
By VioletViety

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Highest ranking: #16 in Aarmau Have you ever thought that one single decision that your brother took will cha... More

〰Summary Of Chapter 7〰
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๛ɕɦɵɨɕɛ 2: ɾɨɕɦ


3.8K 66 814
By VioletViety

Art by: Instagram

2000+ words... This will be a long chapter. *grabs popcorn*

I'm going to be very descriptive in this chapter.

If you don't like blood descriptions then I recommend not reading this chapter. I'll write a summary for this chapter after it's published. But don't worry the bloodshed here will not be that many but this chapter will be dark.... Thanks CrystalXStudios

CrystalXStudios strikes again with darkness... But in my book. I'm sorry MistikPanther but it has to happen. I'm evil

Aaron looked at Aphmau in shock, "What?" He said again. "Turn me to a human" Aphmau repeated what she said, making Aaron's eyes shine bright red. He grabbed her in a private spot so that he can talk to her.

"What in the name of Irene are you saying?!" Aaron said while pinning her to a tree, "You don't understand?! I am not a werewolf!" Aphmau replied and Aaron let her go from the shock. "What do you mean?" Aaron asked while sitting her down then he knelt down next to her.

"Me and my mother are humans that were rescued from an ambush of wolves by father who was the Alpha of Falcon Claw Valley, Ein wanted to be the Alpha because he took us in so he killed my father. After that I found out and I was so upset... I went to him with my mother to talk to him then he threw a forever potion on us that made us werewolves and said that he's the Ultima werewolf and decided to destroy both our lives until I saw you and you saved me and my mother from him so please... Turn me to a human so that I can use my powers."

Aaron's eyes glowed red from anger, "He said that he's The Ultima Werewolf?!" Aaron then slammed his hand on a tree causing it to fall down.

Welp.... Rip Ein, meet you guys at the Casino.

"This will cause you a lot of pain..." Aaron said and sighed, "Aaron I don't care but please make me a human so that I can help you take care of Ein." Aphmau begged, "You deserve to be who you are but don't worry you'll stay here in my pack and you'll still be my girlfriend. Even your mother will stay here." Aaron said calming down Aphmau.

"What method will you use?" Aphmau asked and Aaron sighed, "I will bite you, at least it's less painful than my eyes." Aaron said and pulled Aphmau closer to him. He rested his head on her shoulder, "Are you ready?" Aaron said and Aphmau took a deep breath, "I am.... Go." Aphmau said.

Aaron took a deep breath as he let his fangs out and bit Aphmau's neck.

Aaron pulled away and Aphmau held his arms tightly as pain ran throughout her body, she started crying and screaming from the pain and Aaron's still holding her. She'll experience a lot of pain but she won't die because he didn't use his eyes.

After a few minutes, Aphmau's ears and tail disappeared and she became a human. She calmed down and healed herself from the pain.

"Thank you... So much." Aphmau said while panting, Aaron hugged her and started brushing her hair, "It's not a problem... I'm happy that now you're who you really are and I'll turn your mother to a human too." Aaron said.

"Alpha! Ein's in this direction!" Lucinda said and Aaron stood up with his mouth dripping Aphmau's blood, "Let's go. You guys go and get my mother and Ein is mine." Aaron said then grabbed Aphmau and bolted off in Ein's direction.

Aaron stopped at the edge of a cliff when he sensed Ein nearby and Aphmau's clothes turned to a white dress that had a blue cloak and the hood is on her, Aaron sniffed the air and his eyes were blood red and his fangs were sharp.

Suddenly, a knife was thrown in Aaron's chest and Aaron fell on the floor dead.

Aphmau ran up to him, "AARON!!!!!" Aphmau cried, she then lifted up her arms and removed the knife from his chest and placed her hands on his wound and closed her eyes.

A purple aura formed around her and his wound disappeared and then the aura disappeared. A few moments later Aaron woke up and saw Aphmau laying her head on his chest while crying.

"Aph..." Aaron said and Aphmau got away from him, "Aaron! I'm glad that you're okay." Aphmau said and Aaron sat up. "C'mon let's go because Ein is mine." Aaron said and got up and Aphmau followed him up a cliff.

"EEEEEIIIIIINNN!" Aaron yelled as he saw him down the cliff with his mother in his hand. Ein looked up in shock from how Aaron looked like and the fact that he's alive.

"I WON'T LET YOU TAKE HER!" Aaron yelled again and Ein was still stunned.

"COME HERE AND FACE ME" Aaron yelled again.

"How did that even happen?! How is he still alive?" Ein said while he's still stunned, "I still have the upper hand" Ein said and dragged Rachel with him.

"I WON"T LET YOU GET AWAY!" Aaron said and ran down the cliff with Aphmau following him.

"Aaron wait! Your mother has a forever spell on her and it's mind control!" Aphmau said while running after Aaron.

"How can we remove it?" Aaron said, "I can do it." Aphmau replied and they reached to their position.

Ein looked at Aaron and smirked, "Now Rachel sweetheart, don't fail me this time." Ein said and gave Rachel a knife.

"I won't" Rachel said as she grabbed the knife and ran towards Aaron and screamed.

Just then Aphmau got out a big purple wand that had red vines around it and it formed a circle at the top and in the middle of the circle was Irene's symbol.

Aphmau pointed the wand at Rachel and she froze in her position, "Êšrçėrø qwįłłėß" Aphmau said and then purple aura got shot out of the wand and surrounded Rachel.

Guys I made that up. I'm no google translate.

Aphmau closed her eyes. "Ÿõū ãrē Rãçhėł Łÿčäń, thę wįfē øf Dërék Łÿçâñ. Thé Üłtïmá Wérêwółf. Ÿõū gävê bírth tœ Mëłïššå Łÿçæñ äńd Ãâröń Łÿćäñ, hê'ś Thé Üłtímâ Wêréwòłf äńd thé Âłphá öf Thê Üłtïmä pãćk. Thê pâçk thât ÿöür hùšbâñd mâdê bëföré hé dïéd. Éíń kïłłéd hïm âñd kïdñâppéd ÿöù âńd ÿóūr däùghtêr." Aphmau said and suddenly Rachel's eyes turned back to normal and she fell on the floor.

Ein looked at the scene in shock, Aaron looked at Rachel's face and saw that she has a black eye. Aaron screamed in anger.

Ein looked at Aaron as saw that his eyes were glowing and Rachel backed away, Ein's eyes widened and then ran away and Aaron ran after him.

Aphmau ran up to Rachel, "Are you okay?" Aphmau said as Rachel sat up. "Yes sweetheart I'm fine, but how did you do this?" She replied and Aphmau sighed, "I am related to Lady Irene and I got her powers." She said and Rachel stood up, "C'mon let's get to Aaron." Aphmau said and they both ran in Aaron's direction.

When they reached where they are they stood in shock. Aaron grabbed Ein by the collar and lifted him up, "I didn't say I was finished, you'll know what true suffering is." Aaron said and Ein started screaming and yelling 'Stop, stop please.'

Rachel knew what Aaron's doing, "Aaron's transforming Ein to a human through his eyes." Rachel said and Aphmau's eyes widened. "Does it hurt that bad?" "There's a very high chance he'll die in the process."

Ein started sweating in pain as his ears and tail were disappearing slowly and Aaron was still staring at him. Ein couldn't close his eyes.

Then Aaron dropped Ein on the floor, he turned to a human. Rachel was standing there and Aphmau was frightened, she was leaning against a tree terrified of the scene in front of her.

Ein opened his eyes and got up, "My ears... Are gone?!.... What did you do to me? AHHHHH"

"You took from me the only person that I love so I took from you the only you ever cared about!" Aaron replied.

"No no you can't do this! Just end me now!" Ein said while freaking out.

Aaron lost his sanity, his fangs came out as he opened his mouth slowly and laughed, "If you say so~" Aaron said slyly and charged at Ein and pinned him on the ground.

Rachel ran towards Aaron and tried to pull him away from Ein but Aaron picked her up with his left hand and threw her away.

Aaron looked at Ein and smirked, Ein got frightened when he saw Aaron's fangs. "This time I won't turn you to a werewolf but... I'll eat you alive." Aaron whispered into Ein's ear and he gulped.

"P-p-p-p-please don't do that." Ein said and Aaron laughed again. "I won't..." Aaron replied as Ein started sweating.

Bloodshed begins (Don't worry there's not that much)

Ein screamed as Aaron bit his neck and blood started to ooze out of it, Aaron grabbed Ein's wrist and bit it. Ein screamed again.

Ein's blood started dripping from Aaron's mouth, Aaron looked at Ein and saw that he's on the edge of death but Aaron has no mercy.

"Any last words?" Aaron asked slyly and Ein was panting "I-I-I'm sorry" Ein said and he started coughing out blood.

"Not accepted~ Goodbye Ein." Aaron said then ripped Ein's head off causing blood to splatter everywhere.

Aaron laughed and ripped off Ein's stomach along with some of his organs.

Aaron.... You just became a cannibal

Aphmau hid behind a tree after seeing this scene and Rachel was still in her position but her head was facing the ground.

Aaron then turned his head to the girls to see Rachel but no Aphmau, this made Aaron upset.

"Aphmau!" Aaron yelled and then heard faint sniffs, he followed them until he saw Aphmau curled up against a tree.

Aphmau lifted her head up to see Aaron with a lot of blood on him and his mouth was dripping blood.

"Please don't hurt me! I don't want to die please. I'm sorry for everything I've done I-"


"I'm so sorry please don't eat me I have so much to-"


"Please please please please pl-"


Aphmau stopped and shrieked, Aaron knelt down at her level. "If you didn't shut up then I won't hesitate to do what I did to Ein to you." Aaron threatened while pulling her hair and she stayed silent.

"RACHEL!" Aaron said and Rachel came out.

"I am your mother." Rachel yelled at Aaron, Aaron looked down at the floor and laughed.

Rach he lost his sanity you doofus.

Aaron got up and placed his hand on Rachel's shoulder, "And I am not in the mood to call you mom. Can't you see that I just ate someone alive?" Aaron said and Rachel gulped.

"Aaron." Someone came out of the forest, he had the same ears and tail as Aaron he also had his looks but his hair had grey strands in it.

Welp we all know who it is, the one and only _ _ _ _ _

Aaron looked at him in shock, "Dad?!" Aaron said and the man smiled. "Who revived you?"

"Aphmau" He said as he pointed at Aphmau, Aaron looked at her and smiled, but that wasn't an insane smile. It was a genuine one.

"I'm glad he's back to his own mind." Aphmau thought to herself, but that's what she though.

"AARON WHY DID YOU DO THIS? YOU KNOW THIS ISN'T WHAT YOU SOULD-" Aaron's father yelled but then Aaron grabbed his collar.

"Don't make me lose my sanity." Aaron said and Derek nodded. Aaron then turned to Aphmau and snapped his finger and made his way back to the pack. His mouth still had blood dripping from it.

Aaron came back and all the werewolves vacant happy when they saw Derek and Rachel.

"STOP!" Aaron yelled and everyone calmed down and started backing away when they saw the blood.

Aaron went to his house followed by Aphmau, Derek and Rachel went to their house with Melissa while the rest of the people with him went to their houses.

The moment Aaron and Aphmau got in Aaron's house, Aphmau started running up the stairs but Aaron grabbed her

"Aphmau?" Aaron said while his eyes turned black and his fangs disappeared and the blood vanished. His voice had sympathy in it.

"A-Aaron?" Aphmau said and Aaron hugged her, "I'm sorry that you had to see me like this. It's just I lose my sanity when I let the wolf inside me take over" Aaron said and Aphmau pulled away then kissed him.

"Aaron it's fine... You did what has to be done. I love you"

"But I still need to take out Jax, Rider and Balto."

How was it?

But I'm evil so have a cliffhanger


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