Serendipity (joshler)

By hollow_trees

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?โ€ขFinding something good without lookingโ€ข? More

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By hollow_trees

Tyler placed the last few things he had in a box and closed it up. His eyes hurt from all the crying he's done for the passed week. He felt weak from the lack of food and sleep and it only made packing worse.

Tyler looked around at his empty room. The only things in there were all the boxes, the bed, drawers, and desk. Other than that, there was nothing. No posters, no pictures, nothing.

Tyler gulped and walked out of his room. He walked down the hall and into Madison's room. She had tear stained cheeks and a frown accompanied her lips. She was sitting on the floor surrounded by boxes.

Tyler smiled weakly at her, "hey, Maddy."

Maddy looked at Tyler, her frown not leaving, "I don't wanna move."

Tyler then frowned sitting next to her, "I know it's hard, but this is for the best."

Madison stood up, anger boiling through her blood, "no, it's not for the best. Just because this is what you want doesn't mean it's what I want. Your being selfish."

Tyler scowled, "you don't know that, Maddy. Whoever said this is what I wanted?"

Madison scoffed, "so your running away from your problems." She didn't say it as a question, she said it as a matter of fact way and Tyler knew she was right.

"That's not true-"

"it is. It's what you always do, you run away from everything that you decide you don't want to stand up to. You choose to cower away in the corner rather than fight for what you want."

Tyler sat there in shock. Is that really what Madison thought of him? Tyler blinked the tears away and slowly stood up. He hated fighting with his sister, they rarely ever did. When they did, it was never bad, but not this time.

Tyler stepped towards Madison, but she only shoved him, "get away from me." She shoved him again until he was out the door, but Tyler didn't bother fighting back.

Madison slammed the door and Tyler rested his forehead against it, "Maddy, please open up."

Tyler heard her crying through the door, "go away, Tyler. Leave me alone."

Tyler slumped his shoulders and closed his eyes, "please, Maddy, I'm sorry." Tyler didn't expect the next words that left Madison's mouth, but he wished they didn't.

"I hate you, Tyler. Your not the brother I used to have."

Tyler couldn't help the tears by now, "you don't mean that, I know you don't. Maddy, please, I'm sorry."

When Madison didn't answer, Tyler finally lifted his forehead from her door and walked back to his own. He curled up on the bed and let the tears flow out freely.


Josh laid on his bed, the blanket pulled up to his chin. His eyes were red and puffy and he made no motivation to answer the phone call he was receiving. He didn't bother to check. The passed week he had been receiving calls from Tyler and his friends. His mother had been trying to find ways to get him out of his bedroom, but nothing worked.

Josh sighed when there was a knock on the door. Josh sat up, the blanket falling off him, "come in."

The door opened and Brendon poked his head in. Brendon smiled sadly at josh, "hey, josh. How are you feeling?"

Though josh didn't answer any of their calls, everyone already knew why he wouldn't. Tyler had explained that he was moving and had explained the fight him and josh had. Brendon sat on the bed, "we've been worried about you. You don't answer our calls."

Josh's phone started ringing and josh only glanced at it. Brendon picked it up, seeing that Patrick was trying to call him. He held it to josh, "do you want to answer it?"

Josh only shook his head and Brendon set the phone down. Brendon set his hand on Josh's shoulder, "josh, Tyler is leaving tomorrow." Josh looked at Brendon and Brendon continued, "were all gonna meet up at Taco Bell for one more get together. We were hoping you would come, it would make him feel so much better."

Josh only stared at Brendon and Brendon frowned, "come on, josh. You can't stay huddled up in your room forever. Your not the only one hurting here. Tyler didn't tell any of us, but Ryan, but we're not avoiding him. We're still his friends."

Josh wiped his eyes, "but you don't love him like I do. You don't see him like I see him."

Brendon nodded, "you're right, and that's why you need to be there for him. You both need this. You both need to just see each other one more time."

Josh let out a cry, "but I can't. I can't see him, it'll hurt too much. I don't want to see him go, I want to stay in my room and fantasize all day that he will still be by my side."

Brendon, too, had tears forming in his eyes, "josh, that's not fair. You know it's not fair to Tyler. Tyler thinks that you hate him. He thinks that you want nothing to do with him."

Josh wiped his eye, "but that's not true. I love him, I want everything to do with him."

Brendon let out a strangled laugh through his tears, "then see him tomorrow, tell him that!"

Josh only shook his head, not capable of making words anymore. Brendon shook his head, letting out a huff, "well, I tried. I hope your happy with the decision you make. If you choose to come, we'll be there at noon. Bye, josh."

Josh watched as Brendon left his room. Josh sat there, staring at the wall for a good ten minutes. He finally turned his head to his phone and picked it up. He went to his messages to see countless texts from everyone. He clicked on Tyler's name. His thumbs hesitated over the keyboard and josh put his phone back on the nightstand with a sigh.

He couldn't.

I cry. You cry. We all cry but bob took the flipping tissues. Jeez bob. Little bitch. Guys this book is coming close to an end and I'm sad and excited. Cos I have an amazing plan for the ending and like WHAT. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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