I Am Ruined (TDA Lord of Shad...

By Elysia21

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"Our lives aren't ruined." His arms went around her... his fingers tracing letters, words on her skin. "I... More

[ I ] Pain Demands to be Felt
[ II ] Back to Square One
[ III ] Secrecy is a Poison
[ IV ] Nothing is Black and White
[ V ] Sometimes Ignorance is Bliss
[ VI ] You are Not Alone
[ VII ] Tempting Fate
[ IX ] Dreams or Visions
[ X ] Coming Clean
[ XI ] Surprise Visitors
[ XII ] Before We Go
[ XIII ] Hide and Seek
[ XIV ] Those of Demons and Angels
[ XV ] The Truth Hurts But Secrets Kill
[ XVI ] Trapped
[ XVII ] Of My Own Heart
[ XVIII ] Deal with the Devil
[ XIX ] Destruction of the Heart
[ XX ] Fragile World
[ XXI ] Trapped in your Own Mind
[ XXII ] The Tie that Binds
[ XXIII ] Salvation
[ XXIV ] What I Need
UPDATE -Not a Chapter
[ XXV ] The Lost Get Found
[ XXVI ] Corruption and Expectation
[ XXVII ] A Waiting Game
[ XXVIII ] History of the Rose
[ XXIX ] The Beginning of the End
[ XXX ] The Queen's Court
[ XXXI ] The Cost of Conviction
[ XXXII ] Unseelie Infiltration
[ XXXIII ] Family Ties
[ XXXIV ] Missing Pieces
[ XXXV ] Reconnecting
[ XXXVI ] Ambush
[ XXXVII ] Love or Honor
[ XXXVIII ] Of Angelic Blood
[ XXXIX ] Soul's Sacrifice
[ XXXX ] Heavenly Fire
[ XXXXI ] The Return
[ XXXXII ] You Belong Where You Are Loved
[ XXXXIII ] Justice of the Angels
[ XXXXIV ] Promise of a Better Tomorrow

[ VIII ] Ancient Vengeance

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By Elysia21

"Julian Atticus Blackthorn and Emma Cordelia Carstairs – you have committed a crime unforgiveable. And for that you shall pay with blood." Ethna spoke, her voice cold, as if time itself spoke through her.

"Wow middle names and everything, it sounds like we're getting grounded." Emma smirked, twisting Cortana in her hand skillfully and watching all of their golden eyes shift towards it. They were afraid and she was going to use that to her advantage.

"We have no time for your incessant babbling-" Airmed stepped forward this time, a shining blade forming in his hand as if it were fabricated from the air itself.

"Says the one speaking like a thesaurus..."

"ENOUGH." Ethna yelled, her temper flaring. It intrigued Emma that these unearthly beings had such human emotions sometimes. Julian's façade was in place, showing no weakness, no fear. Only the ruthlessness he kept around himself as a shield. His family was in that Institute and he would stop at nothing to protect them. The riders were mobilizing, stalking around them in a half-circle like a predatory unit. Their weapons glinted in the early morning sun, as beautiful and unnatural as they were. "This ends now."

"It certainly does, but it isn't going to end how you want." Julian spoke with conviction, him and Emma had their backs pressed together to draw power from each other and be able to watch all sides. They waited for them to strike, but they continued to circle them, eyes fastened on the two Shadowhunters. She could tell they were waiting, they knew they had the upper hand and were stalling. Emma hated waiting to begin a battle – it made her anxious, sloppy. And something told her they knew that. Finally she couldn't wait anymore, she cursed and leapt forward despite Julian's call to her. Cortana clashed with Etarlam's blade and the sound resembled boulders crashing together in her ears. Julian joined the battle, his sword slashing through the air and cutting at Delan, Airmed and Karn. Each time his blade touched their skin, barely a scratch was retained. Sparing a glance at Julian she could tell he was fighting more defensively, being unable to seriously wound them was taking a toll on him, she could feel it deep in her gut.

Ethna came at her, her massive sword bearing down at her, with a upward swipe of Cortana, she stopped the blow, but Eochaid was aiming for her legs. She leapt into the air and flipped back out of the trap. As she jumped she felt a sharp sting on her calf. Sure enough, there was a jagged cut through her gear pants. Blood was leaking from it now, but she refused to let it slow her down. This was impossible. They couldn't get any attacks in.

"Julian!" Emma called, sprinting towards him. Cortana was cutting through the air as she ran, trying to land any attack on the riders. Any of them. Her and Julian stood close together and watched the riders advance on them when a crash sounded above them. Everyone's heads snapped to the second story of the Institute where glass from a shattering window was falling along with three figures – Cristina, Mark, and Kieran.

"You locked the front door the first time you had this suicide mission, Emma. We've learned." Cristina said, her butterfly knife flying open in her fingers. Mark had a sword and Kieran was notching an arrow in his bow, pointing it directly at Ethna. They stood as still as bronze statues, no fear in their eyes. The yard erupted into battle again, swords clashing and arrows flying. One of Kieran's arrows barely grazed Julian's cheek before lodging itself in Delan's eye. Blood seeped from the shallow cut on Julian's face, but the rider simply pulled the it out of its eye, dropping the bloody arrow to the ground with little more than a huff of annoyance. The doors of the Institute slammed open and Julian's heart stopped when he saw his Dru, Ty and Kit standing in gear at the top of the steps. No, please. Not them. Images of Livvy's lifeless eyes plagued his mind as he backed up, grabbing hold of Emma's arms and looking her in the face. Her brown eyes were wide, not with fear, but almost a realization that they weren't going to win this. Not today.

"Em- look at me." She did, her gaze locking onto his, she looked at his blue eyes. They were no longer restless as the ocean during a storm but as steady as a current – a rip tide that was sucking her under. He gripped the back of her neck with his hand and pressed his forehead against hers, murmuring that he loved her. A small flame of panic rose inside her, was he giving up? Was he saying his final goodbye? No. This would not be the end. But as she listened to his words she realized he wasn't saying goodbye at all – he was building strength.

"Remember, Emma. We were 14. When I stepped into that ring of fire and spoke the oath, I knew that I was making a mistake. I love you, and I always have. All of those years training together so that I could protect you and you could protect me, the days we laid on the beach and listened to the waves, all the nights together. The night at the beach. When I showed you my paintings. Emma, we are inseparable. Our bond makes us strong. Our love makes us strong." He was whispering low for only her to hear. Distantly she could hear Cristina, Mark and Kieran battling the riders, the ancient beings laughing. They knew they were winning, the three Shadowhunters were running low on steam and the ones who had just come out were young. But the fighting seemed muted in her ears, she was seeing a kaleidoscope of images behind her eyelids again. Julian's eyes and hair and the touch of his skin blinding her. Emma looked to Julian's eyes again, their bright color now laced with silver. She pulled back from him and gripped Cortana tightly in her hand, the ache still there. Every riders' attention was on her now, her gear was torn and you could see her skin, her runes. Only her runes were not black, but almost glowing from within. For the first time since they had looked at Cortana, they seemed afraid. They backed away from her, but Ethna challenged her and charged. She remembered the look in her eyes after Emma slew Fal.

You have slain an ancient and primitive thing. Be prepared for a vengeance just as ancient. Just as primitive.

Emma swung Cortana, eyes blazing as it clashed with Ethna's sword – and the world around her exploded. The metal collided with a sound like a volcano erupting and the riders were thrown through the air in the recoil of the shockwave – Ethna's ancient sword shattered on the ground. Her skin felt cold, almost like someone had touched specific spots with ice. Only those spots were not random, they were all her runes. Ethna scrambled to get up, injured but not dead. Delan helped her up and snapped his fingers, their steeds returning and they fled.

Etarlam was the last to leave, his expression one of both anger and pity, "We may not destroy you today, but it seems soon enough you may just destroy yourself."

And then he was gone. The yard was covered in blood, but silent once again. She could hear the birds and the crash of the ocean against the shore. Ty, Dru, Kit, Mark, Cristina and Kieran had stopped and were staring at her in disbelief, but Julian was looking at her with an almost defeated look. It had worked. The riders had retreated in fear of her power. They should be happy the riders were scared. But she felt no happiness, no victory because no one was as afraid of her power as Emma.

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