Chronic Love | Lucaya

By xAnaei

6.3K 342 255

while visiting his sister's support group, lucas meets a girl named maya hart. maya has pulmonary fibrosis a... More

one · pulmonary fibrosis
three · quit school?
four · texts
five · sick
six · update
seven · first
eight · tragedy strikes
nine · transplant?
ten · hospitalized
eleven · terms
twelve · hero
thirteen · discussing surgery
fourteen · last night
fifteen · surgery
sixteen · recovery
seventeen · going out
eighteen · baby hunter
nineteen · three days old
twenty · organ rejection?
twenty - one · battle
twenty - two · last
twenty - three · angel
Thank You!

two · bullying

359 19 12
By xAnaei


I sat back down awkwardly. He was still staring. 'What’s his problem?' I wondered as they continued saying who they were and what condition they had. This guy is still looking at me.

‟Is there a problem?” I asked referring to him. He smiled and moved his attention elsewhere.

‟Shall we close out in a little prayer?” The brunette woman, who’s name I learnt is Kate says standing up. Everyone joined hands and she said a prayer ‟I will see you guys next week” She says picking her belongings up off the floor

I fixed my oxygen tank smugging the cannula up my nose. I stood up and began heading to the exit when that guy who was staring at me the entire time taps my shoulder.

‟Hi - I’m Lucas Friar. I’m sorry for staring at you during this entire session”

I pursed my lips and I was about to walk away but he stopped me again.

‟You’re really beautiful and I have a question?” He says looking unsure

‟Ask away..” I say walking out the door he was holding open for me

‟Pulmonary fibrosis? What exactly is it?”

‟Since you wanna know -” I replied wondering how to put the words together in a sentence. He stared straight into my eyes and I looked down to avoid reacting. I pull out my phone and search it up. ‟In pulmonary fibrosis, tissue deep in the lungs becomes thick, stiff and scarred. The scarring is called fibrosis. As the lung tissue becomes scarred, it interferes with a person's ability to breathe.” I read to him before walking away because my mother had arrived

‟I see you met a friend.” My mother says smiling. I chuckled.

‟He’s not my friend mom” I replied as she started the car and drove away. The weather has been really stormy lately. It’s been raining everyday around the afternoon.

After we got home and my mother finished dinner we both sat at the table eating. We never eat exquisite meals or anything. My mom is a waitress and sometimes it’s leftovers from her shift.

‟Are you finding everything okay with school?” She asks me staring at me. I am beginning to hate when people stare at me

‟It’s fine” I say looking at my phone which I had under the table. I looked on my social media and saw how happy everyone was. It made me a little sad as I looked down at the oxygen tank ‟Mom, I’m not hungry” I say with my voice cracking a little and I stood up

‟What’s wrong sweetie are you okay?” She asked standing up and I just stood there and broke down crying. My mom pulled me into a hug and she held me tight

‟Mom. Why did it happen to me? I want to be a normal teenager again..” I finally spoke still crying as I held unto my mother

‟Sweetie. I need you to calm down, just breathe.” She rubbed my back and I calmed down. She sat on the floor still holding me. I felt loved and secure wrapped in her arms, we finally let go and she looked me in the face

‟Can I go upstairs?” I asked her and she nods as I pull my oxygen tank behind me up the stairs. Once I get in my room and lie down on my bed it wasn’t long before I fell asleep.

I woke up the following day and the levels on my oxygen tank was low. I raised myself up off my bed and poked my head out my room door.

‟Mom! My oxygen tank is getting low!” I yell and I knew she heard me because even though the building had stairs it was still really small. Once we were both ready her for work and me for school we left the house. Before arriving at school Riley texted me.

Riles : I won’t be at school today. I’m sick

Maya : Okay. I’ll visit you today after school.

I put my phone down and get out of the car. While walking down the hall, a few steps from my locker. I notice Missy and two of the girls standing before me. I tried going around them and one of them stopped me.

‟What?” I wondered staring at Missy who had an evil smile on her face

‟You’re carrying around an oxygen tank.. basically fighting death” She chuckles and I already felt threatened. We always hated each other but she was suspended for three months after she did something. I looked down not knowing what to say.

‟Yeah. So?” I say as one of them reached forward and pulled the cannula from my nose. The other pulling the oxygen tank away from me. ‟C-can I have that back please. I-I can’t breathe. Please.” I wheezed and begged and my vision blurred one of them pushed me and the next thing I knew I was waking up in the nurse’s office with a oxygen mask on

‟Oh. Sweetie! You’re awake.” She exclaimed happily ‟How are you feeling?” She asked me walking over to me with my own oxygen tank

‟I’m okay.” I sniffed because I was going to cry. I can’t believe she did that to me. I know she hates me but I thought she’d cut me some slack.

‟We’ve called your mom to come get you.” She adds taking her gloves off and disposing them into the trash and sitting beside me until my mom came. Not too long after my mom arrived. I hadn’t said a word since we walked out of the school doors. I lean my head on the window and she asked me a question, ‟What happened?”

I broke down immediately. ‟T-they took my oxygen tank. I begged back for it. I passed out.” I say still with my head on the window. I tried not to let her hear me cry.

‟Do you wanna quit school?” She asked me stopping at a red light and I began to think.

‟I’ll think about it.” I say wiping the now cold tears from my eyes.

Sorry if this chapter was bad.

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