One Direction One Shots (Boyx...

بواسطة underseaeternity

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Hey guys!! Bromance one shots only in this story!!! So we usually only do fluff but we do smut too (Maybe not... المزيد

One Direction One Shots (BoyxBoy)
Lirry- A Little Birdy Told Me
**SMUT** Ziall- Dirty Dreams ;)
Ziam- What I Couldn't Have
Lilo- What Hurts The Most (Part 1)
Narry- Enemies to Friends to More (part 1)
Niam- A Cinderella Story!
Lilo/ Ziam- What Hurts The Most (Part 2)
Lilo/Narry- Better In Time
Larry- I'll Be There When You Fall
Ziall (Hybrid! Niall)- At First Sight (Part 1)
Sorry guys...
Other account guys!!
Well damn.

Niam- Chasing After You

11.1K 147 16
بواسطة underseaeternity

Niam- Chasing After You


Niall gazed at him from a distance. His ocean blue eyes were trained intently on the broad frame, the quiffed brown hair, and the capturing brown eyes of the lad he's fancied for a total of three years now. The blonde wallflower knew he'd never be acknowledged by the muscular lad leaned up against the row of lockers while talking to his two best mates, the Bradford native with raven black hair and golden brown eyes, Zayn Malik, and the tall curly haired, emerald eyed Cheshire born, Harry Styles. Niall very few friends since that was one of the cons of being a wallflower. Liam on the other hand was everything Niall ever wanted but was too shy to go out and achieve. Niall was staring so intently at the Wolverhampton lad that he didn't even hear his loud and outgoing friend walking up to his blonde friend. The feathery haired lad was sure to keep quiet to scare the shy Irishman. When the older lad was in range, he pounced on Niall's shoulders and caused the two to tumble to the ground in a heap of limbs while catching the attention of a handful of people around them. Niall could practically feel the stares boring into his body. His face flushed a bright red as he scrambled to get back up to his feet. Louis just laid there on the floor laughing like a mental patient to the point where tears were nearly spilling from his eyes.

"Y-you should have seen your face!" Louis continued to laugh while clutching his aching sides. Niall pouted at the childish elder that was practically rolling in the floor laughing his arse off.

"That was not funny..." The bleach blonde crossed his arms and said quietly with his face still bright red. Louis managed to get up and dust himself off before slinging his arm over Niall's shoulders.

Louis smiled at his best mate, "So~ staring off at tall, dark, and puppy eyed again I see." Louis whispered because he knew how his friend was very shy when it came to talking about Liam.

Niall's face immediately turned a dark red color at the mention of Liam. Louis just smiled at his shy friend and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry! He'll come around!" The blue eyed duo continued to talk as they walked to their next lesson. Neither even noticed two of the three lads staring after them.


"He'll come around sometime, Liam!" Zayn shouted at his hardheaded friend.

Liam groaned in frustration and pulled at his hair.

"Zayn, I highly doubt it! I mean... Just think, I'm the captain of the football (U.K. football) team and extremely popular. Do you really think I'd have a chance with him? For all I know he might think I'm pulling a joke on him or something... And besides, I don't even think he's gay..." Liam's voice held the same sadness that was shown on his face. Liam's brows were knit together tightly and his mouth was pointed downwards into a frown. Zayn hated to see his friend in this state so he threw his arm around the broad shouldered lad and poked his cheek with a bit more pressure than a usual poke.

"Ow! What was that for!?" Liam yelled at Zayn who just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Stop being so denial. Both Harry and I see the way the little blondie-"

Liam cut him off, "His name is Niall."

Zayn sighed in frustration, "Fine, both Harry and I see the way Niall looks at you. He always stands against that wall looking at you completely admiration and love in his eyes. It's hard not to believe that he isn't. It's hard to believe that the two of you aren't even together!"

Harry suddenly decided to join the conversation, "Liam, stop being so stubborn. Maybe you should ask the lad if he likes you."

"But that Louis kid is always hanging around him... How am I supposed to get him alone?" Harry gave Liam a wide smirk and he mentally face-palmed because he forgot.

"Oh... That's right, you've been crushing on the Tomlinson kid for ages now." Zayn remembered quickly and Liam nodded in realization as well. Harry still stood there with a devilish smirk on his face that softened to a gentle smile as his thoughts drifted off to the oldest of the Tomlinson siblings. Zayn took one look at the emerald eyed weirdo and shook his head in amusement.

"See Liam, that the look I mean!" The tan lad chuckled while gesturing to the zoned-out lad beside him. Liam did his best to understand the look Harry had in his face but he just shook his head. Sadly, never in Liam's life could he ever imagine Niall looking at him like that. Harry's look held so much admiration and love in it; it would be extremely hard to tell that his eyes and facial expression didn't hold those emotions.

Zayn, however, loves to ruin moments so he snapped his fingers in front of Harry's face. The lad quickly jolted back into reality and looked around with love-dazed eyes.

"Huh what?" He asked and scratched the back of his neck with his cheeks slightly rosy in embarrassment. The two other lads laughed at him and pat his back as they walked past him to their next lesson. Harry was still confused however.

"Uh guy? Guys?? Hey wait up!!" And Harry took off.


Niall walked down the long hallway in silence. Louis had scurried off to class since he was already a bit late. The Irishman was silent -as usual- as he kept walking. The sound of his shoes clapping against the tile flooring echoed in the empty hall. Niall doesn't really like the silence all that much of he had to be completely honest. Silence like this made him itch with worry because of his high school he graduated from. Nothing scared the poor blonde fellow more than silence. Niall knew nothing would happen here. It's college for crying out loud! Who would do something so immature here?

Hopefully no one, Niall thought. Suddenly, loud footsteps from behind the nervous blonde echoed behind his. The blonde knew it wasn't his because the rhythm in which they fell were different from his. Niall dared a shaky glance over his shoulder to see a lad with raven black hair and a mischievous smirk walk his was with a taller male who's curly hair was pulled back by a bandana that was tied up in his hair. The two seemed slightly familiar to Niall but he couldn't place where he knew them from. The two lads behind him started speeding up their pace to catch up with their target.

Zayn and Harry smiled at each other as they paced behind the adorable blondie trying to power walk away from them without breaking and kind of school rules. The two knew Niall wouldn't probably be scared of them (he was a wallflower after all and they tended to keep away from others). While both of them had a free period, and they knew Niall was usually late to class and the teachers didn't really seem to care much. Zayn had come up with a brilliant plan while Liam ran off to class and as Harry attempted, once again, to gain the attention of the loud and crazy Louis Tomlinson. The plan was pretty simple: Follow Niall, capture, throw into the nearest closet, grab Liam, and then throw into the same closet. Yes, yes, this is a much more cliché and cheesier than most plans Zayn set up to match-make but knowing Liam, he liked old school and cheesy. And resources (*cough* *cough* Louis *cough*) told the raven haired lad that so did Niall.

Niall was a bit worried now.

Why are they following me?

He picked up his pace once again and nearly reached his class when two pairs of hands grabbed him. One of the two were gripping his shoulders in a painful vise-like grip while the other had the same grip on one of his forearms and one hand covering Niall's mouth. The Irishman shook in fear; this has happened before! First they grabbed him, then they took him away, and then they beat him! Niall couldn't do much but squeeze his eyes shut and waited for the pain to come once the two stopped dragging him. Instead, he squeaked when he was pushed into the janitors' closet and heard the clicking of the lock to the door. Niall tried the door and pushed his body roughly against it but it wasn't working! The blonde gave up after a few minutes and sank to the ground.

This is the end for me isn't it? The blonde thought.


The bell rang for the end if class. Liam packed his backpack with his textbooks from his biology class and got up to leave when he saw his two best mates standing at the door with sly grins etched across their faces. The broad shouldered male payed no attention to it.

"What did you guys do now?" He asked once he reached the two others.

Harry pouted and childishly crossed his arms over his chest, "Why do you always think we did something!" Liam just frowned.

"Because I know that smirk."

Zayn wrapped his arm around Liam's shoulders while walking beside him.

"Pfft please! We haven't done anything thank you!" Zayn also pouted at his built friend.

Liam sighed, "Yeah sure. Hey, where are we going anyways?" He asked once he noticed he didn't recognize this part of the college. The three of them approached the janitors' closet that held Niall locked inside of it (but Liam does not know this).

"Hm... No where just... IN HERE!" Harry exclaimed the last part of the sentence as he shoved Liam into the closet. Zayn then threw the door shut and locked the door. Liam pounded on the wooden door from the inside while yelling at the two idiotic lads that had locked him in here.

"Have fun LiLi!" The two shouted back in unison and skipped (yes skipped) off arm in arm to go bug Louis now.

Liam sighed and stopped hitting the door.

"I hate those two so much." He muttered under his breath and felt around for a light switch or something that could produce some sort of light. His phone was in his bag and he had dropped it when Harry shoved him into the cramped space. Liam muttered a few profanities directed towards Harry and Zayn while continuing to search for a light switch. As he felt around, he nearly tripped over something which squeaked and Liam jumped back in fright.

"Ow!" A small and familiar voice whispered quietly. Liam knew this voice, he knew he did, but he couldn't place it to a face or name.

"W-Who's in here?" He asked in a worried tone.

Niall stopped at the sound of that voice the first time he heard it. It just sounded so familiar and he didn't realize who it was until he asked who was also in here.


"Liam?" Niall asked in a small voice. He could hear the lad he was attracted to moving around until a light flicked on and Niall could see the tall male towering over his seated figure in the corner.

Liam stared down at Niall in shock. He didn't expect to see Niall, the adorable Irishman who he's been fascinated over since he was thirteen, in the closet locked inside with him.

Niall gulped audibly and smiled softly, "Hi..." He said and waved shyly. Liam was staring down at him and Niall shifted uncomfortably under Liam's gaze.

"Hi..." Liam finally replied after staring in awe at the attractive blonde seated in the floor. Niall stood up slowly and looked up at Liam's face before shifting his gaze down to the flooring. To lighten the mood, Liam spoke.

"This is awkward huh?" He forced a nervous laugh that Niall joined into afterwards.

"Yeah... Just a little." The bleach blonde replied quietly. Both began to laugh nervously but after a minute or so they loosed up and began to laugh with less restraint (but still a little nervous. I mean come on, if it were you and your crush of three years, what do ya expect?). Liam stopped laughing first when he sighed happily and secretly "fan-girled" in his mind. Little does he know, Niall is doing the same in his head as well.

"Hey so why did Harry and Zayn push us in here?" Niall asked innocently. Liam felt himself blush and turned away from the adorable boy trapped in the closet as well. 

The broad shouldered lad rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment before answering, "Um, I'm not completely sure... They just sorta stuffed me in here. I assume they did the same to you?" Niall nodded. Liam really didn't know why they were here but the more he thought about it, the closer he got to figuring out why they were here. Then it dawned on him....

"Oh those bastards." He muttered and blushed a brighter red from the last time. 

"What?" Niall asked in confusion.

'What's he talking about,' The Irishman thought.

Liam blushed brighter, "Oh, I- uh... Well I think I know why we're in here." Niall smiled.

"Oo, why?" He asked with his childish and adorable grin still on his face. Liam's heart stopped. What should he say? What happens if he tells him how he really feels? What if Niall doesn't feel the same?

You'd just have to take that risk, Liam thought and took a deep breath. Niall stared at Liam with wide and curious eyes.

"Well," Liam started, "It's because... well... It's because I... really like you..." Liam's voice trailed slightly with every word he said until it was almost a murmur. Now it was Niall's turn for his heart to stop.


"W-What?" Niall asked after a moment.

"I really like you." Liam's face was blank while he stared at Niall with all seriousness. The blonde blushed and his heart now raced. Liam's was too; they thought the other could hear their heartbeating. The latter lad broke the silence with his heart aching after the Irishman hadn't even said a word.

"FInally..." Liam smiled lightly. Niall looked up at the boy he's loved for the last four years.

"Finally, I could tell you," Liam chuckled, "I've been watching you for a while... I never could bring myself to talk to you until today but... I watched you even when you kept away from the crowd." 

"Huh?" Liam looked up and smiled before getting up and got on his knees in front of Niall. He rested his hand on the blonde's shoulders and leant in close to his face. Niall could feel Liam's warm breath hitting his lips. His body was stiff under Liam's touch but he felt relaxed around him, he felt comforted by his touch.

Niall looked up, "Liam..." He started to speak but he was cut off as Liam closed the gap between their lips with a gentle, but firm force. Niall's eyes widened in shock. Liam didn't move their lips, he kept them in place because he was shocked too. He couldn't believe that he was doing this! He couldn't believe he was kissing the boy he's been in love with for four years now. Niall was still stiff but again, the relaxed feeling from before returned and overcame the shock and he wrapped his arms around Liam's shoulders while slowly letting his eyes slip shut. Liam felt relieved, he wrapped is arms around Niall's thin waist and pulled him closer into his body as he gently nudged his lips against Niall's. The kiss was slow and passionate and deep; neither boy could find it in themselves to pull away from the amazing feelings that they felt as they continued to kiss. Liam's hands trailed from Niall's waist to his hair and pulled his face closer to his own. The lads only pulled away from each other when their breath began to run low. They broke away and stared into each other's shining eyes. Liam smiled and laid his forehead against the blonde's while smiling. 

"I love you, Niall. And I never want to let you go." Liam said in pure honesty.

Niall's eyes watered and he hugged Liam close, "I love you too." Liam and Niall smiled at each other and pecked each other's lips lovingly.

Suddenly, the closet door burst open and Zayn stood in the doorway with a bright smile on his face.

"Well, did you two get together now or...?" Zayn's voice trailed off. Liam looked at Niall and Niall nodded at the boy he loved. Liam's face lit up as he looked back to one of his best mates and nodded, "Yeah. We are..." The raven haired lad awwed and jerked his thumb behind his shoulder.

"Lover boy and 'The Sass Master' back there are getting it on in the loo." He rolled his eyes while Niall and Liam blushed. They knew exactly who Zayn was talking about.

"Ugh, well I need to go grab the two anyways. I'll see you two later, yeah?" Without a reply, Zayn turned on his heel and walked away from the janitor's clostet. Niall nestled himself into Liam's side and rested his head on his shoulder. Liam looked down at the smaller lad and smiled before placing a brief kiss on his new boyfriend's forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The two lads never forgot about that closet. Though they had a class or two together, the couple would always regularly meet each other by the closet. That closet held a lot of memories: like their first time, their first kiss together, their never ending promise, and their proposal to stay together forever. It's a good thing Liam and Niall continued to chase after each other.


GAH! IT HAS BEEN FOREVER!!! I'm sorry guys :( I promise that I will keep up with my updates from now on :) I made this extra long to make up for my unexcusable absence. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed!


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