Karkat Vantas X Dave Strider...


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Karkat and Dave take care of (y/n) when she is abandoned in a dark Valley and helps Dave and Karkat come clos... More

Learning fast
A day with Karkat
New bed
Yelling like someone I know
Caged up
The beginning of the fight.
Mr. Shade is back!
Aquarium pt. 1
Aquarium pt.2
A vision
Turn in

Meeting John

548 13 7

Dave p.o.v
"John you always say that! I really want you to come and meet her." I said talking to my best friend on the phone.

"Fine I will come!" He said and hangs up.

"(Y/n) you are gonna meet my best friend." I say and she wasn't sitting on my lap. I got up and went to check our room. She was sleeping again in my bed. I smile and kiss her forehead.

I spent 5 minutes picking out clothes for (y/n) to wear when she woke up. She was still sleeping. Then I heard a door knock and I rushed and opened the door and John was there.

He had a goofy grin on. "Hey Dave so where is this special girl?" He smirks.

"She's sleeping in my bed." I said and he came in.

"Is she beautiful?"

"Beautiful, cute, funny and cool like me."

"Oh we-"

"First I need to go use the bathroom so wait here." I said rushing to the bathroom.

(Y/n) p.o.v
"You can't have her!" The woman from my dream said.

She was tied up and some trolls were there. One had a gun at her hand and the other guy was speaking. "Tell us where you left her and we'll spare your life."

"No! Go ahead and kill me!" Then they let out a gun shot and I woke up.

I was scared as hell! I got up and the door was a little open. When I pushed it something fell on me and I had some type of red liquid on me. I got scared. Is this blood or is this the lady blood. "D-Dave!" I yelled and cried. My heart was pounding fast.

Dave came in and looked at me. "On my gosh ! John!" He yelled and hugged me.

"Dave is this the lady blood?" I ask.

"What no this isn't blood." He said.

"Then what is it?"

"Red juice or a fruit juice." He said.

He grabbed my paw and lead me to the living room. Then this boy with black hair stood up from the couch and he had blue eyes and glasses. He smiled and his smile dropped when he saw me.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry lil one!" He ran towards me. "I didn't know you were just a child."

"John I thought you stopped pranking in my apartment." Dave said.

"Sorry I thought you had a girlfriend." He said and I was confused. What the hell is a girlfriend? A girl that is Dave friend?

"Girlfriend?" I ask confused.

"Nothing." Dave said.

"Well why did you scare me!" I yell at him.

"Sorry I didn't mean to prank you." John said.

"Yeah no shit." I say and walk off.

"(Y/n)! Apologize right now!"

"Sorry." I said went to the bathroom.

Okay how do I turn on the water? I think and then a image came in my head. "There she is!" The trolls with red eyes said and reached his hand out to me. I got scared and I screamed.

"What's wrong?!" I heard Dave and John but they were no where.

I was still seeing the image. I didn't know where Dave and the apartment went. "Dave?" I called out and it was dark. "Yes?" He said. I was in a place full of strange trolls and everything. The place looked dark and then I heard a voice . "Don't worry you'll meet your mother soon." I look up to see a troll like Kanaya but different. She had some sort of cape thingy. Then she quickly put the covers on me and she walked. "I want Dave." I said and tears came out.

"I'm here." I heard his voice.

"Give me my baby." The woman from my dream said. I was in her arm and she kissed my head.

"Go now, it's not safe here." The troll girl said.

"Dave?" I asked again getting scared.

"I'm here don't you see me?" I close my eyes and open them, this time I see him.

"Dave." I say and I was in his arm and I hugged him.

"What happened?" John asked.

"Sh. It's okay don't cry." He said and put his hand on my cheek.

"Lets take you a shower." He said and I nodded my head.

After the shower Dave took me in the room to get changed. When I finished Dave sat me the bed and started to brush my hair. "Do you want to talk about what just happened?" He asked.

"Um....I took a bath." I said confused.

"No after that."

I nod my head."why don't you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"I dunno." I said.

"Okay." He said.



"Promises me that we will always be together and you won't leave me or send me away." I said and he paused.

"I promise." He said and I hugged him and he hugged back.

"Well do you want to meet my friend now?" He asks.

"Yes." I say and we go to the living room.

"Hey (y/n)! Want to play with me?" John asks.

"Yes!" I say and he starts to tell me a bunch of stuff.

Dave p.o.v
  "That is how you prank people and get on their nerves." John told (y/n).

"But don't prank (y/n) cuz it's uncool." I say.

"No Dave is right," John agrees with me and (y/n) smile drops. "It's so awesome!" (Y/n) smiles again.

"No it's not." I say.

"It is!" John yells.

"No it's not!" I yell back at him.

"It is!"

"No it's not."

"It is."

"No it's not."

"It is."

"No it's not."

"It is."

"No it's not."

"I'm hungry!" (Y/n) yells.

"Well me too!" John yells.

"So am I!" I yell.

"Good you will serve us!" John yells.

"No I won't!"

"You will!" (Y/n) yells.

"Okay I will!" I say and John laughs.

"Go on Dave make us food." He smirks.

"Ugh!" I stomp to the kitchen and I hear (y/n) giggle.

After a long day spending time with a dork and a cool kid. I fall on the couch exhausted from playing too much. "Well I need to leave Virska and I have a date." John said.

"Bye John!" (Y/n) says.

"I'll see you next time my lil prankster ." He said.

"She's not a prankster, she's a cool kid like us Striders." I say.

"Yeah whatever." John leaves and (y/n) smiles at me.

"Time to sleep." I say.

"Ugh!" She flops on the couch next to me.

I chuckle then I get up and she follows me and we do our everyday night routine.

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