Childhood | Short Story | Dis...

By Meopize

4.2K 233 49

Reborn had always wondered if that missing piece in his life would come flying back. **I do not over the cove... More

1# Bestfriend
2# Tsuna
3# Avoid
4# Dreams And Flashbacks
5# Remember
6# Explaining

7# Childhood 1/2

352 23 3
By Meopize

2/23/19: ya'll this fic was made years back so it's pretty awful, apologizes for errors and such.

Tsuna ran out, why wouldn't she? Tsuna knew she should go back and apologize, she knew she should go back and explain herself. But that nickname.. It just brought back horrible memories from the past shes wanted to forget. Even with all the time restarts, even with everything, she still remembers everything that happened with her family. Her dear sweet mother and her big idiot of a father. Whom both she loved so very much..

Sawada Iemistu and Nana, both of her parents had always meant the world to Tsuna, they were always there to pick her up if she fell.

The maid ran into her room and shut the door silently, she didn't want to cause a commotion as of the moment. It wouldn't help her current position at all. The brunette fluttered towards her soft bed in a daze, memories were pouring in and they wouldn't stop at any cause. Her head was pounding and her brain was muttering random words into her head. She wanted to sleep all this away, in the morning, everything would be normal. Maybe she would forget about the familga she wanted to murder for everything. Tsuna didn't know.

With a clouded mind and aching heart, Tsuna pulled the carefully stitched blankets over her body. Not caring at all that she was still in uniform. She could just iron it in the morning, maybe she should wake up earlier to wash it? All these thoughts were soon banished as Tsuna fell into a deep slumber.


"Well then." Reborn commented causally, "You just lost your chance with her." Dino flushed a deep red as he crossed his tan arms.

"I didn't try to upset her!" The turtle on his shoulder bit his neck, "Besides, I didn't know she did- ENZO!" Dino jumped as his hands instantly went to his neck in attempt to free it from the snapping turtles jaws.

Reborn jumped up and kicked Dino in the face, careful to keep his face fully blank. "Control your turtle, Idiot Dino." Reborn  gracefully landed on the ground. "Stay away from Tsuna for a bit, I know she is your maid but at least try. She will probably still be mad at you tomorrow."

The Chiavarone heir got up quickly and rubbed his sore red face immanently, Enzo was no where to be seen. "Agh! Reborn! Stop doing that!" He paused for a second, eyes sharpening, "I guess you're right..." He sighed tiredly and rubbed his arm in a nervous manner, "Are.. Are you sure I just lost my chance with her? She could just forgive me later.."

Reborn's fedora shadowed his eyes, "Yes, I'm positive. I know Tsuna well enough to know that she would never think of you that way. The most you could be to her is a brother of a sort." The hitman continued, ignoring the claw of guilt that came when he say his students heartbroken expression. "Try to move on to someone else."

Leon looked at his master blankly, of course he was lying to his student about Tsuna and more. Both Leon and Reborn knew Tsuna had some sort of interest in Dino that had been steadily growing, and Leon knew exactly why his master was doing this. Oh yes, Leon knew very well..

"O-oh.." Dino muttered under his breath, "Its fine, its totally fine. I understand." He laughed a little, his hair shadowed his eyes. "How had I not noticed it earlier...?" He looked up quickly and noticed Reborn was watching and quickly gathered his calm back. "Well, I'll see you later Reborn, I'm going to go out riding for a little bit. Sucderia needs to get out a bit today."

Reborn narrowed his eyes, "Fine Idiot Dino." Dino turned around and started heading towards the open door, from when Tsuna ran out. Leon lazily licked Reborn's cheek, it was meant to be an innocent manner, but it meant more then words could communicate. It was Leon telling Reborn to say something before Dino left, something Dino needed to hear again.

"Dino." It came out stern, Dino stopped, his hand on the handle. "You will find someone else, Tsuna just isn't the one for you."

Dino's grip tightened, "You'll understand how I feel when your heart is torn in two." As he opened the door more, tears came pouring down his face.

Reborn silently pulled his fedora down, Leon licked his masters cheek once more in comfort. "Idiot student of mine..." He whispered to himself, "Of course I know how it feels."

The door shut.


"Mama!" A small brunette yelled cheerfully, "Mama, look what I made!" Her chubby fingers held up a large flower crown, it was sloppily made but it looked perfect to the mother it was being shown to.

"It's beautiful Tsuna!" Nana commented joyfully as she picked up Tsuna from under the armpits, Tsuna shirked in the sudden act and tightly held onto the flower crown. "Papa's going to love it!" Tsuna puffed her cheeks.

"But Tsuna made it for Mama! Not Papa!" Nana giggled as she sat down in the grass, with Tsuna in her lap. "Tsuna made this one for Mama, but now Tsuna will make one for Papa!"

Nana smiled gently and put on the flower crown, the warm summer air made her feel like she could do anything. "Yes yes, do you want Mama to help you?" Tsuna's response was nodding rapidly. "Alright, Mama will help!"

Together, the two gathered flowers and stems to make the flower crown with, both of them decided on the color orange. Nana's was yellow, as her smiles shown like the sun itself. Nana let Tsuna weave the stems together as Nana put in the flowers, both of them kissed every flower before they put them on.

"For good luck! Papa needs it!" Tsuna tilted her head to the side, Nana noticed and added, "Papa has a dangerous job. he needs all the luck we can give him!" Tsuna's eyes glistened, her honey eyes getting an orange tone.

"T-then... Tsuna will put all her luck into the pretty flowers!" She grabbed a flower gently, "For Papa!" She kissed the flower messily, Nana laughed at what her daughter was doing.

Once they were done with the flower crown, both girls decided to head back to their small house down at the base of the hill. Their house wasn't big, it was pretty small. They only had three people living in there as of the moment, there was only about two rooms in the house, perfect of the amount of people they had living in there. One of the residents was gone most of the time, only coming home on the weekends and sometimes during the night on some days of the week. His job was a few towns over, so traveling everyday just to get home was pricey. Even if he did get paid a lot every week, Nana insisted on him just saying in a hotel or staying with one of his friends there. It was easier for everyone, even if Nana and Tsuna both missed him most of the time. But when he was home they made it worth the wait.

Nana hummed as she washed the pots and pans, both her and Tsuna had just finished cooking dinner. They had moved everything to plates so Nana could get the pots soaked and rinsed. Nana sighed at the thought of dinner tonight, her husband, Sawada Iemitsu was coming home tonight. It was a Friday night which meant that he was coming home for the weekend, and he hasn't called yet which meant that he wasn't staying late. Nana smiled happily at the thought of Iemitsu coming home. How she had missed him, even if it had only been about five days since she last saw him, Nana wasn't one to go a few days without seeing her lover.

Her bed always felt so cold.

"Mama!" Tsuna yelled out suddenly, "Someones at the door!" Nana turned, wiping her hands on her apron and she walked towards the door, it couldn't be Iemitsu, he always barged in and announced that he was home. He never waited for them to answer the door. Nobody else ever visited their small home, they lived away from the village.

"Tsuna, can you go finish the last of the pots?" Nana asked her daughter sweetly, Tsuna nodded and ran towards the sink, not hesitating in doing the task asked for her to do. Nana walked to the door gracefully, she carefully opened the door. A figure loomed over her small form, Nana could hear the warning bells going off in her head, but she ignored it. "Hello, who may you be?" The brunette tried not to show how nervous she was.

"Do you know anyone by the name..." Two more men were behind the one in front, "..Sawada Iemitsu?" Nana took in the ruined, ugly faces of the men in front of her, she took in their buff forms. The one in front waited for an answer.

"Why do you ask?" Nana asked, trying to be careful. She had no idea what her husband was involved with, but she needed to wait until he got home, he was always here at 7:30 PM sharp, it was 7:02 PM right now. Nana could hear the sink water still going, she was hopping Tsuna wouldn't come over soon.

"Would ya just answer the question?" One of the men in the back said, the one in the front stepped a bit closer. "We don't have all day." Nana shook her head silently, she knew better than to tell the truth right now, these were not people she could trust.

"No. I don't know Sawada Iemitsu, I might have heard his name floating around, It does seem familiar.." Nana paused, giving off an innocent smile. The man in the front narrowed his eyes, the men in the back scoffed and turned around to leave.

"Man, what a waste of time!" One with an eye patch stated, "Isn't that right Mike?" Mike nodded in agreement to the others statement.

"Oi, hold it right there, Mike, John." The man in the front said, his eyes were narrowed from what Nana could see. Had he figured out she was lying?

"What?" John rubbed his head, "But boss, she said she didn't know him. And It doesn't seem like shes lying." Mike nodded in agreement with what his fellow subordinate was saying. Nana could hear the sink in their small house turn off, she could hear little footsteps coming closer to where she was.

'Oh please,' Nana keep her stance, 'Tsuna please don't come over here right now..'

"Oh, Mama!" The little girl yelled cheerfully as she ran under Nana's legs, she gave each one a hug before looking up at the men in front of her. "Hi! I'm Tsuna!" The man in front gave an amused smile, Nana's hand quivered slightly at that smile.

"Umm... Ryan?" Mike stated quietly, "We should probably head out now.." Ryan turned around and slapped Mike in the face, creating a big bright red mark that would probably stay for awhile. Mike fell to the ground, a shocked expression adoring his ugly face. Tsuna and Nana flinched back in shock, Tsuna's eyes started to tear up.

"Boss!" John yelled as he looked up at the taller man, "Why'd you do that?" Nana stood her ground in front of Tsuna, she stole a glance at the clock closest to her. 7:18 PM. She clutched a whitened hand to her chest, Tsuna was tightly holding onto her leg.

Ryan wiped some of the blood off his gloves, "He should know better then to call me by my name." He turned about around to face Nana and Tsuna, that amused grin still on his face. He bent down to Tsuna's height, making sure to look her square in the eyes as Tsuna shivered in uncontained fear. "So, Tsuna was it?"

Tsuna nodded nervously, the warning bells in her head going off louder then she could imagine, "Y-yes.. I'm Tsuna.." Ryan grinned even more, eyes gaining a darker look.

"So tell me..." He plainly tossed his hand around, "Do you happen... To know anyone by the name of Sawada Iemitsu?"

The bells went off harshly in Tsuna's head, warning her not to say yes, warning her to stay quite. But...

"Y-yes... That is Tsuna's Papa.." Nana shook once she heard her daughter speak, Mike had gotten up and was rubbing his face. All men were looking at her. Ryan was grinning even more then before, now it just looked creepy to Nana.

"Oh?" Ryan took a step forward foot crossing into the house, "It seems we need to have.. A conversation of sorts..."

Nana took a step back, eyes stealing a glance at the clock. 7:24 PM. Iemistu had to be home soon, he had to. Nana looked at the back door, it was open. Then she looked towards her only daughter, the one who was shivering in fear. Then she looked towards the knife she had on the counter next to the door. The men had not seemed to notice it yet. They couldn't wait for Iemistu, what if he ran late? Nana couldn't depend on him right now, she needed to do this herself, for both herself and Tsuna.

Nana looked down a Tsuna in the eyes, hopping to send love through her eyes, she needed Tsuna to be brave, she needed herself to be brave. Quickly and gracefully, she grabbed the sharpened knife from the table with a few quick steps, "Tsunami! Run!"

Ryan smirked in amusement, "Whats this? Thinking you can beat me?" No, Nana didn't think she could beat him, in fact, Nana knew she would probably lose in the first few minutes, but that would be just enough time. Nana knew about Mike and John, eye patch and red face. They would probably help Ryan take her down, but they couldn't kill her, they needed something from her about her husband. But for his sake, Nana would try to say as little as she could.

"M-mama..." Tsuna took a step back in shock, her face morphing into something like horror, "Mama... No... Tsuna can't leave Mama..." Sobs racked her throat.

"Yes! Tsunami leave now!" Nana screeched out, the panic was making her cave in, she needed Tsuna to understand, she needed Tsuna to run. "Run!"

Tsuna nodded, with quivering knees and shaking hands, she ran. Tsuna ran out the back door, ignoring the yelling and screaming coming from the other side, she let out a cry every time she heard her dear mother scream in pain. As she ran down, she tried to run towards the village, she could find help there, for her Mama and herself. Maybe her Papa would be home soon, he could help. Tsuna knew her papa was very strong and brave, Nana had always told Tsuna how Iemitsu was very strong and brave for doing his job.

As she was running, a branch smacked her in the face, causing her to tumble down more. Pain rushed to her face and Tsuna gasped at it. She couldn't seem to stop tumbling, even as she clawed at the ground as she went, it was useless. Running into something let Tsuna breath out in relief.

"Hey!" An annoyed voice yelled, "What'd you do that for!"


Words: 2566

I tried.

Thanks for reading if you do :)

- Meopize

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