Rosalina Charming|| Once Upon...

By NutellaEmpress

229K 3.6K 267

What if Emma Swan had a 17 year old older sister, who was taken to Neverland before the Evil Queen's curse? C... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New book
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
New Book
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
New Book
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
New Book
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
New Books and Updates
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
New Book
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
New Book
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
I'm Sorry
New Username
New Book
Chapter 48
New Book
New Book
New Book
New Book
New Book
Chapter 49
Cover Shop
Chapter 50
New Book
Chapter 51

Chapter 36

1.7K 33 0
By NutellaEmpress

The Cave

Everybody was looking around. Rosalina saw that Hook and Emma were looking at the markings she made when she was alone in Neverland.

"What is it?" Rosalina asked trying to act clueless.

"It appears Neal marked his days trapped on this island." Hook told her.

I was the one marking the days... Rosalina thought.

"What's wrong?" Snow approached them.

"Look here. Neal stopped counting." Emma pointed to where there, not a marking.

"Cause he got off the island." Snow said.

"He was here longer," Emma mumbled.

"Then why would he-" David began.

"Because he lost hope." Emma cut him off.

"You got that from scribbles?" Regina sassed.

"I got that because it's what I did every time I went to a new foster home. I counted days until counting seemed pointless." Emma told her.

Regina's eyes softened.

"You think the same thing's happening to Henry?" Toby asked.

"Pan said that it would." Emma nodded.

"Hey, we're gonna rescue him." David tried to comfort her.

"Yeah, I know that and you know that, but Henry doesn't know that. Pan wants him to lose faith." Emma snapped.

"So what, you want to send him a message? Because I haven't seen a Neverland post office. What are you suggesting?" Regina asked.

"We take a page from Pan and we start being clever. We need to send a simple sign, a sign that we're coming." Emma told her.

"Yeah, with Lost Boys running around, trying to kill us all?" Regina snapped.

"Yeah, maybe it's time we used that to our advantage. " Snow told her.

"How?" Regina asked.

"Follow me. I'll show you, " with that Snow left the cave and soon everyone followed.


The group was setting a trap

"A trap? That's your plan?" Regina asked.

"The Lost Boys wanna come after us, we need to go after them." Snow explained.

"You really think a Lost Boy is gonna betray Pan?' Hook asked.

"Thanks for the advice." Rosalina sassed.

"David?"  Snow called.

"Yeah?" David asked.

"We need more vines." Snow told him.

"On it. " David nodded.

"I'm coming with you." Toby stood up.

David nodded.

"You're coming with me too, pirate,"  David told Hook.

"Why is that?" Hook asked.

"Because we need more rope." Emma sassed.

"If the lady insists."  Hook did a small bow.

Rosalina eyed Hook as he left.

"Do I need to worry about Hook? Is he bothering you?" Rosalina asked Emma.

"Look, at you, protective big sister," Emma said sarcastically.

Rosalina rolled her eyes as Regina scoffed and Snow slightly smiled.

David, Toby, and Hook were finding more vine

"You ok?" Toby asked.

"Peachy." David snapped.

"What would you like to yell at me about now, Dave?" Hook asked.

"Stay away from my daughters. Both of them." David demanded.

Hook sighed.

"Well, they can take care of themselves. They don't need your parenting, which is a good thing."  Hook told him.

"What does that mean?" David asked.

"It means you're gonna die in a day or so anyway." Hook told him.

"Nothing I can do about that. But if I do die."  David turned to him.

"When." Hook smiled.

"It'll be in helping my family, and that's something someone like you can't understand, " with that David walked away.

Toby followed.

"What if I told you there's a way to save you?" Hook asked.

"I'd say no because anything that takes us off course of saving Henry is selfish. But of course, you would think that was the way to go." David sighed.

"Bugger off. What, you think I'm being selfish? I'm risking my life for all of you, every moment I'm here aligned against him." Hook snapped.

Toby had enough.

"Please, you're not here out of any nobility. You're here for Rosalina because admit it or not she was the only person who was ever your true friend. And in addition to that, you're trying to get with Emma! You think everybody doesn't notice!" Toby snapped.

"And let me tell you something else. You're never gonna get her. I'll see to that." David told him.

"It's a good thing you're gonna die then." Hook remarked.

David tried to punch Hook but groaned and fell on top Hook.

'"David!" Toby yelled.

"Mate. Mate, stop. I don't fight invalids." Hook put David on the ground.

Toby and Hook both saw that David was out cold.

"David!" Toby yelled.

"Mate? Mate?!" Hook yelled.

"Do something!" Toby yelled.

Hook was pouring rum down David's throat as he gained consciousness.

"Ugh!" David coughed and groaned.

"Have another drink."  Hook told him as Toby helped him up.

 "No, thank you. I'm okay now." David panted and coughed.

"No, no, you're not." Toby pushed David to the side as he groaned.

"I thought you had days left." Hook told him as he breathed heavily.

"Let me see."  Hook demanded.

"No." David shook his head while panting.

"Show!" Toby demanded.

David lifted his shirt while panting.

Toby gasped as he saw the dreamshade almost reach his heart.

"The dreamshade has almost reached your heart. It's hours now. You have to tell your family." Hook told him.

"No." David shook his head panting.

"David." Toby gave him a look.

"Not when I can still help them save Henry." David groaned.

"Catch your breath, mate, or what little time you have will be less." Hook told him

David bent down as he groaned and panted heavily.

"What's that? It's a military insignia. 'Jones.' You know him?" David asked coughing as he threw it to Hook.

Hook's eyes softened.

"Aye. He was my captain and my brother." Hook sighed.

"You had a brother?" Toby asked shocked.

"Aye, we voyaged this infernal island a long time ago. This was on the strap of his satchel. My brother lost it during a duel with Pan. Oh, it must've washed down with the rains from the storm that wrecked the Jolly Roger. "  Hook sighed.

"From where?" David asked.

"There, deadman's Peak. I thought it was gone forever."  Hook said looking up.

"What was gone?" David asked.

"No, it's too dangerous." Hook shook his head.

"No, no, no. What's too dangerous? If you know something that can help us. Don't hold back." David told him.

"If this insignia survived all these years, then perhaps my brother's satchel did as well. And inside that satchel is a sextant that can help us decode Neal's star map that can get us off this island." Hook informed.

"I know how I'm gonna spend my last hours. We're gonna find that thing." David said determinedly.

"Well, look, you might reach the top, but you'll die before you return." Hook told him.

"David you should stay me and Hook will get it," Toby told him.

"No both of you are coming with me and make sure the sextant gets back to Emma," David told them.

Toby sighed.

"You ready to be a hero?" Toby looked at Hook.


Hook told the group about the sextant

"A sextant?" Emma questioned.

"You're telling us about this now?!" Rosalina snapped.

"How do we know you're not lying?" Regina asked.

"Oh, you don't, but I'm not. It's the best hope yet we've had of an exit plan. And don't forget, we're gonna need one." Hook told them

"Then what are we waiting for?" Emma asked.

"Emma, you were right. We need to get that message to Henry. And everyday without hope is a day closer to becoming a Lost Boy." Hook told her.

Next Hook went Rosalina.

"Princess, I want to you know I'm sorry for everything." Hook apologized.

Rosalina just stared at him.

Why is he acting so weird?... Rosalina thought.

"Your father, Toby and I should go." Hook told them.

"Hook's right.' David nodded.

'Wait what you wanna split up? With everything that's happening?" Rosalina asked shocked.

"It's the last thing I wanna do. But there's a chance he can get us home." David told his first daughter and hugged her.

"Take care of your sister and mother for me," David whispered while hugging her.

Why is he acting so weird... Rosalina thought as she hugged him back.

Next, David went to Emma. Rosalina went to Toby.

"Wish me luck." Toby smiled.

"What are you hiding from me?"  Rosalina demanded.

"Nothing," Toby said immediately.

"Oh yeah? Then why are Hook and dad acting so weird?" Rosalina challenged.

"Maybe they are weird." Toby shrugged.

'Toby-"  Rosalina gave him a look.

"Do you trust me?" Toby asked.

"Of course I do but I also know when you are lying to me," Rosalina told him.

"Toby lets go."  David's voice came.

Toby kissed the top of Rosalina's forehead and left.

Leaving her confused.

What is going on?... Rosalina thought.


The trap was set. A pig was out in the open and a net was attached to a tree. Everybody hid in place. Rosalina had her bow and arrow ready. Devin, a lost boy was ready to attack the pig.

"Sorry Devin," Rosalina mumbled as she shot her bow and arrow to the net.

It fell down and trapped Devin as everybody rushed to him.

"Uhh! What are you doing?! Are you trying to start a war with Pan?!" Devin yelled as he managed to get out of the net.

"Pan started the war when he kidnapped my son." Emma hissed.

"But that doesn't make you our enemy." Magically Regina made chocolate appear in her hand.

"What's that?" Devin asked.

"Chocolate. I thought you might like the taste of something sweet." Regina told him.

"We don't wanna hurt you, Devin. We just need you to deliver a message to Henry." Rosalina told him.

"Why should I help you?" Devin snapped.

"Because you had a home and a family once and you stopped believing you could get back to them. Now we're here. We can help. Not just Henry, all of you. We can get you home."Emma told him.

Devin took the chocolate from Regina, sniffed it and threw it away.

Everybody back away slightly.

"Don't you get it? I'm here because I don't want to go home. None of us do!" Devin snapped.

"Pan's a monster. Look what he did to you." Emma gestured to the cut on his cheek.

"Oh, Pan didn't do that. Henry did. " Devin chuckled.

David, Toby, and Hook were walking

"How are you holding up, mate?" Hook asked David.

"Don't worry about me. Just worry about getting us to the sextant." David told him.

"I meant the good-byes. Looked a bit stormy back there." Hook told him.

"I did what had to be done, and I did it out of love. Emma, Rosalina, and Mary Margaret will understand that." David told him.

"Will they?!" Toby snapped.

"Yes!" David snapped back.

"You gonna tell them that from beyond the grave?" Hook asked.

"No, you two are. You two are gonna tell them that I died a hero, fighting for their way home. What you're not gonna tell them is that I left already a dead man." David told them.

"The truth, you mean." Toby pointed out.

"Their last memories of me won't be of a liar," David said walking ahead.

"Why should I help you?" Hook challenged.

David chuckled.

"Well, because if you didn't steal that bean, they wouldn't have had a chance to take Henry, we wouldn't be on this island, and I wouldn't be dying of dreamshade," David told him.

"Fair point. At least you got to say good-bye. Most people don't get that much." Hook said walking ahead.

"You lost someone, didn't you?" Toby asked.

"This is where we ascend. I'll climb ahead and throw down the rope." Hook told them.

"I can climb myself," Toby told him.

"This is Deadman's peak and your still a teenager."  Hook told him.

David began breathing heavily again.

"He was your brother, right?' I had a brother, too, you know. A twin. Mm. He died before I ever met him." David grunted.

"There were two of you? I can barely stomach one." Hook sassed.

"Ah, you would've liked him. He was a thief and a liar." David chuckled.

"Yeah, you would've liked my brother. He could be a stubborn ass. Now wait here." Hook told him as he began to climb.

Hook was about to throw the rope when he turned the other way.

"What the hell is he doing? Come on."  Toby began climbing.

"Toby-" David began.

"I'm not a kid. Come on I'll help me you." Toby told him.

With Toby's help they began climbing.

They were about to reach the top when they heard voices on the top.

"What do you want me to do?" Hook questioned.

"Is he talking to someone," David whispered.

"Be in my employ. Do my dirty work."  A voice told him.

"Pan." Toby hissed.

"What dirty work?" Hook asked.

"When the time comes, I'll let you know. But first, I need a signal that you've taken my deal." Pan told him.

"So my word right now wouldn't be good enough?" Hook teased.

"You know me. I like action. I'll know you've taken my deal when I see the Prince's dead body up on that peak."  Pan told him.

"Oh, you'll see that anyway. He's on his last legs, thanks to dreamshade." Hook told him.

"I wanna see you kill him before the poison," Pan told him.

"Oh my God," Toby whispered.

"Son of a bitch." David hissed.

"I want to see your hook inside his body. And while you're at it kill the boy too. Rosalina is mine and will always be mine." Pan hissed.

"Sick bastard." Toby and David hissed.

"And what if I don't take your offer?" Hook asked.

The rest was inaudible...

"Have a drink. You know it always helps you think." Pan's voice came again.

David and Toby both decided that it was time to reach the top now. As they did David groaned and granted.

"Come on." Toby helped him up.

'Bloody hell. I told you two to wait." Hook told them.

"Were you talking to someone?" David asked panting.

"Just talking to myself. It's an old habit from many nights on the lonely seas." Hook covered up.

"Well, I'm glad to see you're enjoying the refreshments while you do it."  Toby sassed as they walked ahead.

"Apologies, mates. It isn't much farther now." Hook told them.

Emma held Devin by his collar angrily.

"It's too late! Henry is a Lost Boy now! Your boy is one of the most vicious new recruits we've have had in ages!" Devin yelled as Rosalina brought Emma back.

"Ugh!" Emma was pissed.

"Don't let him get to you. Okay?" Snow whispered.

"Move aside," Regina demanded

"Why?" Rosalina stepped in.

"So I can rip his heart out. Then he'll do exactly what we want." Regina fake smiled at him.

"This is not how we do things. Emma, we can find another way to get to Henry." Snow told her.

"Let me talk to him." Rosalina pointed to Devin.

"You think you can convince him? Really? And what do you think, Emma?" Regina asked.

"I think we need to talk to our son," Emma told her.

"We can't do this." Snow argued.

"That is brutal," Rosalina argued.

"I know, but she can." Emma pointed to Regina.

"No!" Rosalina yelled.

"Emma!" Snow yelled.

"Do it, Regina," Emma demanded as she held them back.

They began struggling.

'I'm sorry.' Emma whispered to them as they heard Regina pull out the poor boy's heart out.

Devin was now under Regina's control.

"I'm sorry." Emma apologized.

"You don't have to apologize to me. It's Henry I'm worried about." Snow told her.

"I know. That's why I'm willing to let Regina do whatever it takes." Emma told her.

"When we finally get to him, I just wanna make sure the line is still there." Snow told her.

"What line?" Emma asked.

'Between what Regina is willing to do and what you are." Snow told her.

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get him home," Emma told her.

"But the cost can't be this family." Snow said sternly.

"It won't be," Emma told her.

"You sure about that? Because even if we do have a way to contact Henry it feels like Pan's winning. You're going to the dark side." Rosalina finally spoke up.

"I'm not going dark," Emma said sternly.

"Second thoughts?" Regina asked while coming to them with the boy.

"Let's get him that message,"  Emma told her.

"Oh, we're gonna do more than that," Regina smirked and ripped a makeup mirror in half.

"We're gonna see him." Regina smirked after she gave one of the halves to the boy.

Hook, David and Toby finally reached the top. They were getting past the main source of dreamshade

"Since you're already dying from the stuff, you won't mind if I stand back while you-" Hook began.

"Yeah," David grunted.

"You should stay back too."  Hook told Toby.

"Sure." Toby nodded.

When Hook wasn't looking Toby and David shared a glance and drew out their swords, pointing them towards Hook.

"We know about your deal with Pan,"  Toby told him while David was breathing heavily.

"You two heard that then?" Hook asked.

"Yeah. We heard that." Toby nodded.

"Then you know I didn't agree." Hook told them.

"Yeah, you also didn't disagree." David lightly pushing Hook towards the dreamshade source.

"Don't you see?' This is what he wanted, to turn us against each other." Hook told them.

"Well, it worked." Toby hissed as David grunted.

"You're making the poison spread quicker, mate." Hook told David.

"I don't care. I just have to last long enough to get the sextant back to my family. Now take me to it!" David demanded.

"My brother didn't lose his satchel up here. I made that up."  Hook admitted.

"What about the insignia?"  Toby asked confused as David was speechless.

"I dropped it on the path when he was unconscious and you were too freaked out to realize what was going on around you. I dropped it so you two would find it." Hook admitted.

"You twisted bastard? Why would you do that?" Toby asked confused.

"Because I knew he'd never make the journey here if I told you two the truth." Hook told them.

"The truth? The truth... you brought me here to die?!" David yelled.

"I brought you here to save your life!" Hook yelled.

"You're a liar!" David yelled.

Toby and David were about to push Hook in the dreamshade bushes when Hook knocked them out.

"I always hated sick people and teenagers." Hook sighed.

Regina had Devin's heart in her hand and the rest were waiting for Henry to show up in the mirror.

"I don't want to fight again, okay?" They heard Henry's voice.

"I didn't come to fight. I came to deliver a message. Your family is here." Regina said into the heart.

"What?" They heard Henry ask.

"They're on the island, trying to find you.' Regina into the heart.

"Y-y-you're making this up because I cut your cheek. You're trying to get back at me." They heard Henry hiss.

"I'm not making it up. Look." Regina said into the heart as Henry came into view.

They all smiled when they saw Henry.

"Henry, are you okay?" Rosalina asked confused.

"Henry, can you hear us?"  Regina asked.

"Mom?" Henry ask confused.

"I'm here, too, Henry!" Snow exclaimed.

"Don't forget me!" Rosalina exclaimed.

"No. This is a trick." Henry said in shock.

"No, no, it's not a trick. Henry, I promise you this is real. Kid, it's operation Cobra Rescue. It's us."  Emma smiled.

"Y-you're here?" Henry asked shocked.

"Yes, we're coming to get you," Emma told him.

"There's someone coming...It's Pan. I-I gotta go." Henry told them.

"Henry-" They began.

"I gotta go," Henry told them.

"We love you," Regina said before the glass was destroyed.

"Tough boy." Rosalina smiled.

"Mates, wake up." Hook tried to wake up Toby and David.

Toby woke up and punched Hook in the face.

"Bloody Hell." Hook mumbled.

David began coughing.

"Hey, get off me!" David yelled while coughing.

"Woah, Woah whoa, whoa!" Hook tried to make them stop.

"Look. In this canteen is the water that will stop the dreamshade, that will save your life." Hook told David while holding a canteen.

"That's why you brought me up here." David coughed.

"Yes." Hook nodded.

"You knew I wouldn't come on my own, that I wouldn't leave my family." David coughed.

"That you were stubborn? Yes, I gathered that rather quickly." Hook told him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Toby asked confused.

"You wouldn't have believed me given the whole pirate thing." Hook explained.

Toby rolled his eyes.

"Well, give it to me." David coughed.

"There's something you need to know first. Because its power comes from the island, once you drink this water, you can never leave Neverland." Hook explained.

"It's a small price to pay for what I get in return. The chance to save my grandson and to help my family get home."  David was panting.

David immediately drank it all.

As David began getting better they all started laughing in joy.

"One question: Why risk your life for me when there wasn't anything for you in return?"  David asked getting up.

"I didn't do it for you, mate." Hook winked.

Rosalina, Snow, Regina, and Emma were walking in the forest.

"You think he's okay?" Snow asked.

"He's fine. Like I said he's tough." Rosalina stated.

"You know this how?" Regina asked.

"Because he's our son and he's a survivor, and now he has something to survive for. He knows we're coming and we're not gonna let him down." Emma spoke up.

"I'm sorry I doubted you." Snow said abruptly and sighed.

"I'm just-I know how easy it is to give in to the darkness. I didn't want you to-" Snow began.

"She didn't. I did. That's what I'm here for. One happy family." Regina mumbled as she walked away.

They heard somebody coming from the bushes. Rosalina and Snow were ready with their bow and arrows. Emma had a sword out and Regina made a fireball with hands.

"You can stand down. It's us." David said as he, Toby and Hook came out of the bushes.

They lowered their weapons. David ran to Mary Margret and they started making out.

"Ugh." Regina gagged.

Emma made a disgusted face.

"Woah, ok," Rosalina said awkwardly.

"Uh, where's the sextant?" Regina said awkwardly.

"I'm afraid Pan got to it first." Hook sighed.

Everybody sighed.

"Mmm. I'm not complaining, but what was that-" Snow began but David began kissing her again.

"Okay, I'm complaining," Emma said awkwardly.

"Ditto," Rosalina mumbled.

"What I wouldn't give for another sleeping curse," Regina mumbled.

"Hook, he saved my life." David smiled.

"Seriously?" Rosalina asked shocked as everything stared at Hook.

"You sure you wanna tell them that, mate?" Hook asked.

"On our trek, we were ambushed by Lost Boys. Pinned down, outnumbered. But Hook, he risked his life to stop me from getting hit by a poisoned arrow. If it wasn't for Hook, I wouldn't be alive."David told them.

"I-" Hook began.

"Thank you." Rosalina gave Hook a bear hug.

Hook just awkwardly patter her back. It had been quite a while since Rosalina and he hugged and he didn't know what to do.

Rosalina stowed away awkwardly as well.

"What about you?" Rosalina asked Toby.

"I'm fine." Toby smiled.

"Your flask, please." David smiled.

Hook gave him the flask.

"I thought he deserved a little credit." David smiled taking a little swing.

"Thank you." Hook nodded.

"To Hook." Snow took a swig and offered it to Regina.

"I don't do rum." Regina declined and went the other way.

"To Hook." Emma took a swing.

Soon everybody left to get some rest.

What do you think of Rosalina's and Hook's friendship?

Sorry for any errors...

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