Fixing the Broken Boy (On Hol...

By UnreliableSources

22.8K 473 96

Adam McLayn is just an ordinary all american guy, moving from place to place with his parents because his fat... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Three

1.3K 36 2
By UnreliableSources

Author's Note~

This chapter is kind of just a filler, not really important, but still important, so you need to read. D< Anyways, enjoy. And please tell me what you think, maybe ideas where it should go? Also tell me things I should approve in, such as grammar, I suck at it, but I am working on it. Thank you :) Vote, Rate, Comment!

x ~ x ~ x

After lunch Rebecca and I headed towards my next class, Math; I wondered if Hayden was going to be there after what had just happened at lunch. I talked with Rebecca a few minutes outside of the classroom and then she left me, heading to her next class. I walked into the room, scanning over all the faces, not seeing Hayden anywhere. I sighed mentally and walked over to the nice looking teacher, who welcomed me with her bright white pearls.

Mrs. Parker showed me where I would be sitting and handed me everything that I would need, like that had happened many times today with every teacher and let me be to be stared at by all the curious faces. I leaned back in my seat, doodling little shapes on a piece of paper that I had in front of me when someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around to see a guy, with a strong jaw, deep brown eyes, hair a little messed, and a crooked smile. I gave him a curious look when he spoke, "You're the new kid right?" His voice showed a hint of some kind of accent.

"Yeah," I simply replied, giving him a kind of bored expression and he leaned forward towards me. I got a whiff of his cologne and I about choked, but I kept it back; he had way too much on, I couldn't see how the girls would want to be around him.

"Any good at sports?" He asked, giving me a very serious face, proving to me that he wasn't kidding when he asked this, "Like football, baseball, basket-"

"Yeah, I know what sports are," I rolled my eyes, chuckling simply amused by his explanation. "And no I don't play, not a fan, but I throw the football every once and a while." The jock leaned back, crossing his muscular arms over his chest, pursing his lips in thought.

"We're just looking for some more people to play, or the administrators are going to cancel sports all together," He let a sign out and glanced at me, "but it's cool. I'm Heath, by the way."

"Adam," with that I turned back around and yawned quietly as the bell rang, signaling for the period to work, and there still was no sight of Hayden anywhere. I leaned forward and rested my head in my hand, caressing it as my eyes started to droop a little as the teacher went on and on about things that would be pointless in the real life.

I actually did fall asleep, my head still placed in a hand, but I was suddenly ripped from my dream world as my head collided with the desk and a chorus of laughter filled the air. I groaned and opened my eyes to see everyone staring at me, and Mrs. Parker giving me a very judgmental look. Deifantly not the first impression I wanted to leave.

I rubbed my throbbing head as she continued on with the study of math and my mind drifted into my thoughts about today and all my new friends, mainly Rebecca and Hayden. I was always able to make friends quickly though, just the trick was to find someone who was true.

The bell rang into my ear and I jerked slightly, grabbing my backpack that laid on the floor upside down, and stood up walking out of the classroom, Rebecca already meeting up with me at the door.

"Why the hell do you have a red mark on your head?" She asked accusingly and I explained to her how I fell asleep and how my head slid off my hand, hitting the desk, thus making the red mark on my head. "Aww my poor baby!" She jerked my head down and kissed my sore spot, making me smile a little.

"Hayden wasn't in the classroom," I said abruptly, ruining the mood. She nodded and played with the hem of her shirt and started to walk down the crowded halls. We stayed quiet for a moment.

"He probably went home," she looked down at her feet as she walked, tucking spray away strands of hair behind her hair self-consciously, then looked up at me with her eyes watery. "I really worry about him."

"Well lets not think about it tonight," I began and she gave me a confused looked. "Do you want to come over and hang out?"

"Well... I usually don't head to 3rd base this quick, meeting the parents and all," she nudged me playfully with her elbow, "but for you, sure." I shook my head a little, chuckling lowly.

"Okay, just meet me after school, in the front," I said as we entered our 5th period class, "we'll walk, since I don't live that far away from the school." She nodded her head and made her way to her seat as the bell rang and again, I went to the teacher and she assigned my seat and gave me a shit load of stuff.

The rest of the day went by quickly and I waited for Rebecca because she had to go back to her locker to grab some stuff before she went to my place. Finally when she had made it to the outside, we started to walk down the street and towards my house. The first few minutes were silent as Rebecca typed away on her phone; so I decided to pull out my own phone, seeing that Kayla had texted me

Enjoy the California life yet? ;) Meet anyone famous?

I quickly typed my reply, letting a small smile spread across my lips as I could imagine her saying that to me, nudging me playfully as Rebecca had did today.

I just ran into Lady Gaga today, jealous? I miss you.

As Rebecca and I turned into the richer part of the suburbs, cool breeze blows by across my cheeks, making me shiver slightly. I glanced down at Rebecca and she looked at me curiously to see if that we were going the right way; I just smirked playfully and continued to walk down the street, passing extravagant mansions one after another.

Then I turned down a street with houses not as nearly as big as the mansions, but very stylish and very expensive. I then spotted my house, with my red Dodge, Challenger in front of it, just begging me to drive it. Rebecca started playing a game, where she was trying to guess which one was my house, as a game because she figured I was average, like her, and we were just passing on by this neighbor. She was in for a rude awakening.

"Wait, that's your house," She pointed towards my actual house, making me laugh historically inside my head , "With that very nice 2012 Challenger in front of it. If only if we could actually afford such a nice car..." She trailed off as we neared my house.

Then diverted from her, dashing up the driveway of my house; Rebecca giving me a curious look as she still stood in the street, watching me absentmindedly. I headed towards the front door, knocking on it a few times and she started to panic, telling me to get back down to her, so that we could go before the people answered the door..

"No," I said, trying to hold back from laughing, "I want to ask how they can afford such a nice car!" I yelled across towards Rebecca, banging on my front door again. No one was home because they were all at their jobs, so if I did this when they were home, they would have killed me.

"Adam! Knock it out!" I quickly slipped my key into the door knob without Rebecca noticing and pretended the door opened. "ADAM!"

"Hello," I pretended to be talking to someone else, peering into my neat home, staring at a chair as if it was a person, "I wanted to know how you could afford such a nice car as that one in front of your house!" I looked behind me at Rebecca who covered her face in embarrassment from absolutely nothing. I figured I should stop and whistled at her, grabbing her attention, waving her towards me. "Come on, Rebecca."

She looked at me and I held up my key to the house and her jaw dropped a few inches and she furrowed her eyebrows together, "You are so mean!" She ran towards me and looked through the door into my home, "So... you're rich?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, what was the definition of rich? "My father is the co-CEO of Nike, got transferred here. Oh, and that car outside is mine." Her jaw gapped again as she looked from me to the car and then back to me.

"Then why aren't you driving it to school?!" She punched my arm lightly, playfully.

"I don't live that far away from school," I just shook my head and made a movement with my hand to invite her into my home, tugging off my shoes and setting my backpack down by the door before heading straight towards the kitchen, eyeing the refrigerator as if it was an old friend.

I opened the refrigerator and grabbed a couple of sodas, one for Rebecca and one for me, by the time I reached where she was she was still in the same spot, gawking at my home. I chuckled and pulled her along to our theater room, where we had several armchairs and couches with an 80" screen to play whatever we wanted.

"Oh no... no you don't!" She screamed, smacking my arm again when I dragged her into the room, "SHUT UP! Hayden would totally freak!" She ran up to the screen and stared up at it, almost drooling.

"Speaking of Hayden," I began and she turned around, "Have you got a hold of him yet?"

"Yeah," she nodded her head slowly and strolled over to me, "He went home, but he didn't tell me why, even though I know why." Sadness flashed across her features, making me grab her chin, making her look me straight in the eyes.

"Lets not think about it right now okay?" I attempted a smile and she nodded again and grabbed my arm and dragged me down onto one of the couches, grabbing a remote on the table in front of us. She eyed it for a moment before I took it away and turned on the big screen, picking a movie out and playing it.

The movie was about a girl who was looking for love in all the wrong places, while the whole time the guy she had always loved was right in front of her, her best friend. Rebecca was sniffling and wiping her eyes constantly throughout the movie, cuddling close to me, squeezing my arm tightly for comfort. After the movie I heard someone enter the house, probably my mother. I dragged her out of the theater room and greeted my mother with a kiss to the cheek and introduced Rebecca to her.

"I'm so glad to meet you Rebecca!" My mother exclaimed, pinching one of Rebecca's cheeks, smiling brightly, "I look forward to getting to know you!" Rebecca blushed lightly at probably from feeling like my mother was treating her as if she was a little kid again, "And I'm so proud of you for making a new friend!" My mother wrapped her arms around me, hugging me for a moment, before Rebecca's giggles ruined the moment.

My mother departed from us, going to go start dinner, so Rebecca and I headed upstairs to my room, and she threw herself down on my bed, looking around my room in amazement at all my band posters that I had hanging up. My room was well organized also because I never really liked a messy room, though sometimes I got lazy and left it messy for a day.

The wall were plain white at the moment, since no one had actually lived here before us, it was new. I had a dresser opposite my queen sized bed, a computer desk with my laptop perched on top of it. I had my own bathroom, with a good view of the backyard.

"This is so cool-" she said, interrupting my thought, and then trailed off and after a few moments finished her comment, "-having a rich friend." I lay down beside her on the bed, giving her a questioning glance, but she just shrugged and stared at my ceiling, lost in thought.

"I'm not that rich, Rebecca," I turned over onto my side, facing her and she did the same, her elbow propping up her elbow, her head caressing in her hand.

"Richer than me at least," She tilted her head to the side a little, staring deep into my eyes. "So tell me about yourself Adam." I pursed my lips in thought, tapping my chin thoughtfully.

"Well you already know that I came from Florida, but my hometown is New York, New York," I started off and she looked at me, enticed in what I have to say, "My father moves around a lot, so I've been many places, to many to name off right now, but I've had to make new friends after new friends after new friends, but this is supposed to be the last time we moved; that this will be, for sure, where my father is going to be.

"I really don't have any family, a lot of them died when they were young, so it's just my dad, my mom, and me. You probably want to know that I am bisexual-or pansexual-though I go for the male sex more..." I bit my lip nervously and she just nodded her head, blinking impatiently, waiting for me to continue, "When I was growing up, we lived by the woods, and I used to go catch the squirrels and keep them as pets until either, it bit me, or my parents found them; I love animals, but my father is pretty allergic, and well... you'll learn more once you get to know me"

Rebecca stayed quiet several minutes after, processing the information that I gave her and then she smiled like a freak and laid her head on one of my pillows, staring up at me. "You don't across as pansexual, you just seem like a bad ass that will kick anyone's asses if they bother you, and that you like to bang girls."

"Well actually I do like to-" I started, but a horrified look crossed Rebecca's face and she covered my mouth, uncovering my mouth, once she knew I wasn't going to speak of that again, "I will kick someone's ass if they did try to bother me though."

After a while of talking about Rebecca's life, about how her father left them, and her mom married another guy, her step-dad, that she loved more than her actual father, and how her step-father would take her to do things that she could never imagine. My room filled with this warm, mouth-watering aroma, of what I figured was lasagna; we hopped out of my bed and headed down the stairs to eat dinner. My father had returned from his job five minutes after we had started eating, and I introduced Rebecca to him and my parents talked about embarrassing stories about me, that I tried to just slide over my shoulder, not caring.

Later Rebecca had to go home, and I was left alone to think in my room, about my first day, meeting Rebecca and Hayden-Hayden, the Broken Boy. My mind lingered on him as I fell asleep that night, dreaming of nothing, but a black hole that consumed my world and my mind.

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