MaNan ff Our Completed Love S...

By sumbalibrahim

105K 5.5K 847

this is a complete different and twisting track if MaNan story hope u ppl will like it and need ur love MaN... More

Character Sketch/ Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 8

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By sumbalibrahim

So it's my birthdayyy yahooo now I m 21 yipppee so this is special one from my side as a treat for all of u
Shower ur love by votes and comments

Ok so here is another update Hope u all are liking my story

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Thank u for so much of love and support

Happy reading

Nandini pov

I m being so helpless around him when ever he is with I feel my self complete and the happiest person on earth

From last 2 days we all are Manik's place coz the 2 of our friend need proper rest so we all are taking care of them

Mukti is a bit different I don't know it feels like she is having a storm inside her and she is not what she is showing to all and bhai we always behave differently around her I need to find out what is going on

Right now I m going down to prepare some fresh juice for everyone and soup for our sick ppl

And again how can I think that Manik will do his breakfast with any trauntums he is not more than a kid of 5 years

In these days I have known almost about everyone but still some time I get nightmares about my past I want to know but I think it's not the right time as everyone is already going through a bad face

I just kept my thoughts at one side and joined everyone in hall where the order was Cabir bhai then Navya, Manik , Mukti ,bhai, then last me

Cabir bhai " ohhhh look who's here "

End of pov

Nandini "bhai kya hua why r u saying like this "

Cabir " kuch nahi Nandu I was missing u "

Nandini felt something fishy but didn't said anything when Navya said

" let's play something "

Cabir " like "

Manik " shut up guys no game I m going in my room bye  "

Bhai " what happened to him all of a sudden "

With this they all chit chatted and Manik didn't showed his face all day

Mukti was in her room lying on bed like a lifeless body

Mukti pov

Why all that happend with me why am I that bad that all this is only with me

I m afraid what if I lose everyone of them

They all are so sweet without knowing anything about me the are treating me like their family member and what I m doing nothing

I m sure I will hurt all of them

My thoughts were disturbed with a knock on the door

I moved away and opened the door and to my surprise Abhimanyu was standing with a glass of milk and some medicines

I allowed him to come inside he came and passed me the glass of milk and I kept it ok side table coz was not willing to drink it

Abhimanyu said " drink it now coz Nandini said not leave before u finish it "

I chucked this girl really shows how to take care of everyone

I took medicines from him and finished the milk

He smiled and said "may I ask a question ?"

He asked with inocense and sweet way that I could not deny to his this request I never knew he has this side also

Coz our first meet was very nasty to my surprise he sat on the edge of bed and said

" sorry if u ever felt bad or offended coz of me I m little impulsive "

I cut him between and said " little "

He gave a blank face and then continued " yeah I know alot impulse that's why saying sorry "

I smiled and said " it's okay "

He again said " Mukti I wanted to ask where is ur family u were in a very bad condition when we saw u but from that time to now no one came to meet or try to contact u "

And I was blank I don't know what to answer him I m having a problem in trusting ppl

Will I be able to trust him or will I tell anyone about my miserable life

I don't know when my tears betrayed me and star flowing out of my eyes and I tried to wipe before he sees me

But to my bad luck he saw my tears and came towards me and said " sorry I didn't want to make u cry sorry ok fine I won't ask anything ok sorry "

I found him really sweet no one ever said like this to me and I hugged him

He hugged me back and when I realized what I have done I pushed him back and said " plzz leave Abhimanyu Singhania before I do plzz leave me alone "

He replied " ok fine I m going but plzz don't cry I m leaving ok "

And next moment he left my room and I sat on my knees and cried my heart out

Why I can't let anyone come near me???

Why I have to push me???

Why my life is not like any other normal girl????

Why all this with me only?????

End of pov

Manik pov

It's been three days I m crowded by my friends and trust me this is the best feeling

But being Nandini around always make me unconscious don't know why

Only she has the odecity to make me run on her finger tips only she being around me make me fell the blessed man of the world only she been around make me fell complete and content

I m trying to ignore her as much as I can coz I know where it will lead us so to avoid such situations I m trying to make distance with her

But my fate has some other plans for me

I was busy on my laptop when there was a knock on the door I looked up to see who was there and to my surprise it was her yes it was Nandini

She didn't wait for my answer also and just walked inside my room and sat beside and said "I need ur help and it's urgent "

I just smiled and said " bolo "

Nandini " actually na I saw Mukti and bhai has something between them but due to some reason they are not able to communicate with each other so will u help me in this

Coz ur his best friend and u know him very well that's why asking u "

And this was thing I was noticing from past some days and I have never seen Abhi like that so she is right there is something going on between them

I said "ur right I have also noticed about that so let's give them situations so they can talk and come closer "

She gave me her 32teeth wale smile and I was really happy that it came coz of me

After dicussiing the plan she left

I was still with my thoughts that is whatever is happening is gud or not coz I don't want her to get hurt coz of me

End of pov

Next morning everyone was in hall except the 2 sleeping beauties of the group

Who else other than Manik and Cabir but suddenly Navya said

" guys there is some problem bhai never sleep this much let's go and check on him na "

They all ran to his room and opened the door and found him sleeping with loud snors

Navya went and said " I knew it he would do like this many times u have told him but he never listens to me what should I do now "

Nandini came towards Navya and said " what happen why r u saying like this "

Navya " coz I know him very well he again did the same thing "

Nandini " what ?"

ABHI " he again took sleeping pills to sleep "

And this was a shock for everyone specially Nandini

They all left the room and let him sleep thinking that h3 might slept late

After like waiting for another 2 hours Manik didn't woke up so they all left to their places

Abhi dropped Mukti at her flat and said " Mukti take care and be there tomorrow at practise at 9 if ur hand is fine bye "

She smiled and nodded her head and left from there

As they reached home they all took rest

Back to Malhotra Mansion

Manik woke up and found hi head really heavy coz of the dose of pills he managed to move out of his bed and went towards kitchen to get a mug of black coffee

He took the mug and was about to enter back when he heard a scream from hall

" Manik Malhotra "

He turned back and saw mogambo standing with her angry face

He realized today is his last day

" why the hell did u took sleeping pills "

Manik " woh actually Navya I Reay tried to sleep but could not after tossing for like 3 hours in bed I took the pills "

He said with his head low

Navya "bhai u would have come to me I would give u company then why pills u know that they are not gud for u then why u do that "

Manik " I m sorry I won't repeat pakka sorry "

She finally gave in and hugged him and he realized that how much she care for him he smiled

Like this some days passed

There were some closeness between MaNan and MukBhi

Now Mukti use to come and greet everyone and then talk to everyone this all was happening coz of Abhi

He was trying his all best to make her comfortable around everyone

One day after practise as the date were anounced for the concert at that they will get their future in music

Everyone was gathered on Abhi's flat and they were sitting and talking when suddenly Nandini said 

" bhai everyone is here na can u plzz tell me the past today plzz now I can't wait for it "

Abhi nodded and sat on couch with Mukti behind him ok his opposite couch it was Nandini Cabir and Navya and Manik wa sitting at balcony door to avoid such interactions with Nandini

Abhimanyu " ok I will start but u have to be patient "

Nandini nodded and abhi started

" I was 4 years old when u were born and we had Maa papa chacha chachi and their son Harshad

Maa passed away while giving birth to u and the papa use to take care of u like anything u were only left to him and me as Maa last memory

One day me and papa were going to take u to the doctor for ur regular checkup when chacha stopped

This is flashback in Abhimanyu 's pov


So me and papa were taking Nandu to doc for checkup when chacha stopped us and said " bhai I need to talk to u coz it really urgent plzz "

I sensed some problem so I also followed them and was pepping inside the study where they were talking

" bhai I need ur daughter to get married to my son Harshad "

That was like a bomb to me how can they even say that

Papa " actually Ram I can't say anything one coz I don't know what our future have it will be her decision not mine "

And papa left the room but this was not taken in a gud way by chacha so be blackmailed papa in many ways and even tried to kidnapp Nandini  also

But some how we managed to protect Nandini from all this

One day papa came home in a very drastic condition and he was looking in a very bad condition

I ran and hugged him and asked so he said " sab khatam ho gaya there is nothing left bow how will I take care of u both "

I could not understand what actually is going on

The next morning when I woke up Nandini was not in her room not with papa

I was really worried I asked papa but he didn't said anything and that day our lives were on a 360 degree change

Done with the update

How was the update ???

Now what will happen win Nandini past and where did she dissappear ???

Some words about MukBhi ???

Some for MaNan ???

What I'd stopping Mukti and Manik  coming close to Abhi and Nandini ???

Rate it out of 10??

Some words for me as it's my birthday 🎂🎂🎂🎉🎉🎊🎊🎈🎈🎈🎈🎂🎂🎂🎂

Next update soon



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