
By grayglory143

52 2 0

19 year old Camron Hill is anything but good. Both her mother and father drunks, she only knows one thing; ho... More


Chapter 1

22 1 0
By grayglory143

I hear glass shatter, and the sound of a thick liquid against the wall. My father and mother's pissed off, drunken shouts fill the air, tugging at an on-growing headache. I quickly shove my shoes on my feet, running out the front door. My hand reaches for my pocket, my fingers fumbling to pull out my phone. I hit speed dial, clicking on the first number, the number of the only person who worries enough to help me this early in the morning. The phone drones it's endless ring, until I hear his voice.

"Camron?" He asks, his voice still groggy with sleep.

"Yeah. It's me. Lou... could you..." I start, my voice sounding like a small child's more than a nineteen-year-old's. I brush my hair from my face, when Louis starts talking.

"Hey. Cam, I'll be right there. Where are you? Not at their house, right?" He asks, concern in his voice.

"I'm gonna be at Zayn and Harry's. And Lou? Hurry." I reply, hanging up. Looks can be deceiving. Truer looks have never been spoken. Look at Louis, Harry or me, for example. We're just a bunch of tattooed freaks.

My arm shakes as I slowly knock on my neighbor's door. I can't forget the sound of my parents' damned, pissed off voices. The shrill yelling clogs my mind...

Zayn opens the door. Black ink peeks from under his sleeves, where his skin shows. Thick-rimmed black glasses lay on his nose. Dark brown eyes worriedly stare at me. Harry stands behind him, his bright green eyes softer than usual.

"Cam?" Harry asks. I already know it will be easier to talk to him. I know him much better than I do Zayn.

"You heard the yelling?" I whisper. I can't help but wonder where Louis is now. "Or... the glass? I know they were really loud." I continue. Harry nods his head, yet Zayn answers him for me, instead.

"Both. Camron, if you ever need, I could give you money for an apartment. You're nineteen. You have the right to move out and away from them." He replies. I shake my head. I don't know him as well as I should, and either way, I would refuse him.

"Cam," Harry starts. I look down ay the doorsteps. "Are you waiting for Louis?" He asks, as I see the dark red car pull up the driveway. Harry mumbles a 'goodbye' to his stepbrother, Zayn, before following me to Louis' car. Lou steps out of driver's seat, outstretching his inked arms. I run into them, hugging him.

"Lou, Harry, they're at it, again." I whisper to them. They nod their heads, understanding. Louis just squeezes me tighter. He then puts his hand on my shoulder, holding me at arm's length. He stares at me with his bright, sea green eyes, that look out place with his dark, tattooed demeanor.

"C'mon." He says. I admit I was expecting a long speech, or something. I open my my mouth to speak, but close it, nodding my head, instead. Harry climbs into the backseat, so I sit passenger. Not a word passes in the heavy silence of the car, causing me to get squirmish.

Breaking the silence, Harry brings something up. "Zayn was right, Camron. Though I hate to say this, I agree with... Him," he starts, apparently embarrassed to admit to agree with his stepbrother. A look of question crawls across my face, staring at him. "You can leave them. You're old enough." Louis nods his head in agreement, still staring intently on the road.

I stay quiet, engulfed in my own thoughts. "Louis, where are we going?" I shyly ask, turning away from him.

"I really don't know, Cam," he replies. I can slightly see Harry in the backseat, twisting his eyebrow ring in his fingers. He pushes his curls up, off of his forehead, allowing me to see his green eyes clearer.

"I just can't leave." I comment, going back to a previous conversation. I can hear a huff from Louis. Harry's eyes nervously find the window, as Louis' palm hits the steering wheel. He looks at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Look, Camron," he starts, and I can hear the worry in his voice. "You've been through some really fucked up shit. You deserve to leave those drunks in the dust."

"I just... Lou, this doesn't concern with a of you." I reply, looking at Harry. He adverts my gaze, pulling his lip ring through teeth. I start pulling my bright red hair through my fingers. Apparently, no one is going to listen to or understand me.

"Cameron Ella Hill. If it concerns your safety, it involves me. And Harry." Louis demands, though his voice is soft and light. I look out the window in frustration, tears threatening to make an appearance.

"They'd never hurt me, you two. They have some restraint." I answer, turning away from their piercing gazes.

Louis slams his palm against the steering wheel, again, but I flinch this time.

"Damn it, Cameron!" He yells, grabbing hold of my arm. A bright red mark of a large hand is on it, stinging in pain. I wince, staring at it. "Then what the fuck is this?" He asks, his voice low. I look back at Harry for the umpteenth time. He aimlessly masse with his phone.

"Louis, please. Not right now. If you'll stay out of my personal life, I'll get an apartment." I reply. His grip on me loosens, allowing my hand to drop back to my side. His hand goes back to the wheel, silently.

"Thank you," he comments. He sounds exhausted a He says this, as though the argument ha worn him out. I wouldn't blame him. I'm tired, as well.

"Hey, Cam?" Harry asks, finally saying something. I look back him. "Well, of you want, you can crash at my place." He finishes. I smile gratefully, but look away.

"No. That won't be necessary. My parents know where you live. I'm your neighbor, for Christ's sake. An what about your parents? They're strick as shit." I reply. He shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, actually, Zayn's dad is the strict one. I'm moving out, soon, anyway." Is all he says. I continue to run my fingers through my hair.

"She won't need a place to stay, anyway." Louis mutters, just so I can barely hear him. Continuing to stare out the window, I get bored. I turn towards Louis. Black ink peeks from his grey shirt. I advert my gaze to his seagreen eyes, the eyes the always worry and care for me. But I only see him as a friend. Nothing more.

I run my fingertips over the black ink coating my arms. Tattoos of various things cover them, all one color. Black.

"Cam..." Louis starts. "Your parents are assholes. Thank you for agreeing to move out." He finishes. I silently nod my head.

"Thanks, Cam." Harry adds. A thin smile line my lips. I know the boys are just looking out for me.

"You two are my very best friends. You know this, right?" I ask. They both nod, Louis' eyes still on the road.

My phone rings, and I fumbled to answer it.

"WHERE THE HE'LL ARE YOU?" I hear my father's voice. I cringe at his yelling, the image of TH shattering glass clear and crisp in my mind.

"I-I'm no where." I stutter, remembering the foul liquid drip down the stained wall.

"Get your ass back here, now!" Mother's voice, now. He shrill, but slurred words scare me. I clos my eyes, a Louis snags the phone from my trembling hand.

"Leave her the fuck alone." He calmly says into the speaker, through clenched teeth. He angrily hangs up, handing me the phone. "Block them."

"Wha-" I start.

"Block their numbers." He repeats himself.

"For once, I agree with Lou. More reasons not to talk to them." Harry agrees. I decide to just delete their numbers.

It will have to do.

(As my only and first writing on this site, I would love it if I could have feedback. Thanks!)

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