

She could do many things, but she was sure she could not hold Myrnin while stuck a needle in the vein of him. Not when he was ... changed. 

She picked up the kit and put it in your backpack. "Anything else?" Dr. Mills came to her a gun - a gun darts. He opened it to show her how to load. "A dose is already loaded," he said. "I just did some - it takes a while to distill them. Here's two more extras if you need it. "As she placed the gun in his backpack, he said. "It was not tested. So be careful. I think it may be stronger and last longer, but not sure about side effects. "" And the crystals? "He gave them also. They seemed a little thinner than she had developed - but as sugar, they went into the bag as well. 

"Claire," he said, as she held the weight, "you heard a rumor about a new vampire in town?" She froze. The gold bracelet her, which was the symbol of Amelie, was struck by the light ray and did - not that she needed a reminder. "But Michael," she said. "But this is nothing new." "I had heard that strange." Claire gave the shoulders. "I think you heard wrong." She left before I have to lie anymore. She could not stop herself from looking back at him. He waved and smiled waving goodbye. She felt bad, but there was only a certain amount of truth that she was prepared to give, even to someone who was recommended by Amelie. "You brought that burger?" Claire did not have time to put the backpack in the hallway before Eve appear as a Tinkerbell full of caffeine, holding a wooden spoon. "Uh - what?" "Hamburger. I sent you a message. " 

Oops. Claire picked up the phone and saw that, sure enough, there was a message icon flashing. "I did not get. Sorry. "" Damn, "Eve turned and marched back down the hall, put the Doc Martens * (* mark) with great disrespect by hitting the wooden floor safe. "Michael! Guess! You have chores to do! " 

Michael was playing guitar - something fast and complicated. He stopped periodically, which was rare for him, and he ignored Eve, which was not normal. As she turned, she saw him standing at the dining table, leaning to write the musical notes on paper with lines. Turns out he was not ignoring as much as Eve did not obey. "I'm busy," he said, pursed for the role, and played the same piece again, and then again. He shook his head in frustration and turned out the notes on paper. "Go you and Shane." "I'm cooking!" Eve rolled her eyes. "Creative people. They think the world when they think. " 

"I will," Claire said. The chance to be alone with Shane, even with something as boring as it was a night visit to the supermarket, was too good to miss. "Best if I do, really. I have a free pass. "She lifted her bracelet. Michael walked away from music long enough to give it a look. He quickly hit the pencil in a complicated Ritimo on the table. "30 minutes," he said. "Go and come back. No more excuses. If you are late, I'm behind you, and I will be angry. "" Thanks, Dad. "She would not have said it - not because of grief in the face of Michael, but why did she think of her real father . And the clock was walking about the time that he would allow her to continue in their current housing. Shane left the kitchen licking your fingers. "What's going on?" "You were not sticking to your fingers dirty in my sauce," Eve said, and pointed out the wooden spoon for him. He quickly removed his finger from his mouth. "Firstly, they are not dirty. I licked them first. And secondly - I heard something about the super? Claire? "Yeah, I'm ready." 

He grabbed the keys from the table Eve. "Then let's go." Shane was a good driver and he knew Morganville with the palm of the hand - of course, Morganville was as big as his hand, and there was only one that worked super night, Food King, who owns the local and worked. The parking lot was lit up like a football stadium. They had fifteen cars there, divided equally between vehicles humans and vampires. Shane parked directly under a street light and turned off the car. "Wait," he said while Claire went to get the door handle. "It takes five minutes to get there, five minutes to handles things, and five minutes to get home. It gives us extra 15 minutes. " 

She felt her heart stutter, and beat a little faster. Shane was looking at her with a furious intensity. 

"So what do you want?" She asked, trying to sound casual. "I want to talk," he said, which was not what she expected. No one bit. "I can not talk about it at home. I never know who is listening. "" That is, Michael? "Shane gave the shoulders. "It is never exactly private." He was not wrong, but she still felt horribly disappointed. "Sure," she said, and she knew it sounded stiff and sore. "Go ahead. Speak up. "His eyes widened. "You thought -" "Just talk, Shane." He cleared his throat. "I've been doing some research on Bishop." The idea of ??Shane and research does not seem to want to fit in the same sentence. "Where?" "In the city library," he gave on his shoulders. "Special Collections. I know Janice, the librarian - she was a friend of my mother. She let me in the back and look at some older things, things that they do not provide for the public to read. "" Collections of the vampires. "He nodded." Anyway, the only thing I could find was a reference to a Bishop - maybe not the same - that killed many people five hundred years ago. "" It seems very strange ... "" But he was not killing people, "Shane said. "The way things are written, Bishop was killing his enemies in the vampire society. If doing the master of the world. And then something happened, and he went out of sight. " 

"Wow It is no wonder that Amelie and Oliver are freaking out. "" If he was underground all this time, and you have to pick who will get in his way, human or vampire - yeah. I freak out too. Anyway, I thought you should know. It may be important. "" Thanks. "He nodded, his eyes fixed on her. "Anything else?" She asked. 


He leaned forward and kissed her. Her weight is put into it, leaning her back against the door, and she felt the full force and oxygen out of her body, replaced by a bright and lively vibe. Oh Shane's lips were warm and moist, soft but demanding, and she was heard to make a sound like a whimper in response. His hands knew where to hold her - behind her head, back, pulling closer. Fitting their bodies together. It was as good as the bright sun. Her fingers went in the soft, tousled his hair and went to his back, and a second she thought it would be like here, and now, the big car Eve seemed to last forever, an eternal dreamer and heat ... His hands went down her shoulders, to her collarbone, and were down. She heard herself making a sound that was more a lament than anything else, call a naked while the warmth of his touch reached the top of her bra, and went down the edge ... Shane stopped the kiss breathing deeply, leaning his cheek against hers. The sound of his breath in her ear made her shiver again. So close. God, we were so close ... "It is - better get inside," he said. It sounded like he was trying hard to sound normal, but it was missing for one kilometer, and when he sat back, all she could see was the hot focus in his eyes, and moist, red, and totally kissable his lips. She wondered what he was seeing her, and realized with shock that it was probably the same thing. Hunger shared. 

"Yeah," she did not sound normal. In fact, she was not sure if I could walk, and whole body seemed to melt, especially around the knees. She breathed deeply a few times, then stopped when the eyes of Shane focused on the movement of her chest. "We should go - for the guy." 

Shane looked at his watch. "No, we should go get a hamburger, throw money at the box, and break the speed limit back to the house do not want Michael to send the SWAT team." That the quiet, enough to make them go to the store, but they held hands the whole way. Inside, the place seemed too bright, and yet somehow cold. Islands of colorful packages. There were some customers pushing grocery carts, and some of them, Claire knew had to be vampires, but she could not tell who needed mind, at first sight. Many of them had perfect human disguises. It was the twenty-something girl with red hair and a long shopping list? Or the elderly with small dog on the bench of children stand? Not the father with two small children and troubled look - she was sure of that. 

Claire had no time to stare. Shane gave her hand and pointed to an island, she went to the meat section. Choose burgers was a decision on quantity and Eve had not said how much to buy. Claire settled for two packages, and went to the island where Shane was gone. The island with snack foods that shock. 

The music on the speaker moved to an annoying and slightly scary music of the 70s, something about the seasons in the sun, and she was thinking about how ironic it was when she was passing through the electronics show and met Shane back against a shelf with a woman pressing against him. Bishop was the vampire who had brought to town. She was wearing tight jeans, a brown T-shirt and a black leather jacket. Black boots with buckle. Feminine, but dangerous. Her black hair falling on his shoulders in waves luxury, and her skin was the color of porcelain, just a little blush on her cheeks. 

Her eyes were fixed on Shane. He was crushing a packet of crisps by hand, but he clearly forgot that. The vampire leaned forward and took a deep breath near the neck of Shane. Shane closed his eyes and did not move. "Mmmmmm," she said with a sweet, slow voice. "You smell of desire. I can feel it running through your skin. Pobrie thing, all frustrated and querendona. I could help you with that. "Shane did not open his eyes." Stay away from me. "Vampire's hand banged against the shelf near the head of Shane. The whole structure shook, but did not budge. "Do not be rude, Shane Collins. Yes, I know who you are. You were searching for us, so I researched a little about you. Do you have trouble with Dad, do not you? I understand. I also had. I could tell you, if you come with me. It would be nice to have a strong man to tell my problems. "As fast as it had come, her anger was gone, and she returned to be the sexy vampire kitten that she had been in the Glass House, fingering pale collarbone by Shane at his chest ... "I said go away," Shane said, and opened his eyes to look at her face. "I'm not interested, leech." 

"My name is Ysandre, dear. Do not leech, bitch, or bloodsucker. And if you want to survive my visit to this city disgusting, you will learn to call me by name, Shane. "Her pale lips curved into a smile. "Or if you want others to survive. Now, let's be friends. "She leaned forward and passed her lips lightly against Shane and Claire saw him tremble and become quite hard. Ysandre laughed, ran over him, and took a sack of potatoes off the shelf. 

"Mmmmm," she said. "Salt. Tell your girlfriend I like the taste of her lip gloss. "She pulled away. Shane and Claire froze where they were until she gets out of sight, and then Claire ran to him. When she put her hand on him, he escaped, only a little. 

"Do not touch me," he said. His voice was hoarse, and the vein in his throat was beating very fast. "I do not want -" "Shane - I, is Claire -" He then picked up, like a drowning man clinging to a buoy, and was shocked by his strength as he held it. His head bowed, and she felt the weight on the shoulders of his strength. The feverish, moist heat of his forehead against her neck. She felt a chill go through him, only one, just enough to tell her how horrible he felt. "God," she whispered, and gently ran his hand through his hair. I was soaking wet, covered in sweat. "What did she do to you?" He nodded without lifting her shoulder. He could not or would not, say. His chest rose and fell, catching the breath that seemed out of breath but it was too deep for that, and after what seemed a full minute, Shane's body began to relax, playing out of this horrible tension. When he pulled away, she hoped to look at his expression, but he turned so fast it was just a blur - dark eyes hurt, a pale mask. He looked down at the potatoes he was holding, and knocked to the ground as he walked away. 

Claire quickly put back on the shelf and followed him. He kept going, past the cash registers. She handed the money to the burger box impatient, grabbed the plastic bag, and ran the lights that illuminated the darkness behind her boyfriend. He was unlocking the car and go inside. She was still at least a few feet away when he started the car, and she saw the glow of the brakes when he changed the march. For a second heart-stopping Claire thought he was driving away, leaving her in the dark, but he waited. She opened the passenger door and entered. Shane did not move. 

"Are you okay?" She asked. He never looked at her. 

He changed the speed of the car and making tire marks left on the asphalt parking lot. 


Shane went straight to his room, and went not down to eat dinner that Eve had done - spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic just for the sake of the vampire on the table. Probably was delicious, but Claire could not taste anything. She could not take the head of his face white and rigid Shane, and panic and hatred in his eyes. She did not understand what happened, and she knew he would not be questioned. Not now. "Well?" Eve stirred the spaghetti with a fork while staring at Claire. "How are you?" "Oh - it's great," Claire said with such enthusiasm that she knew no one was fooled. She sighed. "I'm sorry. I just - "Eve pointed out above their heads. "The director of drama?" Michael looked at her, and a second Claire saw his blue eyes shining. "He has his reasons," he said. "Let it go, Eve" "I'm sorry but that kid can make a cut paper look like a mortal wound ..." "I said to let it go." Michael freaked out this time, and there was an unmistakable voice command him. Eve stopped tinkering with the mass. Stop making all but look at him with narrowed eyes, and full of mascara. "Let's go," she said, and carefully put the fork in a napkin. "You gave a diva and decided he was too busy to go to the super. Then, Shane has a tantrum and go up to the room to have a party of self pity. And now you're telling me as if you were my master. We are under storm warning testosterone? "" Eve " 

"I'm not finished. You may find that a pair of fangs grow on you makes you be the boss here, but it is best to check your list of songs. You are seriously listening to the wrong track. " 

"Eve" Michael leaned forward, held his breath and Claire. His eyes were completely wrong, quick movements, and she saw a marvel of teeth were very white and very sharp. Eve pushed his chair back from the table, took the plate and went to the kitchen without looking back. Michael put his head in his hands. "God, what just happened?" Claire swallowed. She did not feel like anything other than metal, as if she had tried to chew the fork instead of food. Her whole body was cold, aching with the need to do ... something. 

She took the plate of Michael, put them with hers. "I'm clean," she said. Michael's hand closed around her wrist. She dared not look at it. Up close, she did not want to see changes in his eyes, that Eve had seen so clearly. "I would not hurt any of you. You believe me, right? "She suddenly heard the doubt in his voice. "Sure," she said. "It's just that - Michael, I do not think you know who you are yet. What changed in you. Eve show you think our weakness is a bad idea. I do not think she's wrong about that. "Michael was watching her as if he had never seen before. As if she had changed him in front of a child for an equal. She swallowed hard. This was a powerful gaze, and was not the vampire part of it - was part of Michael. The part that she admired and loved. "No," he said softly. "I do not think it's wrong." He played Claire's cheek gently. "What happened to Shane?" 

"You do not think it was just another festival of self-pity and Eve?" Michael never seemed so serious, she thought. "No," he said. "And I think he may need help. But I do not think he would accept me now. "" I'm not sure he would accept me, too, "Claire said. Michael took her dishes. "Do not underestimate yourself." 

Shane's room was dark except for the faint glow coming from the distant street lights. Claire opened the door and, with the hall light, he saw his feet and part of the leg. He was lying in bed. She closed the door, breathe calmly and slowly, and went to sit beside him. He did not move. As her eyes adjusted, she saw that his eyes were open. He was staring at the ceiling. "Want to talk?" She asked. No response. He blinked, that's all. "She struck you, was not it? Somehow, it struck you. "For long seconds, she thought he would just lie there and ignore it, but then he said," They come into your head, they are strong. They can make you - feel things. Wanting things that you do not really want. Doing things that you never do. Most of them do not bother, but those who bother - they're worse. "Claire went through the darkness, and his hands found him in the middle - cool at first, then getting warmer as their skin is 

rang. "I do not want her, Claire," he said. "But it made me want it. Do you understand? "" Never mind. "" It. Because now that it once did, it will be easier for her to do it again. "Her fingers tightened on hers, hard enough for her squirm. "Do not try to stop it. Or I get it. I have to deal with it alone. "" Coping as? " 

"The way I can," Shane said. He stirred in bed. "You're shaking." She was? She honestly did not realize, but the room seemed cold, cold and full of despair. Shane was the only bright thing in it. She stretched out looking for him. Very close, she thought, to the comfort of her father, if they see it, even though they were only holding hands. 

Shane went to the other side of the bed, he found a blanket and threw over the two. It had the smell of - well, Shane, like skin and his hair, and Claire felt a wave of heat pass through it as she breathed. She moved closer to him under the covers, partly to take the heat, and partly - partly because she needed to play it. He met halfway, and their bodies are pressed together with every curve and empty. The bowed their fingers intertwined in each other. Although they were close enough to kiss, they kissed - it was a kind of intimacy that Claire was not used, and only get so close ... stay that way. Shane gave her hand and pulled her hair from her eyes. He dashed her lips slightly. "You're beautiful," he said. "When I saw you first, I thought - I thought you were too young to be on their own here in this city." "Not now?" "You went better than most. But if I could make you leave this place, I would. "Shane's smile was cloudy and a little bent and broken, in the shadows. "I want you to live, Claire. I need you alive. "Her fingers touched the fringe of his hair. "I'm not worried about me," she said. "You're never This is my point. I'm worried about you. Not only because of the vampires - because of Jason. It's still there somewhere. And - "Shane paused for a second as if he could not 

speak the rest. "And I have, too. Your parents may be right. I may not be the best - " 

She moved her fingers to put in his mouth, over those lips soft and strong. "I'll never stop trusting you, Shane. You can not force me. "A balanced laughter in the dark. "My point exactly." "That's why I stay here," Claire said. "With you. Tonight. "Shane took a deep breath. "The clothes are in place." "Mostly," she agreed. 

"You know, your parents really are right about me." Claire sighed. "No, they do not. Nobody knows, I think. Neither his father nor Michael. You are a deep and dark mystery, Shane. "He kissed her for the first time since she entered the room a warmth that came from the lips to her forehead. "I'm an open book." She smiled. "I like books." "Hey, we have something in common." "I'm taking off my shoes." "Okay. Shoes off. "" And my pants. "" Do not insist, Claire. " 

Claire woke up sleepy and peaceful, and she took a second to realize that the heat on her back was being spent by someone else in bed with her. Shane. She stopped breathing. He was awake? No, she did not think, she could feel him breathing slowly and steady. There was a delicious treat and banned it, a moment she knew she would carry with it even when it runs out. Claire closed her eyes and tried to remember everything - like the way the bare chest of Shane touched her back, warm and gentle where their skin was connecting. She negotiated the removal of shirts, because she was wearing a sleeveless shirt underneath, and Shane had been strong enough to let it go. But he insisted on keeping his pants. She had not mentioned that she had gotten rid of the bra, though she knew he had noticed at first sight. Dangerous, a part of it said. You will take this too far. You are not ready - why not? Because she was not? Because it does not 

was 17? What was so magical about that number anyway? Who decided when she was not ready for it? Shane made a sound sleep - a deep sigh of satisfaction and cheered by her whole body. I bet if I turn and kiss him, I could convince him ... 

Shane's hand was resting on the top just below her hip, a warm and loose weight, and that's how she knew when he woke up - his hand. It was soft for thorough, if tense and moving but not where I was. She could feel each finger it on her skin. She stood very still, holding the breath steady and slow. Shane's hand moved slowly and gently to her side, barely sliding, and then he moved away from her and sat, staring at the window. Claire rolled up to him, holding the blanket in the neck. "Good morning," she said. Her voice sounded sleepy and slow, and she saw a piece of his face as he turned slowly toward her. The sunlight made him naked skin glow, as if dusty gold. "Good morning," he said, and shook his head. "Man. That was stupid. "It was not what she was thinking. Shane got up, and she swallowed due to the way that his jeans were low on his waist, the way their bones and muscles together and bowed begging to be touched - "Bathroom," he said, and moved almost as fast as a vampire out there. Claire sat, waiting, but then he returned, and she slowly started to gather the clothes again. Bra, put back in place. Clean gown and modest, is wrinkled. She was still wearing jeans. Her hair looked as if it had been combed with a mixer - she was still playing with it when she heard the heavy shoes and brand of Eve in the hallway outside, through the door of Shane, going to the end of the hall. To Claire's room. 

Oh, damn. Eve knocked. "Claire?" Claire left the room silently Shane, trying not to let obvious, and made sure to have taken several steps to neutral neutral territory and said, "What?" 

Eve, who had opened the door and Claire was looking inside, turned so fast that she almost lost her balance. She was ultra gothic today - deep purple dress with patterns of skull socks with black stripes and white collar with a death's head. Her hair was stuck in a creepy ponytail, and her makeup was the usual white and black, with an additional dark lipstick cherry. "Where are you from?" She asked. Claire gestured vaguely toward the stairs. "I just came from there." "Bathroom," Claire said. He received a frown, but Eve let it go. "It's Michael," she said. "He's gone." "It was work?" 

"No, disappeared. As in, left in the middle of the night and did not tell me where I was, and did not return. I checked - it is not in the music store. I'm worried, especially - "Eve paused, and her eyes widened. "Oh my God, you're wearing the same thing he was wearing yesterday? You are not doing the walk of shame, are you? Because I totally can not face your parents if you are. "" No, nothing like that - "Claire felt a heat wave over her neck to a light lived on her face. "I just - we were talking, and I fell asleep. I swear, we do not, a - "" Yeah, you better not have 'a,' because if you did, it would be - "Eve struggled not to smile. "That would be bad." "I know, I know. But we did not. And let's not even - "Until I convince him it's okay. "Whatever. About Michael - what do you want? " 

"Go ask some questions. Common Grounds is the place to start, the more I hate, Sam is probably there, or we can leave a message for him. I heard he went to walk in public. "Sam was the grandmother of Michael - and a vampire. He had almost been killed by a stake, and it required the help of Amelie to save it. But he had been weak. Claire was happy to know that he was better - Sam was, she felt, one of the best vampires. One she could trust. "Well? To do or not? "Shane had not left the bathroom. "Five minutes," Claire said, resigned. There was no chance for a hot bath or clean clothes - the best she had available was not very clean, and not sleeping. She might be able to find one hidden in the underwear drawer ... There was a knock at the front door downstairs. An authoritative and urgent kind of beat. It was still early, and the number of visits in Morganville was generally very small, less wrinkled Claire has two of the shirts over his head, took the new pants and ran over the old jeans, and ran down the hall still zipping up. Eve was in front of her, already down, while Claire went into the bathroom, Shane opened the door and stuck his head out. "What is happening?" What is happening? " 

"I do not know!" She looked back and ran after Eve 

What was happening was the delivery of an envelope, which Eve had to sign to receive. When she turned, saw the name Claire, well written with an ancient and beautiful letter: Mr. Shane Collins. There was even a decorative flower under his name. The envelope was thick and the paper was the color of cream. On the back was a golden seal with a type of shield on it. Eve lifted his nose, sniffed, and raised an eyebrow. "Wow," she said. "Perfume expensive." She nodded in the direction of Claire, and took a marvel of a dark, musky fragrance - full of promise and danger. 

Shane came down, barefoot and wearing only jeans except for the towel on his neck. He slowed down when the two looked at him. "What?" Eve lifted the envelope. "Mr. Shane Collins. "He took her fingers, frowned at him, and opened it. Inside was a folded card with the same kind of expensive paper with black letters. Shane looked for a long second, then put it back in the envelope and handed it back to Eve "Burn it," he said. And then he rose. Eve wasted no time in getting on the card, and since she was caught, Claire did not feel too busy to read over her shoulder. You have been summoned to attend a masked ball to celebrate the arrival of Bishop Elder, Saturday 20 October, in the Hall of the Council of Elders at midnight. Turn anger attend the invitation of Mrs. Ysandre, and is required to accompany you as she wants. "Who is Ysandre?" Eve said. Claire was too busy worrying about the phrase "as she wants." 


They tracked Sam Glass at Common Grounds, sitting and talking to two others that Claire did not recognize, but Eve clearly recognized, because they exchanged the nod. Humans, because they were wearing bracelets. They have released the bye and chairs for Claire and Eve. Sam looked a lot like Michael - a little older, perhaps with a slightly wider chin. He had red hair and Michael was golden, but a similar size and weight. It had almost made him die, not long ago when he received a stake that was for Michael. He still seemed tense, Claire thought - too tired. But his smile was genuine when he waved welcoming. "Ladies," he said. "It's good to see you. Eve 

I thought you would come here again, not willingly. "" Believe me, if not for you, I would not, "she said, and slammed his fingers on the table in excitement. "You know where is Michael?" Sam raised his eyebrows. "He's not at work." 

"He left last night, would not say where. We did not see, and he's not at work. So? Ideas? "'Nothing good," Sam said, and leaned back in his chair. "He's the car?" "Yeah, as far as I know. Why? "" GPS. All our cars are traceable. "" Wow, nice to know if I hit the car in the business-to-teeth here, "said Eve. "Who has the super secret spy tracking device here, and how I can get my hands on it?" "You can not, 'said Sam. "I'll handle it." "So?" "As soon as I can? '" But I need to find it! And if he - "Eve leaned closer, lowering her voice to a whisper. "And if someone is with him?" 'Who?' "Bishop!" 

Sam's eyes widened, and the whole cafeteria, other heads turned. Most vampires, Claire thought, who knew the name, or at least knew of him. And they could hear a whisper in a crowded room. "Silence," Sam said. "Eve, stay out of it. It's nothing to any of you get involved. It is our business. "" It is our issue too. The guy came to our home. He threatened us, all of us, "said Eve. "You can not find out now? Because otherwise I'm going to call Homeland Security and tell them that we have several terrorist walking in the dark. "" You would not. "" Oh, I would. With joy. And I tell them to bring bedding fires and conduct interviews at noon in the parking lot. "Sam shook his head. "Eve -" Eve slammed his hand on the table. It sounded like a gunshot, and every head turned toward them. "I'm not kidding, Sam!" 

"Yes you are," he said, deliberately quiet. "Because if you're serious, you would be threatening to the people who control the fate of your next heart beat, and that would be very, very stupid. Now, say you'll let me handle this. "Eve's dark eyes did not blink. "This is about Bishop? Why is he here? What is he doing? Why are you so afraid of him? " 

Sam stood up, and there was something about him remote and cold there. Something that reminded Claire, very strong, he was a vampire. "Go home," he said. "I'll find Michael. I doubt he is in trouble, and I doubt it has something to do with Bishop. "Eve also raised, and the first time Claire saw her as an adult - a woman facing him on equal terms. "You better be right," she said softly. "Because if something happens to Michael, not the end of it. I swear it. "Sam watched them all the way out of the cafeteria. Just like everyone else. Some of them seemed concerned, some of them looked scared. Some looked angry. But no one ignored the two as they came out. No one. And that was ... worrisome. They entered the car, and Eve stared without saying a word. Claire finally ventured to ask a question. "Where are we going?" "House," Eve said. "I will give Sam a chance to keep his word." This, Claire thought, Eve would involve chewing the corners of walls and making holes in the ground. And Claire had no idea what to do to help her. 

But it was for this that basically served friends ... to be there to stop you from going mad. They were home at exactly one o'clock when the phone rang. Shane was sitting by the phone - he appropriated the place because he was concerned that stay Eve picking up the phone to see if he was online - and answered on the first ring. "Glass House," he said and heard. Claire watched every muscle of his body become tense and hard. "Go fuck yourselves." And he hung up. Claire and Eve were staring at him open-mouthed. "What the hell -?" Eve said, and rushed to pick up the phone. She took the hook. "Start talking," Claire suggested. "Shane - who was it?" He did not answer. He crossed his arms over his chest. Eve frantically typed the code. "It's touching," she said - and then, like Shane, it was hard. 

She sank into the chair. 

"I should have left alone," Shane said. Eve closed her eyes and her shoulders dropped. "Yeah, I'm here," she said forcefully. "What is it, Jason?" Claire saw the look of Shane, and she must have seemed suspiciously wise, because he frowned at her. "You saw him?" Shane said. Truth or lie? "Yes," Claire said, but this definitely was not the path of least resistance. "I saw him yesterday morning on the way to school. He said he wanted to talk to Eve, "Oh, that look. It could have melted steel. "And you forgot to have talked with the local serial killer? That's cool, Claire. Very smart. "" I have not forgotten. I - forget it. "She could not explain the buzz she got from Jason, not for Shane, who had the most vivid memories of the nerds that Jason had to do with sinking a knife in it. "I'm sorry. I should have told you. "Eve made a motion for them to shut up and then grabbed the phone, listening hard. "He said what? You're not serious. You can not be serious. "Apparently, he was. Eve listened for a few seconds and then said, "Okay, then. No, I do not know. Maybe. Bye. "She put the phone back at the base faced him. Her face seemed frozen. "Eve?" Claire said. "What?" 

"My father," said Eve. "He - he's sick. He is in hospital. They do not think - they do not think he can. It is his liver. "" Oh, "Claire whispered, and leaned across the table to take the hand of Eve" I'm sorry. 'Eve's fingers were cold and loose. "Yeah, well - he asked for it, know? My father drank a lot, and he - Jason and I just have not had the best childhood. "She exchanged glances with Shane." You know. "He nodded. He took her left hand and stared at the table. "Our parents were friends drunk sometimes," he said. "But Eve was worse. Much worse. "Claire, knowing Shane's father, could not imagine that. "How long -?" 

"Jason said a few days, maybe. Not so much. "Eve's eyes filled with tears that did not fall. "Son of a bitch. What he expects of me, anyway? Go running and sitting there looking at it 

die? "Shane did not reply. He did not raise his head. He just ... sat. Claire had no idea what to do, how to act, so she followed his example. Eve's hands suddenly closed on them, hard. "He kicked me out," she said. "He told me that if I let Brandon do not bite me, I could not be his daughter. Well, then he is dying, boohoo. I do not care. "Yes, you care, Claire meant, but she could not. Eve was trying to convince himself, that was all, and in about 30 seconds she shook her head, and have shed the tears ran down his face pale and her. "I take you," Shane said quietly. "So you need not stay unless you want to." Eve nodded. She did not seem to breathe. "I wanted to - Michael -" Claire recalled with a shock that they were still waiting for the call from Sam. "I'm like," she said. "I call you when I know Sam. Michael I do go there, "okay?" "Okay," Eve said faintly. "I - I need my purse, I think." She wiped her eyes and went to another room. Shane looked at Claire, and she wondered what all this would bring him - memories of his father, his mother died and his sister, a family that he had no more. You are a deep and dark mystery, she said to him, and now more than ever, this was true. "Take care of her," Claire said. "Call me if you need anything." 

He kissed her lips, and in a few minutes she heard the front door closing. And being switched. Claire sat and waited by the phone. She rarely felt so alone. The phone rang after 10 minutes. "He's going home," Sam said, and hung up. No explanation. Claire clenched her teeth and waited. 

It took over 20 minutes to stop Michael's car on the road. He crossed the short distance from the garage to the back door in a few strides, covering the head with a umbrella he left near the stairs. Yet when he entered the kitchen, Claire felt the faint smell of burning coming from him, and he was shaking. His eyes looked empty and exhausted. 

"Michael? Are you okay? "" Well, "he said. "I need rest, that's all." "I - where have you been? What happened? "" I was Amelie. "He rubbed his hand over his face. "Look, there's a lot going on. I should have left a note for you. Sorry. I'll try to inform you next time - "" Eve's at the hospital, "said Claire. "Her father is dying." Michael slowly shifted. "What?" 

"Something about his liver, I think it's because he drank. Anyway, they said that he is dying. She and Shane went to see him. 'Claire studied him for a few seconds. "I said I'd call when you arrive. If you do not want to go - "" No. No, I will. It must - "He gave the shoulder. "It needs people who love her. It will be difficult to face her parents. "" Yeah, "Claire agreed. "She seemed upset." Of course she was upset. What a silly thing to say. "I think it's like you were there for her." "I am." Michael raised his eyebrows. "What about you? It's OK to stay here? "Claire looked at the clock on the wall. "You can take me somewhere?" "Where?" "I must see Myrnin. Sorry, but I promised. "Not to visit the vampire mentor crazy it would be nicer to go to hospital. 


Someone had made a reform in the cell Myrnin, and there was Claire, she thought about it, but she was not sure about what he would have Amelie. So when she passed the door of the lab to the cells, where the most sick and disturbed Morganville vampires were arrested, she was surprised to see the glow of electric light from the end ... Myrnin the cell. When she came closer, she noticed other things. Music. Something gently touching classic, radio outside the bars. There was a television also turned off. Myrnin's cell, which was as naked as a monkey in the beginning, was a Turkish shag carpet that seemed expensive. The close his bed had been replaced by a much more comfortable bed. There were books stacked from top to bottom in the corner of his cell. Myrnin was lying in bed, hands folded on his stomach. He seemed young - as young as Michael, really - but there was something about it endlessly old, too. Long and curly black hair, a sense of style and out of season. He was wearing a long blue robe with dragons give in it - nice and clean. Someone had been there before her to care for him. She felt guilty. His eyes were not opened, but he said, "Hello, Claire." "Hi" She went back, he observed. He seemed calm enough, but Myrnin was not so predictable. "How are you?" "Bored," he said, laughing. "Bored, bored, bored. I had no idea that a cell could be such a prison. " 

His eyes widened and his pupils were huge. There was an unhappy look in his eyes that fezia the skin along with the backbone shiver and shake. "You brought me something to eat?" He asked. "Something nice?" 

It definitely was not right. She hated when he was so - cruel and lazy, willing to say or do anything. It was as if she liked Myrnin only ... disappeared, leaving behind nothing but a black shell. Myrnin out of his bed, so silent and without bones like a reptile. He gripped the bars, with strong white fingers and set the black hole of his eyes on her face. "Sweet, sweet, Claire," he murmured. "So brave to come here. Come on, Claire. Come closer. You'll need if you want help. "He smiled, and though he was not showing the fangs, she felt the breath of the predator in the back of her neck. 

"I have some new medicine," she said, and put the bag on the floor. She opened it and took the bottle with crystals - a plastic bottle, thank God, so she could play without fear of breaking. She played through the bars of the cage. She stood against the Myrnin feet. "I need you to take, Myrnin." He bent down to pick up. "I do not think like your tone," he said. "You do not send me, slave. I command you. "" I'm not your slave. "" You're property. " 

Claire opened the bag, took the gun darts that Dr. Mills had given him, and shot him. Myrnin was back, looking at his stomach, and fingered the yellow bristle dart hypodermis. "His little bitch," he said, and sat down heavily on the bed. His eyes turned as the drug entered the bloodstream it, and he fell hard on the mattress. "I can be a bitch, but I'm not your property." Claire said. She did not leave where I was one second while carrying spear, just in case. She watched his body and his muscles twitch and then relax. "Myrnin? ' 

His eyes flashed, and she saw the pupils began to decrease to normal size black dots. "Claire?" He reached over and pulled the dart from the stomach. "Ouch." He scanned the javelin with curiosity, then set it carefully aside. "That was interesting." Well, he sounded more are. "How are you feeling?" "Painful?" He ran his fingers over the wound. "Ashamed?" His eyes rose to look at her. "I have a feeling that I was - unpleasant." "I do not know," Claire said. "I just got here. Hey, who brought you all these things? "Myrnin looked around, frowning. "I - to be honest, I'm not sure. I think it may have been one of the creatures of Amelie. "He did not sound quite right. "I was cruel to you just now, was not I?" "A little," she agreed. "But I shot you anyway." "Ah, yes. By the way, have any particular reason for you to get shot in the stomach and not your chest? "" Fewer bones, "she said. "And my hands were shaking. How are you now? "He sighed and sat down. "Better," he said. "But trust me. We do not know how long this will last, do we? " 

"No." Claire kept the gun, and approached the bars. But not close enough to be grasped. "This is a new formula? In liquid? " 

She nodded. "It's stronger, but I'm not sure that will last so long. Your body can lose more easy, so we have to be careful. "" Begin to mark time, "he said. He looked down at her. "My dark side is better dressed than I am." He got up and took the clothes were neatly folded on the table to one side as he released the knot of his robe. He hesitated, smiled and raised his eyebrows. "If you do not mind, Claire ...?" 

"Oh Sorry. "Claire turned away. She did not like to give back to him, even with the cell door locked. He behaved better when he knew she was looking. She focused on the weak and distorted image of his reflection on the TV screen as he loosened his robe and began to wear the clothes. She could not see much, except that he was pale everywhere. When she was sure that he was in trousers, she looked back. He had his back to her, and she could not stop herself from buying it with the only other man she really studied semi-naked. Shane was broad, strong, solid. Myrnin looked frail, but his muscles moved as cables beneath the pale skin - much stronger than Shane, she knew. Myrnin turned while buttoning his shirt. "It's been a while since a pretty girl looked at me with such interest," he said. She looked away, feeling the wave of vermelid\u00e3o up by the neck until her cheeks. "It's okay, Claire. I'm not offended. "She cleared her throat. "Some side effects with the new mixture?" I feel hot, "he said, and smiled. "How lovely." "Too Hot?" "I have no idea. It's been so long since I felt something, not sure if I am able to know the difference. "He held his hands loosely around the bar. "How long will you wait?" "The first time, wait until the side effects begin to fade, to have a good base and we know how long you can stay out. Securely. " 

"And you will keep your dart gun ready, yes?" He leaned casually against the bars, elegant and relaxed. There was still a faint glow in his eyes, only slightly changed. "What we talk then? How are your studies, Claire? "She shoulders. "You know." 

"They are still very simple, is what I expect." "See? You know. "Claire hesitated. "We have visitors in town." 

"Visitors?" Myrnin not seem very interested. "It's coming home? * (* In the U.S., college students living in college dormitories in the fields. During the holidays they return home.) Why the hell Amelie tolerate such human traditions, I just will never understand -" "vampires visits , "she said. And then it got the full attention. Frozen for a second, he did not speak, only stared, then said, down the throat. "In the name of God, who?" His fingers tightened on the bars, pressing so hard that she was afraid of breaking his fingers. Or steel. "Who?" She did not expect that reaction. "His name is Bishop," she said. "He says he is the father of Amelie," Myrnin's face was pale as a hard plastic mask. "Bishop," he repeated. "Bishop - here. No. It can not be. "He took a deliberate breath - but he did not need - and he let out slowly. Their hands relaxed on the bars. "You said visitors. Plural. "" He brought two people with him. Ysandre and Francois. "Myrnin said something soft and viciously beneath the breath. "I know the two. What has happened since his arrival? Amelie said What? "" She said we should get out of it. As Sam and Oliver, to be honest. "" She made a public announcement? She is planning a public event? " 

"Shane received an invitation," she said. "For any type of dance. He - says he has to be the companion of Ysandre. "" Jesus, "said Myrnin. "She'll do. She'll recognize his status with a feast of welcome. "" What? "Myrnin suddenly grabbed the bars. "Let go. Now. "Claire swallowed. "I - I can not, sorry. You know how it works. The first time we tested a new formula you have to stay - " 

"Now," he roared, and his eyes took that horrible vampire tone. "You have no idea what is happening there, Claire! We can not afford to take care. "" So tell me what's going on! Please! I want to help! " 

Myrnin visibly controlled himself, dropped the bar and sat on the bed. "Very well. Sit down. I'll try to explain. "Claire nodded. She took a steel chair industry - left at the facility used as a prison, she thought - and sat down. "Tell me about Bishop." "You knew him?" Claire nodded. "So you already know everything you need to know. It is not like any vampire you'll ever meet here, Claire, not even the worst of us. Amelie and I are modern predators, tigers in the jungle. Bishop is one of the coldest and hard. A Tyrannosaurus Rex, say so. "" But he really is the father of Amelie? "Myrnin turned to wave." He is a lord of war. A murderer on a scale you will find it difficult to measure. I - I thought he had died many years ago. The fact that he is here now - it's very bad, Claire. Too bad indeed. "" Why? I mean, if he is the father of Amelie, maybe he just wants to see her - "" He is not here for the happy memories, "said Myrnin. "It's more likely that he's here to have your revenge." "About you?" 

Myrnin slowly shook his head. "I have not tried to kill him," he said. Claire held his breath. "Amelie? No - she can not. Not with his own father. "" You better not ask more questions, little girl. All you need to know is that he has reason to hate Amelie - reason enough to bring him here and try to destroy everything he worked to achieve. "" But - she's trying to save the vampires. For the disease. He has to understand that. He would not - " 

"You have no idea what he wants, or what he does." He leaned forward, elbows on knees, the picture of serenity. "Bishop comes from a time before there was the concept of cooperation and self-sacrifice among the vampires, and he feels nothing but contempt for it. As you say, it is an evil of the old school, and all that matters to him is power itself. He will not tolerate Amelie have their own power. "" So what do we do? "" First, you let me go, "he said." Amelie will need the friends around her. "Claire nodded slowly. The minutes were passing, and Myrnin 

seemed stable, but she had to follow the rules. "Claire." She looked up. Myrnin's face was stiff and sober, and he seemed to be in control of himself. This was a Myrnin she rarely saw - not as charming as manic version, nor as terrifying as the angry version. A real person and balanced. "Do not let yourself be dragged to it," he said. "Humans do not exist for Bishop except as pawns, or food." "I did not think we exist for many of you," she said. Myrnin's eyes widened and he smiled. 

"You're right. As a species, we have one - lack of empathy, "he said. "But at least we're trying. Bishop and his friends will not bother. "The formula was much, much better than the last - the stability of Myrnin lasted almost four hours at least, a score that delighted almost as much as delight. But when he got tired and began to slide back into the confusion and anger, Claire stopped the clock, made notes, and even the massive cooler in the center of the prison. She thought he had probably been built as a deposit for the cooks - cooks who had been dead long ago - but he looked like a giant stainless steel morgue. 

Someone had forgotten to redo the blood supply. Claire made a note as she took a little Myrnin, and threw the blood in his cell. She did not wait to see him tear the blood bags. That always made her sick. The other vampires were mostly beyond conversation - silent, reduced to basic survival instincts. She filled a cart and made deliveries to the rest of the blood. Some of them had enough control to give a silent nod of thanks to her, some of them just stared with angry eyes and empty, seeing it as just a giant version of the locomotor blood bag. Always gave her chills, but she could not bear to see them starve. It was the responsibility of someone else feed the cells and keep them clean - but she was not sure that someone did a good job. 

When she finished, it was too late. Claire went to the door in the prison wall, concentrated, and formed the portal back to the lab Myrnin. It was empty. She was tired and upset about what was said about Myrnin Bishop, and considered taking the portal that led straight to the Glass House ... but she did not like to use it, it was very necessary. She did not want to explain to others why she's out of a wall. "I think I'll walk," she said to the lab empty. She climbed the 

stairs of the poor hut which covered the entrance, and left in the alley behind the house of the founder of Grandma Day was another mirror of the Glass House - slightly different ornaments, different curtains on the windows. Grandma Day had a swing on the porch, and she liked to sit outside with a lemonade and watch people, but she was not outside today. The empty balance swung weakly due to wind. 

The sun still looked strong, though the temperature was falling steadily, day after day, Claire was sweating when she finally passed through the winding streets and corners of Morganville for Street Lot. The sweat was cold when she saw a police car parked in front of the house. Claire began to run through the white picket fence and up the stairs. The door was shut and locked. She took the keys and went inside, then followed the sound of voices down the corridor. Shane was sitting on the couch, using Eve likes to call the village idiot. He was looking at Richard Morrell, who was standing in front of him. The contrast was extreme - Shane seemed to have forgotten to own a hairbrush, his clothes were wrinkled from having been in the basket of clothes for a week, and all the body language of his body screamed LAZY. A totally different person from what was so worried about Eve quietly earlier. Richard Morrell, on the other hand, was a success story in Morganville. Clean and sharp with his dark blue police uniform, perfect every fold, every hair adjusted in height. The gun in his hip and looked so perfect. He and Shane shifted their gaze to Claire. She was sweaty, disheveled, and in a panic. "What happened?" 

"The officer Dick (Dick * in the U.S. is a proper name but refers to the male genitalia) has to remind me that I missed some commitments," Shane said. He had a look dull and dark eyes, the kind he had when he committed to a fight. "I was telling him to say." "You're months behind on your donation," said Richard. "You're lucky because I am standing here, not someone less sympathetic. Look, I know you do not like it, and you do not need. What you have to do is take your ass to the Donation Center. "Shane did not move. "You will oblige me, Dick?" 

"I do not understand," Claire said. "What are you talking about?" 

"Shane is not paying his taxes." "Taxes -" All of a sudden joined. The blood that she had played in the cells of rabid vampires and freaks. Oh "Blood Donation." 

Shane lifted his wrist. The label hospital, marked with a red cross, was still working. "Nobody can touch me for two weeks. Sorry. "Richard did not move. He did not flinch. "No, sorry, but that is not. His hospital exception to protect you from attack. Do not release your civic duty. "" Civic Duty, '"Shane teased. "All right. Whatever, man. Tell you what, you delivered your message. Go away with a crime or something. Maybe hold her sister - she probably deserves today, whether it is a day that ends with e. "" Shane, "Claire said, with just a little voice asked. "Where is Eve?" "In the hospital," Shane said. "I left her there with Michael. It's very difficult for her, but she looks beautiful with it. I went back to make sure that you were right. "" I am, "she said. Not that any of them were listening to her anymore. Richard and Shane were facing each other again, and it was a guy thing. A contest of wills. "So you're refusing to accompany me to the Donation Center," Richard said. "Is that right?" "Quite right, Dick." 

Richard passed his hand behind his back, unlocked the shackles shiny silver belt, and put them on his side. Shane has not moved. "Rise." Richard said. "Come on, man, you know how it will be. Or you just caught or you'll spend five minutes with a needle in the arm. "" I will not let me eat no vampire or by remote control. "" Not Michael? "Richard said. "Because when the supplement is low, the youngest vampire, he's lower on the priority list. Michael is the last to get blood in Morganville. So you're not doing nothing but harm his own, man. " 

Shane's fists clenched, trembling, and relaxed. He looked at Claire, and she saw the mixture of rage and shame in his eyes. He hated it, she knew. He hated the vampires, and Michael wanted to hate but he could not. "Please," she whispered. "Shane, just do it. I will too. "" You do not need, "said Richard. "College students are the exception. '" But I can volunteer, right? "He shoulders. "I have no idea." 

Claire turned to Shane. "So let them." "What the hell are we going." Shane crossed his arms. "Go ahead and handcuff me. I bet you're dying to use that shiny new stun gun. "Claire dropped the bag, went to him and stared. "Stop," she hissed. "We have no time for that, and I do not need you stuck right now, okay?" He stared at her eyes, for so long that she was afraid he would tell her to mind its own business - but then he sighed and waved. She pulled away and he stood up and stretched out for pulses Richard Morrell. "I think you got me, Officer," he said. "Be kind." "Shut up, Shane. Do not make this harder than it is. " 

Claire followed behind, uncertain about what she should be doing, Richard did not seem interested in it not a bit. He used the radio stuck on his shoulder to make some kind of liaison officer down the hall, in code. She was not sure she liked that. Morganville was not big enough to need codes, unless it was something really bad. While she stopped to lock the door behind them a large, bright RV * (* trailer) went black around the corner - so lazy that it seemed almost a predator. He had a red cross painted on the nose, and hand, had dark windows and painted, and red letters that read MOBILE BLOOD BANK of Morganville. In italics below that, say, NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. Shane stopped moving. "No," he said. "I'm not doing that." 

Richard used the advantage to make him walk again. "It's that or the Center for Donation. These are your options, you know. I was trying to facilitate. "Claire swallowed hard and went down the stairs in a hurry. She stood in front of Shane, blocking his path, and looked into his eyes. He was furious, and scared, and something more, something more she could not understand it. "What problem? '" People come into this thing and do not leave,' he said. "I'm not doing that. They arrest you, Claire. They arrest you and nobody can see inside. "She even felt a little sick with the mental image. Richard Morrell's face was carefully blank. "Sir?" He does not care much about her asking him, she knew. "I can not give you an option, but one way or another, he has to do it." "And if you take both of us for the Center for Donation instead?" 

Richard thought about it for a few seconds, then nodded. He took the radio back of the shoulder, murmured a few quiet words, the engine of the Mobile Blood Bank called with a soft noise. He walked away like a shark looking for prey. Everyone watched him go. "Damn, I hate that thing," Shane said. His voice trembled a little. "Me too," said Richard, to the surprise of Claire. "Now get in the car." 


The Donation Center was still open, although it was getting dark. While Richard parked his police car, two people who vaguely recognize Claire out, waved to one another, and went separate ways. "Everyone comes here?" She asked. "Everyone who does not use the mobile blood bank," Richard said. "All humans are protected have to donate a certain number of scholarships per year. The donation goes to his first patron. The rest goes to those who need it. Vampires do not have someone to donate to them. "" Like Michael, "Claire said. "Yeah, he is our latest charity project." Richard went out and opened the door behind her and Shane. She left, Shane, after a hesitation long enough to let her worried, followed. He stuck his hands in his pockets and stared at the bright red cross above the door. The Donation Center did not seem very inviting, but was much less frightening than the Mobile Blood Bank. For one thing, had clear windows that offered a good view of a clean and large room. Framed posters on the walls - the kind you find in any city. Claire thought - listing the virtues of donating blood. "Some of it goes for other humans?" Richard asked as she held the door open for Shane. He shoulders. "Ask your boyfriend," he said. "They used some units on it after he was shot, if I remember correctly. Of course that is used in humans. It's our city too. " 

"You're dreaming if you really think so," Shane said, and stepped aside. As she went, she felt a definite change in atmosphere - not only in air, it was cold and dry, but something more. A feeling, barely contained in despair. She recalled the way the waiting areas of the hospital appeared - industrial, impersonal, soaked with a lot of fear. But it was still clean, well lit and full of comfortable chairs. 

Nothing scary about the place. Not even the lady like a mother sitting behind the wooden table at the reception, which gave everyone the same bright smile of welcome. "Well, Officer Morrell, good to see you!" He waved at you. "Rose. I am a deserter to you here. "" I see. Shane Collins, is not it? Oh dear, sorry learned of his mother. Tragedy comes to your door too often. "She was still smiling, but he was quiet. Respectful. "Can I put you two bags today? To compensate somewhat for what you owe? "Shane waved. His jaw was tight, his eyes bright and narrow. He was fighting for control, Claire thought. She slid her fingers in it where they were handcuffed behind his back. 

"You remember me, do not you?" Rose continued. "I met your mother. We used to play cards together. "" I remember, "Shane said. Nothing more. Richard raised his eyebrows, had a look mirrored Rose and Shane hit the elbow to guide him to one of the empty chairs. They were all empty, Claire noted. She saw two people leaving the building, but anyone coming. 

One thing about the donation center, they were better than most places in medical journals to keep up to date. Claire found a new issue of Seventeen and started reading. Shane felt hard in silence and watched the wooden door at the end of the room. Richard Morrell talked to Rose on the table, looking relaxed and friendly. Claire wondered if he came here to donate blood, or if he used the mobile unit. She assumed that independent of the choice, the vampires would not be crazy enough to hurt him - the mayor's son, a respected police officer. No, Richard Morrell was probably safer than any one in Morganville, protected or not. It was easy for him to stay relaxed. 

The door at the end of the room opened and a nurse came. She was wearing a surgical clothing florida, complete with the hole in the head, and like Rose, she had a good smile and unthreatening. "Shane Collins?" Shane sighed deeply and rose from his chair. Richard turned to loosen the handcuffs him. "Good behavior, Shane, 'he said. "Trust me, you do not want to start trouble here." Shane nodded hard. He looked at Claire, and then fixed his attention on the nurse who was waiting. He walked toward her with a deliberate calm. "I can go with him?" Claire said, and Richard looked at her surprised. "Claire, they will not hurt him. It's like any other blood donation anywhere. They stick a needle in your arm and give you a ball to squeeze. Orange juice and cookies at the end. "" So I can donate? "He looked at Rose for help. "How old are you, child?" "I'm not a child. I'm almost seventeen. "" There is no legal requirement for anyone under 18 to donate blood. "Rose said. "But there's a law against it?" 

She blinked, started to answer, and stopped. She opened a drawer and took out a small book that had the title of Blood Donations in Morganville: Regulations and Requirements. After turning a few pages, she gave 

shoulders and looked at Richard. "I do not think it, 'she said. "I've only ever heard of someone who voluntarily donate to the Donation Center. Oh, we take the handset to the university once in a while, but - "" Great, "Claire interrupted. "I would like to donate a bag, please." Rose was immediately filled up. "Forms," ??she said, and grabbed a folder and a pen. To say that Shane was surprised to see she was little. To say he was happy would be a lie. While she took the sofa near him, Shane hissed, "What the hell do you think you're doing? Are you crazy? " 

"I'm donating blood," she said. "I do not need, but do not care." At least she did not think he cared. She had never donated before, and the vision of the rubber tube coming out of the arm of Shane for the bag was a little scary. "It does not hurt, right?" "Man, they stuck a huge needle in your vein - of course it hurts." He looked pale, and she thought it was entirely by the fact that he is the second bag. "You can still say no. Just stand up and say you changed your mind. "The same nurse called friendly that Shane took a seat with wheels and a card. "He's right," she said. "If you do not want to do this, you do not. I saw the paperwork. You're a bit young. "The nurse's bright brown eyes focused beyond, Shane, and then back into it. "Doing this for moral support?" "More or less," Claire said. Her fingers were cold and she shivered when the nurse took her hand. "I've never done this before." "You're lucky. I did. Now, I'll stick your finger and do a quick test, and then let's begin. Ok? "Claire nodded. Lying on the couch seemed to have affected her will to move. The hole in the finger came with a quick and sharp speed, then disappeared, and Claire raised her head from the pillow to see the nurse using a pipette to collect the blood from the tip of her finger. He spent about five seconds, and then the hole was in a bandage. The nurse did something with the card, nodded in satisfaction, and waved to Claire. "O-, 'she said. "Excellent." Claire gave her a weak thumbs up. The nurse grabbed her arm and pulled the rubber tourniquet above the elbow it. "Talk to your boyfriend," she advised. "Do not look." Claire turned her head. Shane was watching her with eyes dark and intense. He smiled just a little, just enough, and she returned the smile. 

"So," she said. 'Come here often? " 

He laughed down. She felt something stick her arm, a shock that went to discomfort, and then a tape being placed. A ball was pressed into her hand, and the pressure of the tourniquet is released. "Push," the nurse said. "You're ready." Surprise, Claire looked down. She had a business on her arm, a tube, and there was something red coming out for him ... Her head fell back against the pillow, and she could not hear the buzzing inside of her skull. She thought someone was calling her name, but for a moment that did not seem very important. She tried to breathe slowly and steady, and after what seemed like hours, the buzz is gone, and the world became bright colors again. There was a poster on the ceiling above her head, a cat sitting in a cup of tea, looking lovely. She fixed that and tried not to think about the blood that was coming out of it. It seems so, she could not stop herself from noticing. This must be what Michael felt when Oliver was taking his blood. This is how all people feel when they kill the vampires. It's just a piece of death, hardly enough to matter. The nurse put a warm blanket over her, smiled, and said, "It's okay. You're not the first to faint. That's why the seats recline, baby. "Claire had not fainted, not really, but she was not feeling the best either. The nurse rolled the cart up the bank and Shane. 

"Done," she announced, and Claire tried to turn his head in that direction, but she would not see the needle coming out as much as she did not want to see her go. Sensitive. She was sensitive about needles, and she had never seen it before. Funny. A warm hand covered hers, and when she opened her eyes, she saw that Shane was near her, pale and hollow eyes but direct. "Shane," the nurse said. "Go get some juice." "When she finished," he said. 

The nurse must have realized that there was no discussion because, as she pushed the seat with wheels to it. "So at least sit down. I really do not want you to join the floor. "It probably took less time than it seemed, but Claire was desperately happy when the nurse came to remove the needle and make the dressing. She did not look at the bag of blood. The nurse said something kind, and Claire tried to answer in gently but she was not absolutely sure what came out of her mouth. Shane took her to the next room, which was a waiting area with a plasma TV tuned to a news channel, juice and soda and water, and a tray of cookies and fruit. Claire picked up an orange is a bottle of water. Shane went straight to the sugar shock - Coke and cookies. 

Claire rubbed her fingers over the purple bandage around her elbow. "It's always like that?" "Like what?" Shane mumbled through a mouthful of chocolate cookies. "Scary? I think so. They try to be good, but I never forget the mouth of those who will stop the blood. "She felt a wave of nausea, and stopped to peel the orange. Suddenly, the smell of the fruit was too much. She drank a little water, which fell cold and heavy as mercury. "They use in hospitals, however," she said. "For victims of accidents and stuff." 

"Of course. Reusing the leftovers. "Shane shoved another cookie in his mouth. "I hate that shit. I swore I would never do, but here I am. Tell me again why I stay in this town? "" They will hunt you down if you go away? "" Good Reason. "He took dirt from fingers. She peeled the rest of Orange, took a slice and ate it with a methodical determination - no hunger, no sir, but very aware that she was still killed. She ate three pieces, then the rest went to Shane. 

"Wait," she said. He paused when he was going to bite the orange. "You've never done this before, did you? I mean, you left the city before age 18, then you do not need. And then since you left you avoided. Right? "" Quite right. "He finished the orange and drank the rest of coca. "So you never saw the inside of the mobile unit." "I did not say that." Shane had a disgusted look again. "I went with my mother once - did not have to donate, but she wanted me to get used to the idea. I was 15. They dragged a man - he was crazy, totally out. The arrest and began to drain it. They took the rest of us there, but when we left he was still there. I've seen. They went with him. No one saw him more. "Claire swallowed more water. She felt weak, but she wanted to leave. The room looked more comfortable as a trap, a box without windows or air. She played the rest of the water and orange peel in the trash. Shane threw the cocaine and took her hand. "Eve will stay in the hospital?" She asked. "Not all night. It is very uncomfortable, her father sober, and he is making the arrangements. "Shane's mouth twitched. He clearly did not think much about it. "Her mother just sits there crying. She was always just a bag of scarves. "" You do not like them very much. " 

"You would not either." "Any sign of Jason?" 

Shane shook his head. "If he is appearing to make their family duties, he is going to sneak in the dark of night. What, in hindsight, it would probably work for him. Anyway, Michael said he would bring Eve home. They are probably already there. "" I hope so. Michael said where he was, you know, before? "" When he was gone? Something about that damn ball, "Shane said. 

Should I ask him about the invitations. She almost said - she opened her mouth to do so - but then she recalled how Shane looked last night, how deeply Ysandre had messed with it. She did not want to see it stay that way again. Maybe she should just let it go. He would talk anytime. There were two doors - one said OUT, and it was nothing. Shane went through the door that had no plate, hesitated, and walked away. "What?" Inquire Claire. Shane grabbed the knob and opened the door. "Just a hunch," he said. "Shhhhh." On the other hand there was another waiting area, and there were people in line. This part of the Donation Center was darker, with some lights. Three people were standing in front of a white balcony, like a pharmacy, and behind him was a woman wearing a lab coat. She did not smile, and she was as hot as a nitrogen. "Oh shit," Shane said, while Claire noticed that the blonde guy first in line at the counter was Michael. He was not at home ... He was here. 

He ended up signing something and pushed the board back, and the woman handed him a plastic bottle, the size of the water bottle that Claire had been drinking. This had no water. Tomato juice, Claire told herself, but did not seem a little juice. Very dark, very thick. Michael turned it to one side, then another, and his face - he seemed fascinated. No, he looked hungry. Claire wanted to look away, but she could not. Michael took the lid off the bottle while out of line, put the blood on the lips, and began to drink. No, to drink greedily. Claire was distinctly aware that Shane Shane's grip on her hand was so tight it was painful, but none of them mexeu.Os Michael's eyes were closed, and he put the bottle back and drank until it was made unless the thin red line on the plastic. 

He licked his lips, sighed, and opened his eyes and looked straight at them. His eyes were clear, and bright red. He winked, and vanished, replaced by an eerie glow. He blinked again, and everything was gone, and he again became Michael again. He looked so much horror Claire felt. Betrayed and ashamed. Shane closed the door and dragged Claire toward the exit. They had not reached before Michael come running after them. "Hey," he said. His skin was flushed and had taken a faint shade of pink, Claire remembered seeing before. "What are you doing here?" "What do you think we're doing? They brought me here in chains, man, "Shane flipped out." Do you think I would be here if I had a choice? "Michael stopped, and his gaze went to the dressing into their arms. Recognition passed him, and he seemed ... sad, somehow. "I - I'm sorry." "For what? It's not as if we did not already know how much you want this thing. "Still, Claire heard the voice of treason in Shane. The repulsion. "Just do not expect to see you swallowed like a drunk in the afternoon, that's all." "I do not want you to see," Michael said quietly. "I drink here. I just keep a little at home for emergencies. I never wanted you to see - "" Well we have seen, "Shane said. "So what? You're a vampire sucking blood. This is nothing new, Michael. Anyway, no big deal, right? " 

"Yeah," Michael agreed. "Nothing much." He was focused on Claire, and she could not put the two together - Michael with those terrifying red eyes, drinking fresh blood, and that Michael in front of her, his face sad. "You're right, Claire?" She nodded. She does not trust herself to speak, not even a word, "I'm taking her home," Shane said. "Unless that was your snack, and now you're looking for the main course." Michael seemed sick. "Of course not. Shane - " 

"It's okay." The fight left the voice of Shane. He sounded resigned. "I'm fine with that." 

"And that scares insect, is not it?" 

Shane looked up and stared. The two face each other, and then Shane squeezed Claire's arm again. "Come on," he said. 

"See you at home." 

Michael nodded. "See you there." 

He was still holding the empty bottle, Claire realized. There were small traces of blood left in the bottle. 

As the door closed behind them, she saw Michael realize what he had in his hand, and violently throw in the trash. 

"Oh, Michael," she whispered. "God." That gesture, she realized something huge. 

He really hated it. He really hated, and at some level, and he hated what he was, because of what he saw in their eyes. 

How bad was it? 

The rest of the night passed rapidamente.Na next morning, they awoke to the ringing phone. 

Eve's father had died. 

"The funeral is tomorrow," said Eve. She was not crying. It does not look much like herself this morning - no makeup, not an effort to make the usual. 

Her eyes were red and his nose almost produced heat. She cried all night, Claire had heard it, but when she knocked on the door, Eve did not want company. Not even Michael. 

"Are you going?" Michael said. Claire thought that was a funny question - who would not? But Eve only nodded. 

"I need," she said. "They're right about the thing closing, I think. Will you ...?" 

"Of course," he said. "I can not stand by the grave, but -" 

Eve gave the shoulders. "So do not go. The church is bad enough. " 

"Church?" Claire said as he poured coffee for three. Shane had always slept even with the phone ringing. "Really?" 

"You never met Father Joe knew?" Eve managed a weak smile. "You'll like him. It - it's something. " 

"Eve liked it when she was 12," Michael said, and took a hard look. 

"What? You liked it, and you know it. " 

"It was an infatuation, ok? It's over. "Claire raised her eyebrows. "Father Joe is ...?" She made imitation of teeth in the neck. They both smiled. "No," Michael said. "He just does not judge." Eve spent the day without too much trouble, she did the usual things - helping with the laundry, taking half the day cleaning jobs. It was a day off from her work. Claire had some lessons, but she killed three knew that she knew enough, and it was only those that seemed critical. Michael was not to teach guitar lessons as well. It was good. It was like ... family. The funeral was at noon the next day and met Claire trying to choose what to use. Party clothes seemed very ... festive. Jeans were very informal. She borrowed a black leagues with Eve and used with a black skirt also borrowed. Along with a white shirt, seemed moderately respectful. 

She was not sure of how Eve was planning to wear because of the 11 morning, Eve was still sitting in front of the mirror, looking at his reflection. Still with the black sweater. "Hey," Claire said. "Can I help?" "Sure," said Eve. "I should wear my hair up?" "It looks good as well," Claire said, and grabbed the hairbrush. She brushed her thick black hair shining Eve to him, then turned and pinned into a knot on top of her head. "It." Eve took the powder, and then stopped. She met the eyes of Claire in the mirror. "Maybe not the right time," she said. Claire said nothing. Eve put a little lipstick - dark, but not the normal tone - and began looking for something in the cupboard. In the end, she went with a black dress, long enough to get the shoes. And a black veil. Eve was subdued for the three went to church with 15 minutes left, and Michael while parked, Claire saw several cars with dark windows of vampires already present. "This is the only funeral?" She asked. 

"Yeah," he said, and turned off the engine. "I think Mr. Rosser had more friends than we think." Not so many, as happened, when they entered the vestibule of the church, he was almost empty, and there were many names in the register. The 

Eve's mother was by the book, waiting to attack anyone who entered. True description of Michael, Ms. Rosser did not seem to be able to cry, she was all black, like Eve, only much more dramatic - dramatic movements of black satin, a large, formal hat, gloves. And, Claire thought when you were more theatrical than Eve, you definitely had problems. Mrs. Rosser was using too much mascara, and there was a massive stream of her cheeks. Her hair was dyed blonde and stretched around her face. If she wanted the role of Ophelia in a production of Hamlet, Claire thought she'd probably get it. Eve's mother threw herself on Claire as a wet blanket, crying on her shoulder and mascara-stained white T-shirt of it. "Thanks for coming!" She said, and Claire awkwardly patted her back. "I wish you had known my husband. He was such a good man, a life so difficult - "Eve stood there looking like a distant and little disgusted. "Mother Unleash it. She did not know you. "Mrs. Rosser walked away, holding back tears. "Do not be cruel, Eve, just because you did not love his father -" What was the coolest thing that Claire had ever heard. She exchanged a look with Shane. Michael got between mother and daughter, who was very brave of him. Maybe he was in the gene vampire. "Mrs. Rosser. Sorry about your husband. " 

"Thank you, Michael, you've always been a good boy. And thanks for taking care of Eve when she followed his own path. "Mrs. Rosser blew his nose, that's how she heard Eve say casually," do you mean when you threw me on the street? " 

"Sign our names," Michael said to Claire and Eve took the arm and led her to the church. Claire quickly wrote their name in the book, waved to Mrs. Ross - who was staring at her daughter with an expression that turned the stomach of Claire - and grabbed the arm of Shane to follow them. She had been in church before. It was good - not too fancy, but peaceful in its simplicity. No cross to view, but now, the focus was a big, black coffin at the end of the room. She was hit by the curve of the wood, and how much she reminded him of the mobile blood bank. It made Claire shiver and grab the arm of Shane even more tightly as they walked to stand next to Michael and Eve There were about 15 people around the sanctuary, and more arrived as the minutes passed. Two men in suits - the funeral 

Claire guessed it - floral arrangements placed near the coffin. Somehow it did not seem real. And the sound of weeping Mrs. Rosser continued, answering each murmur at the entrance, made all the more strange. Eve came off the bench and went to the coffin. She looked down for a few long seconds, then bent down and put something on it and went back to sit. The veil was down, but even with the soft blur, her expression seemed frozen and hard. 

"He was a daughter of the mother," she said when she saw Claire watching her. "But he was still my father." She leaned against the shoulder of Michael, and he put his arms around her. Mrs. Rosser finally entered the sanctuary and sat in the front row in front of where the four were. An employee at the funeral home gave her a box of tissues. She pulled out some and continued crying. 

And a tall, handsome guy with a black cloak and a white surplice, with a purple shroud around the neck, appeared behind the floral arrangements and leaned close to her, patting her hand. Father Joe, Claire guessed. He seemed nice - a little serious, and younger than she expected. Brown hair and golden eyes that were very direct behind a golden glasses. He heard Mrs. Rosser talk about her husband with a friendly and distant expression, as she stopped waving. His gaze was away once or twice, at the clock, and he finally leaned forward and whispered something to her. She nodded. More people came last minute, enough to fill half of the church. Claire, turning, he saw familiar faces: the detectives Joe Hess and Travis Lowe, who nodded toward her as she sat in the back of the church. She recognized a few more people, including a total of four vampires dark suits and sunglasses. One was Oliver, looking bored. Of course - Eve's family was under the protection of Brandon, Brandon, and when he died, they went to his superior authority. The appearance of Oliver here had less to do with genuine feeling than with public relations. Father Joe got on the altar and began to praise the man who had never met Claire, and she doubted that Eve acknowledged, except for the facts and figures in his life, his character seemed better than anything that her daughter it was already mentioned. Apparently Mrs. Rosser waved and cried, she was falling in praise fictional. "How much shit," Shane whispered to Claire. "Her father beat her, you know. Eve "Claire looked at him silently. 

"Just keep that in mind," he finished. "And do not shed a tear. Not at all. " 

Shane could, Claire thought, be a people harder than she has ever known. Not that he was wrong. Only - hard. 

But it helped. The emotions going through, emphasized by his mother Eve, passed through it and left without doing anything besides her eyes ached. When Father Joe ended, the agency began, and Mrs. Rosser was the first to go to the coffin. "Oh, God," Eve sighed as his hand was involved dramatically over the timber and screamed. Horrible screams and theatrical. "I think I'd better -" Michael was with her, and it was a male presence or angelic face or vampire blood, he was able to take away Ms. Rosser and bring back to the bank, where she sat with a complete collapse, and crying. Eve stood there on the bench for a few seconds, and the back straight, head bowed, and then walked away. Tears came down from under her veil and black dress, but she made no sound. Claire approached, but gave the father of Eve just a quick glance, he seemed - not natural. Not disgusting, but clearly dead. She shuddered and grabbed the arm of Shane and Eve followed her mother as she passed by without saying a word to the exit. Eve in almost bumped into her brother. Jason went back. As far as Claire could see the boy had not changed their clothes since - ever - the rotten smell of it was evident even a few feet away. He looked tall as well. "Nice outfit, Mana," he said. Eve stopped, stared, and drew the veil from her face. "What are you doing here?" "I'm in mourning." He laughed. "Whatever." 

Eve deliberately looked away, where the detectives Hess and Lowe were sitting. "I think you better go." They had not noticed yet, but they would. It would only be necessary a loud snap your fingers or Eve. "He is my father. '" So show some respect to him, "she said. "Out." She went through it. The rest of them followed, but Shane has slowed down, and Claire had to grab his arm to make him keep going. 

Jason made a forward movement. Shane shook his head. "Not worth the trouble," he said. And then they all left the hall, away from the smell of flowers 

and the smell of death and all that Claire could think was, how it's a closure? But Eve looked better, and that's what mattered. "Let's eat a hamburger," she said. As an idea, this was popular, and Claire's spirits improved as they were leaving the church and went to the parking lot toward the car of Michael. They were intercepted. Michael felt the first - he stopped, turned in a circle trying to find the source of a sound they could not hear. A slight shadow passed through the concrete, put down and laughed. Ysandre. She rose gracefully and was struggling in the direction of the four. "Get in the car," Michael said. "Go." "I will not let you," Shane said. He never took his eyes Ysandre. "Do not be an idiot. She is not behind me. "The eyes of Shane went to Michael's face. 

"Go." Claire grabbed the arm of Shane. He let himself be guided to the car. Michael played the keys. Ysandre passed through the open space and picked up in the air. She played for the up and down by hand, and cold and metallic noise was the only sound in the parking lot. "Do not be paranoid," she said. "I just went to say hi to. It's a free country. "" It is theft if you take my car keys, "Michael said. He raised his hand and gave her shoulders and threw it back. "What do you want?" "I just wanted to make sure that Mr. Shane received my invitation," she said. "You have received, dear?" Shane did not move. He did not speak. As far as Claire knew he was not breathing. "On the last beat of his heart, I think you've received," Ysandre said, and smiled. "See you on Saturday then. Have a great rest of week. "She walked away with high-heeled boots hitting the pavement, and disappeared into the shadows. Shane let out the breath slowly. 

None of them knew exactly what to say. Michael opened the car, and directed by queit for five minutes, until they stopped at Denny's. "We're going to eat?" He asked. "I think so," Shane said. "I will not let it ruin my appetite." There was a cover stretching the parking lot to the front door, which Claire had never thought of before - apparently Danny's was full of both vampires and humans during the day. There were flyers in local glass doors, and Claire looked at them. She stopped so suddenly that Shane bumped into her. "Hey! I was gone! "" Look. "Claire said pointed to the role ONE NIGHT ONLY! And there was a black and white photo of a young man holding a guitar. Under Glass said Michael back to the Common Grounds, and the date was ... tonight. Shane opened the door, grabbed Michael's shoulder, and showed him. "Hey," he said. "Do you remember anything? When would you tell us? "Michael looked surprised, then embarrassed. "I - I was not. Look, it's just a test, ok? I wanted to see if I could - I do not want you to go. It's nothing. "Grabbed the brochure and Eve faced. "Nothing? Michael you will play! In public! "" This is news? "Claire whispered to Shane. 

"He does not play anywhere except from our room -" Imitation of teeth. "You know. Oliver. "" Oh "Michael's face turned pink. "Just put in place, ok? There is no big deal! "Eve kissed him. "Yes it is." She said. "And I hate you for not telling me. You were going to sneak out or something? "" Absolutely, "Michael whispered. "Because if I am a drug, I do not want any of you hear first-hand." Claire leaflet carefully put back in the door. "You will not be a drug." "Not with the guitar, at least." Shane said with chutzpah. Claire punched him in the arm. "Ow." 


Michael spent two hours tuning his guitar, which was boring, and he left early. Eve was with him, despite his protest that really was not much. 

That left Claire and Shane to decide what they would do. 

She 'hot dog' chili and it was putting the grated cheese on top while Shane, celebrates the triumph in the video-game, and went into the kitchen. "Hey," he said. "Legal". 

"Thank you." He put part of the chili into his mouth, leaning against the kitchen counter. 

"You could sit at least," she sighed. "We have tables. They have chairs. " 

"You want to go?" He murmured. "For what?" 

She wanted? Claire ate a piece of his own hot dog, not even knowing that it was breaking its own rules about eating-at-foot, and thinking about the situation. On the one hand, it meant going out at night and go to Common Grounds for recreational purposes, which was lucky not to have anything going on in your home today. 

But - Michael. In public. Touching. 

"Yes," she said. "I would like, if you do not mind. I know you do not like the place, but-" 

"I like it as much as Eve, trust me. Also, I do not want her to be alone down there. She needs someone to save his back as he bites the neck of his groupies or anything like that. " 

She laughed. 

"Oh, do you think is funny? You should have seen him in college. The guy came to be 'hot' all the time he picked up the guitar. " 

"He still can, I'll bet." 

"Exactly my point. Come. They usually start at around seven. " 

Claire finished his meal and ran up a quick shower and change clothes. After some discussion, she returned with a short skirt and stockings that used in the past had disastrous party Monica Morrell, a simple black top and tight enough to shake, but loose enough so that she would not die if her parents to see. 

Shane blinked in surprise when she came downstairs. He had put different clothes, too, but he was still a lazy-casual. The only sign that he was trying to make an impression 

for her was that she suspected that he had combed his hair combed. A little. 

"You look great," he said, and smiled. She stopped at the last step, which put them at levels approximately equal, and he kissed her. Long and slowly. 

It tasted like toothpaste, at first, but then he was only Shane, and it was so delicious that she climbed on their own feet to get even closer. 

"Hold on, girl. I thought we were going out. Kiss like this, you're making me think about staying here. " 

Claire had to admit, it made her think about it, too. Especially with the house empty, and they were alone. 

She saw the idea crosses the mind of Shane, too, for a second and her eyes widened, thus making his pupils shine. 

Oh, the possibilities. 

"It is better to let go," said Claire sadly. "But - how do we get there?" 

Shane offered her his arm. "Nice night for a walk, I think." 

"Are you sure?" 

He touched his gold bracelet, then in his white wrist. "This may be the only night we can do this in this city. Let's live dangerously. " 

It was good, then walking arm in arm and not worry Shane (well, not too much) about the danger that was about to come here after dark. 

Tonight at least, the dangers are kept away. It was a short walk to the Common Grounds, but lonely, Claire felt a bit unreal, walking slowly in the dark houses with windows closed. People do not go out much after work, and if they did, they went in groups, and cars. 

Two people, a night like this ... seemed wrong, and when they were about half way, Claire saw someone stop a car in front of them and jump. The look of the woman was panic as she looked at them, and Claire realized that she had thought they were - vampires. What was funny and sad. 

The woman grabbed the groceries and hurried to his house, closing the door with a bang and locked it with a hard metal lock. 

Claire said nothing to Shane, and he made no comment, but she had no doubt that he felt the same uneasy guilt. But what could they have said? 

Okay, ma'am, we're not here to eat you? 

Claire was happy when the warmth of golden light poured out the front window of Common Grounds. Obviously it was a good deal - cars lined the streets on both sides, and more in the parking lot while she and Shane approaching the entrance. "It will be crazy," Shane said, but he did not sound upset. "The next time I'll take you somewhere nice and quiet." 

Claire searched in its memory. So much had happened since she had known Shane, but she was almost certain that this was his first real encounter alone. What was surprising, sweet, and precious to her and she suspected that Shane would never imagine. She savored the warmth of your hands on them, smiled at him, and entered the Common Grounds while holding the door for her. 

The noise level was incredible. The coffee was usually quiet, but never boring, but as the sun set, the level of emotion rose, and tonight was something like the roof. Each table was crowded with people - human beings, especially, but the corners of the room a few vampires Claire saw it faces, including Sam. The only family of Michael in the city to support it. Sam sent him a smile and a wave, Claire returned. 

Michael he was standing in the clear zone behind the bar, looking tense and a little empty. He was dressed in a gray shirt and jeans, and he had his acoustic guitar slung around his body. Claire thought the shell necklace he wore looked new - a gift from Eve? A gift of good luck? Eve was standing beside him, and although she could not see clearly, Claire thought they were holding hands. 

Claire and Shane pushed the crowd to get to the bar. Shane looked at Michael, who looked back - all very manly - and then Shane went somewhere to get drinks, leaving Claire without knowing what to say. 

"You'll be great to do it," she finally said. Michael's blue eyes flashed focusing on the here and now. 

"Man, I do not know," he said. "It was supposed to be casual - show me and play some songs. Just to get used to it again. But this - " 

Someone in the corner of the room began clapping, and suddenly everyone was doing a rhythmic wave. 

Michael could not be more pale, but Claire definitely saw it in his eyes. Eve saw, too, and gave him a quick kiss. 

"You can do this, Michael," she said. "Come on. Get out of there. It's what you do. " 

Claire nodded and smiled in support. Michael got the part of the hinge 

the bar and walked out to a thunderous applause. There was a small stage set up at the far end of the place, near the closed door that said OFFICE, and when Michael went into it, and captured the lights shone on her golden hair, showing a blue sky in your eyes. 

Wow, Claire thought. This was no more Michael. This was ... else. 

Eve went to the public and Aldo was close to Claire, his arms folded. She had an evil smile on her red lips. "He's cute," she said. "Right? He is. " 

Claire could only agree. 

Michael set the microphone, tested it, did a quick workout with her fingers that she knew he used to calm down and then smiled at the crowd. It was a different smile than she had seen him before - more, in some way. 

More intense, more joyful, more personal. She felt a hot lava somewhere deep inside her look for her, and immediately felt ashamed of it. 

But man, he was hot. She knew that Shane was talking about, and she was not immune. 

Shane touched her shoulder and gave him a drink as Michael said, "I think everyone knows who I am, right?" 

And about eighty percent of the room laughed like thunder. The other - college students who did not know if they were there because they wanted to or because they were bored - were lost. 

Michael made a final adjustment, the end. His hands were steady now, moving with confidence. "My name is Michael Glass, and I'm from Morganville." 

More laughter. Before they disappeared, Michael began to play, a fast and complicated song that Claire had heard him playing at home - but that was not playing, it was an enormous talent. He shone like white gold, and the music flowed out of their hands like streams of light. It was wrapped around Claire's shining like a network, and she dared not breathe or move, while Michael played like she had never before heard anyone play, ever. 

She managed to look the other way seeing Shane, whose eyes were fixed on Michael as well. She snuggled into it. He gave her hair with a shake of his head. 

Eve was smiling, as if she had known all this. 

Michael made the song seem like a liquid, finishing in flames, fell silent when the guitar and the strings still sounded, the crowd was completely stopped. Michael waited, as still and then the place erupted in spontaneous applause and cheers. 

Claire thought the smile that spread across his face was worth everything about Michael Morganville, for this moment. 

His next song was slow, sweet and with a shock realized that Claire was a slower version of the song he had written the other night when he was too busy to go to the store. Also had letters, and the voice of Michael turned into something sad, but full beauty. 

It was a song for Eve 

Claire noticed that his chest was hurting, so the pressure of tears and the fact that she was not breathing. She never knew that music could have such power. As she looked around the coffee, she saw the same thing in other faces - rapture. Even Oliver, standing behind the bar, was upset. And in the shadows, Claire saw someone - Amelie, looking pensive, as if she had known this all along, as Eve 

The eyes were full of tears, but he was smiling. 

Michael turned his voice to a whisper, and he finished the song. This time, the applause did not stop, and were living a total exaltation. 

Michael put the microphone on again. "Thanks, guys," he said of the noise, and smiled. "We're just getting started." 

It was the best night Claire had in Morganville. She never felt as much a part of something - never seen so much unity in a room full of people so diverse. Students were clueless together with natives and their bracelets of Morganville, vampires smiling fair for humans, and even Oliver seemed affected by the general euphoria. 

When Michael entered 'offstage', it was only after three cheers and thunderous ovations. He made a beeline straight to Eve, he gave a hug, then kissed her so deeply that Claire had to look away. When they stopped for breath, Michael was still smiling. 

"So?" Questioned. "Do not suck, right?" 

Shane offered his hand. "Do not suck. Congratulations, man. " 

Michael ignored the hand and embraced him, then turned to Claire. She did not hesitate to embrace it. It was warmer than usual, and sweaty, she did not know vampires could sweat. Maybe they just generally do not exert much. "You were amazing," Claire whispered. "I-incredible. Wow. I've said amazing? " 

He gave her a kiss on the cheek and then moved on to shake hands with someone from the local press. There was a lot of them, and many of them were very young. Claire fell back beside Shane. 

"See what I mean?" Shane said. "Good thing Eve to be here. That 

can go up to someone's head. " 

"Even for a vampire?" 

"Heh Especially a vampire. " 

It took about fifteen minutes for the race fans instant leaving the site, and then emptied the tables, leaving only some crazy caffeine to close the night. Claire and Shane grabbed chairs and cool drinks while Eve helped Michael to keep your things. 

"Hey," said Claire, and I have the full attention of Shane. "Thank you." 

His eyebrows raised. "For what?" 

"For the best meeting I ever had." 

"This? Nah. Just average. I can do much better. " 

She lifted her head. "Really?" 


"You have to prove?" 

Somehow, his hands were holding her, and his warm fingers were shivering in your palm. "Someday," he said. "Soon. Absolutely. " 

She was found not breathing again, capturing all the possibilities. Shane smiled, slow and wicked, and she wanted to kiss you right now, for a very long time. 

"Ready?" Michael was standing on the table, waiting to join them. Something of the brightness it had been on stage, and he was just regular Michael again, a little tired, too. Claire finished drinking hot chocolate and agreed. 

Even the best night he had come to an end. 

Claire was getting ready for bed when she heard screaming Eve - and was not the thing 'does not tickle me, stupid, "but a full cry of alarm, one that was heard through the house like a horn. She put the rest of my pajamas, put on his robe and went to corredor.Shane was already there, down the stairs, still dressed in jeans and a loose shirt. 

When they reached the front room, they found Michael sitting on the floor holding a bloody girl in his arms. Eve was taking the locks on the door. 

"Miranda," Michael said, and pulled the hair of her bloody face. 

"Miranda, can you hear me?" 

Claire realized with shock that her friend Eve, Miranda - was just a child, in fact, was at the stage where the girls were still ways to turn naive and feared women. Mir had become a little more mature since they last saw Claire - not so scared - but she still looked like an abandoned child. A wound. There was a wound on his head and blood running from her neck stained jeans and fingers of Michael. 

"Ow," Miranda whispered, and began to cry. "Ow. I knocked my head-" 

"Are you okay, you're safe now," said Eve. She dropped to her knees in front of Michael and helped with their arms, Michael quickly moved the girl. His pupils were dilated, and he felt - different. "Michael, maybe you go - to wash." 

He agreed and began gently pushing Shane and Eve, up the stairs so fast that it was just a blur. 

"Ambulances?" Shane said. 

"No! No, I can not! "Miranda sounded frantic. "Please do not send me there. You do not know - do not know what they will do - the fire - " 

Eve tried to calm the girl, somehow, despite being giving a Miranda crazy. "Ok, chill, we will not. I promise. Relax. Shane - perhaps the first aid? Towels and hot water? " 

"I'll help," said Claire, and she and Shane went to the kitchen. When she looked back she saw that Miranda had stopped fighting and was exhausted into the arms of Eve "What the hell happened to her?" 

"Morganville," Shane said, and went about their business. He went through the kitchen door and went straight to the cabinets under the sink. The first aid kit was full of things, Claire thought the hot water and clean towels in the kitchen together. 

The first aid section of Miranda was not as bad as feared Claire - head wound was bleeding, but it was shallow, and Eve straightened with some bandages. 

The holes in the neck Miranda seemed fresh, though. When Eve asked about them, Miranda seemed embarrassed and pulled the collar of his shirt. "It's none of your business," she said. 

"It's Charles, right? Son of a bitch. "Eve had a problem with vampires who prey on minors - in fact, according to what Claire knew there were many other vampires doing it. There were laws against it, after all. She asked if she knew about Amelie and Charles Miranda. Or suspected. "You can not let him do it on you so, Mir! You know it! " 

"He was hungry," said Miranda, and lowered her head. "I know. But it does not hurt, not really. " 

It made Claire want to vomit. She exchanged a look with Shane. 

"There's a guy that needs to be staked," he said. 

Miranda looked at him angrily. "That's not funny!" 

"I'm doing my funny face? Miranda, the guy is a pedophile. The fact that he only suck your blood, instead of - "Shane paused, looking at her. "It's time for, right?" 

It was impossible to say whether Miranda had understood what he meant, but Claire thought yes, and he made the girl feel deeply uncomfortable. Miranda tried to leave the chair that was placed. "I need to go home." 

"Wow, wow, you can hardly stand up," said Eve, and managed to take it again. "Claire, you could check Micahel? See if he's okay? " 

In other words, there were issues that Shane and Eve were about to do, personal questions. Claire nodded and went upstairs. The bathroom door was closed. She knocked softly. 


No answer. She tried the doorknob. Locked. 

Claire turned around and heard the footsteps coming down the hall, but she saw no one. 

She heard the door open, but when she looked back, the bathroom was open, and Michael was about two inches away from her. 

She stumbled backward. Instead of just washing up, he took a shower, her hair was damp and curly and darker than usual, and he was wearing a towel around his waist. There was much more of Michael in view of what she used to see, and it was ... impressive. 

Claire leaned in all the way up the wall. 

"Sorry," he said. It's not like he really apologized. He seemed annoyed, stressed, and nervous. "She's still here." It was not an issue, but Claire agreed anyway. "She can not stay. We have to get her out. " 

"I do not think she has to go," Claire offered. "She was very hysterical. Shane and Eve are - " 

"I can still smell her blood," Michael interrupts her. "I washed myself. I took my clothes. I showered. None of that matters, I can still feel - it needs to go. Now. " 

"What's wrong with you? I thought you - "She hesitated, then made a motion to drinking something. 

"I did." Michael rubbed his face with his hands. "I think everything was burned tonight at the show. I'm hungry, Claire. " 

That cost him a lot to say. Claire swallowed, and nodded. "Wait here." 

She was down there, going where Shane and Eve were still talking earnestly with Miranda, and went into the kitchen. On the back of the bottom of the refrigerator shelf had a few bottles that could have been full of beer, and were not. There were three of them. She grabbed without looking too closely at it and make sure their content was hiding when she passed the group. 

Nobody really looked their way, they were very interested in keeping their own secrets. 

Michael was still waiting, leaning against the gate of the bathroom, arms folded. 

He brightened when she saw what she had on hand. She gave him silently. He never took his eyes off her as he opened the lid with your dog and took the cold bottle to her lips. The content seemed more sugar than blood, and Claire almost choked. 

Michael frowned. But he swallowed it all. He continued to drink until the bottle was empty. 

Her blue eyes became red hot, and then returned to their normal color. 

She saw something like horror pass through it. "I should not do that in front of you." 

"Yes, yes. You said it. "And there was definitely some kind of challenge it, too. Some kind of 'come on', even. What was the most crazy and scary, and yet ... 

And yet. 

Michael wiped his lips with the back of the hand, looked down, and returned to the sink to wash. 

He was looking in the mirror for so long, that Claire thought he had forgotten it was there, and then he said, "Thanks." 

Claire tried to think of something to say that there was totally preposterous. "Kind of disgusting, is not it? When it's cold? "That was not. 

Fortunately, Michael was willing to have any kind of conversation, after the odd moment. "Yes," he said. "But he keeps the bottle good. That's what's important. "He looked at the bottle carefully, then threw it away and gave a deep sigh. "I'll get dressed. I will return in a second. " 

It was strange, but good, and Claire kept quiet this time, and returned to the room. 

When Shane and Eve were, with his head in identical angles, looking. 

"What is happening?" Claire whispered. 

"Shhh," Shane and Eve do so in unison. 

Because Miranda was speaking in a strange monotone voice, and she looked ... dead. Unconscious. All he talked about. 

"I see a party," she was saying. "So much anger ... so many lies. All dead, all dead, dropping. It is spread. He will kill us all. " 

Claire felt a warning signal. All dead, dropping. It is spread. 

Miranda had psychic episodes - Claire knew. It was part of the reason Eve let her stay from time to time. Sometimes the visions were false, but most of the time, they were as serious as a heart attack, and Claire knew somehow that this was real. 

She was talking about the disease infecting the vampires, and she was talking about it spreading to humans. No, this can not happen. Or can you? They had not even been able to identify what the disease was just what she did, and that it was reducing the health of vampires, is kept constant until what remained was unable to work. 

The first thing to go - for all the vampires of Morganville - was the ability to reproduce. To create new vampires. Only Amelie still had the strength, and creating Michael had almost destroyed her. 

It is spread. Claire thought of all the humans in Morganville, all families, all young people who were in the cafe tonight, and felt cold and unstable. 

It could not be true. 

"Party," said Miranda again. "You are all fools, all fools - not deceived you. There are just three - are more - " 

"Who?" Eve sat beside the chair of Miranda and put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Mir, who is speaking?" 

"Elder," she said, and now tears down her pale cheeks of Miranda. 

"Oh no. Oh no ... they are coming back. They are all hungry, can not stop them - " 

Michael, who was descending the stairs, he stopped. He looked calm again, but worried. "What is she talking about?" 

"Shhh!" This time, all three asked for silence at the same time. Eve bent closer to Miranda. "Honey, you're talking about vampires? What will happen to the vampires? " 

"Dying," Miranda whispered. "So many died. We think we are safe, but we're not. They will not listen - they do not see us - "She turned frantically silver bracelet on his wrist and twisted in his chair. "He's doing it. He is making it happen. " 

"Oliver?" Eve said. Because Oliver was the only vampire old man in the city. 

But Miranda shook her head. She did not say another word, but she cried and cried so hard that it shook itself and brought out of trance and grabbed Eve as a thin sheet in the wind. 

"Bishop," said Michael. They all looked at him. "It's not Oliver. She is talking about the Bishop. He will try to destroy Morganville. " 

Miranda ended up sleeping on the couch, and when Claire came down the next morning, she found the girl wrapped in a ball under mountains of blankets, shivering, but still asleep. She looked even more fragile. His pale skin was translucent and had dark, tired circles around their eyes. 

Claire felt sorry for her, but was a distant sort of excuse - Miranda does not really called for a devotion. She had no friend to talk about it, or as Eve said, was tolerated by the people, but not exactly enjoyed his company. It was difficult for a child, but Claire could understand it. Miranda was a mixture of denial and ultimate madness, and even in Morganville, she would have a difficult time. 

No wonder she defended the vampire that fed it. He was probably the only one who really showed her any affection. 


Claire stopped to straighten the blankets more tightly around the girl who trembled before she ran into the kitchen to make coffee and toast. While the coffee going, it was lonely and basic, but the sun came up and none of the others were what you might call morning people. 

He had moments when you sign up for classes early seemed a bad idea. 

When the phone rang, Claire almost flipped. She jumped to the extension on the wall in the kitchen door and took place before the second ring. "Hello?" 

There was a pause on the other end and then, her mother said, "Claire?" 

"Mother! Hi - what's wrong? " 

"Why should it be something wrong? Why can not I call because I just wanted to talk to my daughter? "Oh, great. Now, her mother sounded agitated and defensive. "I know it's early, but I wanted to catch up with you before you leave for the day's lessons." 

Claire sighed and leaned against the wall, idly kicking the linoleum floor. 

"Okay How are you and the father? Everything is already unpacked? " 

"Well," said her mother, in a tone so false that Claire wanted to go, fast. 

"It's just a setting - that's all. A small town and everything. " 

"Yes," agreed Claire quietly. "It's an adjustment." She had no idea that the mother and father knew about Morganville now, but they had to be getting some type of - of what they called? Guidance? Morganville was nothing efficient about it, she suspected. "You know - some people?" 

"We went to a nice welcome party in the city," said Mother. "Mr. Bishop and his daughter took us. " 

Claire had to bite his lip to hold a groan. Bishop? And Amelie? Oh God. 

"What happened?" 

"Nothing, really. It was a cocktail. * Hors d'oeuvres and drinks, a little conversation. There was a presentation on the history of - of "shocking With sniffing, Claire's mother began to cry. "I swear, we knew we did not know - or we would not have sent to this terrible place, oh, dear-" 

* Food Cocktail 

Claire could barely swallow because of the lump in the throat. "Do not cry, Mom. It's okay. Everything will be alright now. "She was lying, but she had to do. The sound of her mother breaking down in tears was very difficult. "Look, you know Amelie, right?" 

Sniffing at the other end. "Yes, she seemed nice." 

Cool was not like Claire wanted to put it. "Well, Amelie is the most powerful person in Morganville, and she is definitely on our side." Is an exaggeration, but it was the best she could do to describe the situation in simple terms. "So there's really nothing to worry, Mom. I work for Amelie. She has some responsibility for myself and for you to make sure we're safe. Ok? "

"Okay," was weak and muffled, but at least it was an agreement. "I was so worried about his father. He does not look good, not well at all. I wanted him to hospital, but he said it was okay - " 

Claire had a flashback of cold Miranda, saying, Please do not send me there. You do not know what they do .... She spoke about the hospital. 

"But he's okay?" 

"He seems fine today." Claire's mother wiped her nose, and when she returned the phone, she seemed brighter and stronger. "I'm sorry we did with you, dear. I had no idea - you were in that situation and never said a word about - that situation. "Translating, vampires. 

"Well, to be honest, I do not think you believe me," said Claire. "And out of town calls are monitored. They said that, right? " 

"Yes, they said. So you were protecting us. "His mother laughed wildly. "Parents are supposed to protect their children, Claire. We made a big change for this work we have done? We really thought it would be much safer for you here than in Massachusetts or California on their own ... " 

"It's okay. I'll get there one day. " 

They changed the conversation to make things easier - things to unpack, for the vessel that had broken during the move ("Honestly, I hated anything that her aunt - gave us for Christmas that year, remember?"), The way Claire wanted to spend your day. In the end, the mother seemed more or less stable, and coffee Claire was very cold. He was just toast. 

"Claire," said Mother. "On leaving the house -" 

"I'm not leaving," said Claire. "I'm sorry, Mom. I know it will upset the father, but these are my friends, and this is where I belong. I'm staying. " 

There was a brief silence on the other side and then her mother said, very softly, "I'm so proud of you." 

She hung with a soft click. Claire stood for a moment, with tears in his eyes, and said to the silence, "I love you." 

And then she grabbed his stuff and went to class. 


The days passed, and several, there was no future emergencies. Normal life - or what passed for it, at least - sat. Claire went to school, Eve went to work, Michael taught in their guitar lessons - he was very much required from the concert at Common Grounds - and Shane ... Shane was lazy, Claire actually thought he looked worried. Finally it hit her, he was thinking about Saturday, and the invitation. And he did not want to talk about it with her. "So what should I do?" She asked Eve, "I mean, he can not just say you're sick to go to party or something?" "You're kidding," said Eve. "Do you think they would fall into this excuse? If you receive an invitation to something, you will. End of story. "" But - "Claire, who was picking up the glasses of the closet while Eve put the dishes, almost all down. "But that means that bizarre vad -" "Linguaguem, young lady." "- Witch will make him go with it!" It made her furious, and not entirely because of how upset Shane had been before. Shane was the idea of ??having to do this. In Ysandre put those thin, pale fingers on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. Shane did not say a word to her about it. Not a single word. And she did not know how to help. Eve looked at her thoughtfully for a few seconds before saying, "Well, it is not the only one who will, of course. Shane will not be on their own. " 

"What?" "Michael will also. I knew when he got the invitation. But I did not open. "Still, Eve had full reason to expect that at least invite Michael to go with it. Claire, on the other hand, was completely excluded. What made her irrationally angry again, and this time by herself. You are jealous, she realized. Because you do not want it to go anywhere without you. 

She did not want to be that person, but there it was. And she had no idea what to do about it. When she put the glass of coca Shane in front of him, she did with probably a little too much emphasis, he looked at her with a questioning expression. Eve was already sitting in the chair across the table. Michael was not home, but Eve did not seem bothered by 

it this time. Maybe he had told her where he went. Good to know that someone was talking about, Claire thought. "What?" Shane asked her, and took a sip. "I forgot to say thank you? Why, thank you. The best coke I ever made. You made it? Special recipe? "" Is there a plan for Saturday night? "She asked. "I was thinking maybe we could go to the movies, or -" Very transparent. Shane knew instantly, and Eve drowned with her microwave lasagna. The silence stretched. Claire fumbled in the food, just to have something to do. "I can not," Shane said finally. "I think you know why." "You're the one ball," said Claire. "With the - friend of Bishop." "I do not exactly have a choice." 

"Are you sure about that?" "Of course I'm sure - because we are talking about exactly?" "Because -" She stuck the fork in lasagna so deeply scratched the plate. "Because Michael will. And I think Eve, too. And what I should do, exactly? "" You're kidding. Are you on drugs? Because I think you just imply that you want to go to the scary business of vampires. Which, by the way, I do not want to go. "Claire tried not to look so angry. "I thought you hated her. Ysandre. But you go with it. "" I hate it. And I will. "Shane put food in your mouth, a weak excuse to end the conversation, or at least to avoid. 

Eve cleared her throat. "Maybe I should, I do not know, leave? Because this is starting to sound like one of those reality shows that I do not want to be. You may want to take turns in the confession booth. "Shane and Claire ignored. "I did not tell you because there is nothing you can do," Shane said. "There's nothing anyone can do." "Stop talking with your mouth full." "Dude, you asked!" "I -" Claire felt a sudden burning with tears in his eyes. "I just wanted you to talk to me, that's all. But I do not think you can do it. "She took the untouched lasagna and drink and taken to the room. It was the 

instead of her freak out, slamming the door, and getting upset, and drugs, she would do this well. The tears came in second the door closed, she put everything on the desk, and fell weeping in the corner. She did not cry so much time, not for something so stupid, but she just could not - could not - there was a knock at the door. "Claire?" "Go away, Shane." Her heart was not in it, and he must have heard it. He opened the door. She half expected him to run to it and then a huge hug, but instead only Shane ... stood there. Looking like a mixture of irritation and confusion. "Because this is about you?" He asked her. It was a perfectly reasonable question, so logical that made her gasp and cry even more. "I have to go dressed in a fool. I have to pretend you do not want to put a stake through the heart of that bitch. You do not need. " 

"But you go! Why are you going? You - I thought you hated her - "" Because she said she will kill you if I did not appear. And because I know it's not just a threat. She would. Happy now? "He closed the door quietly. Claire could not catch my breath. The pain in her chest seemed to be choking her, as if every heart beat could be the last. She heard herself make a sound, but she could not tell whether it was tears or anger or anguish. 

Eventually the tears stopped, and Claire cleaned the traces of her cheeks wet. It was painful, lonely, and guilty of all. Dinner it did not look good, and all she wanted to do this to hide under the blankets and embrace the largest stuffed animal she could find. But she could not do that. When she opened the door, she found Shane sitting on the outside, backs against the wall. He looked up to her. "Finished?" He asked. His eyes were red as well. Not just tears, but - something. "Because it's not as if the ground were really comfortable." She sank near him. He put his arms around her, and her head sank against his chest. There was something so sweet about the caress of his fingers in her hair, the gentle rhythm of his breath. The safety of the solid warmth of him next to her. "Do not let her hurt you." She whispered. "God, Shane -" "Do not worry. Michael will be there, and I'm sure he'll get if they try. But I want you to stay safe. He promises that while I'm gone, you will stay with their parents or something. "No -" because she was trying to protest. "No, I promise. I need to know that you will be fine. " 

She nodded, still miserable. "I promise," she said, and took a deep breath to drop everything. "Then that stupid fantasy will you use? '" Do not ask. " 

"It involves leather?" "Yeah, actually I think it involves." He sounded as if he feared that possibility. She managed a smile, though. "I can not wait." Shane hit his head against the wall. "Girls." ***** The next visit to her lab Myrnin brought a surprise. When she came down the stairs, she saw the glow of lamps, and her first thought was, Oh God, he left the cell. The second was that it was better to prepare the dart gun, and she was opening the bag to pick up when she saw that there was Myrnin. 

The super-crowded and poorly lit lab - it was more like a repository of old equipment, in fact - had a chair and a lamp for reading. Sitting in the chair, turning the pages of old newspapers and fragile, was none other than Oliver. Claire put her hand on the gun darts, just for preca\u00e7\u00e3o, although she was not sure that a dose of antidote do in this situation. "Oh, relax, I will not attack you, Claire," Oliver said in a bored voice. He never looked up. "Plus we are on the same side, these days. Or do you not heard? "She descended the stairs slowly missing. "I do not think so. There was a memo? "Sure, he came running when Eve called on Bishop, but this does not necessarily put him in the category of allies in the book of Claire. "When an outsider threatens the community, the community comes together against the foreigner. It is a rule as old as the tribal system. You and I are in the same community, and we have a common enemy. "" Mr. Bishop. "Oliver looked up, marking the page of the newspaper with a finger. "You've got questions, I assume. I would have in its place. "" Okay. How long have you know him? "" I do not know him. I doubt anyone knows who is still alive today. "Claire put a chair in front of him. "But you found it." 

"Yes," "When you found it, then?" 

Oliver nodded, eyes narrow and she recalled how she had once thought he was cool, just a normal person. Not so now. Not one person too. "I met him in Greece," he said. "A long time ago. I do not think the circumstances will be particularly enlightening for you. Or comforting, considering. "" You tried to kill him? "" Me? "Oliver smiled slowly. "No." "Amelie tried?" He did not answer but continued to smile. The silence continued until her want to scream, but she knew he wanted her talkative. She babbled not. 

"Amelie's subjects are not his," Oliver said. "I assume you've heard the talk of Myrnin. I confess, I find it fascinating he was still with us. I thought he was dead and gone, long time ago. "" As a Bishop? "" He's pretty crazy, you know. Myrnin. And it's so long as I remember, although it certainly has gotten worse lately. "The eyes of Oliver took a way of farewell. "He loved hunting, but he was pathetically crying afterwards. No wonder he wants to blame his weakness with a kind of - mythical disease. Some people are not cut out for this life. "Of all the things that Claire hoped, that caught her off guard. "You do not believe there is a disease?" "I do not believe that because Myrnin and some others are - defective - that means that we all fall, no." "But - you can not a -" "Play?" Oliver said without emotion. "Maybe we do not want to do this." 

"You tried to make Michael." Oh, she should not have said it, it really should not; Oliver's face tensed, and she saw the skull beneath that smooth and pale skin. A red glow passed through his eyes. "Thus says Michael." 

"Thus says Amelie. You wanted - you wanted your own power base here. Their own converts. But you could not do. That surprised you, did you? Because suddenly you do not - was capable of. "" Child. "Oliver said," you should think carefully about the next thing you say to me. Very, very carefully. "If you followed another long silence, and this time Claire did not look away. She took an invisible bandage in your backpack. "I should go to work," she said. "And you should not be here without knowing Amelie." "How do you know she does not know?" "Is there someone else here watching you knew it," Claire said, and received a small, cold smile in response. "Smart girl. Yes, very well. You'll send me out? " 

"I guess I can not send anything to you, Oliver, but if you want me to call Amelie -" She took the phone, opened it, and went through the phonebook. Oliver thought about killing her. She saw the idea to pass across his face, simple as the morning sun, and she dialed the number almost by reflex. Then faded, and he was smiling, and he stood and gave a nod. "It's disturbing because the founder with such nonsense," he said. "I'm leaving. Just a ridiculous amount of news that a person can read it. "He dropped the paper in a pile near the chair and walked away, moving with an effortless grace around the stacks of books and furniture of the barriers. He did not seem to move quickly, but before she blink, he was gone, a shadow on the steps. Claire let out a shaky sigh, took the gun darts of the bag, and went to see Myrnin. "Magnificent," Myrnin said, looking at his hands. He flexed to make them into fists, and turned, and spread your fingers. "I do not feel well at - well, years. I had numbness in your hands - you know? " 

It was a symptom that Myrnin had forgotten to mention, and she writes in her notebook. She had started the clock - a new addition to the laboratory, she ordered one on the internet - on the wall, and the red numbers Myrnin reminded the two that had a maximum of five hours of sanity with the current formula. Myrnin followed her gaze to the clock, and the excitement in his expression vanished. He still looked a young, except for the eyes, it was scary to think that he looked exactly the same way generations before she was born, and would seem so long after she died. He loved hunting, Oliver had said. There was only one type of hunting for vampires. Hunting of people. He smiled at her, and was the smile that had 

won - sweet, gentle, inviting her to share wonderful secrets. "Thanks for the watch, Claire. It is a great help. Has alarm together "? 

"It starts to make a noise fifteen minutes before the counter reaches zero," she said. "And there's noise every hour that passes as well." "Very useful. Well, then. Now that I'm using my fingers - what should we do? "Myrnin shook his eyebrows suggestively, which was funny, coming from him. Not that he was cute - he was - but Claire could not imagine him feel sexy. She wondered if it would hurt his feelings. "How about if we start putting some of these books on the shelf?" She said. It was getting a noise: she stumbled into the cells more than once even when there was an emergency. Myrnin, however, made a face. "I only have a few hours of lucidity, Claire. Clean the house looks like something to pass the time poor. "" Well, what to do? '"I think we made incredible progress with this last formula," he said "Why not see if we can further distill the essence? Strain effects? "" I think it's best to do some chemical analysis with what happens to your blood before you do. "Before she could stop him, he passed the table, picked up a rusty knife, and cut the arm. She was opening her mouth to scream when he took a beaker of clean table and picked up the blood. The wound healed before he lost more than a few teaspoons. 

"There are ways - easier to do this," she said weakly. Myrnin handed the beaker to it. The blood seemed darker than normal human blood, and thicker, but she supposed it would be like - he was not so hot. She tried not to think about all those people donating blood, but she could not avoid. Shane's blood would end up in the veins of Myrnin? And how it worked, anyway? ... vampires digest the blood, or otherwise just pass it to the circulatory system? The blood type matter? Conflicting Rh factor? What about blood diseases such as malaria, Ebola and AIDS? 

There were many questions to answer. She felt that Dr. Millers would be in heaven with this possibility. "Pain does not matter much," said Myrnin and down the sleeve of pale and unmarked arm after clearing the trail of blood left behind. "If you learn to ignore it, eventually." Claire doubted it, but she did not argue. "I'll take part of it 

to the hospital, "she said. "Dr. Mills wanted a blood sample. They have many cool equipment there, he can give us detailed information we can get there. "Myrnin gave the shoulders, clearly uninterested in Dr. Mills or any human as well as Claire. "Do as you please," he said. "What kind of equipment?" "Oh, all sorts. Spectrometers, analysis of blood - you know. "" We should take these things. "" Why? "" How can we operate as if we have the most current equipment? " 

Claire winked at him. "Myrnin, you do not exactly have space here. And I do not think you will make us mad you plug in an electric electroscope. That is not how scientists work more, anyway. The equipment is very expensive, very delicate. The major hospitals and universities to buy. We just rent time. "Myrnin seemed surprised, then thoughtful. "They rent time? But how can you check something when you do not know what you're looking for or how long will it take? "" You have to learn how to mark their epiphany. And be patient. "It made him laugh. "Claire, I'm a vampire. We're not known for patience, you know. Your Dr. Mills - maybe we should visit him. I'd like to meet him. "" He - probably like to meet you too, 'she said slowly. She was not sure that Amelie would find it, but she knew Myrnin would do what she wanted or not wanted. "Next time, okay?" 

They looked at the clock. "Yes," said Myrnin. "Next time. Oh! I wanted to ask. What did you hear about Bishop and the feast of welcome? "" Not much. I think Michael and Eve are going. Shane - Shane says he has to go. "" With Ysandre? "Claire nodded. Myrnin turned away from her, and went through a stack, and books with enthusiasm, and then another. He gave her a cry of delight and passed through the stack to get a volume that, in the eyes of Claire, it seemed like any other. He played it for her. Claire managed to grab before hitting her chest. "Ow!" She complained. "Not so hard, please. ' 

"Sorry." He did not feel the truth. There was a dark and subversive tendency in it today. "What is it, anyway?" Myrnin returned to her side, took the book, opened it and turned the pages. He stopped near the half and handed it to her. "Ysandre," he said. 

The book was written in English, but it was the 18th century and it was not easy to understand, considering the state of pages. She was a beauty so rare and malevolent that her grandfather was fascinated by the breathtaking view, and mistook for an angel that God had sent to console him on his deathbed. The clean lines of her profile, the beautiful liquid black eyes, the noble brow, shiny hair like wings of crows, the delicate mouth, the whole effect of the beautiful face in the minds of those who looked upon was that there was a profound melancholy and sweetness, printed once and forever it. Tall and slender, but without the excessive fineness of a young girl, her movements a grace that had reminded the balance of the flowers in the wind. "Oh," Claire said, surprised. This was Ysandre, he was right. "She was -" "A very famous murderer. She helped her husband and cousins ??killing a king after the death of her grandfather. She was hanged at the end, but that was after she turned vampire. He was lucky. " 

The book contained a description of the disgusting murder of the king, and several others. Claire shuddered and closed the book. "Because you showed me?" "I do not want you to do what her grandfather did - underestimate her because she looks like an angel. Ysandre destroyed more lives than you can begin to imagine, starting with herself. "Myrnin eyes were dark, and very serious. "If she wants Shane, let her Tues She will finish him fast. Amelie will not let her kill him. "" I think she wants other things, "Claire said. "Oh. Sexual then. Or a version thereof. Ysandre always been a little - weird. "" How do I prevent it? "Myrnin shook his head slowly. "I'm sorry. I can not help you. My only suggestion - I'm sure you will not like - is to let him handle it's own way. She will let him live, virtually intact, unless he resists it. "" You're right. I do not like. "" Complain to the manager, my dear. "Access the seriousness of it spent as a cloud in the sun. "How about a game of chess then?" 

"How about I just test your blood because you only have a few more minutes before I have to put you back on your, um, room?" "Jail," he corrected. "It is perfectly ok to say. And you work too hard for someone so young. "She worked too, Claire thought in frustration, because someone needed. Myrnin certainly not worked. ***** 

On Thursday, the masked ball that was to come was the agitation of Morganville. Claire could not avoid hearing about it. In the cafeteria of the university, it was inevitable, people say the strangest things in private in public, as if an invisible privacy around them. She heard too much about the sexual adventures and his colleagues in recent weeks, apparently, was mid-season, now that everyone was guaranteed the semester. Girls rated their faces. Faces rated girls. They wanted what they could not have, or had not really wanted. But while Claire drank coffee and wrote his essay about the mechanics, heat, and fields - which had nothing to do with shopping car, time, or farm - she heard something that made her stop the pen on the sheet. "- Call," someone was saying. The man was sitting behind her. "Can you believe it! My God, I actually got one! They say that only 300 invitations have been sent, you know. It will be really amazing. I was thinking of going as Marie Antoinette - what do you think? "It had to be about the masquerade. Claire shifted in his chair. It did not help - it still could not see who was speaking. "Well, I think someone may have known at that time," said the other girl. "Then maybe you want to go with something safe, like the cat woman. There will be no other Cat Woman. "" Cat Woman is good, "the first girl agreed. "Tight Leather never goes out of fashion. I'd look totally hot like Catwoman. " 

Claire dropped coffee, more or less deliberately, and jumped up to grab napkin dispenser in public at the counter. When she returned, she saw who were the two who were talking. Gina and Jennifer, the ever-present friends of Monica. Only this time, Monica was not in sight. Interesting. Jennifer looked at her. "What are you looking at, klutz?" 

"Absolutely nothing," said Claire impassive. She was not afraid of them, nor anyone. "I would not like Catwoman. Not with these thighs. "" Oh, mee-yow. "She joined the books and coffee, and went to the table nearest the bar. Eve was working. She seemed excited today, bright eyes and smiling, she was wearing red, and it was a good color for her, Gothic, but a little cheerful. She still suffered by her father - Claire saw at odd moments, when she thought nobody was looking - but Eve is recovered, and was holding on despite all odds. She took a break at the line of coffee, and co-worker gave a sign of 5:00 to 5:00 minutes to spare, Claire guess as Eve took her apron and ducked under the bar to sit in the chair opposite her. "So," she said, "I heard Billy Harrison that his father received an invitation to the prom this business, the Tamara - the vampire who owns all those warehouses on the north side, and commands the newspaper? And he said all the vampires of the city go, and humans are taking with them - I do not know how to find? That's weird, right? All of them carry human? "" Never happened before? "" Not that I know, "said Eve. "I asked, but nobody saw anything like it. This is the event of the year. "Her smile dropped slightly. "I think Michael forgot to send my. My invitation. I should remember it. "Claire felt a knot tighten in her. "He invited you?" "He saw." "But ... is the day after tomorrow, is not it? " 

"He will. Besides, it's not like I had to go with some elaborate fantasy. Have you seen my clothes? I use half of what qualifies as fantasy. "Eve looked at her, and then down. "You?" "No one will invite me to go." Yeah, it was bitterness in her voice. Claire could not stop. "You know who Shane will." "It's not his fault. It's her. Ysandre. "Eve made a face. "What kind of name is that anyway?" 

"French. Myrnin gave me a book about it, "Claire said. "I knew she was dangerous, but honestly, it's worse than I thought. At first she just tried to pass, but it was a real player at the time that politics was war. "" What about the guy? Francois? "Eve rolled her eyes when he said his name, making the best French pronounce half mouth. "He thinks he's hotter than the sun's surface. Who will lead it? "" No idea, "said Claire. "But - there is a meeting, you know. It is - "She had no idea it was. "It's another thing." "It seems to me a date, dress meeting is a meeting as 

a meeting, "said Eve. "And I intend to stay beautiful for Michael and protect him from the big bad social barrier waiting to grab the newest vampire in town." "He is not," Claire said. "The younger. No more. Bishop and his companions are younger than him, at least in terms of novelty. "Eve frowned. "Yeah," she said. "I think that's true." A shadow crossed their table, but before they can look up, something hit the surface of the table between them, and both Claire and Eve involuntarily focused on that. It was a cream-colored invitations. They looked up. Monica. She played the perfect blonde hair behind the shoulders, raised his eyebrows, and gave an evil smile slowly Eve. "What a pity," she said. "I think her boyfriend yummy knows where his bread is baked social, after all." Eve's eyes widened. She turned the invitation and read, but even upside down, Claire saw the incriminating evidence. 

You have been summoned to attend the masquerade ball and banquet to celebrate the arrival of Bishop Elder on Saturday 20 October, the Council of Elders at midnight. You will be present due to the invitation of Michael Glass, and it is required that you accompany it with pleasure. 

The name jumped out at her as a surprise attack prey. Michael Glass. Michael had called Monica. Eve said no more. She pushed the invitation back to Monica, raised, and ducked beneath the counter and put the apron again. Claire looked at her, shocked. She could see the anguish in her friend moves, but not the face. Eve was keeping carefully turned, and even when she went to the new machine to serve thick doses, she looked down, hiding his pain. Claire's shock turned to anger. "You are a complete bitch, you know that?" She said. Monica raised a perfect eyebrow. "You do not have to do that." "Not my fault if you can not hold their men. I heard that Shane is the toy of Ysandre. What a shame. I bet you never even caught him between the sheets, did you? Or wait ... you might have caught. Because I bet that's what made him go to another bed. "Claire fantasized about playing for a few seconds the physics book direct on the smile full of gloss Monica. She stared, instead, remembering how effective was the period of cold silence that Oliver had given. Monica finally got on his shoulders, took the invitation, and stuffed in the pocket of a leather jacket "I would say" see you later, "but probably will not," Monica 

said. "I think you can make your own party Loser Saturday with special doses of cyanide or something. Enjoy it. "She joined Gina and Jennifer, and three girls moved away, turning their heads. The golden girls fortunate, and spotted seals and perfect. Laughing. 

Claire realized he had his hands into fists, forced himself to relax and breathe, and picked up the pen again. The details of the writing was fading, because all she could see was Monica showing off with Michael, rubbing the face of Eve in humilha\u00e7\u00e3o.E even when she could see beyond that, there was Ysandre, and Shane, and it hurt even more . 

"Why?" She whispered. "Michael, why would you do this to her?" They had a fight or something? Eve did not seem to find it. She acted as if a bomb had come as the blue sky. With the feeling that she was making a terrible mistake, she dialed the first number from the phone from her. "Yes, Claire," Amelie said. "I need to talk to you. About this business of masquerade. What is happening? "For a few seconds Amelie Claire was sure would turn off, but then the vampire said," Yes, I suppose we should talk about it. I'll meet you upstairs in your house. Do you know where. "She was referring to the hidden room. "When?" "I am, of course, their convenience," said Amelie, which was a cold winter lie. "An hour is enough?" "I'll be there," Claire said. Her hands were shaking, small tremors were a sign of an earthquake inside. "Thank you." 

"Oh, do not thank me, child," said Amelie. "I think you will find everything that I have to say anything comforting to you." The house was empty when Claire got there. She checked every room, including the laundry in the basement, to be absolutely sure. Eve was still working, Michael still was on the music store. Shane - she had no idea where Shane was, except that the house was free from Shane. Claire pressed the button hidden in the hallway on the second floor, and the panel opened with the dusty steps leading to the hidden room. She closed the gap and went after her, feeling nauseated and more isolated every step. At the top, color spread on the walls, Victorian lamps, all jewelry and tone with a pale light. There were no windows or exit from there. Only a few dusty furniture, and Amelie. 

And the bodyguard her, of course. Amelie would hardly go anywhere without at least one. There were two this time, in the corners. One of them waved to Claire. She was waving at scary bodyguard. Great. It was really moving in the social scale of Morganville. "Lady," Claire said, and stood up. Amelie was sitting, but she seemed to be in the mood to feed the fantasy that Claire was equal to it. It was difficult to determine how Amelie was feeling, but Claire was sure that this time she qualified as an impatient, angry for a possible evolution. "I have no time to smooth his ruffled feathers," Amelie said. She squirmed a little, which was surprising, Amelie was usually very hard, very composed. It was almost unsettling. I had another strange thing about it today - the color of her suit. It was still very classic and beautiful with a cut, but it was in a dark gray, much darker than Amelie usually preferred. He turned her eyes the color of storm clouds. "Still you did more than I asked for with Myrnin. I am inclined to forgive his impatience, if you understand that it is an indulgence on my part. Not a right. "" I understand, "Claire said. "I just - this masquerade. Myrnin called the feast of welcome. He acted like he had something important to do with Mr. Bishop. "Amelie's eyes, which usually looked focused impersonal, suddenly sharpened. "You talked about the arrival of Myrnin Bishop?" 

"Well - he asked me what was happening in the city, and -" Claire stopped because Amelie was suddenly standing. And the bodyguards of them had left the corner and were very close, close enough to hurt. "You did not say I could not!" 

"I told you to stay out of my affairs!" Something pale and hungry shone in her eyes, was as scary as Mr. Bishop. Amelie deliberately relaxed. "Very well. The damage is done. What Myrnin told you? "" He said - "Claire licked his lips and looked at the bodyguard is frighteningly close huddle. Amelie raised an eyebrow and nodded, and Claire saw them go away. "He said you two felt that Bishop was dead, so he was surprised to find that he came to town. Bishop said he wants revenge. Against you. "" What did he tell you about the banquet? "" It's just part of some sort of welcoming ceremony for Bishop in the city, "said Claire. "And you will not fight him if you go to this banquet." Amelie's smile was quick and cold. "Myrnin know something about the world and politics. No, I will fight him. Not unless I need. Did he say anything else? " 

"No," Claire swallowed her bravery. "Shane will take Ysandre. And Michael - I just found out who he will, he will take Monica. No Eve "" You think I have the slightest interest in knowing who your friends arrange their romantic affairs? "" No, it's just - I want you to invite me. Please. All vampires are going to take humans. Why do not you take me? "Amelie's eyes widened. Not much, but it was enough to think that Claire had made quite a surprise. "Why would you possibly go?" 

"Monica said that the social event of the year," said Claire. She was not sure what a joke was a good way to respond, she knew that Amelie had a sense of humor, but it was dark. Today, he apparently did not exist. "Well, the truth is that I'm worried about Michael and Shane. I just want to make sure - make sure that they will be fine. " 

"And how will you ensure that, if I can not?" Amelie did not expect an answer, because obviously there was one. "You want to watch the kid to make sure that it does not fall into the clutches of Ysandre. Is that it? "Claire swallowed and nodded. That was not all, but it was much. "It's a waste of time. No, "said Amelie. "You can not participate, Claire. I say this explicitly so that you understand: you can not risk it. You would not get to this event. Neither you nor Myrnin. Is that clear? "" But - "Amelie's voice rose in a scream. "Is that clear?" The fury cut like a knife, and Claire gasped and waved. She wanted to take a step back against the horrible glare in the eyes of Amelie, but she knew it would be a bad idea. She was close enough to understand Myrnin to retreat is a sign of weakness, and weakness triggers the attack. Amelie continued to stare, and stare in silence, and there was a wildness in her that Claire could not understand. "Master," said one of the bodyguards. "We should go." He sounded as if they had to go somewhere, but Claire had the feeling that he interview was something deliberate. Providing the Amelie an excuse to leave. 

"Yes," said Amelie. There was a harsh tone in her voice that Claire had never heard before. "By all means, let's get this over with. You heard my words, Claire. I warn you, I did not test it. You are of value to me, but you are not irreplaceable, and you have friends and family in this town that are far less useful. "There was nothing to confuse that with not a threat. Claire nodded slowly. "Say the words," Amelie said. "Yes. I understand. "" Good Now do not bother me again. You can go. " 

Claire walked away toward the stairs. She even went down two steps back before you turn and run down the rest, and when she was halfway there, she realized that the control that opened the door from the inside was above the couch where Amelie was sitting. If Amelie did not loose her, she was not going anywhere. Claire arrived at the end of the ladder. The door was still closed. She looked up and saw shadows moving, but heard nothing. The lights went out. "No," she whispered, and fear fell like a bucket of cold water from head to toe. Her hand reached out blindly to touch the door closed. "No, do not do it -" Something had changed in Amelie. She was not the legal and remote queen who she was before. She was more - animal. More angry. And Claire finally admitted to herself, Amelie was hungrier. "Please," she said into the dark. She knew she had listening ears. "Please let go of now." She heard a sharp click and the door moved by her fingers, shaking inside. Claire grabbed the edge with both hands and opened it. She was suddenly in the hallway, and when she looked back, the door was closing. She slumped against the wall, shaking. 

That was good, she thought sarcastically. She wanted to scream, but she was almost sure that this idea would be a very, very bad. Downstairs, the front door opened and closed, and Claire heard the sound of heavy footsteps on the floor. "Eve?" She called. "Yeah." Eve sounded exhausted. "Going." She looked even worse than it sounded. The red clothing that had fallen as well before it seemed to scream now, overwhelming her, she seemed ready to fall, and the state of her makeup, she had shed many tears. 

"Oh," Claire said. "Eve .." 

Eve tried to smile but could not. "Well stupid to be upset because Monica, right? But I think that's why it hurts so much. It's not like he was taking at least one decent or something. He was caught by the social disease. "Eve's eyes clean by hand. The eyeliner and mascara had made a real mess Gothic grossly running her cheeks. "Do not try to tell me he was ordered to do so. I do not care if he was - he could have told me first. And why are not you arguing with me? "" Because you're right. "" You can be sure I'm right. "Eve kicked the door of her room, entered, and threw himself belly down on the bed black. Claire turned on the lights, which mostly consisted of weak white Christmas lights and a lamp with a red blanket on top for shade. Eve screamed and punched him on the pillow. Claire sat in the corner of the bed. "I'll kill him," said Eve, or at least that sounded filtered by the pillow. "Impale him right in the heart, shove it back in a garlic, and - and" "What?" Michael was standing at the door Claire jumped up in alarm, and Eve sat down with the pillow stuck with both hands. "When you got home?" Claire demanded. "Apparently in time to hear the plans for my funeral. I especially like the garlic in the rear. It ... different. "" Yeah, well, I'm not done, "said Eve. She slipped out of bed, let the pillow, and looked at Michael with his arms folded. "I also was impaled from the outside in the sun, on top of a red ant *. And laugh. "(* Tiny ones that when you bite it hurts like hell) 

"What did I do?" 

"What have you done?" Eve looked at him angry enough to start up a vampire's heart out of chest. "You can not be serious." Michael was very hard, and Claire thought that the expression in his eyes were caught in the definition of tin. "Monica. She told you. " 

"Duh. Because she would lose the chance to rub in my face, you loser? And speaking of that, Monica? You lost a bet or something? Because that's the only reason I can think of for you humiliate me like this. "" No, "Michael said. His gaze was an unmistakable Claire 

call her to leave. She did not. "I can not explain, Eve Sorry, I just can not. But what is not - "" Do not say that is not what it seems, because it is always what it seems! "Eve played forward, pushed the chest of Michael, and he did take a step back, out of her room . "I can not talk to you now. Out! And stay out! "She slammed the door and locked it. No, Claire reflected, that a lock was used, considering how strong it was Michael. But he probably would not go breaking the doors of their homes, at least. "Eve, you have to hear me. Please. "Eve threw herself back in bed, took the iPod drawer, and put his headphones on and pressed the play button. Claire could hear the noise of the metal in the room. "Eve?" Claire opened the door and looked at Michael. "I do not think she is listening," she said. "You really did crap - you know that, right? At least Shane received an order to go. You chose, was not it? "" Yeah, "agreed Michael gently. "I chose. But you really have no idea what were the choices, do you? " 

She saw him walk away, into the room down the hall, and close the door. Maybe he was right. Perhaps it was not what it seemed. Not that Eve was listening. Claire stood there for a while, listening to the cold silence, and then shook his head and went down. Chili hot dogs were not the same thing if eaten alone. Shane came home after dark, and the second that Claire saw him, she knew something was wrong. He seemed - distracted. Different. 

And he barely waved at the passing of her room to the kitchen. She was on the couch checking the English text of the book, wondering for the hundredth time because knowing about the Bronte sisters was important and watching a cooking show on TV. "Hey," she called. "I made chili for you!" He did not answer. Claire capped the scoring and went to the kitchen door, she did not open, but she stood there listening. Shane was not making the normal noises of a crazy guy for dinner, in fact, he was not making any noise. Claire was debating whether she should return to school when she heard the back door of the house. Voices, muffled and hurried. She opened the door a little, and listened more carefully. 

"You're lucky you did not call the police," Shane was saying. "Go away, man." "I can not. I need to talk to her. "" You will not get near any of the girls, you understand me? "" I will not hurt anyone! "She knew that voice, that she thought she knew. But this could not be right, just could not. Shane could not be talking to Eve's brother, Jason, especially not at the back door. She must be imagining things. Maybe it was someone else, someone who just sounded like Jason Rosser ... Laire opened the door enough to get a peek 

No, that was Jason. There was absolutely no doubt about it. He was wearing the same stained and filthy jeans and leather jacket. His hair was greasy licked and even more than the last time she had seen him, and he looked pale and ill. "Come on, man," he said. "Just let me talk to Claire. If you make me stand here in the dark, I'm lunch. "" Good to know. "Jason raised his hand to stop Shane from closing the door. "Please, man. I'm asking. " 

Shane hesitated. Claire could not imagine why. Jason had chased Eve, he killed - or at least said he killed - innocent girls in an attempt to climb up the vampires for the service. He took a shot at Shane. Shane tried to hit a club before it, the voice of conscience Claire said. She told her to shut up. Jason had orchestrated the fight, he brought Shane, and it was only the fact that they had an ambulance got there quickly that saved the life of Shane. Jason did not seem crazy now a murderer. He seemed like an addict who was hungry and frightened and scared out of you. And desperate. Claire walked into the kitchen. Jason's face lit up. "Claire! Claire, tell him - tell him it's okay. I promise, I will not hurt anyone. Tell him it's okay to let me talk to you. "" It's not okay, "Claire said. "But he already knows it." Shane waved. He pushed Jason back, causing him to lose balance, out of the balcony. Jason stumbled and fell on my butt. He stood and looked at Shane. "Claire, I should tell you something. Coming from Oliver. " 

"Oliver has nothing to say we want to hear, man. Especially you. "" Are you sure about that? " 

Shane grimaced. "Absolute. Good luck to survive there in the dark. "Shane began to close the door. He almost succeeded before Jason said, "Bishop is making a trap. He can tell when and where. "Claire put her hand on Shane's shoulder, and he kept the door open just a crack. "What are you talking about?" "Let me in and I tell you." Jason seemed desperate enough to scratch the paint of the door. "Please, Claire. I swear, I'm on the level here. "" No, "she said. "If Oliver has something to say, I'll talk to him, not you." Resentment passed through Jason's dark eyes like fire, and he rose and put his hands in his pockets. "Yeah? He will play well? " 

"I'm not playing," said Claire. "I think you are. So maybe we do it the hard way after all. "Jason threw himself against the door with such force that Shane was thrown back, and Claire lost his balance and fell backwards on the kitchen floor. As she turned to try to raise, she felt Jason's hand in her hair close, painfully tight. He did get dragged into the night. She screamed and struggled, but he had much experience in making the girls do what they wanted. And she stopped fighting when he put a gun to her head. "Well," he said in her ear, and even with the blinding rage she felt his breath was disgusting enough to peel paint. "Calm down, I will not hurt you. I was serious. You need to listen. "Shane went to the outside, moving slowly but never taking his eyes off Jason. And the gun. "Release her." Jason laughed, and dragged her back to the garage, where a large black car was. Shane followed with a safe distance. No, Claire spoke mutely. She had seen before Jason nearly killed Shane. She could not stand to see happen again. Would be okay. Jason opened the driver's side of the car, pushed her inside, and came soon after. She immediately launched against the other door. Locked. 

Jason slammed the car door and turned the key to start the engine. He firmly took Claire's hair. "Be quiet!" 

Something heavy fell on the roof, he almost sinking to the level of their heads; Claire and Jason both got down and cried Claire with the idea that with the panic he could pull the trigger. He did not press. 

A fist went through the metal roof of the car, grabbed the edges of metal, and pulled back as one can. And the face that looked down was Michael. No - not Michael, Michael was a Vampire. Trapped completely down, completely crimson. Michael was angry. And also scary. He reached down into the hole as the moonlight, took the gun from Jason and pulled him away from Claire as a toy. A fragile toy. Jason cried. The gun went off, and Claire stepped back and covered his head, trying to put a ball in the corner. The car shook as Michael Jason pulled out, straight up in the ceiling opening. Jason cried all the way up, and all the way down. He hit the ground with a thud and rolled to the side. Michael fell out of the car, put up in front of the headlights, and walked to where Jason was dragged away. Jason turned. He was still with the weapon. He shot Michael six times at close range. Claire fell with each shot high. Michael did not. He reach Jason, took the gun, broke it in half and threw the two pieces in the trash can that was on the side of the house. Jason looked shocked, then resigned, while Michael reached down to grab him by the collar of the jacket. Shane went through the broken roof, opened the car door and grabbed Claire. He took it and put up. "Are you okay?" He seemed deeply moved, and he was passing her hands, looking for bullet holes, she guessed. "Claire, say something!" 

"Stop it," she whispered, looking at Michael. "Do not let him do that." Because Michael Jason was going to bite, and when he did, there would not be back. Shane sent her a look, one that probably means that he thought she was crazy, but she forced herself to stay still and quiet, even though inside she was shaking in horror. "Shane," she said, and tried to focus as much as possible the authority cold Amelie. "Stop it." 

She saw the reality of what was going through Shane, and he nodded and turned toward Michael, who did not seem in the mood to be taken the day before the murder. 

But Shane did not have to try, because Michael looked up and saw Eve standing in the doorway, his hands pressing his mouth, eyes wide in horror, seeing her boyfriend threatening to suck the blood of her younger brother. Michael let go. Jason fell to the ground, crying, and tried to crawl away. Michael put his foot on the back of Jason, holding it in place. "No," he said. His voice sounded low and very, very dangerous. "I do not think so. Attempted kidnapping, armed robbery and attempted murder of a vampire? You're finished, man. It's all over except the shouting. "" You idiot! "Jason shouted. "I'm working for Oliver! You can not touch me! "He folded the jacket sleeve, and there, the wrist was a silver bracelet. 

Michael said his foot still pressing harder on the back of Jason. "So you and I will talk to Oliver about it he tells the worm to my house to shoot me," he said. "I do not think you will like it very much. Because I'm sure Oliver does not ask you to do that. "" Michael, "Shane said. It was a warning, and while Claire turned, she saw why - another car was coming, a police car with siren. He stopped at the entrance, and Richard Morrell left the driver's side carrying a shotgun. Detectives Joe Hess and Travis Lowe and each had a gun. She never saw the three look so disgusted, but she was happy to see them. At least it means that someone would stop the madness finally Jason. Micahel was right, would be a good ending for him, but - Richard Morrell put the rifle on the shoulder. He was staring at Michael. The other two men took up positions to shoot. 

Claire gasped. "Out of my way," Detective Shane Hess ordered with a nod. Shane did not argue. He raised his hands and walked away. Michael turned and saw the police looking into it, and frowned. "Release him, Michael," said Travis Lowe. "Let's do it calmly." "What's going on?" "One thing at a time. Release it. "Michael took his foot. Jason sat and tried to run, Richard Morrell sighed, handed the gun to Joe Hess, and ran after him. For as fast as Jason was, Richard was even faster. He dropped it before he was halfway to the fence. He turned his back and handcuffed Jason with a brutal efficiency, lifted, and 

marked him back to where the two officers pointed guns to Michael. "What is happening?" Michael repeated. "He tries to kidnap Claire, and you come after me? Why? "" Let's just say we were saving you from yourself, "Detective Hess said. "Are you okay? Is calm? "Michael nodded. Hess lowered the gun, and Travis Lowe as well. Richard Morrell was putting Jason in the back of the police car. 

"We received a complaint," Hess continued, "you have gone crazy and was trying to kill his friends. But since I see that all three are still alive and well here, I bet that little Jason is the real problem. "Richard returned, wiping his hands with a napkin. Clearly, he also liked to play Jason. "He invaded?" "No," Shane said. "He drew a gun and grabbed Claire at the back door. He was trying to take her away. Michael stopped him. " 

Michael, Claire realized it when the heart rate decreases, too, had taken six shots to the chest at close range. The loose white shirt he had the bullet holes to prove, each small trail of red. She recalled Myrnin passing the knife in hand, opening the veins and arteries and muscles to get a blood sample. She could not be sure, but there seemed to be a mark on the chest of Michael under his shirt, and he was not moving like a man with bullet holes in it. And even as one who was in shock. Wow "What did he want?" Detective Hess said. "He say?" "He said he wanted to talk to me," Claire said. This was true, but she did not want to drag it Oliver. It was a mess enough. "I think he really wanted it. He only knew that it would not be able to do here. I do not - I do not think he really wanted to hurt me. "This time. Shane was looking at it as if it had grown a second head on it, with a serious brain injury. "It's Jason. Of course he wanted to hurt you! The gun pointed at his head was not a hint? "He was right, of course, but - she saw the look of Jason, and had no predatory glare she had seen before when he was playing his sadistic games. This was an act of desperation. She could not explain, but she believed in Jason. This time. 

Shane was still looking at her with a frown. Just as Michael. "Are you okay?" Shane said, and wrapped his arms around her. The warm weight of his body was pressed against her, and she realized 

she was feeling cold. She was shaking, her knees seemed weak. I could fall, she realized. And he got me. But she stood up, turned, and looked into his eyes. "I'm fine," she said. She kissed him. "All is well." 


Eve did not say a word, but she allowed Michael to take her back inside when the police turned away, she gave only one look at her brother while he was handcuffed, but that was enough. Apart from the shock of the death of her father, and the problems with Michael, Eve did not seem to have more emotions left. With mutual consent, none of them went to bed. They did not eat. The four were on the couch, grateful for the warmth and company, and put a movie. A scary, as turned out, but Claire was happy to have to focus on the problems of someone else for a change. Being chased by a city full of zombies may seem in some ways a relief - at least you know who run and nowhere to run. She laid her head on Shane's chest, hearing his breath more than the characters talking to each other. His hand kept a slow pace and firm in her hair, stroking all the tension and fear of it away. Eve and Michael were not together, but after a while, he put his arm around her and pulled her closer, and she did not resist. When the DVD menu appeared after the credits, they all sounded asleep, and the problems were far, far away. 

Fridays were usually a good day in terms of class, even most of the teachers was in a better mood. Not this Friday, however. There was a strange tension in the air, along with an increase in the cold wind. The first day the teacher had lost her temper with a cell phone ringing, and reduced to tears a freshman girl taking her class with a bad grade. The second class was not much better, assistant professor was a headache, perhaps a hangover, and he was super grumpy - too many to bother to slow down while teaching, or to answer any questions. 

The only good thing about it is the odd hours that she was confident it would end in less than an hour. Professor Anderson had warned about the supposed highly quiz today, only one comatose patient would not know what was to come prepared. Anderson was one of those teachers - those who gave you many chances, but the proof was proof, whole. He only made twice a year, and if you do not do well in two, you were screwed. He had a reputation for being a nice guy who smiled a lot, but he would never work for extra credit, or what Claire was heard. Those who study history like to call it the class of Andersonville, which was not a very funny reference to a prison camp of the Civil War. Claire had studied the brain to go out, and she was absolutely sure that the evidence would feedback, and still have extra time left. She went in the bathroom, since it was a little early, and carefully placed the bag against the cabin door of the bathroom while she went to their needs. She was passing on meetings and events on the head when she heard a soft and muffled laughter coming from near the the sink. Something about it made her freeze - was not innocent, that laugh. There was something strange about it. "I have heard that a proof in Andersonville today," the voice said. A familiar voice. It was Monica Morrell. "Hey, this color is good?" "Great," Gina said, doing his job to assert your Amiga # 1. "This is the new red winter?" "Yeah, he's supposed to be brighter. It is brighter? " 

"Oh, yeah." Claire gave discharge, grabbed the bag, and held to the impact. She tried to look as if they did not mind Monica, Gina and Jennifer were occupying three of the four sinks in the bathroom. Or the rest of the place was deserted. Monica was touching up her lipstick-red bitch, blowing kisses to her reflection. Claire kept her eyes forward. He picked up the soap. Turned on the water. Wash 

"Hey, freak, you do the class with Andersonville, right?" Claire nodded. It washed well, shook his hand and reached for the paper to dry. Jennifer grabbed her backpack and took it out of her reach. "Hey!" Claire tried to grab her things, but Jennifer turned out of her reach, and then Monica put her hand on her wrist and was something cold and metallic around him. Claire crazy for a second thought, she switched me bracelets. Now I'm Oliver property ... But it was a cold metal handcuffs, and Monica bent down and tied the other end a metal pole at the bottom of the cabin nearest bathroom. "Well," she said as she pulled away and put his hands on his hips, "I think you'll find out how hard it can be General, Claire. But do not worry. I'm sure you're so smart, you will find a way to answer the question of race with the power of your mind or something. "Needlessly shackle pulled Claire, although she knew it was stupid, she was not going anywhere some. She kicked the cabin bathroom. It was hard enough to bear many college students, the frustration would make a hole. 

"Give me the key!" She cried. Monica shook in front of her - small, silver, and unreachable. "This key?" Monica played in the patent and gave discharge. "Oops. Wow, that's a shame. Wait here. I'll help! "They all laughed. Jannifer disdainfully pushed it by the bag 

floor to it. "Here," Jennifer said. "You may want to prepare for the test or something." Claire began to rummage in the bag with anger, looking for something, anything, to use to open the lock. Not that she knew something about picking locks, exactly, but she could learn. She needed to learn. She barely looked up as the three girls leave the bathroom, still laughing. 

Her choices were few paper clips, a hair clip, and the power of her fury, which unfortunately could melt metal. Only her brain. Claire took the phone from his pocket and found his choices. It would not be surprised to find that Shane and Eve had experience with handcuffs - or about to let them go - but she was not sure he wanted to ask the question. She called the Police Department Monganville, and asked by Richard Morrell. After a short wait, she was transferred to his patrol car. "It's Claire Danvers," she said. "I - I need help." "What kind of help?" "Your sister kinda - handcuffed in the bathroom. And I have proof. I do not have the key. I was hoping that you - "" Look, I'm sorry, but I'm going to call domestic dispute. It will take me an hour to get there. I do not know what you said to Monica, but if you just - "" What, excuse me? "Claire freaked out. "I said nothing. She ambushed, and flushed the key, and I have class! "Richard sighed into the phone. "I get there as fast as you can." He hung up. Claire began working with the clip and saw the minutes dragged. Tick, tack, and there was a note of it in Andersonville. 

When Richard Morrell finally got to release it, the room was dark. Claire went all the way to the office of Professor Anderson, and felt a wave of relief when he saw that his door was open. He had to give her a chance. He was talking to another student whose back was to Claire, she stopped at the door, trembling and gasping, and received a teacher's frown Anderson. "Yes?" He was young, but his blond hair was already decreased at the top. He had a habit of using sports jackets that a man twice his age would have liked, maybe he thought the wool and leather let people serious. 

Claire did not care how he looked. She cared that he had authority to sign notes. 

"Lord, hi, Claire Danvers, I'm at -" 

"I know who you are, Claire. You lost the race. " 

"Yes, I -" 

"I do not accept excuses except in case of illness or disease would be." He looked at her. "I see no sign of either." 

"But -" 

The other student who was looking at her now, with a mischievous light in her eyes, Claire did not know her, but she wore a silver bracelet, and Claire was willing to bet that she was a close and dear friends of the fraternity of Monica. Shiny black hair, cut in a fringe style, perfect makeup *. Clothes that reeked of credit card abuse. (* Http:\/\/\/images\/InitialSet\/4967_final.gif) 

"Professor," the girl said, and whispered something to him. His eyes widened. The girl with the books and left, giving Claire a large space. 

"Sir, I have not really had - it was not my fault -" 

"From what I hear, it's your fault," Anderson said. "She said you were sleeping. She said he took you on the way to class. " 

"I was not! I was - " 

"I do not care where you were, Claire. I care where you were not, or at your desk on time, doing the test. Now please go. " 

"I was handcuffed!" 

He appeared briefly dabbled with it, but he shook his head. "I'm not interested in fraternity hazing. If you work hard for the rest of the semester, you can still get a note to pass. Unless you drop the class. I think you still have a day or two to make that decision. " 

He just was not listening. And, Claire realized, he would not listen. He did not care about her problems. He does not care about it. 

She stared for a few seconds in silence, trying to find him a little sympathy, but all she saw was a hassle self-absorbed. 

"Good morning, Miss. Danvers, "he said, and sat at the table. Ignoring it. Claire swallowed the words that would probably make her be expelled, and killed the rest of the classes and went home. Somewhere in the back of her mind, the clock was ticking. The countdown to the masquerade of the Bishop. 

The only comforting thing about the theory of complete apocalypse: at least it means she would not run on any matter. Just when she thought the sixth it could not get worse, visitors spent on the house at dinnertime. Claire looked through the peephole and saw a black hair in waves. A mischievous grin. "Better ask me," said Ysandre. "Because you know I'm only going to hurt you invite your friends." "Michael!" Cried Claire. He was in the room working on new songs, but she heard the music stop. He was on her side before the end echo. "This is it. Ysandre. What do I do? "Michael opened the door and stared. She smiled at him. Francois was with her, both lazy and smug and so arrogant that made Claire's teeth clenched. "I want to talk to Shane," said Ysandre. "Then you will be disappointed." 

Fran\u00e7ois raised his eyebrows, bent down and took a human form of clear bushes beside the steps. Claire gasped. It was Miranda, looking completely terrified. Hands and feet tied and gagged. "Let's put it this way," said Ysandre. "You can let us in to talk, or we take our outdoor dining, right here on your porch." There was absolutely no right answer to this, Claire thought, and she saw Michael quarrel with that, too. He let the silence stretch for so long that Claire was afraid that Miranda was dead - Fran\u00e7ois seemed happy to have the chance - but then Michael nodded. "Very well," he said. "Enter." 

"Why, thank you, dear," said Ysandre, and entered. Francois gave Miranda the wooden corridor and followed her. Claire knelt by the girl and dropped her hands. "Are you okay?" She whispered. Miranda nodded, eyes as big as a saucer. "Get out of here. Run home. Go. "Miranda stumbled into the ropes around their ankles, broke free and escaped. Claire closed the door and ran into the room. Francois had taken the guitar out of the way Michael and I had sat in the chair. Ysandre was on the couch, as comfortable as if she were mistress of the world and everything in it. "How nice of you to invite us, Michael. I do not think we had a good start. I want to start over. " 

Fran\u00e7ois laughed. "Yes," he said. "We should be friends, Michael. And you should not be living with cattle. "" Is that all you got? Because if it is, I think we're done. "" Oh, not yet, "said Ysandre. "They're making dinner," Francois said. "That's ironic, is not it? When they let us escape. "" These people, all they do is eat, "said Ysandre. "It's no wonder they are fat and lazy." Shane left the room. He was not surprised, saw Claire, he must have heard them. "You were not invited," Shane said. Ysandre kissed her lips and threw him. 

"Oh, Shane, I really do not care if I was or not, and you is not close enough to be powerful enough to make me leave," she said. "It's Friday, my love. You've received the costume I want you to use tomorrow? "Shane nodded unwillingly, as if his neck was frozen and hard. His eyes were more than a little crazy. "You must go," Claire told Ysandre, with a bravado that she did not feel real. "What do you think, Michael? I need? "Ysandre locked his gaze on him, and had something horrible in her eyes. "I need to laugh?" "No," he said. "Stand." Gasped Claire. 

They make you feel things. Do things, you want it or not, Shane said, but Claire did not think it worked on other vampires. Even a young and inexperienced as Michael. "Michael!" He looked at her. He seemed completely caught in the web of attraction Ysandre. Claire took the cell phone. She hesitated in the phonebook. "Deciding who to call for help?" Francois pulled the phone from her hand and threw it across the room. "Amelie was not to thank you for distracting her from all preparations. She's busy, busy, busy, making sure everything is right to welcome our beloved father properly. "" Maybe you should ask Michael what to do, "Ysandre said, and laughed, showing the fangs. She spoke as if it was Michael. "I'm sure it will help get rid of us. So courageous, is not it? " 

Michael's eyes were slowly becoming crimson. They can make you feel things. Do things. "Shane," Claire said. "We need to get out of here. Now. "" I will not let Michael. "" Michael is the problem. " 

Ysandre laughed. "You're really smart, ma cherie." Fran\u00e7ois snapped his fingers in front of Michael's face. "Dinner is ready." Michael opened his mouth and growled. Completely arrested the show. And he turned and fixed his eyes on Claire. "Oh, shit," Shane said. He grabbed Claire's arm. "Kitchen!" They stayed away. Shane pushed the table against the door, for all the good it would do, and they walked away toward the back door. Claire opened the refrigerator and took the last two bottles of Michael. I have to tell Michael to get more, she thought, and how strange was it? No blood was getting to stay as normal as you need or coca butter. She was stammering in his head, that was it. And yes, she was strangely calm. Michael went into the kitchen and headed straight for them. 

Claire stood in front of him, handed the bottles and said, "You're not one of them. You're one of us. One of us, and we love you. '"Claire -" Shane sounded agonizing, but he did not move. Perhaps he knew that he would ruin everything. Michael stopped. His eyes were still red, but he seemed to see it. And red faltered a little. She lifted the bottle. "Drink," she said. "You'll feel better. Trust me, Michael. Please. "He was looking in her eyes. And this time it was she who challenged him. I see. Know what you're doing. Take it from your head. His eyes turned white. He grabbed the bottle with both hands, 

opened the lid, and turned the bottle, drinking the contents as fast as he could swallow. He did not look away. And neither did she. His eyes turned to blue, and he dropped the bottle panting. A thin line of blood dripped from his lip and he wiped it with a trembling hand. "It's okay," Claire said. "She messed with his head. She can do this. She - "Shane was gone. While she was so focused on Michael, he just ... has disappeared. The kitchen door was still swinging. 

It would be easier for it next time Shane had told her. Claire went to the room. Michael tried to stop her, but he looked weak. Sick. She remembered how Shane had been slaughtered. Why not me? Because it does not control me? Maybe she can not. Shane was sitting on the couch beside Ysandre, and his shirt was unbuttoned. Ysandre was passing his hand on Shane's chest, tracing invisible lines, and while Claire watched the vampire began to nibble on the neck of Shane. No seriously, without drawing blood, but small provocative nibbled. Licking. Shane's face was hard and empty, but his eyes were pools of panic. He did not want that, Claire realized. She is forcing him. 

Claire threw the second bottle of blood Ysandre. The vampire's hand went up incredibly fast to get in the air before making contact with the side of her head. 'You're hungry, eat, "she said. "And get their claws on my boyfriend." Ysandre's eyes narrowed. Claire felt something move in her mind, but it was like walking into a spider web, easy to break. Ysandre opened the lid of the bottle, sniffed, and made a disgusted face. "Do not be so possessive. Shane is my command. That's what the invitation says. "" He is at his command tomorrow. Not today. "" How charming. So for a young lawyer. "Ysandre turned the bottle, drank, and shook his head. "While their vampires are subjected to this indignity is beyond my understanding. This is rancid. A dirt that you can not drink. "She threw the bottle back to Claire, not to choice but to try to catch: she has, but the contents spilled on the face and neck. "Please remove our presence." Her eyes took a horrible glare, angry and cruel. "And if clean. You are as useless as the hospitality you offer. "" Out, "Claire said. She felt the power of the house now, like a storm gathering around her. Running in cold silence, breaking with energy. "Outside our home. Now. "Exploded across her feet, painful and shocking, and reached Ysandre and Francois as a clash of an invisible ray. Knock them down, picked up by the ankles and dragged them to the front door, which opened before them to achieve. 

Ysandre screamed and scratched the ground, but it was useless. At that time, the house would not take prisoners. She threw them in the sun. Francois and Ysandre were frightened to lift, covered their heads, and ran to the car. Claire stood in the doorway, stained with the blood cold, and shouted, "Do not come back!" 

The power stopped, and the sudden void left her shaken. Claire held the door for a few seconds, long enough to see them drive away, and then returned to the room. Shane was sitting on the couch with his shirt unbuttoned to the waist, head in hands. Trembling. "Are you okay?" She asked. He nodded without looking at it convulsively. Micahel opened the kitchen door and went straight to her. He had a towel and he wiped the blood from his face and hands with sudden movements and anxious. "How'd you do that?" He asked. "Not even I can - not sending. Not so. "" I do not know, "she said. She felt sick and depressed, and sat on the couch close to Shane. Shane was buttoning his shirt. His fingers moved slowly, and did not seem very strong too. "Shane?" Michael stopped near him, and his voice was very gentle. "Yeah, man, I'm fine," he said. His voice was ragged with exhaustion. "She can be my mistress, but she can not take possession until tomorrow. I do not think she's going to risk coming back here. Not only for me. "He looked at Michael, and Michael nodded tightly. "I do not want to ask, but -" "You do not need to ask," Michael said. "I'll take care of you. The most we can. "They knocked fists. 

"I need a bath," Shane said, and went up. He was not moving like Shane, or a little - too slow, too heavy, too .. defeated. 

Michael had made a promise, but Claire was afraid - very afraid - he was not able to keep. When they were far from this house, isolated and separated, no one could prevent Ysandre to do what she wanted with Shane. With Michael. No one. If Jason was telling the truth when he was in the house wanting to talk, then Oliver had something to say. Perhaps he still had. Perhaps, somehow, to help Shane. It was the only thing Claire could think could help. 

When she went to the cafeteria for Oliver, she got into trouble, though not so obvious when Ysandre and Francois taking the room. In fact, Claire took several seconds to identify what was strange about what she was seeing, because on the surface appeared normal. But it was not. Eve was sitting peacefully on the table in front of Oliver, whom she had sworn he would rather impale than looking back. And whatever she was saying was, Oliver was listening carefully, head down, the compound statement. He had a thin smile on his face and his eyes were fixed on the face of Eve with such focus that made Claire's skin crawl. She would get their attention, standing like an idiot in the middle of the place, even though the place was full. She turned away, went to the bar and asked a girl she did not want to, just to be a reason for being there. Eve was very involved in their own business to realize that Claire had entered, but Oliver knew, Claire could feel, even though he had not looked where she was. She paid the $ 4, and took the expensive but delicious coffee on an empty table near the front window, wave several students had to cover it. She really did not need to worry, however, when Eve got up and left, she walked right out, and she did not look right or left as he opened the door and walked into the street. She was wearing a skirt that was black ankle-Claire reminded the inside of a coffin, and a purple velvet top, and she looked thin and frail. She looked vulnerable. 

"Terrible, what some girls do to get attention," Oliver said, and sat in the chair in front of Claire. "Do not you think her obsession with the morbid is a little too much?" 

It did not take the bait, she just looked at him. The line of sunlight was very close to him, and kept coming. In a few minutes, 

he would touch on the shoulder. She knew that he, like most of the older vampires, had partial immunity to sunlight, could further hurt. Oliver knew what she was thinking. He looked at the hot line of light and pulled his chair enough to get a few more minutes in the shade. "Because you told Jason the other night?" She asked. "Why do you think I sent it? '" He said. "" Jason is as reliable a source? I thought he was a murderous madman who was pursuing his own sister. "" What you just speak to Eve? "Oliver raised his eyebrows. "I believe it is the account of Eve, not yours. If you have something else - "" Ysandre and Francois just trying to play power in our home. In our house, Oliver. Because you told Jason? " 

Oliver was silent for a moment. He was not looking at her, he was watching the people passing on the street, and cars passing by. His gaze passed by students in the cafeteria, laughing and talking. There was something strange in his expression, as if - as Eve - he was aware of their vulnerability. And the other. "I admit that I sent," Oliver said. "But if I sent, I obviously have a good reason, yes?" She did not answer. His gaze returned to her, in very bright, very focused. "I never made any secret about my desire for power, Claire. I do not like Amelie, and she does not mind me, but our games are fair. We know the rules and follow them. But Bishop - Bishop is beyond all rules. He would take our game and the board would turn completely, and I do not want it. Even if I win in court. " 

The light fades, finally. "Bishop tried to recruit you. Against Amelie. "Claire's blood cooled a few degrees. "You could not tell her directly. So you want to use Jason to talk to me and let me speak to her. "" Too late now. Things are moving too fast. Is no longer in my power, and not in it. Much less on his, Claire. "Claire realized she was gripping the table hard, and let go. Her fingers ached due to pressure. "What were you talking to Eve?" Eve's eyes were fixed on hers, and he said, "She will accompany me at the banquet." 

Eve will the masquerade. With Oliver. Claire sat back, unable to think one thing to say, and then what he meant to hit. "Michael knows?" 

"Frankly, I could not care less. Eve can explain how you want, it's not my business. I believe I finished helping you with your questions, Claire. But if I can give you some advice - "Oliver leaned forward, and stood in the sun completely. He did not flinch, although the pupils in his eyes that had contracted to almost nothing, and his skin had begun to take a pink hue. "Stay at home tomorrow. Lock the doors and windows, and if you're a religious person, a little prayer can not be unnecessary. "It was a surprising thing to say that he almost laughed Claire. "I should pray? Who, you? "Oliver did not flinch. "If you want," he said, "it would be comforting. I do not think anyone has done so for some time. "He got up and walked away. Claire sat for a while looking at him to sunlight in the afternoon, drinking coffee and ice cream for a long time tasting anything. When a group of players asked her, not very politely, if she had used the table, she left without protest. She went for a walk, following the sidewalk without a real knowledge of where she was or where she could go. 

All those people. She was away from the crowd of college now, and the natives of Morganville take advantage of the sunlight anyway they can - sunbathing, gardening, painting their homes. And tomorrow, if Oliver was right, everything would end. If Bishop could take the reins of Amelie ... Claire realized with a start when the sun was beginning to get by on the horizon, and turned on the nearest street to go home. She managed to get through the day still officially at the stage of late afternoon, though the twilight was coming, but as she opened the gate and passed through the door, she realized that someone was on the front steps waiting for her. Shane. 

"Hey," he said. "Hey," she said, and sat near him. He was looking down the street, and the occasional passing cars. A breeze messed up his hair and the sun made his skin look a weak gold. God, he was so ... perfect. And he was breaking his heart with that look in his eyes. "So," Shane said. "I was thinking we should go out tonight." 

"Exit?" She repeated blankly. "Where?" He gave the shoulder. "No matter. Cinema. Dinner. I would lead in a local bar for dinner, but his father would kill me. "Shane looked at her for a few seconds, and then carefully returned to study anything. "I just want to spend time doing something with you. Whatever that is. "Because tomorrow, everything could change. It was the same feeling that Claire had walked around feeling: the feeling that the world was ending, and only some people had no idea what was coming. "Any place you've always wanted to go?" Claire said. 

"Of course. I play a great game anywhere but here. You mean in Morganville? "He was quiet for a second, as if the question had caught him by surprise. "Maybe. Is an order to give back? "" In the car from whom? " 

"Eve" He got the car keys and shook. "I made a deal. I take the car two nights a week, and I make it work for two more days. I am exercising my coupon for hire. "" The sun is going down, "Claire felt compelled to point out. "He is." He shook the car keys again. "And then?" True, he knew what would be the answer. They went to a restaurant near the city which was the vampires - far enough to have the most protected human rights, but it was still open late. There was a lounge with a dance floor and a jukebox that played old songs. Shane had a beer that he was too young to ask. Claire had a coke, and they spent a lot of money by choosing songs, one after another. "This is the largest iPod that I've ever seen," said Claire, what did he drown with beer. "Play. I've seen a jukebox before. "" The way you're feeding her, I'm not so sure. Do you think he chose music enough? "" I do not know, "she said. "How many will be needed to play all night?" He put the beer on the table, put his arms around her, and they were together as the music changed, and changed, and changed. 

And around them, slowly Morganville silent. 


Saturday dawned colder and winter, with a cool breeze that cut like metal. Shane and Claire went home just before dawn, exhausted but peaceful. They danced until the restaurant closed, and then gave one back, and parked. He had been sweet and urgent and Claire had almost, almost wanted to go beyond ... at least in the back seat. But Shane kept his word, no matter how frustrating it was for the two, and she guessed that it was still a good thing. Mostly, she just wanted to take his clothes and dive into bed with him and never, ever leave. But he kissed her in the room, and she knew by the look of him that he does not trust himself to go beyond that. Not tonight. Even with the world changing. Claire fell asleep just before dawn and slept until the sun goes down. He spent the lunch. She only woke up because the neighbor called your lawn mower to cut the monster in the last season. It was like a jet engine in the garden, and no matter how many pillows Claire put it on did not help. The house was very quiet. Claire put her robe and went down the hall to the bathroom. She knocked on the door of Eve on the road, but no answer. Neither Michael or Shane. She took the fastest shower registry and down, only to find ... no. Neither Michael nor Shane nor Eve And no ticket. There was coffee in the jar, but a long time he had spent too much and turned the mud. 

Claire sat at the kitchen table and went through the numbers on her phone. No response from the cell Eve, the Michael got his voice mail. Just like Shane. "Hey," Claire said when the recorded voice told him to leave a message. "I - I was just hoping to see you. You know, this morning. But - look, you can call me, please? I want to talk to you. Please. "She felt so alone that tears filled his eyes. The banquet. It was today. Everything was changing. 

A knock on the door made her jump back, and she looked out the window for a long time before opening the door a little. She left it running. "What you want, Richard?" The police car of Richard Morrell was parking at the entrance. He had on no lights or sirens, so she assumed it was not an emergency, exactly. But she knew him well enough to know that he had no social visits, at least not in the Glass House. And not in uniform. 

"Good question," Richard said. "I think I want a nice girl who can cook, likes action movies, and get a short skirt. But I'd settle for you taking the chain from the door and letting me go. "" How do I know that you are you? "" What? "" Ysandre. She - well, let's just say I need to make sure it's really you. "" I loosened the shackles in the ladies room at the university this week. How about that? "She let out the chain and turned away as he entered. He looked tired - not as tired as she felt, but she thought it was not humanly possible, really. "What do you want?" "I go to this business today," he said. "I thought you would too. I was thinking you might need a ride. "" I - I will not. "" No? "Richard seemed surprised. "Funny, I could have sworn that you would be the first choice of Amelie to go into something like this. She is proud of you, know you. 'Pride? Why the hell would it pride? "What, like a dog with a pedigree?" Claire asked bitterly. "The best in show?" 

Richard raised his hands in surrender. "Whatever, it's not my account. Where is your class, anyway? "" Why? "" It's my business to know where are the troublemakers. "" We are not troublemakers! "Richard gave her a look. One that she had to admit she deserved. "Your sister will, you know." 

"Yeah, I know. She was primping the house for days. He spent a fortune on that fantasy crap. Dad will kill her if she roll anything over it. I think he's planning to return. "Claire stirred uneasily new coffee mug, and Richard nodded and sat at the kitchen table. She poured a cup for him, and watched as he drank. He seemed - unlike today. Everything was changing. Richard also appeared more vulnerable. He was always the firm, are of Morrell. Today, he hardly seemed to be older than Monica. "I think something will happen," said Claire. "Do not you think?" 

Richard nodded slowly. There were power lines on his face and bags under the eyes were large enough to hold clothes. "This Bishop, he is not like the others," he said. "I knew him. I - I saw something in him. He is not human, Claire. Not even a little. Any humanity he may have had, he sold long ago. "" What will you do? "Richard gave the shoulders. "What the heck can I do? Staying with my family. Caring for people in this city. Want to be a million miles away. "He was quiet for a few seconds, drinking coffee. "The thing is, I think you will be prompted us to make any promise of loyalty to him, and I do not think I can do that. I do not think I want to do that. "Claire swallowed. "You have a choice?" 

"Probably not. But I will do my best to keep people safe. That I know how. "His eyes slid by it, as if he did not dare to look deeper. The others will not go? "She nodded. "Did you know that your parents will?" Claire gasped, covered her mouth with her hands and shook his head. "No," she said. "No, they will not. They can not go. " 

"I saw the list," Richard said. "I'm sorry. I thought you were just on another page. I could not believe that you were left out. This is good, however, you can stay at home. It's - I think it will be dangerous. "He drained the rest of the coffee mug and pushed back at her. "I'll take care of their friends and parents," he said. "The most I can. You know that, right? "" You are kind, "Claire said. She was surprised to say aloud, but she said seriously. "You really are, you know." Richard smiled at her, and although she has developed a partial immunity to faces smiling at her delicious, thanks to Shane and Michael, a part of it was still Ooooooooh. "I'm hiring you as my press agent," Richard said. "Lock it and stay here, right?" She watched the door and closed it, as he stood waiting to hear the locks. He nodded and returned to the police car, and quietly left the entrance to the street. That was, Claire realized, deserted. Morganville was usually active in the afternoon, but here was the best time to walk, and she could not see a soul there. Not walking or driving, or in the garden. Neither the 

neighbor had called the lawn mower. It was as if all ... know. 

Claire turned on the laptop and checked his email, which was more to check spam. Today, Russian girls had come from a sad and desperate man from Nigeria to get rid of the million without taxes than a lot of fun. Neither the random things, or I'm feeling lucky, Google. She had hours to kill, and her whole body ached with tension. You could visit Myrnin. Myrnin also will not. Oh, it was very tempting. Myrnin was work. And work was a big distraction. 

Richard told her to stay locked. Yeah, but he had not said where were you? The laboratory was well Myrnin insurance. Just as the prison where he was kept Myrnin. And at least she had company. "Nope," Claire said. "I can not. Very dangerous. "But the day was still outside. So it was not as dangerous as it could be. The sensitive side of her hands threw away sick. Whatever. Go ahead, be dead. See if I care. Claire picked up her things and put them in the backpack - books, of course, but some novels that she wanted to take the Myrnin, since he was always interested in new things to read. And a bread knife. Somehow, this seemed a wise thing to take as well. She put it in the book of history, as the marker text more dangerous world. And then, looking one last time to the house, she left. I hope to come back, she thought, and turned to look at home while away from the iron gate. I hope we all return. She felt as if the house was waiting for that too. 

It was a long walk to the lab Myrnin, but she was not in danger, unless he died of chills. She saw one or two cars, but they were full of people frightened and anxious going into a safe haven - work, home, school. No one else was outside. No one else was walking. Claire went to the streets to an area of ??Morganville older. At the end of the street was a duplicate of the Glass House - the Day House, where a lovely lady named Katherine Day is still alive. Today, her rocking chair was empty, waving in the breeze. Claire was kind of hoping that Grandma Day, and his fierce granddaughter, were out, they invite her to go to the porch lemonade, and try to discourage her to do what he was doing. But if they were at home, they were inside with the curtains closed. 

Like everyone else in town. Claire turned the dark alley of the Day House. It was circulated by high fences, and narrowed further inside. She came here by accident the first time, and purpose since then, and still looked like a terrible place for it, even with the light of day. Grandma knew Myrnin Day. She called spider hidden door. Grandma Day, the experience of Claire, was right about many things, and this was one. For more gentle and sweet as could be Myrnin when he turned, he turned completely. Claire arrived at the end of the alley, which was a hut barely large enough to qualify as a bedroom. The door was locked, with a shiny new padlock. She put her hand in his pocket and found the keys. Inside, the cabin was no better - nothing except a square on the floor and stairs leading down. The little light that was coming through dirty windows. Claire took the lantern from the corner - she always had some here - and rang as he descended the stairs to the lab Myrnin. 

She half expected to find Amelie there, or Oliver, or anyone else - but it looked like she had left. Desert and quiet, with only a few electric lights. Claire put aside the bookcase that was against the right wall - it was too much attached to move with ease - and was behind the door. She was also locked, and she took the keys in the drawer under the shelf of newspaper. As she unlocked, she could swear I heard a noise from the shadows. Claire turned, and felt the urge to ask who it was stupid, all that stopped her was pure shame, and the determination not to be as stupid as the girls in horror movies. No one was there. Not even Oliver. Instead, she opened the locked door, took a deep breath and focused. 

The physics of special doors Myrnin still eluded her, although she thought he was beginning to understand the discoveries he made with quantum mechanics ... of course he did not seem scientific, for it was magic, or at least alchemy. You do not have to know how something works to use, Claire remembered. Angered her, but she was getting used to the fact that some things would be difficult to understand, and anything having to do with Myrnin definitely falls into that category. She opened the door, which led to the arrest of the other side of town. She looked at the maps, measured the distance between the laboratory complex hidden Myrnin and abandoned. It was not possible to have a door between the two, unless you seriously distort the laws of physics as they understand it, but there it was. She came in and shut the door. There was a lock of the door also, she locked her, if only in imagination she has not been 

active and someone was watching her in the lab. He would have serious problems to cross, and the nature of Myrnin doors, he probably would not end here, if it ends up anywhere. 

"Hi," said Claire to the cells as she passed them, she did not think any of the vampires really understood her, but she always tried to be gentle. They could not prevent what was - whatever they were. Insane, indeed. Some less than others, and these were what made her feel sad - who seemed to understand where they were and why. How Myrnin. Claire stopped in the refrigerator and took the supplement of blood bags, she played in the cells at a safe distance. She kept two for Myrnin, whose cell was in the corridor. He was sitting in bed, his glasses perched at the tip. He was reading an old copy of Voltaire. 

"Claire," he said, and put a silk tie a tie between the pages to mark. He looked up, young and beautiful and (today at least) not totally crazy. "The strangest thing happened." She took the chair and sat down. "What is it?" "I think I'm improving." "I do not think so." She said. "I wanted it to be true, but -" He pushed a pot by the bars of his cell. "Here." Claire froze, staring at the pot with doubts. "Umm ... what is it? "" brain tissue. "" What? "Myrnin adjusted his glasses and looked at her. "I said, brain tissue." "Brain tissue from whom?" He looked around the cage, his eyebrows raised. "I do not have many volunteers within easy reach, you know." Claire had a horrible thought. She could not make himself say. Myrnin gave her a smirk. "We are testing the serum, are not we? And so far, I'm the only guinea pig? " 

"This is brain tissue. How did you-? "Claire closed her mouth, quickly. "Forget it. I do not think I want to know. "" Actually, I think that's better. Please take it. "He bared his teeth and grimaced briefly unsettling. "I'm giving you a 

piece of my mind. "" I wish you had not said that. "She shuddered, but was close enough bars to get the pot. Yes, it seemed ... gray. And biological. She checked to make sure that the lid was securely fastened, and stuffed in a backpack. "What makes you think is better?" Myrnin took half a dozen books and held them with the palm of the hand. "I read them at the last day and a half," he said. "Every word. I can answer any questions you do about the contents. "" Not a very good test. You know those books. "He seemed surprised. "Yes, that's true. Very well. How do you propose to test me? " 

"Read a little more," she said, and passed it in a book bag. He looked at the author's name and title, a page turned, and began. She watched his eyes flicking to and fro-faster than most humans could begin to understand the words on a page. He was focused, and he seemed genuinely interested. "Stop," she said five minutes later. Myrnin gently closed the book and handed back to her. "Tell me about what you read." "It's pretty smart of you to bring a book about vampires," said Myrnin. "While I think that they avoid mirrors is ridiculous. The main characters seem interesting, I think I would finish. "And then he began to recite, compridamente, descriptions of characters and stories that was given by the first 15 pages ... and the plot. Claire blinked and got the facts. All right. "See?" Myrnin took the oculose put them in the pocket of purple satin robe he was wearing over a white shirt. "I'm better, Claire. Of truth. "" Well, we really should wait and see - " 

"No, I do not think so." He got up, flexible and strong, and walked to the bars. He took them and pulled, and the lock - the lock that should hold the strongest vampire and crazy - broke making a loud noise. He rolled to the side bars on the ground and stood in the doorway, smiling at her. "These are for me?" He nodded to the blood bags standing on top of the backpack. She realized she was holding the book with such force white fingers, barely breathing. I hope he has not removed the part of her brain that prevents him from attacking me ... 'Yes,' she managed. She wanted to play the blood to him, but somehow did not seem right. She took the first and spread ... 

Myrnin walked slowly toward it - slowly, deliberately, and making sure that she get used to the idea - and grabbed the plastic bag from her without touching her skin. He even turned to bite her, and though the sound sucked when he has left her uncomfortable and even a little sick when he turned, there was no sign of blood in it, or in a plastic bag as well. Claire raised her second. He shook his head. "I do not need to fill," he said. "One is enough for now." What was strange, too, because usually Myrnin was - how she could put it without making you feel sick? - Someone who ate a lot. "I'll save," she said, but before she could move, Myrnin had taken from her. She never saw him move this time. "I do." She shuddered, listening and watching, but he had already vanished in the shadows. She heard the refrigerator open and close, and then suddenly he was back, slowly coming out of the shadows. Arms folded across his chest. He leaned against the wall in front of her. "So?" He asked. "Do I look insane to you?" She shook her head. "You would not tell me if I would, Claire?" "Probably not. You can get angry. " 

"I can get angry if you lie," said Myrnin. "But I will not. I'm not angry now. Or you, or even anxious, and it never seemed to leave me in recent years. The drug you gave me, Claire, I think she is holding. You know what that means? "He ran through empty space, and when she was able to focus on it again, he was crouched near her chair, a pale hand resting on her knee. "It means that my people can be saved. All of them. "" What about mine? "Claire said. "If your getting well, what about mine?" 

Myrnin's face was hard and carefully empty. "The destiny of humans is not my responsibility," he said. "Amelie worked hard to insure that Morganville is a place of balance, a place where our two races can live in relative harmony. I doubt it changes all this based on the results of this experiment. "He could doubt all he wanted, but Claire Amelie knew better. She would do what was best for her first, humans second. In fact, Claire was not absolutely sure, but she suspected that Morganville was an experiment - an experiment and when the result would be reached. If this was the result - what would happen with the mice? Myrnin dark eyes were shining now with sincerity. "I'm not a monster, Claire. I would not allow you to get hurt. You made us a great service and you will be well cared for. "" And the others? 'she asked. "What people? Oh, your friends, your family. Yes, of course, they will be saved, too, whatever happens. "" No, Myrnin, I referred to the whole world! The guy who makes the Hamburg Burger Dog! The lady who takes care of the thrift shop! Everyone! "He blinked, clearly being taken by surprise. "We can not care for all, Claire. It is not our nature. We can only care about whom we know, or those who are connected. I appreciate your altruism, but - "" Do not talk to me about our nature! We are not the same thing! " 

"Are not we?" Myrnin patted her knee gently. "I am a scientist. You, too. I have friends, people that I care and love. And you too. How are we different? "" I do not suck my dinner in a plastic bag! " 

Myrnin laughed. He showed no signs of prey. "Oh, Claire, you think that eating animals slaughtered and mutilated is less disgusting? We both eat. We both liked the company of others. We both - "" I did not take brain tissue of the skull! Oh, and I do not kill, "she said. "You kill. And you do not mind. "He pulled back a little, looking in her face. The brightness of sincerity took a harder edge. "I think you'll see that I care yeah," he said. "Or else why would I take this one -" "A servant? Because that's what I am, right? Or worse - a slave? Property? "" You're upset. "" Yes! Of course I am - of course I'm upset. "She struggled to stay long, but she could not, the misery out of her system as vapor pressure. "I'm sitting here debating the future of the human race, and my friends and family go to that party, and I can not protect them -" "Hush, child," he said. "The banquet. It is now, yes? "" I do not know what it is. '"Formal recognition of Amelie Bishop. All Morganville Vampire able to be present, and they swear obedience, and each one will take this one. "She sniffed, sat down and wiped her face. "What kind of gift?" 

Myrnin dark eyes were firmly on it. "A gift of blood," he said. "Specifically, a human. You have reason to be worried about your friends, your family. He has the right to choose any human being that is offered to him. The gesture is to be ceremonial - is a tradition for us long ago - but do not have to be. "And Claire understood. She understood why Amelie had forbidden her to go, she understood why Michael had deliberately invited Monica instead of Eve was chess, and people were pedestrians. The vampires were playing with what they could lose. "You -" Her voice did not seem firm. She cleared her throat and tried again. "You said he may choose any man." 

Myrnin did not blink. "Or all of them," he said. "If he wants to." "You know he would. He will kill someone. "" Most likely, yes. "" We have to stop it, "she said. "Myrnin - why would she do that?" "Amelie is a courageous woman. If the odds are against her, she will surrender if the chance is not even close to the same, she will get time and advantage. She knows she can not defeat Bishop, and Oliver even she can do this together. She has to play a game fulfilled, Claire. She threw a lifetime. "Myrnin dark eyes were shining again, and he began to smile. "Amelie calculates the odds without me, of course. Me on her side, she can win. "" You want to go. For the banquet. "Myrnin straightened his jacket and pulled out the dust imaginary sleeves. "Of course. And I'm going with or without you. Now, you will under these circumstances? '"I - Amelie said -" "Yes or no, Claire." "So ... yes. "" We will need costumes, "he said. "Do not worry, I know the place to get them." "I'll be ridiculous," Claire said. She seemed completely obvious. "We can not get something, I do not know, black? Since we go thin? " 

"Stop talking," as he sent Myrnin apply makeup on her face. He seemed to be having much more than the situation demanded, and doubt she felt again that his healing was really a cure. He had a good reason to say that Amelie she should not go to 

banquet, there was a good reason, too, to let her out of the calculations of war or peace. But Claire Amelie knew too well. If peace came with the price of death for some people, even those who were dear to Claire, it had an acceptable price. Claire does not. "Then," said Myrnin. "Close your eyes." Claire closed, and felt the dust on his face. When she opened her eyes, Myrnin out the front, and she saw an alien in the mirror looking at her. 

It seemed ridiculous, but she had to admit that she looked like Claire Danvers. Not at all. A white face that would have left Eve proud. Red lips. Huge black eyes filled with small lines of mascara strange to call attention to them. A fantasy tight top and bottom, covered with red and black diamonds. A bullfighter's hat. "What should I be?" She said. Myrnin seemed disappointed with it. "A Clown," he said, and he turned like a little girl. "I am a Pierrot." Myrnin was dressed in white, where fantasy and it was tight, his was full, where around him like a choir robes with white clothes underneath. He had an enormous frill around the neck, and a white hat that looked like a traffic cone. The same maniacal makeup that made his eyes appear wider and less are. "They do not teach you anything at school?" "Not about that." "A pity. I guess that's what education coming out of Google. "He put something over his head. "Your mask, madam." It was a simple mask, but had the same pattern of red and white of her fantasy. "You can do jumping hand? Bounce back? " 

She gave him a stare. "I'm a nerdy scientist, not a cheerleader." "Too bad about that, too." He put his own mask, which was black. He painted the face to match hers - white, with huge red lips. It was strange. "Well, then, have fantasies. Now all we need is something to change the scale in our favor, if things get bad. As I'm sure they will, knowing Bishop. " 

They were in the attic of the Glass House, surrounded by what seemed like centuries of ... things. Claire had never been here before, in fact, she did not know there was an entry. Myrnin had taken her to stop the hidden room, and then pressed a few buttons on the wall to drop another secret door that led to a dusty, and full hall that opened a wide, dark deposit. He found the costumes stored in a chest that looked old enough to be loaded on the Civil War. The dresser, where Claire was sitting, was probably 

even older. The dust on it looked old. Myrnin wandered through the stacks of boxes and bags and discarded treasures, muttering in what looked like a foreign language. He began to inspect around. Claire turned to look in the mirror. The makeup and costume made her look like an alien and cool, but his eyes were still Claire, and they were frightened. I do not think we'll do it, she thought. Myrnin appeared as a terrible puppet-in-box * near her, carrying a suitcase the width of Rhode Island. He dropped it on the wooden floor, where she hit a shattering blow. (* Those that open when you jump) 

Inside there were weapons. Several weapons. Bow and arrow. Knives. Swords. Crosses, some with tips. Myrnin got stirred into chaos and eat dirty bottle that probably once had a perfume, there in the middle ages. "Holy water," he said. "True holy water, blessed by the pope himself. Very rare. "" What is this? Of where things come from? " 

"From people who have not had success in using them," he said. "I would not recommend the bottles of flammable liquid, the greens. They work, but you can kill both his allies and enemies. Holy water will not hurt, but not destroy. I prefer you to be armed with non-lethal methods. "" Why? "" Even if we win, Amelie will be forced to prosecute any human to kill a vampire. You know how this ends well. "Claire knows, and she trembled. 

Shane had almost been killed by a murder he did not commit. "So if there is a death to be made, let me make or another vampire. We are even more prepared. "He folded cloth in his hand and took a cross of medium size with a sharp tip, which he delivered with care. "Only for self defense. Now for me ... "Myrnin took a sharp knife and looked at the critical point, then placed in a leather sheath. It was under his shirt against his side. He closed the trunk lid. "That's it?" Claire asked, surprised. He had an arsenal waiting for him. "It's all I need. Time to go, "he said. "That is, if you are sure you want to do that." 

"I'm sure," Claire looked down at herself, and for fantasy tight. "A. .. Where are my pockets? "


Glass House was that Claire liked to think of as impossible Travel Network ... The system Myrnin doors led to a total of 20 places in town that she was able to identify, and the room was one of them. One, of course, was the prison where he was living lately. Day One was the House, and she suspected that most of the houses of the founder had similar connections. There was a gate to the castle of Amelie - or at least, Claire thought it was a castle, she had no idea of ??how it seemed from the outside. She did not even know if it was in the city. But inside, he looked old and very, very strong. Had left the university administration building, the library, and by the city, and the building of the Council of Elders. That was where the prom was being held. "I do not think we're doing it," Claire whispered as Myrnin contemplated the blank wall of the room Glass House. "Myrnin, are you sure? Maybe we should get a car or something asism. "" So it is faster, "he said. "Not scared, are you? No sense. Are you with me. "He said with an arrogance without effort, and once again, she had a cold flash of doubt. He was okay? He seemed to be gathering thoughts well, but there was something ... strange. The sweet nature of Myrnin that usually emerge during moments of sanity was gone, and she did not know this Myrnin not at all. But he gave her a cross and holy water, and he had to. In addition ... she needed him. Not needed? 

It was too late to think better. The area of ??wall where Myrinin was looking at floated and melted in a gray smoke. Smoke snaked took one color and one line was dark with warm golden light barely visible at the tip. It looked like the inside of a closet. 

"Come on," said Myrnin, and reached out for her. She took it, and they entered together into the darkness. Behind them, she felt the portal closes, and when she turned, there was nothing there. The place smelled like cleaning supplies, and when Claire ran her hand around, she contacted the wood surface with a mop. He was the janitor's closet. Well, she supposed that was the arrival of them less noticeable. Except for the part to sneak out of the janitor's closet. Myrnin had not stopped. He reached over and turned the doorknob, and opened only slightly. "Clean," he said, and opened more. He came out first. Claire went to follow, and closed the door behind them. They were in what looked like a 

utility corridor, white walls and dark carpet. And the doors were not marked. And identical. Claire tried to tell for sure if she could find the place again. "Around here," said Myrnin, and turned into the hallway to the right. The white robe he waved as he walked, and he was supposed to look ridiculous with that hat into a cone shape, but somehow ... somehow, he did not look. "I should have let you be the Pierrot, little Claire. Pierre is known for its sweet and innocent nature. Not as Harlequin * (* type is a clown). Libitor ranzy, Claire. "" What? "" I said, I should have let you be the Pierrot - "" No, "she said slowly. "You said libitor franzy. What does this mean? '"I said what?" Myrnin gave her a strange look. "This is silly. Forget it. "She stopped, and after a few steps, he realized that she stayed behind and became impatient. "Claire, iguana hours." Claire, do not have time. " 

"Myrnin, you're not making sense. I - I think the IV is running out. "" I feel the act. "I feel good. "Can you hear? What are you saying? " 

He raised his hands. He did not realize I was doing a mix of palavras.Complica\u00e7\u00f5es neurology, she thought, and she wished to speak with Dr. Mills. Of course, he tore a part of the brain. That could have done some damage. But again, he was speaking well until the last moments. Claire tried to keep his voice as calm as possible. "I think you need another dose. Please. I think we should not wait to see how much worse it is, do you think? "Myrnin suddenly reached up and watered the sleeve. He stated that the skin was pale as alabaster, and while she held, looked less like a human arm in the leather soft marble. Claire took the little box that she put the strap on her thighs - what Dr. Mills had given her with a syringe and medicine francs. She practiced giving injections with a needle in orange, but this is different. "I'll try not to hurt you," she said. Myrnin rolled his eyes. Her hands trembled as she stuck the needle into the vial and filled syringe. She spilled a few drops of fluid from the needle and took a deep breath. 

She waited for Myrnin let her do it without a fight. He did not seem inclined to act, at least not yet, he was passive as she pressed the needle against the blue vein of him. "Ready?" She asked. She was actually asking herself, not for him. He seemed to know this, because he smiled. "I trust you, 'he said. 

She pushed, and the needle pierced the skin and sank. There was a second resistance against the surface of the vein, and then she came. She quickly pushed the plunger and pulled the needle out. A fine drop of blood marked where he had gone, and she wiped them with the thumb, leaving a small mark on his perfect skin. 

She looked up and saw his pupils shrinking to nothing, and the feeling of terror past her, freezing her in place. Myrnin's mouth was large and red and smiling, and had something about him that really, really did not seem right - then disappeared, and he blinked, and his pupils began to expand again back to normal size. He shuddered and sighed. "Nasty," he said. "Ah, here comes the heat. Now, that's nice. "" I did not hurt you, hurt you? "" I do not like needles. "What was funny enough to make her laugh. He frowned at her, but she kept laughing and had to cover her mouth with her hand as the laughter grew louder and acute toward hysteria. If recompose, Claire. "Better?" She asked him. The arrogance of Myrnin had returned, obviously by the look as she kept her things. "I was not evil," he said. "But I appreciate your concern." The corridor ended ahead with a pair of swing doors, and Myrnin took her hand almost dragged toward them. "Wait! Slow down! "" Why? "" Because I want to make sure you are - "" compos mentis? "That's Latin, Claire. It means - " 

"Lucid, yes, I know." "I am not babbling nonsense. And I do not think I needed that dose in the first place. "He sounded offended. That is, Claire thought, the 

scariest part of it - Myrnin not tell when he was losing. She hoped that was the scary part, at least. But by the look on the face of Myrnin she was afraid it might get worse. Outside the doors of the building was the hall of the Council of Elders, and it was packed. People were standing talking holding glasses of champagne or wine and what appeared to be a lot of red wine. All costumes and masks for all. 

"You were right," she said to Myrnin. "I think all the vampires in town are here." "And every one of them brought a human friend," he said. "But I think you're the only one who knows the real reason." Claire first saw Jennifer, who was in the arms of Fran\u00e7ois, the Bishop of pret\u00e9g\u00e9. She was wearing a costume of a top 60 year in various colors and a little mini skirt, platform shoes, and jewelry with the sign of peace. The mask was clearly not thought of it. Clearly, the whole point of her fantasy was to show as much skin as possible without actually going naked. Good job, Claire thought. Fran\u00e7ois clearly approved. He was dressed as Zorro, all in black satin and leather, with a hat-Hispanics. Jennifer was close to Monica, who was Marie Antoinette, the corset from cutting down the wide skirt. She tied a red ribbon around the neck, which made Claire feel a little uneasy, and had a miniature guillotine in hand. She was struggling with ... Michael. It seemed, even mascara, want to be far, far away and nowhere near Monica. He was dressed as a priest with a black robe and white collar. No cross visible. 

Claire followed the line of Michael the room to a high scarecrow - taken straight from the movie scarier than she could imagine - and a dressed Sally Tim Burton film The Nightmare Before Christmas ... Oliver, Eve and Eve looked perfect as Sally - melancholy, sad, stitched together with nothing but hope. And she was staring at Michael as well. Oliver, on the other hand, was ignoring her to focus on someone else. Looking around, Claire acknowledged some more slowly. Her mother was not in sight, but her father was dressed in a bear costume, looking intensely uncomfortable as he stood near a middle-aged woman - a vampire? - Dressed as a witch. 

"You see Shane?" Myrnin Claire asked anxiously. He nodded toward the other side of the room. She had looked there, but she tried again, and after jumping eoe three times, she finally understood. Her fantasy involves leather? She asked. And he said, actually, yeah, you can get involved. And really involved. It involved a dog collar, leather pants 

leather and a guide, and the guide was handled by Ysandre, who was wearing a tight red suit, neck, thighs - high boots. She completed it with a pair of red horns and a pitchfork. She made Shane her dog, complete with a furry dog ??masks. "Breathe," Myrnin said "I do not need much, but I learned that it is very good for humans. 'Claire realized he was right, she was holding my breath. As she let go, the shock of it disappeared, leaving a cascade of anger. That bitch! It was no wonder that Shane had seemed so sick. "It does not hurt him," said Myrnin, talking softly near her ear. "And you can be wearing the costume of a Harlequin, but Ysandre is surely worse. So be careful. Wait for your time. I'll let you know when we attack our enemy. "Claire nodded hard. If she had any doubt about it, it was over now. It would take friends and family more, and she would personally take that collar and the hand of Ysandre - do something violent to her. "I'm ready when you are," she said. 

Myrnin gave her a smile crazy. "Yes," he said. "I think you may be, little one." Afastandos They were looking each other, and while the others looked curiously, no one came. Claire said - better late than never - if people would not recognize Myrnin even with makeup, but he shook his head. 

"I'm hardly a social figure," he said. "Amelie, Sam, Michael, Oliver, and some others may recognize me from view. But very few others, and none of them expected to see me here. Especially as - "he gave a theatrical ride, the white robe billowing around him -" A Pierre. " 

What made no sense to her, since she had no idea that was a Pierrot, but she nodded. Myrnin saw a vampire women nearby looking at him, and made an elaborate little reverence towards it. "Take a leap," he said beneath the breath to Claire. 

"Do what?" 

"I would ask for a bounce back, but I'm sure this would be a problem. Salto. Now. " 

She felt like an idiot, but she fixed the elastic bullfighter's hat in her chin and jumped up, shaking and trembling with a bright smile. 

People clapped and laughed, and then returned to their own conversations. All except Oliver, who stared intently. 

But at least he kept his distance. 

There was no sign of Bishop and Amelie, but Claire gradually identified most of the vampires she knew. Sam arrived, dressed as Huckleberry Finn * which combined with red hair and freckles. He brought a girl who knew Claire Common Grounds of view, as one of the maids of Oliver. Probably who replaced Eve when she resigned. For the sake of Sam, Claire, she hoped it was someone who could lose Oliver. 

* Http:\/\/\/wiki\/As_Aventuras_de_Huckleberry_Finn 

Miranda was there, dressed in an ancient Greek robe, with snakes as hair, and she was a little man dressed as Sherlock Holmes. "Charles," Myrnin confirmed when Claire asked. "He always had a weakness for concern." 

"She's only 15!" 

"Modern standards, I fear. Charles comes from a time when someone was in a good 12 years old to marry, so he takes 18 of its rules a bit light. "" He is a pedophile. "" Probably, "said Myrnin. "But he's on the Bishop." Sam saw them, frowned, and gradually passed through the crowd towards them. Myrnin gave his new comic reverence, but Claire was happy to note that he did not require a jump this time. "Samuel," he said. "How lovely to see you." "Are you -?" Sam looked visibly, probably because the question would be, Are you crazy? And the answer was obvious. "Amelie did not tell you to stay away? Claire - "" He came anyway, "she said. "He broke the lock. I thought it was better to come along. "What was true - cowardice - explanation of how they were there. Still, Myrnin gave her a look. One that clearly said, Confess. "I probably would have done anyway," she said in a hurry. "I can not leave my friends and parents would be here without me. I just can not. "Sam looked disgusted, but he nodded as if she understood. "Okay, you're here. You saw it. Irr time before being announced. Myrnin - "Myrnin was shaking his head. "No, Samuel. I can not do that. She needs me. "" She needs you to stay out of it! "Sam came in Myrnin personal space, and the eyes of a scarlet Myrnin became muddy. Like Sam. "Go home," Sam said. "Now." 

"I thank you," Myrnin said in a whisper. Claire had never seen him look so normal, and it was terrifying. She nudged him. Carefully. "Myrnin. What happened to waiting for the right time? Sam is not the enemy. "" Sam protect our enemy. "" I'm protecting Amelie. You know I'd die to protect her. " 

This calmed Myrnin at least to an extent where he breathed and walked away. The tu-tu * (* skirted ballerina) white Pierrot costume made him look scarier than the clown she saw, especially when he smiled. "Yes," said Myrnin. "I know you would, Sam. This will destroy you someday. You have to know when to let it go. It is an art that the oldest of us were forced to dominate again and again. "Sam gave the two a frustrated look and walked away. The crowd had increased, filling the circular room, and Claire heard a distant grandfather clock marking the hours. He seemed to last forever in deep and sonorous bells, and when it ended, there was a silence in the room except for the sound of fabric as people pushed into position. The double doors to right Claire opened, and a smell of roses came out. She knew the smell, and that room. A vampire's body had been lying dead at the scene. She and Shane and Eve were terrified inside. It was not her favorite place, or favorite memory. "The Lady Muriel, and his companion, Paul Grace," said a deep voice that echoed through the door. It was carried to every corner of the room. Claire turned her neck, and saw a low vampire dress escorted by Egyptian ports by a tall man with a Victorian fantasy. The man making the announcement was standing on the side, a giant book in both hands, though he was not consulting him. The maitre d 'of the living dead. 

"John Ledds' Myrnin whispered to her. "Excellent choice. He was the herald of King Henry, as I recall. Impeccable manners. "The next name was already being spoken, and another couple went. Claire could not see beyond the door where he was, but she saw the glow of candles. "It will take an eternity," she said. 

"The ceremony is part of the joy of life," Myrnin said, and handed her a glass of something that glittered, "Drink." "I should not." He raised an eyebrow. She put her lips on champagne and provu - neither sweet nor bitter, perfect. As light, bottled. 

Maybe just a sip. The cup was empty and when she went to Myrnin front of the queue; heat and Claire felt a little unbalanced, and she was glad Myrnin grab her arm. The envoy, Johm, was left in Myrnin, and he seemed kind of surprised for a second and then said with suavidez usual, "Lord Myrnin Conwy, with his partner, Claire Danvers." And there was the approach of thin . 

Heads turned. Several heads turned, and although the vampires were not panting, Claire heard the whispers began as she and Myrnin were. It was a dark and cavernous place decorated in a style ballroom with round tables and chairs and a large balcony on stage. White linen. Arrangement of flowers on each table. Glasses and dishes dazzling cintilante.O room was all lit by candles - hundreds of them in massive crystal displays. It would have been magical if it were not so scary. The pressure of all that attention - hundreds of eyes watching them - did Claire's knees look like bags of water. Myrnin seemed to feel. "Steady," he said softly. "Smile. Head up. No sign of weakness. "She tried. She was not sure how, but when he dropped near a chair, she sank into it fast. They were at an empty table near the back of the room. As she looked around, she saw that Sam was sitting far away, just like Oliver. Eve was with him, Claire staring with wide eyes. 

She could not see Michael. Unfortunately, she could see very clearly Shane because Ysandre was on stage at the counter, and she brought Shane with his collar up so everyone could see it too. They were sitting at long table on one side, Francois and his companion were on the other. Still no sign of Amelie, or Bishop. Claire's father began to rise from where he sat across the hall, but he took a vampire with his arm and pulled him back into the chair. So the rules were that he could not mix, apparently. She wanted to go to him, too, but when she looked at Myrnin, he shook his head. "Wait," he said. "Did you play this game, Claire. Now we discover that you actually have the audacity to do so. "" That's my father! '"I said, this will be a test of nerves. Your show is. Take it easy. "A great conversation coming from a guy whose eyes get red when someone as nonthreatening as Sam stands in front of him. But Claire 

focused on deep, slow breaths, and kept looking down, away from temptation. "Ah," Myrnin said, his voice full of satisfaction. "They're here." 

He referred, of course, Amelie and Bishop. Amelie came right from the first stage, a sculpture brilahnte all white so cold that it hurt the eyes. It came as some sort of mind cold, which was appropriate in many ways. Her platinum hair was braided in a crystal tower, and she looked delicate and fragile. In her arms was Jason Rosser. At least, Claire thought it was Jason. She had never seen him after a bath and a haircut, but she recognized his shoulders bowed and floor, and nothing more. He was wearing a robe of monkey. She chose someone she could lose, Claire thought. That's why she chose me. This should have made her feel better about having been excluded, but somehow did not. 

Bishop went on the left side of the stage. He was dressed in an Episcopal purple, and - what else? - The fantasy of a bishop, cruz.Ele least he had the top hat, a turban. In his arms was an angel. A woman dressed as one, at least, with white feathers that were taller than she, and they touched the ground behind her. Claire put both hands in his mouth to hold the shriek that threatened to erupt. "Steady, 'said Myrnin. The cold hand was pressed it on her arm. "What I tell you? If control! We still have plenty to do. "She did not want to hear it. She wanted her mother and father, Michael Shane and Eve, and she wanted to get out, go to the borders of Morganville, and keep going. She did not want to stay here. The other guests filled the seats that remained at their desks, and two of them were Charles and Miranda. Miranda looked terribly young and pale under the Greek robes. She sat next to Claire, and under the tablecloth, was to take her hand. Claire allowed. Miranda was as cold as Myrnin, and trembled in fear. "It's happening," Miranda said. "All the blood. All fear. Is really happening. " 

"Relax," said Charles, sitting near her, and waved at her plate. "Eat. Meat will improve your strength. "Miranda, as Claire, took a rib on the plate. Claire tried to bite. It was good - soft, tender, warm enough - but she had no appetite. Myrnin is stuck in a frightening him with enthusiasm. She wondered how long it was since the last time he actually ate, or wanted 

eat. This led to a series of questions - were vegetarians in the crowd? Vampires beware the food allergies? While she nibbled on the bread so silly, Claire Amelie saw facing them. The distance it was impossible to actually see her expression, but Claire was sure it was not pleasant. "I think Amelie will throw us out," she said to Myrmin. He chewed the last piece of the rib. 

"She will not," he said with absolute confidence. "You're not gonna eat that?" Claire gave up and passed the plate. Myrnin started cutting the meat. "Amelie can not have a scene," he said. "And no doubt will play Bishop I'm here." It seemed strange again, almost happy. Claire looked at him with doubt. "You feel good?" "Never better," he said. "Oh, sweet!" Serfs - Claire had never seen more than a dark fascination of them, then they should be vampires - delivered beautiful small martini glasses filled with blueberries and cream in each place. Berries and cream were something that Claire can not resist. She ate everything and in every spoonful Shane looked to see if he was eating. She did not think he was. He was not even moving. While the post-dinner drinks were served - blood for the vampires, champagne and coffee to the intolerant hemoglobin - Claire felt her anxiety rise another notch. There was a murmur in the hall, growing well and she felt the excitement. "Myrnin? What is happening? "Miranda grabbed her again, pressing so hard that he almost shouted Claire. "It's coming," Miranda said. "Almost done." Before Claire could ask what she meant, Myrnin touched her shoulder and said, "They are starting the ceremony." Johm Leeds had left wing behind the stage, and had taken place podium in the dark of wood. He was wearing a traditional bring announcer, Claire realized, as in books and paintings. She half expected him to take a long thin trumpet. He opened the book he was holding outside the hall. 

"Behold," he said in a deep, velvety voice, "comes to us in a day that is worthy of our allegiance, and as one, we welcome him into our home." Bishop raised. A curtain was pulled back from the stage and behind it was a huge wooden throne, full of notches. 

Bishop climbed the stairs to sit. 

Claire's mother stayed put on the table. "What is happening?" Claire said. Myrnin told her to shut up. "When I speak your name, come forward with their tribute," John said. "Maria Theresa." A tall woman dressed in a Spanish matador's costume rose from his seat, grabbed the man she brought to the banquet, and escorted to the counter. She made a reverence to Amelie and then turned and went to the Bishop's throne. She made a new bow. "I give you my loyalty," she said. "And my gift." She looked at the man standing near her. He seemed ... stunned. Frozen. Bishop looked at him and smiled. "Princely, he said. "I thank you for the present." And he snapped his fingers at them, as well as, eventually. "Vassily Ivanovich," Johm Leeds called, and still continued. No one was killed. It was Myrnin and had said ... a signal. A gesture. 

Claire let out the breath. She was not aware of how she was holding him, but all her ribs ached. "He could kill them. Right? If he wanted to? "" Okay, "said Myrnin. "But it's not doing it." He seemed sorry and focused under the thick makeup. "I wonder what is preventing it." Iria, saw Claire, take hours. She was glad they have somewhere to sit, stand, because it would be a torture. While John Leeds called each name, a vampire rose and took his man to be presented to Bishop and Bishop waved, and that was it. As fighting life-or-death to leave, it was pretty boring. And then suddenly it was not. The first hint came when Sam got on stage with the "gift" from him - he made a reverence to Amelie, but only nodded to Bishop. Myrnin made a little sound and leaned forward, his dark eyes intense, and Bishop sat up in his chair. "I give you welcome Morganville," Sam said. "But I will not swear allegiance to you." 

All sticking absolutely stiff, tissue or noise and the sound of cutlery on china that was remarkable that point. Amelie, Claire 

noticed, had moved closer to Sam than other vampires. "No?" Bishop said, and Sam called forward. Sam obeyed by only one step. "Your lady recognizes me. Why do not you? "" I have other oaths. "" To her, "Bishop said. Sam nodded. "Well, then, her oath to me will call you, too, Samuel. I believe it serves. "He looked at the girl." Let the present. "Sam did not move. "No." Amelie whispered something to him, but was gentle enough not to be loaded Claire's ears despite the excellent acoustics in the hall. "It is my responsibility," Sam said, "if you want a gift, get what you Morganville offers. Freedom. "He put his hand in the pocket of blue jeans Huck Finn and took a blood bag. Ysandre sprang from his chair. Just as Francois. "Do you dare!" Francois growled, and pulled the bag of blood from the hand of Sam. "Get that filthy thing out of here!" Ysandre company grabbed Sam by the hair and led her away. "It is a tribute," Ysandre said, "And you have no right to deny it." "He has no right," said Amelie. Every word crystal clear. "But I have." 

Bishop's eyes are locked on hers, and for a long, long moment, nobody moved. Then Bishop smiled, sat back in his chair and waved. "Take her, Samuel," he said. "It is not my taste, anyway." Sam grabbed the girl's hand, Francois pushed out of the way, and descended the stairs to the hall. Murmurs flourished in the darkness as he passed. He went straight to the table where Michael was sitting, leaned forward and said something. Michael replied, sounding a little tense and desperate. Whatever the discussion, Michael was hurting having to take the other side. Sam Michael raised, and this time Claire heard what he said. "Just come with me!" 

Michael willingly or not, it was too late, because John Leeds said, "Michael Glass of Morganville," and all the world waited to see what the younger vampire of the city would do. Michael took Monica's hand and walked to the stage. He climbed the steps, waved to Amelie, and waved to Bishop. Not much in the way to obey any direction. 

"Oh, the girl Morrell," Bishop said. "I heard so much about you, kid." Monica, the idiot, seemed happy with it. She risked a high wig making deep bows out with that huge Marie Antoinette. "Thank you, sir." "I sent you talking about?" He asked, and turned his attention to Michael again. "His blood relatives refused to swear allegiance. What do you say, Michael? "" I'm here, "Michael said. "But I will not swear anything." There was a long, tense moment, and then Bishop impatiently waved him out. Monica dragged on, smirking for the big bad vampire. "What an idiot," Claire murmurrou and Myrnin laughed. "Always have some," he said. "Thank God." The next vampire was already on stage. He was a little more educated than Michael - he welcomed the Bishop as a guest in Morganville, but again, he swore loyalty. Bishop seemed angry. "Well, this is becoming interesting. I wonder how long he will tolerate. "Not much, is what it seemed, because Oliver was next. And even if Oliver has made a reverence, it was something forced. Something militant. Bishop felt. "What do you say, Oliver Heidelberg?" 

"I give you welcome," Oliver said. "And nothing more." He made a new reverence, laughing. "Her days ended in order, Master Bishop. Have not you noticed? "Bishop raised. As Francois and Ysandre. "Bring your tribute," Bishop said. "And go away, while allowing you to walk." 

And Oliver, the coward, let the hand of Eve and left the stage. Abandoning her. Michael, on the floor, tried to go rescue her, but Sam held. "Get off me!" Michael shouted, and the two rolled on the table and ordered expensive china and glasses flying. "You can not let him -" Francois Ysandre and Eve were approaching with eyes of hunters. And she stood, frozen, stuck in the eye of Bishop. Shane got up and took off his mask Ysandre dog that he did use. He went along with Eve, dropped the leash, and dropped to the ground in snake leather. "I'm done with this drug," he said, and got his elbow in the direction of Eve "What about you?" 

"So ended," she agreed. "While I love a good party gala. Can I keep the collar when you're done with it? "" Have fun. "They were trying to be cool, but Claire could feel the threat there, the trigger of violence just waiting to be tight. And Shane could not win. He could not hurt them. And he could be killed. She struggled to get off the chair. Myrnin's hand clutched her shoulder, forcing her to sit. "No," he said. "Wait." "They are my friends!" 

"Wait!" He was right. Amelie rose, and stood between Eve and Shane Bishop. "They belong to me," she said. "They are not to be given to Oliver." "That argument would for anyone in town," Bishop said. "You will deny me all the taxes?" She smiled slowly. "I never said that. Watch out, Dad You sound desperate. "Claire saw the eye of Bishop turn red, then white-hot. Amelie did not pull away. She turned her head slightly, and motioned for Shane and Shane Eve Eve took the stage and dropped to the floor of the hall. Francois seemed to be getting a silent message of Bishop, because he went out of their way. Sam Michael to stand up, and within seconds, Micahel crossed the hall to join Shane and Eve who were out to the stairs down from the stage. 

Sam followed. This caused a small group in the land-Noman tables in the center of the room. "It's starting," said Myrnin. "We are now on the verge. He knows he is lost. We must act. "And then John said of Leeds, in that perfectly calm voice," Lord Myrnin of Conwy. "There has been turning heads again. Myrnin rose from his chair and raised his hand to Claire. His eyes were bright, a little too bright. A little too manic. His smile startled her, and she did not think it was just the makeup. "Ready?" He asked. 

She had no choice. She got up and put her hand on him, and walked toward the last thing in the world she wanted to do. 


Up the stairs seemed like a providential march to the gallows. Amelie was on one side, shining like a chandelier, and she was looking at a furious Myrnin disprazer. He took the pale hand and kissed it and perfect. "Oh, do not be so worried, my old friend," he told her. "I am perfectly well." "No," said Amelie. "You're not. And you're about to get even less. "She turned to Bishop. "I fear that the Lord is not well Myrnin. He must go, for your own good. "" He looks good enough, "Bishop said. "Let him come forward." "You fool," whispered while Amelie Myrnin Pierre made his ride and ended with dancing and a perfect bow. "Oh, my lovable fool." Claire could not tell if she was frightened, angry, or sad. Maybe all three. Bishop seemed to be enjoying themselves. "For years now," he said. "And as you have eaten, Myrnin?" "As well as you'd expect," said Myrnin. "Pierrot. How .. strange to you. You're much more a Harlequin, I think. '"I always thought Pierre was secretly dangerous," said Myrnin. "All that innocence must be hiding something." Bishop laughed. "I missed you, fool." "Really? Strange. I do not miss you, my lord. " 

This stopped the laughter of Bishop, and Claire felt the fear around it, so stuffy and cold. "Oh, I remember now why you stopped having fun, Myrnin. Are you honest as a club. "" I thought it was more like a rapier, sir. "Bishop ended with small talk. "Will you swear?" Said Myrnin And, shockingly, "I will." And he proceeded with an oath that made Claire Posco. He ended with, "- total surface-born apple-john! Creator of vandalism and challenging of dead dogs "and he made another spin and another bow. He looked up with a joke that was more like a leer. "That's what you mean, sir?" 

Claire gasped as cold hands closed around her throat from behind. She was pulled back. Ysandre was holding it, and the vampire leaned to whisper, "Yes, please fight. I lost your 

boyfriend before he can establish. I will get you instead. "Claire did not hesitate. She ran her hand under the coat, took the old bottle of perfume that Myrnin had given her, and took the lid off. And she dropped the holy water and the head of Ysandre. Ysandre screamed so loud it shook the crystals on the table. She walked away shaking his head, spilling drops landed on Francois, who was moving toward her. He cried too. Where the drops touched, they went deep into the skin. Claire looked scared. They will hurt as well. Seriously. Myrnin laughed, deep in his throat, and pulled out a small, sharp knife that he had placed on the side. While Bishop advanced to him, he cut it off, still laughing. He connected. It was a small wound on the arm of Bishop, a bad piece, but Claire saw cut in ancient mantle of vampire, and a thin trace of blood on the knife. Bishop seemed surprised enough to stop and examine the damage in his fantasy. Myrnin's laughter was louder, and he took another spin, faster, almost like a blur. "Myrnin" Claire shouted. She was moving away from Ysandre, burned and angry, he was walking toward her. She tripped and fell backwards. "Myrnin, do something!" He stopped giving jaunts and looked at the bloody knife in his hand. "I told Sam before, you have to know when to let it go," he said. "It's time, Claire." 

He blew a kiss, and jumped across the table. And he ran away, shaking with laughter, still holding the knife. Well out of the hall. For a few seconds, nobody moved. Claire looked Ysandre, who seemed as surprised as, and looked at Bishop. 

That ran his fingers against the cut in dress, and laughed. "My fool," he said, almost affectionately. "Crazy is the laugh of God, do not you?" He sat on the throne, smiling. "Ysandre, let the child. I am inclined to let the small act of defiance of our friends tonight. "" It burned me! "Ysandre muttered. "And you will heal. Do not complain like a kicked puppy. It was not beyond what you deserve. "Amelie, Claire realized, had not moved. Not even when Claire's life was in danger. Now she moved, crouching to help raise Claire. "Enough is enough, 'she said. "You had your fun, Father Beat that." "Very well," he said. "It is the hour of trial, my child. Swear allegiance to me, and it will end. "" If I pledge allegiance, never had, "he corrected Amelie. "I'll never take an oath to you. Do you really think it would change tonight? "His cold eyes narrowed. "Blood traitor," he said. "Witch Killer. You give me welcome your town? You grant me passage to walk through its streets and pick up your peasants? I do not think you will dare. I know you too well. " 

"I give you anything," she said. "I will not swear allegiance to you. I will not welcome. I'll give you nothing, Father "did not seem possible, but as she watched Claire, Amelie looked ... human. Vulnerable. Fragile and waiting to be broken. "You give me something if you want to keep what they built here," he said. "I want my book. What you steal as I rolled to my hasty pit, daughter. "She froze, eyes wide open. Amelie, who could not have been surprised, had been completely taken by surprise this time. "The book." 

"You think I want your pathetic city? Its ridiculous peasants? "The look of gaze passed by Claire Bishop, and the hall beyond." I want my property. Gave it to me, and I'll go. Ai. Now the cards are their child. What say you? "" The book is not yours, "Amelie said. "I took the dead hand of my rival," Bishop said. "That makes it mine. Right of conquest. "He considered it a cold and slow. "The same way you took from me, if you remember, but I was not dead enough. Too bad you did not get certified, eh? "Everything was going wrong. Myrnin had fled, and he should stay, should fight. Amelie could not do it alone, he had said. 

All the other vampires were standing and letting it happen. 

"Amelie," Bishop said, "I will destroy you if you refuse. Do not you know that? You do not know when I came to this town? "Claire moved to her side. "She wants you to go away," she said. "You need to go. Now. " 

Bishop laughed. "A threat of a small dog barking. You will oblige me, mongrel? "" No, "said Sam Glass. He jumped from the ground up to the banquet table in a small and easy movement, and then went down to stop the other side of Amelie. "Not alone, anyway." He had taken his hat Huck Finn, but even if he was wearing, his expression was one that required him to be taken seriously. Michael joined him, crossing the distance with a jump, while Eve and Shane came up the steps. 

There was another pause, and then the others began to move. Oliver. Monica. Charles and Miranda. Claire's father went to pick up her mother's hands and put it aside, out of danger. More kept coming. 

The Morganville vampires and humans of were together, filling the stage in front of Bishop, Ysandre, and Francois. Not all of them - but more than half of the hall. "You're not welcome here," Oliver said, "Master Bishop. This is our city. Our people. It's time to leave. "" A riot, "Bishop said. "What a refreshingly modern." He waved Ysandre and Francois. Fran\u00e7ois Jennifer started her seat at the table. Ysandre moved on to Shane, and then grabbed Jason Rosser deeply sunk in a hurry his neck. Pandemonium. Sam and Michael both beat Francois, pushing him back as he tried to sink your teeth into Jennifer screamed, and Claire lost their sight almost immediately. Bishop was standing, fighting hand to hand with Oliver. Amelie, eye color and as hard as diamond, Ysandre grabbed by the neck and pulled away from Jason. "My farm," she freaked out, and held his arms while she Ysandre roared and struggled. "Boy! Boy! "She bent over Jason, her pale fingers touching his face. Jason opened his eyes. He was crying, Claire thought, but then she saw his face, and she knew he was not crying. He was laughing. "Loser," he said. "No," cried Claire, but it was too late. Jason took a pile of clothes, and impaled monkey Amelie, right in the heart. 

Everything has stopped. 

Amelie stumbled backward. The wooden stake in her chest seemed surreal, obscene, wrong. Amelie was invulnerable. It could not hurt. A trail of blood spilled by her white clothes around the stake, rising before the eyes of Claire. Sam shouted. He left while Francois Amelie fall, and took it, slowly putting her on the wooden floor of the stage. The look on his face - Claire never seen so much pain, ever. 

Oliver Bishop punched so hard that the old man stumbled back and fell from the throne, so Oliver took his place alongside Amelie. "No!" Oliver freaked out when Sam took the pole to remove it. "She's old. She will survive until you take it safely. Take it! "And then he turned while Jason was put in it, his eyes mad with another stake. Oliver grabbed it in midair broke his arm with a turn effortlessly, throwing him across the stage to beat Francois, who held Michael down. "Mother! Father! Get out there! "Cried Claire. Her father called her to go with them, but she shook her head. She would not leave friends behind. Not the way she left Myrnin. Her parents left, walking out the door. Others were running, mostly those who chose not to face Bishop first. Claire Maria Theresa saw through the door, carrying the human toll on his arm. He looked terrified, and he was trying to drop. In the darkness, she heard screams. 

Amelie blinked, sighed, and whispered something to Sam. He looked at Claire, and his face was as pale as hard and polished marble. "Endgame," he said. "Bishop is fighting back." Claire looked up and saw that some who stayed behind were turning against their human, or attacking other vampires. Bishop had brought with it its own officers, and it was only a matter of time before they reach the stage. It would be a free-for-all. Michael joined them. His clothes were torn, and he had a cut on the cheek without blood. "Take them away!" Oliver shouted at him. "Now!" Oliver fell in Bishop, played the vampire back against the seat, and took his scarecrow costume. He took a long, pointed knife, and stuck on the chest of Bishop to hold it against the wood. 

Bishop angered than hurt him. Bishop came off with violence and took the dagger, and then Oliver attacked with such force that the vampire fell through the stage in the darkness of the banquet hall. "Sam!" Michael shouted. Amelie put Sam in his arms and jumped out of palco.A most others followed. Eve and Michael grabbed Shane and Claire and turned to follow as they ran down the stairs. Ysandre stopped her. "Not so fast, 'she said. Her voice did not sound more like a roar, it was a growl, low and vicious. "I want you." Claire looked for a weapon. She got dropped a fork, and put it on the arm of Ysandre. The vampire screamed, tore him out, and put his hands around Claire's neck, leaning her back against the table. Claire could not breathe. She struggled against the iron hand of a vampire, and tried to pull away, but it was useless. She was dying. Oliver Ysandre reached in one jump. He knocked in Bishop, and both fell. Before they hit the floor, he grabbed Claire's wrist and pulled her toward the stairs. She was not moving fast enough for him. He put her in his arms, and the world around them became blurred. Speed ??vampire. Screams seemed noisy, and Claire heard beats and sirens, and then nothing. 

Strange, feel safe in the arms of Oliver. When she awoke, her head was in the lap of Shane, and he was stroking her hair. She heard the sound of murmuring voices. "What -" The hurt her throat. It hurt a lot. And her voice sounded funny. "Hey," Shane said, and smiled at her. It did not seem right, that smile. "Do not talk. We're home - we have everything handled. It's okay. " 

She doubts it. She could hear the sirens outside, walking down the street. Voices inside the house, several of them. She tried to sit up, but Shane held her back. "Sam is right up there with Amelie, the recreation room." What was it like Shane called the hidden room of Amelie. "The city is closed. Bishop has a lot of people on his payroll. Several surprises. He has been busy. "She said silently, Who is here? "Yeah, well, we have guests tonight," he said. "We can not take them to their own homes, so they are taking refuge here. His mother and father are here - "And here they were pushing Shane out of the way. Mother was crying as she stroked the face of Claire. Her father was more 

stoic, but his face was red and jaw was clenched. "How you doing, girl?" He asked. "Well," she whispered, and pointed to them. "We are well, dear," her mother said, and kissed her forehead. She was still wearing the long white dress, but the angel wings seemed decentralized. "When we brought you Oliver, I thought - I thought it was too late. I thought - "They thought she was dead. Claire felt guilty, though faint was not her idea, exactly. "I'm fine," she managed. She tried to swallow, and found it was just a bad idea, it was a terrible idea. She coughed. That hurt even more. Pathetic. 

"Oliver" she whispered. Her father waved to a place behind the couch, where she was stretched. "On the phone," he said. "He's a good guy who takes control, is not it?" The house lights dimmed, and the people shouted. Almost immediately, the lights of lanterns called; Eve and Shane had them ready, and Michael as well. "Calm down, 'said Michael. "Everybody relax. The house is safe. " 

Nothing was safe from Bishop, Claire wanted to tell him. Ysandre and Francois were there, and they would come back if they wished. The darkness seemed thicker and just around it. If there were ghosts in the house - other than Michael addition was - they were coming in full force tonight, attracted by rage and fear. "Hey," Eve said. She was in front of the window, looking out. "Something is on fire there." A fire truck came, screaming, pursued by several patrol cars. Rough night for city services, Claire thought silly. She stood up, despite her mother's attempts to keep it lying down. The room spun a little, then steadied himself. She joined Eve in the window. Eve put an arm around her and hugged her, eyes still on fire. It was a great, perhaps the three streets away. Flames were several feet in the air. "How are you?" Eve said. Claire gave a silent thumbs up, and saw Eve smile. "Yeah, you gave a Spartacus there. I was proud, you know. Well, you kind of catch up. "Claire tried to talk to an indignant. "Hey!" "Okay, so maybe it was not your fault." Eve hugged her again. 

"Holy Water. Nice touch. I almost was impressed. "" Whose house? "Two words, Claire managed to whisper. This was progress. "On Fire?" "I think Melville is home." Eve sought a different view. "Shit. I see something else. This is not good. "Michael joined them. "It's part of the plan of Bishop," he said. "Or at least, is what I think. Create chaos. Keep Amelie unbalanced. " 

Claire bet that the power failure were also part of the plan. "How many of them have?" "In the house? About thirty. "Eve rolled her eyes. "Half are vampires. Great, huh? After all of that. "Claire looked at her." Thirty? "Eve nodded. "What?" "It makes us a good target." "She's right," Michael said. "We need to stay alert." 

Shane pressed the side of Claire. He was still wearing leather pants, but was wearing a Marilyn Manson shirt that seemed rescued from the bottom of the basket of laundry. She did not care. She fell against him, and felt his arms around her, and only for a second, everything was fine. "Killer Rabbit," Shane said softly, and kissed her. "What is the clothing?" "Harlequin," she said. "Myrnin -" The memory of what Myrnin had returned to her. He mocked the Bishop. He set that Amelie fell, and he fled. He also left there to die. "That was Myrnin? The crazy? Claire. As you might have trusted him in the first place? 'Shane put his hands on her face. "He convinced you, did you?" Not exactly. She wanted to believe Myrnin. She wanted to believe that sweet and innocent soul that she saw him once in a while - but now she was not sure it existed. Or if there was, perhaps her healing had it destroyed. "I could not -" Claire tried to put words together, but it was very difficult, and Shane's eyes were too lenient. He kissed her, and even under the circumstances, with her parents right there, with a house full of vampires and half of Morganville in danger, she thought she could stay the night and all day there, in his arms. "I know," he muttered, with sweet and wet his lips on hers. "I 

I know. "She almost thought he knew. 

"Sorry for interrupting," Michael said behind Claire, "but I think we need to do a perimeter patrol." "Not a bad idea," Shane said, and walked away, "if they are burning houses to get people to the streets. It is easier to get them that way, I bet. "" Exactly. "Michael gave him a crowbar. Shane turned and placed in the arm. "As Claire said, we are a good target. All the houses are of the Founder. I get the funds, you forward. " 

"I do," Claire offered. Michael Shane and grabbed her by the arm and led toward the couch, where she was thrown unceremoniously. "Hey!" Shane turned to her parents. "If we certify that it is in the house." "We will," her mother said, and sat next to Claire. "Honestly, Claire, what are you thinking? It's dangerous out there! "It was exactly what Claire was thinking about Shane. But she knew in her present condition, she did not have much use. Not for this, at least. "Bathroom," she sighed, and did not discuss in this. Her parents exchanged a look. Father gave the shoulders. "I'll go with you," Mom offered. "Mother, I am old enough to go to the bathroom alone." Her voice was getting stronger every minute, she just had to hesitate a little to talk about everything. She still beating as if it had the habit of smoking a pack a day, however. But was hoarse sexy, right? 

Mother had doubts about the theory being old enough, but she just stood there on the couch. She and her father exchanged a contraction of shoulder. Claire went through several strangers - all vampires, with cold eyes and suspicious - and rose. Miranda sat on the floor with the Medusa wig in his hands. "Hey," Claire said, and leaned close to her. "Are you okay?" Miranda nodded. "I told you," she said. "Blood. Fire. Everything is going away. "" You can see something about us? About the house? "Miranda shook her head. "Very tired." It sounded like it - was almost catatonic, stammering words. "Head hurts." 'Come,' said Claire, Miranda and made up. "I have a bed. Not because someone is not using it. " 

She saw the girl put it, already dozing, and then - as he had promised his mother and father - visited the bathroom. Was no queue. When she finished, she felt free to investigate your options. She never promised back then. 

She never promised back then. The path she wanted to take was blocked by bodyguards Amelie - which waved to her during the visit earlier, actually. He was marginally less like stone face that the rest of her team, but definitely intimidating. Claire looked at him very aware that the bruise around her throat was turning purple. "I can go?" She asked. The guards seemed to consider her for a long second before giving a nod and move to the side. He knocked. The hidden door opened, and Claire came and it closed behind her. There was another vampire bodyguards at the base of the stairs, and he was not so friendly, but after a whispered conversation at the top of the stairs, he let her go. Upstairs Amelie was just lying on a frozen waterfall white water to give in on the couch, and Sam and Oliver. The stake was still in her chest, and her eyes were open and empty. Claire Oliver said the second she appeared on the stairs. "Go away!" It was almost, but Sam quickly jumped. "No," he said. "She earned the right. She was the first to support Amelie, not you. Not even me. "Oliver looked uncomfortable, but he returned to focus on hard and pale face of Amelie. The long his fingers were in her temples, unexpectedly gentle. He had taken his fancy as a scarecrow, or most of it, but still had bits of straw in his hair, and makeup stains on his skin. 

He leaned closer, staring into her eyes, and stood there. Seconds passed, and Sam waited. "Now," whispered Oliver. Sam grabbed the stake took it, a single pull. The body of Amelie followed up in a spasm, and her mouth opened wide. The flashed her fangs, sharp and deadly in the light. She made no sound. 

Sam seemed tormented. Oliver was whispering something, too weak to understand Claire, and he bowed his head so close to Amelie they were almost touching. When Sam was toward her, Oliver looked up and shook his head sharply. Sam froze. 

"Take it," Oliver said, and removed his hands from her head. Sam quickly took over, sliding it into place. Oliver folded sleeves, took a deep breath and put his arm into the mouth of Amelie. Claire dropped when Amelie bit deeply. Oliver did not. Sam's gaze alternated between Amelie and Oliver, looking for something that Claire did not understand, and then he dropped Amelie and Oliver grabbed her arm and pulled her. Oliver stumbled and fell, and covered his eyes with both hands. The open wound on his arm leaving trail of drops of blood hitting the floor, then slowing down. Stopping while it healed. Amelie blinked and turned his head toward Claire. She seemed dead, except for the fact that she was moving, her eyes were still fixed, dilated pupils, and her skin was a blue. "The girl," she whispered. "You should go. Famine. "Sam nodded and looked over his shoulder to Claire. "Go get blood to her, 'he said. "It must have some in the fridge." And Claire realized with a shock that there was not. They were bloodless. "Shit," Shane said as they stood together in front of the refrigerator. The shelves had leftover chili, pasta, and burgers. Enough for a few days. Not even close enough to the number of people in the house, even for humans. "Are you thinking what I?" 

"I'm thinking we have about 15 vampires and no blood," Claire said. "Is that it?" "No, I was thinking that we are no potatoes. Of course that was what I was thinking. "Shane moved a few bottles of seasoning again, looking for the third time some blood hidden in bottles. "I said shit?" 

"More than once, yeah. You should not go back outside? "" I changed my shift with a vampire. It is better to have them walking in the dark than we know? Besides, the fewer of them are here now - "" Better, "she finished. "I do not disagree. But Sam said Amelie needs to feed, and that means blood. She is not alone either. What about the Donation Center? "" They do not deliver? "Shane said, and then snapped his fingers. "Wait. Wait a minute. Yes, they deliver. "" What? " 

He turned and grabbed the phone from the base wall, then put it back. "No Line." Claire took the phone. "I have a sign. 'She gave it to him, and he noted dial. "Who you calling from?" "Pizza Hut." "Loser." 

He showed the finger. "Hey, Richard?" No, Claire noted, Dick. The situation had raised him to a status of full name. "Listen, man, we have a situation here in the Glass House." Claire can fill the other half of the conversation coming from Richard Morrell almost literally. What do you think I have, with the city going crazy? "We are without blood," Shane said. "Amelie is injured. Do the math, man. A small delivery service Best of Morganville would not be bad now. "Whatever it is that Richard has said, was not encouraging. "You're kidding," Shane said in a totally different tone. A worried. "You're not kidding. Oh my God. 'A short pause. "Yeah, man, I'll get it. I'll get it. Okay, okay. Take care of yourself. "That, she thought, was definitely more civil conversation she heard between Ricahrd and Shane. It was almost friendly. Shane closed the phone and threw it back, and his face was hard on self-control. "What?" "The donation center is burning," he said. "How do you feel about moving blood?" 

The Mobile Blood Bank arrived in front of the house exactly 15 minutes later - bright, black, and intimidating. It came as a guard and police cars using the vest baa who took office on both sides of the street. Claire looked at the clock. It was nearly four in the morning - even hours until dawn, while leaving the fires were difficult to differentiate day and night. The Morganville Fire Department was surpassed in numbers. Any employees who were hired Bishop incredible that they were definitely doing their job. Claire Bishop wondered what he was doing. Waiting, probably. He did not actually have to do anything else. Morganville was falling apart, with attacks on communications centers, donation centers, and - as she heard from the mouth of some others - the hospital. So far, the university seemed safe. There was blood supply on campus, but it would be difficult to catch him in the chaos. Michael went to find the vampire running the Mobile Blood Bank. 

He came back shaking his head. "There was not swimming," he said. "They had delivered the day of the collections at the Center. It has nothing saved. He said he heard that the hospital supplies were also sabotaged. "Unless we knock on doors to gather bottles and bags, that's all I have," said a vampire looking worried. "I told the Council that would see more supplies in reserve." "And when the deposit of the university?" "Enough for a few days," the driver said Bank Mobile. "I do not know anything else." 

"I know," Claire said, and swallowed painfully while everyone looked at her. "But I need permission to Amelie to take you there." "Amelie is not fit to give permission. What about Oliver? "Claire nodded. "It has to be Amelie. Sorry. " 

The driver looked tired and very frustrated. He squeezed the bridge of the nose. "All right, 'he said. "But before she could of the consent, it needs to feed. And I need donors. "Eve, which was unusually quiet, took a step forward." I do, "she said. "Me too." That was Monica Morrell. She took off her heavy wig of Marie Antoinette and threw on the floor. Claire thought about what had Richard Morrell about the mayor want to take credit for the fantasy, and almost laughed. And there was the plan. "Gina! Jennifer! Come here! Bring everyone you can. "Monica as an imperial French queen, put her ability to threaten and intimidate to good use. In 10 minutes, they had a queue of ready donors, and all seasons of the Blood Bank mobile working. Claire went. The vampires were looking at the windows, watch for surprises. Most humans was out there donating blood. She looked at the blank wall of the room, near the table. I have to do it quickly. She disappears into the mist, and she went and disappeared almost before the gate open. She entered the prison, ran his hand underneath the top of the Harlequin costume, and took a sharp cross Myrnin had given her. Use only for defense. She was ready to do that. Myrnin The cell was made, and the TV was on in a game. Claire checked the refrigerator from prison. There was a good pile of blood there, if she could get where he was needed. Myrnin could be anywhere. No, she thought. Myrnin could only be in place in 20 Morganville, at least if he was using the ports. 

She returned to the wall of the portal and focused, formed the tunnel to the laboratory and entered. 

There he was. 

He was working feverishly, and all lamps and candles were at full capacity. He had not stopped to change, though he had lost his hat somewhere cone, while Claire watched, he put a white sleeve too close to a candle and it caught fire. "Damn!" He said, and tore the sleeve and threw it in to stop the fire played. Enraged, he tore the entire top and threw on the floor. He looked up, half-naked, savage, and saw Claire watching him. For a moment no one moved, and then Myrnin said, "It's not what you think." Claire left the door. She closed and locked. "If you do not want anyone coming after you, you should have locked up." "I do not have time for that, and neither do you. Now, you want to help me, or - "" I just finished helping you! "She cried. The abused her voice broke as small pieces of glass, and she heard the anger out. "You ran away! You left us to die! "Myrnin retreated. He looked away, back to what he was doing in the lab, and she saw that he was preparing several slides. "I had my reasons," he said. "It's a long game, Claire. Amelie understand. "" Amelie was impaled in the heart. "She said. His head rose slowly. "What?" "Bishop bought the tribute it, Jason. Jason impaled her. '"No." was hardly a sound. Myrnin closed his eyes. "No, that can not be. She knew - I told her - "" You left her to die! "The legs of Myrnin failed. He slipped and dropped to his knees and buried his face in his hands, silent in their anguish. 

Claire took the cross, holding her side and walked toward him. He did not move. "Is she alive?" He asked. "I do not know. Maybe. " 

Myrnin waved. "So is my culpa.Isso should not have happened." 

"What else should?" "Long game," whispered Myrnin. "You do not understand." There was a chessboard, a family, armed at the corner where Myrnin normally read. A game that was frozen in the middle attack. Claire looked at him, and for a second she saw the specter of Amelie sitting with Myrnin, moving the white pieces with your fingers cold. "She knew," she said. "She helped you. It was not? "Myrnin up, and Claire stands the cross between them. Myrnin even looked at her. She pulled her closer. Maybe it was a close thing? Myrnin closed his hand in hers, and took the cross. He held in his palm. No tremor. No reaction. "Crosses do not work," he said, "All we pretend that work but do not work." Her mouth opened. "Why?" Great. Her last words would as always be questions. "Obviously, it prevents people from knowing what really hurts us." Myrnin raised his eyebrows, but the dark eyes beneath them were careful and sad. "Claire. I should not stay. It was a distraction for me to do, get my sample, and leave. '"Sample." 

He pointed to the lab table, and what he was doing. Claire saw the silver gleam of the knife he carried at the feast - now clean, without traces of blood. But blood was carefully placed on glass slides, many of them. "The blood of Bishop?" Myrnin waved. "We were never able to get a sample of any of Morganville Vampire beyond. As far as we knew, besides there are no vampires of Morganville. Look. "Claire did not trust him. He turned away, far away, and the microscope showed a reverence apologetics. "Mind if I hold it?" She said, and grabbed the knife. 

"As long as you keep the tip away from me," he said. The weight of her nerves calmed a little, but still it was necessary several attempts to look under the microscope long enough to focus, or rather 

to check his position. When she did, she immediately recognized the difference. The blood of Bishop was - for a vampire - healthy. She stepped back and looked at Myrnin. "He is not infected." "And it gets better," said Myrnin, and nodded toward the slides. "Try the number eight." She picked up the slide. "I see no difference." "Exactly," he said. "This is my blood, mixed with the Bishop. Now check the number seven - just my blood. "It was a nightmare. Worse than Claire had ever seen. Whatever it was that was causing the serum Myrnin, was destroying him. She checked the slide 8 again. Slide 7. "He's healing," she said. 

"Now you see," Myrnin said, "because I was willing to risk everything and to be sure." Myrnin's health failed again after another hour - longer than Claire could have given him, based on what she saw in the slides. When he began to tire and mix the words, she unlocked the door of the prison and took him to his cell. "Damn," she sighed, when he remembered that he broke the door. "We need you to change places." It took a while, though she'd just take what Myrnin pointed out how essential - clothes, blankets, carpet, books. As she put it in the next cell, and replaced the old and filthy bunk bed with clean portable Myrnin was in the corner, curled up like a ball. If rolling slowly back and forth. She approached him carefully as he can. "You ready," she said. "Come. I'll get you something to eat. "Myrnin looked up, and she did not know if he understood it until he stand up and wave to her to get out front with his hand shaking. 

He closed the cell door and tried the lock, then sat on the bed. "Amelie," he said. "Take care of Amelie." "We will," promised Claire. She handed him a bag of blood - not played, delivered. "I'm sorry. I had understood. " 

The nod it was more a convulsive tremor. His gaze was attracted by blood, but he forced himself to look at her face. "Long game," he said. Use what Bishop wants. Let him think he is winning. Play for time. Bring the doctor. "" Dr. Mills? "" I need help. "" I bring him here somehow. 'Claire Myrnin not want to leave, but he was right. There were things to be done. "You gonna be okay?" Myrnin's smile was, once again, broken, but beautiful. "Yes," he said softly. "Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for believing. "She did not, actually. But now she believed. 

As she turned and walked away, she heard him whisper, "Sorry, kid. I am sorry for leaving you. "She pretended not to hear. 


The portals were more confused now, because the power was out of Morganville. 

Most houses were completely dark, and no matter how strong Claire is focused, she could not raise three of the destinations in all. 

What was she supposed, that no longer existed. 

She focused on the vicinity of the house, but again went dark. She heard people speaking, however, and caught a glimpse of candles being lit. 

Eve's face came on the scene. 


She was preparing for the next step when something hit her from behind, quiet and heavy. She lost control of the gate as she fell forward, screaming. She heard Myrnin, far behind her, shouting, "Claire? Claire, what's wrong? " 

She thought it was one of the inmates, until she felt a hand wind in your hair in depth through the neck and lips. 

She heard Bishop laugh. "Thanks," he said. "Why take me to my fool." 

He shot him through the portal. 

She hit the ground and rolled on the other side, then screamed and threw himself on the wall. Not open to her. She beat her with his fists. 


Claire turned, it did not feel at home. Darkness and silence. 

"Hello?" No answer. "Shane? Mother? " 

It was not for Glass House. Bishop had changed his fate when he threw it through the portal, and she had no idea where she was. 

Half crying, Claire made her way across the room. His fingers touched the soft, and she sought. Cortina, she thought. She pulled out and caught a glimpse of a window. 

Light Orange. 

Claire pulled the curtains to the window and looked out of Morganville, shone. He gave her enough light to see inside the room where she was arrested. It was the same as the room of the Glass House, therefore, was to be a founder of the House ... one of the thirteen then. But what? Not Grandma's Day, what was she would be married, and had much 

furniture. This was a pile of boxes .... 

Claire's eyes fell upon the sketch of a family couch. She walked up to him and passed his hand over the soft curve of the arm. Something snapped near the part where it joined with the rear, where it had spilled soda a couple of years ago, but had never seen outside the viscosity. 

Some of the boxes were marked in the corner CLAIRE. 

It was the new home of the mother and father. 

Claire had mapped it in mind. This house was to the northwest, so if it were up to the mirror of your own room, she should be able to see into the Glass House. She was not sure if that would help her, except maybe a better idea to know what are the chances of returning. 

But she needed to see. Knowing that your friends and family were well. 

There was a fire in a house in that direction, but it was the same as it had been burned before. The Melville House. Claire could not do anything about the ancient beauty, except a small number of open windows. 

They are, she thought, still safe. 

A police car raced toward the fire, flashing lights, and Claire slapped his forehead in frustration. "Idiot," she murmured. She searched his pockets for his phone, she is so overlooked. 

Thanks to the elastic band, she still felt a little dizzy head. 

Claire breathed a sigh of relief when she dug a hole in the lining of the phone and dialed Richard Morrell. 

"I need a ride." 

Richard was in the middle of a rant about how it was not his cab, and it was important to keep the city moving, when he pulled his patrol car. Claire jumped down the stairs of her parents' house and ran to the door he held open. 

She managed, slammed the door, and locked. Richard looked her up and down. 

He no longer looked perfect and neat, he was with smoke stains, tired and disheveled, and he was the most beautiful thing he had seen. 

"What the hell would you be?" Questioned. 


"This is not a villain in the Batman?" 

"I thought you were in a hurry." 

Richard shifted into first, and the car came out singing the tires. "Hold on," he said at all. She put the seat belt. "So. Nice night for you? " 

"Interesting," she said. "You?" 

"Fantastic." He turned the wheel and the car veered to direct. "There Amelie two friends of vampires at the plant now, refusing to turn on the lights. And three of them made us stand by while the Donation Center burned. You have no idea what's going on? " 

"A long game," said Claire. He gave her a look. "No, no. But in chess you create openings for the opponent to play wrong. " 

"Chess," Richard said with disgust. "I'm talking about lives. Child, you're starting to scare me. " 

"I'm scared myself." Claire said. She does not feel like a child. She felt like a million years, and very tired. "Just take me home." 

Because she was going to tell Amelie Myrnin she would leave, alone, in charge of the mercy of Bishop. 

Amelie was sitting when Claire arrived, escorted by Richard Morrell, who instantly rushed to his sister and his father for hugs and information. She did not look good, but she was alive. 

For the time being. 

Claire had no sympathy for her. 

"Myrnin," said Claire. "You wore it." 

Sam, sitting on the arm of the chair of Amelie, frowned at her. "No. She is very tired. " 

"Yeah, well, we all have problems." Claire shook hands with Michael, too. 

"The blood of Bishop is the cure. And Myrnin You were right. " 

Expression of Amelie has not changed. It seemed cold, distant, inaccessible. 

Suddenly, Claire felt an urge to harm wildlife. Evil 

So she did. 

"Bishop is there," she said. "He has Myrnin." 

Amelie's eyes focused on her eyes, and the entire wrath of Claire left. "I know," said Amelie. "I can feel it. We knew 

was a risk, using Myrnin chase as a horse, but something had to be done. " 

"You can not leave it there. You can not. " 

Amelie sighed. "No," she agreed. "I can not. I still need Myrnin much. It's too early in the game to sacrifice him. " 

Claire swallowed hard. "Does it mean anything to you? Any one of us? " 

Amelie looked around the room. All humans, all wearing purple elastic bandages on his elbows, the sign he had given blood to save her. On the other side vampires, all waiting for commands. 

"You mean everything to me," she said. "The survival of my people and yours, is all I ever wanted, Claire. That's why I'm here. That's all I worked with. "His eyes grew cold, and something of the old Amelie again. "Myrnin sacrifice for it. Oliver. Sam. By myself. It is not enough. " 

Everyone in the room still waiting. Shane moved to the side of Claire, and she was aware of Michael and Eve behind her. 

But Amelie was still looking right at her. 

"What will you sacrifice, Claire?" She asked. "To win?" 

"It's not a game," said Claire. 

Amelie tilted her head. "Truth. It's war. And now all we have to fight for our lives. " 

Claire held the hand of his friends. 

"Then tell us what to do." 

Amelie was quiet for a moment, then she raised. Claire thought that only those who knew her, really knew, I could say that would cost. 

She raised her voice to reach all parts of the room. 

"Our forces must be divided," she said. "We can not lose the Houses of the Founder, the Blood Mobile, the University, and Common Grounds. We will keep. Those who follow Bishop earned the freedom to hunt. Those of us who are strong enough can deny them that right. Those arrested will be armed to defend themselves. This is not optional. All human beings are armed and trained cutting a vampire. " 

"There's no more," said Oliver. His voice was neutral. His expression did not. "You're giving them too much." 

"I'm giving equality," said Amelie. "Would you like to argue the point with me now, of all time?" 

Oliver, after a cardiac arrest, shook his head. 

"Then go," said Amelie. "Oliver, Eve, go to Common Grounds and keep it. Sam, choice advocates to each House of the Founder. At least two vampires and two humans per household. Michael Richard - go to college. I'll call the ruler - you'll have everything you need. " 

His gaze moved to Claire. "I need you with me," she said. "We will seek Myrnin." 

"Bishop is there," Claire reminded her. 

"I'm well aware. We will take precautions. " 

Shane cleared his throat. "You're not going anywhere without me." 

"I fear so," said Amelie. "I have a very special job for you, Shane Collins." 

"I will not like it, am I?" 

She smiled. 

"I do not think so," Shane kept his breath. 

"You will be in charge of Mobile Blood," Amelie said. And one other thing. " 

"As the Mobile Blood Car is not bad enough?" 

Amelie picked the pocket of his dressing-glass, and pulled a small leather book. 

He seemed very, very familiar. It was the book that had put them in trouble before - the book that Bishop wanted. 

"You will be responsible for this," she said, and handed it to him. 

He took, and as he did, Amelie Claire realized what he had done. 

She had just turned Shane bait. 

Translated by: 

Andyinha http:\/\/\/Main # Profile? Uid = 15348099849030902504 

Rafa http:\/\/\/Main # Profile? Uid = 8671253721547740965 


Translation and Scanning 

http:\/\/\/Main # Community? cmm = 65618057 

The Morganville Vampire Series 

http:\/\/\/Main # Community? cmm = 80134761

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