Konoha's Own Blue-Eyed Puppet...

By Animalover9

85.3K 2.5K 585

-COMPLETED- Everything is suppose to go smoothly in Akisha's life or at least that's what she wanted... But n... More

The Free Clouds
Graduation & A New Team
A Visit From The Sand Siblings
The Forest Of Death
Passing The Forest Of Death
Preliminary Battles
Akisha's Fight
A Day Off?
The Final Chunin Exam
Truth Revealed
Itachi and Kisame
Knowledge Of The Felines
Meeting Tsunade
The Three Legendary Ninja Reunion
Never A Normal Day
Choji's Decision
For A Comrade
Don't Cry
It's Decided
The Free Clouds

The Written Exam

1.8K 74 5
By Animalover9


Okay well here's another chapter as promised. ^o^ 

To the side is a ShikaKisha picture. I'll be posting pictures like these to help you guys see how it'd look ^-^ Next chapter shall have a KibaKisha picture!

>_< I dont know when I'll post this exactly, but I am writing this during Hurricane Sandy.... And I live in the North East...  

Yay me -_-  


Enjoy the story and comment your thoughts please! ^.^


***Akisha's POV***

I nervously scratched the back of my head under the harsh glares of many other teams that were placed in the room. The dead silence floating in the atmosphere didn't help ease my nerves, or Hinata's by the look of her scared features. I don't know what I expected of the Chunin Exams, but a room full of a million teams definitely wasn't expected. Especially all of them older, and having the menacing looks that spoke, ''I'd kill your puppy for laughs.''

Kiba lightly punched my arm, chuckles being uttered from his throat. "Nervous there, Ki?" I shook my head. "Heh, N-no why would I be nervous? I think Hinata might faint though..." I said, pointing out the obvious red faced Hinata. Kiba turned to the deep blue haired girl, her sights never daring to go above someone's ankle.

Kiba placed a hand on her back nicely for support. "Whoa. Are you okay?" Hinata shook her head up and down quickly, lying badly. Kiba was about to say something, probably of concern until he turned to the right, towards the entrance. A toothy grin spread across his face. "Heh... Even those idiots are here." I raised an eyebrow, curious to hear the meaning behind the sentence. "Care to explain what you're talking about?"

Idiots? Who do we know that are idiots? .....Naruto?

He took a step ahead of us and motioned us to follow with his hand. "Follow me." I walked up next to him., having to jog at first to catch up, but now at a steady pace I walked beside Kiba. "How do you know what you're talking about?" Kiba tapped his nose and rolled his eyes. "Don't you know my amazing senses by know?" I copied his action of rolling eyes. "Excuse me for not recognizing your great abilities." Kiba gave an affirmative nod. "You're forgiven!" "Oh shut up!" My hushed yell with accompanied with a push to his side.

Kiba began to retaliate when he looked upwards, seeing infront of us, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru. "HAH-HAH! FOUND YOU!!" Kiba shouted, pointing at them and being the first to gather attention in the tightly filled room. He strolled over, attempting a ''cool'' look, like they had something to be impressed about with Kiba. I choose a different look, casually walking over with my thumbs in my pocket. A bubbling feeling of happiness in me about seeing Choji and Shikamaru, after all it had been a while since I held a decent conversation with them. Training's tedious on your body, mind, and apparently social life. Shikamaru saw me, rasing his head and having his eyes light up. "You're here too?" 

I nodded, stuffing away the overly happy feelings that screamed at me to hug my friend. "Yeah." I answered simply, keeping my cool.

"I guess all ten of this year's rookies are here. I wonder how far we will get, eh Sasuke?" Kiba threw a competitive grin at him, tempting Sasuke for a fight. Sasuke stepped up, making Ino and Sakura swoon behind him. "You seem confident Kiba." Kiba's grin widen as he gestured to us. "We all did a lot of training, we won't lose to you guys." Shino, over by Hinata confirmed Kiba's words. "My teammate is correct, we all trained very hard."

Naruto jumped infront of Kiba, pointing at him. "Yeah right!! Sasuke might lose to you guys, but I sure as hell won't!!" Hinata twiddled her fingers, and slowly then walked over to Naruto. "Sor-rry N-naruto.. Kiba d-didn't mean it li-ike that.." Her soft voice barely reached the loud mouth blonde's head. I smiled to myself, watching the scene. A sweet, quiet girl with an active, stupid boy? They do say opposites attract.

"What are you smiling about, hm?" Shikamaru asked as he stepped closer to me. "Huh? I was thinking that Naruto and Hinata would make a cute couple." Shikamaru sighed drastically, almost making me laugh to see how little he's changed in these few months. "What is it with you women, always pairing people up?" I shrugged, seeing his point, but not what's bad about it. "Surely you thought about it too. I mean, everyone thinks about what kind of person they'll end up with. Heh, maybe you even thought if you would end up with someone?" Shikamaru's face flushed, yet only slightly. I leaned in closer. "Ah! That's a yes! Maybe a girl from the academy?"  I smirked, going on. "Come on! Surely you thought about what troublesome woman you would go with?" I mimicked his catchphrase.

Shikamaru scoffed and looked away. A few minutes passed before he let go of a tiny, "Maybe.."

Huh. That was unexpected of him... "R-Really! Who!?" Excitement coursing through my voice made Shikamaru flinch. "Jeez, calm down... That's what I don't like about you women, all of you always make the littleist of things a big deal." I let out a tiny sigh, staring at him. "I won't deny it, but this you. The guy who refuses the thought of dealing with a girl." He sighed, a longer sigh than I had let out a few seconds ago, and then shook his head. "Nevermind you troublesome girl."

I almost felt the need to whine. "Hey you started this! Come on, I'm curious! It's not Ino is it? How about that one girl who was always quiet in class? Granted she was a Sasuke fangirl, but they're not all bad-" Shikamaru stopped my rant. "You haven't changed much, you know that?" He smiled a tiny smile, looking at a dumbfounded me. "I-Uh-Well-... Yo-You think so?" He laughed a little. "Yeah, not a bit." A sudden thought hit me. "Stop that! I know what you're doing! Avoiding the subject won't help you." He groaned, ready to fall to his knees. "How about just a hint? A tiny hint?" I pleaded, pinching my fingers to symbolize ''tiny''.

Shikamaru seemed to consider his options. "Fine... I wouldn't go for a troublesome woman." His voice sounded lighter, like he was tip toeing around something. I tapped my head in a thinking way, trying to understand the hint. However, a teasing smile tugged at my lips as my mind couldn't help but to shove out, "So, you're gay?"  

***Shikamaru's POV***

G-Gay? That's what she came up with? Out of all the things this blue-eyed girl could have thought up, she had to say that, didn't she? Her teasing smile only made me feel worse. I couldn't help but to groan at her, and face palm. "No, you idiot." She laughed, a light cheerful sound. "I know, I was playing around with you... Hey, what about-"

"QUIET DOWN YOU WORTHLESS BASTARDS!!" Sharply, I twisted my neck, looking to my right as did everyone else. A larger, tall man stood at the entrance to another door. Intimidating scars stretched across his face, yet it was his eyes that struck me with the intimidation I felt. His eyes were cold, and hard, baring down into whatever he looked at.

"Hey Ki! Let's go!" 

Ki? Who's Ki? 

Akisha turned to me, a nervous smile breaking across her face, whether for our departure or the look of the man over there, I couldn't tell. "Gotta go! Kiba's calling me!" Akisha's nervous smile faded into her normal light-hearted smile towards me. She waved a goodbye, then ran off to her teammates who were waiting. 

Ki? ...That Kiba guy, he has a nickname for Akisha? Since when did that happen?

I sighed and walked over to my own team. Ino was talking down to Choji about something, all of us moving slowly towards the room we were being beckoned too. "What a drag.." I murmured, my mind on my conversation with Akisha still. She couldn't even get my hint... I may have said not liking a troublesome woman, but a troublesome girl is different. 

"We will now begin the first test of the Chunin Exams!!"

Here we go...

***Akisha's POV***

"We will now begin the first test of the Chunin Exams! " 

This is it...

The tall, fear striking man stood infront of us all. He wore a long leather trench coat, and a bandana covered his head. "You will all take one of these tabs and sit in your assigned seat. We will then hand out your paper exams." Paper? That's all this is? I breathed a sigh of relief. This shouldn't be too hard, paper exams were always better than the physical things we went through back in the academy. Although, I shouldn't compare this to the academy, should I?

"WHAT!? A PAPER EXAM!?" Naruto's loud voice echoed in the room. I held back a laugh, trying not to let one chuckle out at poor Naruto's pain. My thoughts of laughing soon faded out when it came to be my turn to grab a number. 

I looked up as I grabbed my number; twenty-three.

I took my place next to some random people, not recognizing either of them. I stared staight ahead, meeting our instucter's eyes. He looked around, staring down on all of us. "You may know me as Ibiki Morino. Now then, there are many important rules concerning this exam. The first rule; you all start off with ten points."

I felt a mix of annoyance in me, clashing with my anticapation. This is going to be worst than one of Iruka's lectures, won't it?

"The test is made up out of ten questions. Each question equals one point. Get any wrong and those points will be taken away."

That's not too bad.

Ibiki smirked, making several people's eyebrows crease up in concern at his upcoming rule. "The second rule; this is a team test. If you fail then you all fail." Several gasps, including my own rang out. Okay. Okay. Okay. Don't freak out. Not like that's a huge amount of pressure or anything! Plus, I'm not bad at paper tests. I'm an average student. Everything is going to be fine, I can cheat if I really need too.

"Now the most important rule of all.  Anyone caught by the testing officers doing sneaky activities, namely cheating, will have two points subtracted for every expense. There will be some who will lose all their points, and will be asked to leave."

Every time he talks something worse comes out.

"Realize that pathetic ninja that get caught cheating are destroying themselves. As ninjas trying to achieve Chunin, be proud ninjas." 

Okay that time wasn't too bad.

"Oh and the final rule-" Shit. "-Those that lose all of their points or don't answer any correct at all.. Will fail with their team mates." 

I had to keep my head from slamming in to the desk. I jinxed myself. That's what this is- No, this is karma isn't it? Man, what'd I ever do to deserve this? A little sigh escaped my lips. Son of bitch. This is going to be stressful. 

"You have one hour. BEGIN!"




I stared down at my paper that was given out by the Chunin's watching us. Okay, first question is a.. Cryptogram? ...I gripped my hair in panic. I don't know what the hell that shit is!? Does anyone know what the hell that is!? Even Shikamaru and his smart brain wouldn't understand this.

Okay never mind, screw that question, I'll just skip to the next. As long as I get one question correct, and don't cheat I'll be fine. 

'Line B, seen in the picture, is the greatest possible distance a ninja can throw his shuriken from a tree of 7 meters. For enemies who appear within the circumference, explain the attack options using the distance.'

I let out a quiet groan, not wanting to attract attention in the deathly quiet room, but needing to express my stress. This is complete bullshit. Kiba definitely won't know these. Shino wouldn't even know this crap! It's like they want us to cheat on this exam!

A light bulb went off in my mind.

This is an exam... For us to cheat?

To test our abilities?

I glanced around, trying to see what everyone else was doing. They all seemed to be using little tricks to cheat, or they're own abilities. Kiba has Akamaru barking answers in his ear. Shino has insects flying from one paper to the next. Hinata has Byakugan to use. And I have...

I groaned again, coming to see with this exam I'm the weakest link of my team.

If I cheat without Ninjutsu, they'll see me cheating, not a doubt in my mind about that. What about my puppets... How could that help me?... I quickly glanced at Kankuro. He was calm, just sitting in his seat. A confident aura floated around him.

But how? 

Ugh, no, focus on you and do not look at the clock- SHIT.  I LOOKED.


I will not slam my head in to the desk. I got this. I mean Shikamaru has this too, that's some consolation. He's smart enough and with his shadow jutsu he could just connect to the person in front of himself but let their movements guide his ow-

I looked at the person's back in front of me who was scribbling away. How did I not think of this before? I looked back down at my right arm. I can't believe I wasted so much time when I could have done this in the beginning. I hope this works. As stealthy as possible I connect chakra strings to his right arm and my right arm. 

Instead of controlling his arm though, I let his movements guide mine. The answers weren't too far ahead, perhaps on question six. That's better than nothing I suppose. 

After ten minutes or so, He was done answering, and I was done copying. Ever so slightly I cut off the chakra strings and wiped away the sweat that gathered on my forehead from the stress. I cannot wait for this damn exam to be over.

Five more minutes to go for the tenth question.


"Time for the 10th question."  My head shot up at the stern words that came from the examiner.

I quickly rubbed my eyes and hid my yawn, making it look like I hadn't fallen asleep three minutes ago. Ibiki stood again, an evil smirk claiming his lips. "Now then, before I begin asking the tenth question, there are some added rules." 

And just as my head came up, back down it goes.

Man, why can't he just leave things simple? I dragged myself up... Again, when Kankuro walked through the door with a Chunin. No, the chakra feels too much like his own. "Was your doll playing beneficial? Go sit down." Doll? So that was Crow? And this man saw through that. Then again, even I saw through it. Kankuro is losing his touch here. Or it could be that I do know his chakra well, and I'm sure Ibiki would know his Chunin's chakras.

"Now then, first rule of the tenth question. You must decide whether or not to take it."

Wait, what? What kind of bull crap is that? If I took the time to cheat and went through all that mental torture, then why wouldn't I chose the question? Temari suddenly stood up from her spot in the room. "Chose!? What happens if we choose not too!?" A shadow casted down over the instructor's eyes. "If you chose not too, then you fail, along with your team."

Several other people stood up. "We'll take it the question then!!" 

The instructor let loose a sadistic grin, his voice sounding rather demented. "Now for the other rule, if you chose to take it and answer incorrect, that person will lose the right to ever take the exam again." Kiba stood up, his chair skidding loudly behind him as he pointed accusingly at Ibiki. "What kind of stupid rule is that!!?"

The instructor chuckled evilly. "Heh heh heh... You guys are unlucky.. This year it's MY RULES."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. It's like this guy is purposely messing with us. Wait a minute... He could be. This whole exam was to see our skills for info, right? So then this could just be endurance or faith or something like that. That or maybe there really is a hard question everyone has to take after this... I can't chance it, but if my team is confident enough to take it, then I will be too.


I glanced around, looking at hands that rose up. Kiba, Hinata, and Shino had their hands down, not once becoming hesitant to raise them. I looked the rest of this year's rookies, ignoring the random people standing up and leaving. I don't know why, but I want us all to pass. It'd be some sort of miracle but it'd also be nice too. Graduating with the people I grew with.

My mouth slightly opened at the sight of Naruto raising his hand. Quickly just as he raised his hand, he slammed it back down on the desk, creating a loud 'smack' sound. "DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME! I WILL NOT RUN! I DON'T CARE IF I'M A GENIN FOREVER! I WILL BECOME HOKAGE!" A smile planted itself on my face at Naruto's ginormous words. I looked around at everyone else slamming their hands down, hopeful look taking over the doubtful looks that once were captured in everyone's eyes. "I follow my unbending words, that's my ninja way." Naruto ended with a confident grin, that was also turning in to a smirk at Ibiki's taken back look.

"Fine then." Ibiki spoke up. "To everyone who stayed... CONGRATS ON PASSING!" A wide grin to the his face when he yelled those words. The shock caused me to fall out of my chair, but I hopped back up before anyone could see me. I knew he enjoyed messing with our minds.

"What do you mean? What about the tenth question?" Sakura asked with high confusion in her tone. Ibiki gave a closed eye grin to her. "No such thing! The exam was to test your info gathering skills, to cheat basically." Everyone, except for the one's reluctant to show any emotion, slammed their heads down on to the desks.

"We even had two Chunin mixed into the crowd to help everyone out."  Naruto practically fainted before slapping his knee laughing like he knew what was going on. "HAHA! I KNEW ALL OF THIS! Yup, too easy for me!"  I scoffed with an amused grin on my face. That little liar.

I placed my head on my desk with my eyes closed, feeling irritated at the thought of another exam like this. How many of these exams were there?  If I have to go through this again, I think I'll cry. Or murder everyone. Maybe both. 

I quickly looked up at a sudden noise of glass smashing.  "THIS IS NO TIME TO BE CELEBRATING!!"  A women with purple hair, and a very revealing outfit, yelled at us. "I AM THE EXAMINER FOR THE SECOND EXAM!! MITARASHI ANKO!  LET'S GO!!" She yelled loudly, pointing at all of us with one hand, while the other was on her hip. Wait... Did she come through the window? What the hell is wrong with this woman? "NOW FOLLOW ME!"  

Our instructor stepped out behind her, a nervous look and a drop of sweat clung to his facial features "Bad timing Anko." 

Anko ignored his comment, her eyes going over each one of us in the class. "Seventy-nine people Ibiki? You left sixteen teams? This exam must have been too easy." Ibiki shrugged, not bothering to hide a small smile. "Seems like there are a lot of outstanding ones this time." Anko laughed at his statement. "No matter, I'll at least cut them in half."  ...I think I would rather stay here now.

"NOW ALL OF YOU BASTARDS FOLLOW ME!!" She gave us one last look before grinning sadistically and jumping out the window she came from.

Why are all the examiners good at grinning sadistically? 



I worked all day on this one ^-^ with a raging storm outside o-o

So tell me whatcha think~?


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