The One I Love || Newt-TMR

By mad145

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It was all a mistake. Rosie was scheduled to be sent into Maze B, however something went wrong, and she was... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Thank you!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Nearly there!!
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
A Celebration of Sorts
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Not an Update:
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 24

361 11 6
By mad145

"Hey Clint, I want to learn about the Changing." I asked abruptly while the Medjack room was empty, with only Clint and I occupying it.

"Excuse me?" He spun around from the shelf, the confusion evident in his eyes.

"I want you to tell me about the Changing, and what happens when someone goes through it." I clarified, turning to lean on one of the small beds behind me.

"Is there a reason behind this sudden interest, Rosie?"

"Well, yeah there is. Newt gave you the strange serum earlier, and told you to keep it in the other Medjack room. I was just curious what happens to the victim, and also why it is so bad that it has to be dealt with in a completely separate room." I pressed while fiddling with my hands. I was nervous about all of this; why the Changing was so bad and why we received a different kind of serum earlier.

"Well I'm not supposed to tell any Greenies 'bout the Changing, but I like you, so I'll tell ya." Clint flashed me a toothy grin as he joined me, sitting right beside me on the bed.

"Its a horrible thing the Changin' is. Trust me when I say this: if you're at all curious about it now, you'll wish you never knew of it once you see the effects it has on someone. It's not the Griever venom that does it, just the Grief Serum reacting with it. The reaction makes their veins pop out, and their skin to turn a horrible green colour. But that's not even the worst part." Clint paused to glance at me, and I was certain he saw the blood drain from my face, making me look like a haunting ghost.

"They completely use all humanity for up to a week. The reason we keep everything to do with the Changing, as well as the victims separate from here is because we need them to be as far away from the Gladers as possible. It looks like a torture chamber up there; leather straps attached to a bed to hold their arms and legs down. I'm not sure why they thrash around so much; maybe because of all the pain they're in. But there is one good thing about it all; those who go through the Changing regain a few memories in the process." Clint explained in a dark tone, his eyes holding back the horrible memories.

"Has anyone ever thought to purposefully get stung to regain some memories?" I probed, my eyes furrowed together tightly as I thought.

"What, you got some kinda death wish or somethin' Greenie? You just gotta hear the damn shank screamin' and yelping in pain to know that you don't ever want to go through what they're are." Clint replied harshly.

"I'm sorry, I'm just curious is all. How often does someone get stung around here?"

"Not often. we record it every time with each person to try and find the common links. I think it has happened once, maybe twice before? It only ever really happened in the very beginning when we started to explore and stay out in the Maze for the first few days. That was before we knew about Grievers. If you really want to learn about the Changing, you can go down to the Weapons room down in the bottom level. That's were we keep the real important medical documentations. But you'll need Minho to go with you; he's the only one with the key to get down there." Clint offered, seemingly bored with the conversation now; his eyelids drooping slightly over his eyes.

"You have a Weapons room? Why is Minho The only one allowed down there?" I questioned, shocked that they would entrust Minho with a key to a room filled with deadly weapons.

"The Runner's carry a range of weapons on them in case they happen to run into any danger while they're out in the Maze. Minho is the Keeper of the Runners, so it's only fitting that he is also the keeper of the key to the Weapons room." Clint answered, a little humoured by his response.

My eye flickered to the window just across from me to see the sky fading from an intense pink into a deep violet purple. My brow creased together in worry and confusion as I thought.

"Huh, that's strange. Newt is usually here to walk with me by now." I thought aloud as I rose from the bed and began to the door.

"Thanks for everything Clint. I'm gonna go look for Newt and make sure everything is fine." I mumbled absentmindedly as I walked out of the room, all my attention on Newt.

"Okay, have fun!" I heard Clint call out, but I was too focused on finding Newt to respond.

As I walked out of the Homestead, my eyes searched the Glade for any sign of Newt, or danger. I was quick to notice a large group of boys who had crowded around the West Door to the Maze, their bodies packed so tight together that I couldn't see what they were crowded around.

I began to jog over to the group to inspect, the constant anxiousness gnawing at the pit of my stomach and the horrible thoughts of something bad happening to Newt making me pick my pace up to a swift run.

Once I finally reach the crowd, I shoved my way through to the front where all the boys were looking down at. My eyes slowly and fretfully lowered to the scene below me, and I felt my stomach churn and twist into a tight knot.

"Oh my god." I barely breathed as I stared down at the motionless body lying on the ground, covered in sweat and dirt. Quiet murmurs were passed around the group as everyone took in the sight in front of them.

"What the hell happened to him?" My shaky voice resonated through the entrance of the Maze just in front of me as I stared down at the body. He was laying on his back, his eyes squeezed shut and his chest rising and falling ever so subtly. He had short blonde hair that clumped together with sweat along his forehead, and his skin was painted with blood from scratches and cuts that covered his skin.

"He got stung by a Griever. Elliot found him on his way back and dragged him all the way back here." Minho, who just seemed to appear out of nowhere spoke up from beside me, making me jump.

"Then what is everyone doing just standing around? We have to get him back to the Homestead!" I shrieked, rushing forward to look over the boys wounds.

"Well you're a Medjack, so pick him up and take him there!" Some boy snorted loudly, which was followed by a chorus of muffled snickers.

"Listen here slinthead! Good ol' Jack here has just been stung by a Griever, and Rosie is just trying to help. How about you stop being a little smartass and help out for once, or you can be sure that you will be sleeping with the Grievers tonight!" Minho growled, stepping up to the boy and grabbing a fistful of his shirt is he threatened him.

"Now since you like being a shuckface, you and all of your friends who think that you're so funny can help our Greenie here get Jack to the Medjack's room. Now!" Minho sneered while shoving the boy into the middle of the crowd.

"And you better apologise to her, or you will have to deal with Newt. And trust me, he won't be happy that you're insultin' his girlfriend." Minho muttered as began to walk away. If it were any other time, I would have felt my cheeks redden, and scolded Minho, but I was too focused on the poor boy Jack. The other boy who had joked earlier stumbled towards me, almost face planting before regaining his balance. He slowly stood up straight and turned to face me, his face bright red with embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry." He muttered as he and his friends walked over and picked Jack up by the arms, legs and shoulders.

It wasn't until we were almost in the Homestead that I spotted Newt jogging towards me and the group of boys carrying Jack.

"Where have you been?" I asked desperately as Newt finally joined us.

"Sorry, Alby and I were just asking Elliot a few questions. How's Jack holdin' in?"

"I don't know anything about being stung, but he has a few nasty gashes along his arms and face that I'll have to fix up." I explained as we began the challenge of carrying the motionless boy up three flights of stairs.

"Up to the very top shanks! He's gonna need to get the serum now, or he ain't gonna make it. Rosie, I don't want you anywhere near him once that serum is in his system. He's gonna be vicious and ferocious, and I'm not gonna chance you getting harmed." Newt ordered.

"What? Newt, I can take care of myself! This is the perfect time for me to learn about the Changing!" I retorted as we began up the final flight of stairs.

"I said no, Rosie, and I mean it!"

"And so do I! I'm a Medjack now, I should be able to at least witness what goes on." I could see that Newt was struggling to come up with an excuse. I knew I was gong to get my way.

"I don't want you to witness any of that. The Changing is a horrible thing Greenie; you don't wanna see it, trust me."

"I think I know what I want Newt. Just please at least let me watch what happens." I pleaded as we walked through a large wooden door. Newt remained silent as Jack was gently placed onto the bed, and just as Clint had said earlier, the bed had leather straps attached to its side.

Newt ordered the boys out, and told them to send Clint up on their way. Once the boys exited the room, Newt immediately began to tighten the leather straps around Jack's wrists and ankles.

"I'm going to clean his wounds." I mumbled as I began to search for some equipment. This room was much different from the Medjack's room I was usually in. For one, it was much darker, with no windows allowing light to pour in. It was much smaller as well, with only a single bed in the middle, and an old, rusted cabinet in the far right corner to what I guess contained all the medical equipment required. The room smelt of mould and chemicals; so strong that it would catch in my throat.

"No Rosie. He needs the Grief Serum as soon as possible, and once he gets it he's gonna go nuts. Just wait until we knock him out, okay?" Newt asked, a hint of plea in his tone. I didn't get what the big deal was all about. What's the harm in watching what goes on?

"Fine." I answered in defeat. After another moment, Clint rushed in with an armful of equipment and supplies. I walked over and helped him out, taking a few syringes and needles out of his arm, as well as a small metal dish and some bandages.

"I'm going to need your help to give him the needle, Rosie." Clint ordered as he rushed over to the old metal cabinet and pulled out one of the sapphire blue serums I had seen earlier.

"No she won't." Newt retorted sternly, his voice layered with authority and command. That was something I hadn't heard him do before.

"Huh? Newt, she's a Medjack; and as part of that job, she is required to help the Gladers heal. She can't do that if you say no all the time." Clint explained whilst arranging the equipment.

"This is different. She doesn't know anything about the Changing, and doesn't know what to expect." Newt refuted, folding his arms across his chest firmly.

"I think your just being over-protective, Newt." Clint muttered.

"And I think that you're being irresponsible." Newt argued back, the irritation clear in his words.

"You wanna know what I think? I think you two should just shut up and work together, rather than argue over me. I also think that you shouldn't talk about me like I'm not in the room with you. You both have very good points, so to make everyone happy; Newt you help Clint seeing as you are experienced in the Changing process, and Clint clearly needs help." I commanded, causing both the boys to stare at me bewildered.

"Since when did the Greenie become a better leader than you?" Clint muttered under his breath.

"Since I realised you two are hopeless working together, and are too hard-headed to come to an agreement. Now get to work, Jack's life is depending on you." I replied as I stepped back and watched the two boys quietly work together.

It didn't take long for Clint to prepare the Grief Serum; all he had to do was give it a shake and remove the cap.

"Just hold him down by the chest. Rosie, can you get a shot of anaesthetic ready for me?" Clint glanced over his shoulder at me, and I immediately sprung to work; measuring out the amount of anaesthetic required to knock him out. Just as I turned around, I saw the long, thin needle pierce through the skin of Jack's arm, and the sapphire blue serum inject deep into his muscle. As Clint pulled the needle out of Jack's arm, a small droplet of crimson red blood oozed out and ran don his arm, leaving a trail of red behind it.

"Have you got that shot ready Rosie?" Clint asked in a rushed tone.

"Yeah, here." I went to hand it to him, however he waved it off.

"No, I want you to do it. It's intramuscular, so you just have to stab the needle deep into his arm, then draw back to be sure you didn't hit a vein. Think you can do that?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Then be quick, because the Grief Serum is about to take effect, and we don't want a crazed lunatic thrashing about." I stepped closer, popping the cap of the needle off and holding the syringe firmly in my hand. My other hand hovered over the area of Jack's arm I had to inject, while the other stayed just a few inches away. Just as I was about to bury the needle in his arm, Jack came to life with an inhuman shriek, and loud gasp for air.

His body shot upward slightly, however he couldn't move so much with the restraints. Animalistic sneers and snarls ripped through his throat as he desperately tried to pry himself free. My body seemed to go frozen as I watched the boy thrash around, and I was oddly mesmerised by it.

"Rosie Now! Do it now!" Newt's desperate voice brought me back to earth, and just like Jack, I sprung to life. I drew my hand back and buried the needle deep into Jack's masculine arm while Clint and Newt pushed down on his chest with all their strength. With the little time I had, I drew the syringe back to see no blood seep into the anaesthetic, and quickly pushed my finger down on the plunger.

Jack's body began to weaken, and his movements started to get slower, the horrible noises coming from his mouth slurring together into a quiet moan of pain. It wasn't long after that that his eyes drooped back down until they were entirely closed, concealing his dull grey eyes, and his entire body seized to move.

Newt, Clint and I remained silent for a moment as we panted heavily and tried to comprehend what had just happened.

"You see why I was worried?" Newt finally asked quietly. I looked up at him with tired eyes and nodded my head.

"Yeah. Yeah I do." I murmured.

"Come one, lets leave this shank alone for a while to get some rest." Clint suggested as he ushered us out of the room. We silently walked in a single file down all three flights of creaky stairs until we came to the bottom level of the Homestead, where literally every Glader had packed in. The room fell silent as everyone turned to stare at us expectantly.

I was too busy looking around the room to notice that Newt and Clint had stopped suddenly, and I came crashing into the back of Clint. I mumbled an apology before retuning my attention to why the boys had stopped.

Oh. This oughta be fun. I thought to myself sarcastically as I saw Gally guarding the stairs.

"What's goin' on with Jack, Newt?" His deep voice resounded through the Homestead as everyone remained dead silent, all waiting for an answer.

"That's classified information that you don't need to know." I heard Newt hiss in reply as he shoved past Gally. Gally stepped aside to allow Clint through, and I was mentally preparing myself for him to sneer something in my ear as I walked past.

But he didn't do that. Instead he quickly blocked me off and leaned close to my face. The smell of grease and sweat radiated off his skin and caught in my throat as I breathed in.

"Don't get to comfortable shuckface. I'll make sure they banish you for what you're doing." He threatened in a low voice.

"And what exactly am I doing, huh?"

"You're changing everything. Everything was fine until you came along. They'll see soon enough." He sneered before stepping aside and letting me pass. I gave him a dirty glare before continuing after Newt and Clint, who had somehow made their way outside without realising I was gone. I walked hurriedly after the two in the cool night air and saw them consulting with Alby.

"So, what's goin' on?" Alby's deep voice asked as I approached the three boys.

"It's not good. Things are definitely changin'." Newt answered through a heavy sigh.

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