The Three Kings

By Kimberleyyeyy

97.3K 1.4K 148

The three volturi kings falls for a Human with an amazing Power More

The Wedding
Chapter 3
chapter 4

Saving Edward

25.4K 419 44
By Kimberleyyeyy

Today is St.Marcos day.
I was in town with my friends when all of a sudden I got a call from my friend Alice to come and get her and Edwards mate.
I told my friend bye.
And went to my car.

I sped of as fast as I can.
I got to the Airport in 7 minutes tops
I saw Alice and got out the and went to hug her.She looked me up and down before smiling.

We then got in my car and sped of.

"Alice what's wrong ": I asked the little pixie vamp

"Edward thinks that his Mate's dead":said the little pixi

"Ok where we going ": I asked

"Volturi castle": said alice

We were almost in Volterra when Alice had a vision and explained what eddy was going to do.

When we got to volterra St.Marcos festival was still going on.

"Why is everyone in red": asked Bella

"Same reason I am St.Marcos festival ": I said.

The road was blocked with people so I couldn't go any further.

"Bella you have to go save him he's going to hear mine and Aurellia's thoughts": screamed Alice as bella got out of the car.

"Where is he": asked Bella

"The huge clock tower" I said

Bella then ran of as I parked the car in an alley.

We got out of the car as fast as we could and ran to the castle as we went in I saw two vampires and edward talking

"Come on guys it's a festival we wouldn't want to cause a scene": I said with a smirk on my face.

They all turned and looked at us.
Eddy smiled as he saw us.

Then suddenly a member of the volturi known as Jane walked
up to us and said

"The Masters would like to see you": said jane.

"Bella go enjoy the rest of the festival:said eddy to bella

"The girl comes with us":said Jane

"No you go to Hell":said eddy

"Just do as she says ": said Alice as Jane began to walk away.

When we got to the throne room I saw three hot Men sitting on the three thrones.

"Ah look at that , Bella is alive after all I just love a happy ending ": said the king that sat on the throne in the middle

He then came up to us and took eddy hand

"Aro can read every single thoughts you've had with just one touch": said eddy

When he was done he let go of eddys hand and look to me with a soft smile. I returned it after a second past.

"How can you control yourself around her": ask the king I've come to known as Aro

"Not without great work":said eddy

"May I my dear":asked Aro Bella

.She hesitated at first then slowly gave him her hand I felt a little jealous at the thought of him touching her.

After a few seconds he let go.

"It appears not even my power can effect her. Let's see if it's the same with all our powers shall we jane":said Aro

Jane then looked to Bella and smirked

"No!!":screamed eddy getting ready to pounce on Jane

"Pain":murdered Jane
Eddy suddenly stopped in his tracks and fell to his knees.

"Stop no please stop": plead Bella as she went to edward . before she could touch him Alec sped to her and held her.

I look to Alice as she looks to me shaking her head no before I could do something

"Stop no just stop hurting him please": she begged

" Jane" : said Aro calmly

She looked away from eddy and said "Master "

"Go ahead my dear": Said Aro

"This may hurt just a little":she said to Bella and began to use her power on her . nothing happened as she was cut from concentrating on bella bye aro laughing

"Remarkable": he said

"What do we do with you now ": he asked

"You already know what you're going to do Aro":said the king on the left

"She knows to much she's a liability": said the blonde hair King

Aro sighed and said" that's true ....Felix"

Felix suddenly went up to Bella and eddy move as fast as he could and pushed Bella to us.

Suddenly they started fighting alice went to help but the short hot guard caught her.

Felix threw edward as I looked to Alice asking if I should do something she nodded.

When I looked back in noticed felix had eddy pinned to the ground and his face cracking he then let go of eddy and  looked to bella

I started concentrating real hard and I felt myself starting to replicate when I opened my eyes I saw almost fifty of myself I then thought of them attacking the mountain man. And suddenly one of my clones sped of trying to distract him
Then all of the others started to use thereof powers on him. They held him to the ground and I got up ready to rip his head of.

When all of a sudden Alice said " stop I've seeing it Bella does become one  us"

I still didn't back down in held a fist full of hair ready to rip his head of .
Everyone was steering at us.

"Aurellia": screamed edward and Alice

I look to them and say "yes"

"Don't": said eddy I then looked back down to felix and let him go and told my clones to let him go

Suddenly Aro Laughed loudly and looked at me and asked " What are you my dear"

"A human":I said

Suddenly the one I've come to known as Marcus gasped loudly and everyone looked his way.

Edward then suddenly looked between me and the 3 kings and

"Edward what's wrong ": I asked

"You're there mate":eddy said and I wasn't surprised.

I just shrugged and said " so "and let my clones disappear

Alice then interrupted us by saying "Bella will become one of us I've seen it"

Everyone then looked to her

'May I dear": asked Aro

He then took Alice hand.

A few minutes later he let's go and said "remarkable you must go now and prepare for her transformation"

As we were about to go he asked a question

"Edward,Alice what is our Mate":he asked

"She's a human with the power to replicate herself as much as she wants and they all have a power" said eddy

"Remarkable " he whispered

We then left
I went back to my place with edward and Alice with Bella.

"Aura please come back with us": asked Alice

"I'll come for a month no longer ": I said

Edward and Alice had huge smiles on there pale faces.

We then left to the Airport

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