
By Heyitsmeututa

966 10 13

Have you ever felt like everything is changing so fast that you can't cope up with it? Well Savanna did. Sava... More

Chapter 1 (The start of a new life)
Chapter 3 (The beginning of a fairytale)
Chapter 4 (The story of us)
Chapter 5 (The transformation and the truth)
Chapter 6 (The unexpected truth)
Chapter 7 (The gloomy days)
Chapter 8 (The bad, the good, and the evil)
Chapter 9 (Let's settle this!)
Chapter 10 (More transformation and more truth)
Chapter 11 (Crushed romance)
Chapter 12 (A confession and a new flame)
Chapter 13 (The party)
Chapter 14 (An old love rekindle or an unfortunate mistake bound to happen?)
Chapter 15 (Allison and Grace)
Chapter 16 (Natasha's party)
Chapter 17 (The real thing)
Chapter 18 (So in conclusion...)

Chapter 2 (An unexpected happening)

70 1 0
By Heyitsmeututa

I've never actually said that I don't want to hang out with the 'Circle of Vanessa' and now they are getting me back for that. I just met them last week and I'm not really sure about hanging out with them. By the way, Anthony has been really really weird lately, not just the weird way I was talking about when I was new. He is really weird, he has been following me everywhere. Not that I don't like it, it actually feels nice when somebody likes you but it's really weird when somebody follows you everywhere. I'm going to the library to return a book that I found, I know it is surprising that I'm reading a book but Grace suggested a book, the story is about a girl who meets a guy that she likes. She admits how she feels, unfortunately the guy doesn't like her and she is left broken hearted but at the end she goes to her bestfriend to comfort her and her bestfriend admits that he likes her. They got together in the end. I felt like the guy was so stupid to reject the girl and it snapped me. I was the guy in the book and Anthony was the girl. I know it sounds weird but I've been ignoring Anthony for a month now. Anyway, I'll have to deal with Anthony later. For some reasons I can't find Grace. I went into the library but she's not there, I went everywhere but she's no where to be found. I bumped into Allison hoping that she knows where her cousin is

'Allison, have you seen Grace anywhere?' I asked. Allison gave me a dirty look, crossed her arms, put her right foot front and raise one of her eyebrow

'That tramp? Why would I care about my so-called loving cousin. How dare her!' She says angrily

'I'm sorry? Am I missing something?' I ask

'Savanna, your bestfriend Grace is not as great as she looks. She's a evil, dirty, ugly, fat, disgusting, unbea-' Allison gets cut off when Samantha enters the room.

'Allison? What the hell? What's the problem? I was in the middle of putting in my mascara when you sent me this message?!' She says while looking for her phone 'Come here now, I've got to tell you something about that *****. She's seriously going to get it and I can't handle this anymore, I need moral support' she reads

'Taylor!!!!' Allison cries

I was just standing there wondering what's happening, 'I'm sorry about what happened, Allison but do you know where Grace is? I have to talk to hear.' I asked for the last time

Allison and Samantha looked at me, Allison gave me a dirty glare 'You know what, Savanna. You're really nice but the last thing I wanted was to hear that girl's name. She's in the gym, flirting with the live of my life. There's you're dirty tramp'

I walked out of the room and went to the gym, but Grace was not there. At this point I'm getting worried. I received a message which I cannot understand 'C U IN D HAL, HURI. XX GH!' I would have guess that it had something to do with the Hall so I rush up there and finally see Grace. Grace was sitting on a bench while she was surrounded by the 'All stars' or as some people say the 'Jocks' the 'All stars' is a group composed of, Kenneth, one of the most sophisticated basketball player ever. He is the award winning player of our school. But under his fancy awards, awesome talent, and fancy clothes, he's just a cold-hearted, evil douche bag. He broke almost half of the girl's heart in our year and still counting. The second is Taylor. Taylor is similar to Kenneth, he is also sophisticated but not to the degree that he wins awards. Taylor has never had a real relationship, my phone's battery lasts longer than most of his relationships, maybe this is why Allison doesn't want to commit to him or maybe he just simply dislike Allison. Another member is the elegant, gentleman, Toby. Ha-ha, I wish. He's the most dirtiest boy I've ever met. I only said that he was elegant and he's a gentleman because he let girls first and opens the door for them when he just actually wants to see their bum and he helps girls carry their books because usually back packs can stretch white shirts making it see through, the problem with girls in our school is they don't wear a cardigan or something underneath their white shirt. Ryan is also a member of the 'All stars', Ryan is Vanessa's boyfriend. I must admit he's really cute but he's off limits. I feel weird whenever I see him, I get this feeling that when I look at him it's like I'm violating something, well I think that's what 'OFF LIMITS' means. Last but not the least is Jimmy, gosh, Jimmy is the most pathetic guy I've ever meet. He will fake his emotions to 'score' I think he's the second in line to the throne of douche bags and I almost fell for it when it was my second day here. I don't really want to talk about it. Anyway, back to Grace. The moment she saw me, she jumped up and pulled me to a bench 'Savanna! Sorry, I forgot that I was supposed to meet you!' She exclaimed

'It's all right Grace. By the way, what's happening here' I asked 'I saw Allison crying and she is not happy about you'

'Really? Allison? Crying?' She asks out of shock

'Yep. She's crying over something about you and Taylor. Spill the beans' I said while pushing her a little

'Well, I have nothing to do with anything. But Taylor just asked me to go out with him. Apparently he liked me ever since we were in Year 8. I know it sounds weird but there you go. I spilled the beans' She explains

'Oh, okay?' I said out of confusion 'Why is Allison mad then?'

'Oh I was actually trying to keep that from you but I guess it would do no harm. So Taylor was asking me out then I just moved to another space. Taylor grabbed me by my hand and he held my hand he said that he loved me ever since we were in Year 8. At first I thought it was really sweet until I looked at the door and saw Allison staring at us, I ran after her but she didn't listen to my explanation. I went to the hall hoping I could have alone time but this is what I got. A group of douche bags forcing me to date their friend.' Grace explains

I could hear in her tone that she does like Taylor but she doesn't want to say yes because she's thinking of her ignorant cousin. I'm totally on her side as Allison can give out misleading information sometimes. I would like them to actually sort this out by their selves but I know that I have to support one of them. But which one? A stuck up obsessive freak that I've actually and finally befriend or a close friend that's just following her heart. I just don't want to get between this but I know I'll just get dragged down. I comforted her because I know that Grace is close to Allison and this must be a heartbreaking experience, I'll be heart broken too when I have to choose between the guy I love and my family. I'll be torn. The 'All stars' just left because they have a basketball practice. Me and Grace decided to go to the library and wait for our last 2 lesson, which is double art. I'm not looking forward to it because I know that Anthony is there. We stayed in the library for a couple of minutes when I noticed somebody, Ryan. I've never actually talked to him but I know he's 'OFF LIMITS' because he's Vanessa's boyfriend, I didn't really want to talk to him but then he came near

'Grace, have you seen Vanessa?' He asked

'What will Vanessa be doing in the library?' she answered and looked up to him, I know that Grace is still mad at the 'All stars' for what happened but that was a bit rude 'Anyway, what are you doing here?'

Ryan looks down and looks up to me, I look away because I know that he's 'Off limits' he looks down and says 'Grace, we were friends at Year 7' he continues 'And we came from the same primary school'

Grace looks up to him and says 'Your point is?'

'My point is, I need help.....I-I need a-a tr-trust' he starts to stutter, I want to look at him but it will feel odd if I just stare at him so I try to fight my temptation 'You know that I trusted you before, if I tell the boys they'll just tell Vanessa, if I tell Kenneth he'll just tell the boys so my plan C is talk to a girl, then I realised that I don't have that much girl friends so I thought, why not rekindle what we had before. What do you say?'

'That's pretty weird, you go and tease me to go out with your friend, tease is the wrong word. FORCE' I sense that Grace is mad at him so I try to talk to him

'Hi I'm Savanna' I said

'Oh yeah, you're the new girl everyone has been talking about' he says 'My name is Ryan'

'Hello, uhm. I think it's the wrong time to talk to Grace she's a bit depressed' I said. Ryan looks down and I look at Grace

'Actually, I understand how she's feeling' he said pointing to Grace 'guess I'll catch you guys later!'

Ryan left and a couple of minutes after the bell rings, 'Grace I have to go to my art lesson now' I said Grace looked at me, smiled then gave me a hug. I know that she's depressed and I felt happy or her when she gave me a smile. I stood up and got Graces stuff and my stuff and we walked out the door, I went to my art class. The other students are there but Anthony wasn't there. I started to feel worried, wait, why am I worried? Well I guess because Anthony is my friend and he's kind of well, no stop thinking like this, but I just cab't help it, am I falling in love? No no no. That's silly, I only met him. I shake myself up to remove my thoughts about liking Anthony and I got on with my work, I'm painting a scenery with the sun setting. After a couple of minutes the door flew open and Miss McGregory threw Anthony into the room. Everyone got shock because Anthony never misses a lesson

'What happened, Miss McGregory?' Mr Carlson asks

'Your boy had a fight in the cafeteria with the other boys' Miss McGregory explains 'He won't tell us what happened though so we might just ask the other guys'

Miss McGregory left and Anthony went to his seat, Anthony has a bruise on his left cheek and his lip has a fresh scar that might have been cracked open when he go punch. I hope he's fine and hopefully the guys get what they deserve, wait why do I care? I mean, we're not really close anyway? But still. Ugh, what is happening to me?? Anthony's lip starts to bleed again when he tried to touch it, I grabbed a tissue and gave it to him

'Thanks' he said

'You're welcome, but If you don't mind me asking, what happened?' I ask, he just looked at me and went back to his work 'How rude' I mumbled

'I got into a fight....' he said looking at his art work, I looked at him waiting to continue

'Why?' I asked

'Because of you' he replied

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