Perfect To Me

By Youadoremeik

453 8 2


Perfect To Me
London Calls Me A Stranger
I'll Keep You Warm
Got A Real Solution
We Don't Even Have To Try
Time Escapes Me
Mighty Glad You Stayed
Watchin' Him With Those Eyes
Are We Friends Or Are We More
Hit The Pedal, Heavy Metal
Giving Me A Heart Attack
Just Give Me A Reason
Wanna Call You Mine
I Feel Like This Is The Beginning
Lay Your Weary Head To Rest
Take Me By The Hand
Decide You Had Enough
You Best Walk Her Way While She Shines
One More Small Piece Of You
And Yesterday You Were Here With Me
Ditch The Whole Scene
Same Old Fears, Wish You Were Here
You Put Your Arms Around Me And I'm Home
You Shot Me A Smile And My Cares Were Gone
Wake My Dreams
She's Suddenly Cool
We Have Each Other To Lean On
Lights Will Guide You Home
Never Leave A Fight Unresolved
With You Beside Me
See The Signs
What Are You Waiting For
Pop Some Tags
Spotlight Shines Upon You
I'm Still Looking Up
I'll Be Coming Back For You
In A Place Like This
Wanna Hold You Tight
Trying To Make You Understand
Don't Think About It
Just Be Here Now Against Me
Lift Me Up
Even If The Sky Is Falling Down
Rescue Me
In Case You Just Want To Come Home
The Room Just Lights Up
Kill Me With Words
Don't Say Maybe
Don't Wanna Perish
Whatever It Takes
Don't Get Lost In Your Worried Mind
Want To Be Loved By You
Too In Love To Let It Go
Don't Overthink
Out Of The Whole World
Take A Breath And Let The Rest Come Easy
I Need Your Grace To Remind Me
I Guess She Had A Point
Let's Get Some
Your Heart Was An Open Book

Can You See The Sunshine?

5 0 0
By Youadoremeik

We had just started the question and answer segment of our show and so far we were asked to dance, do hand stands, do ballet, say our cheesiest chat up line and sing our favorite line of a song. As Niall was answering the question I looked over at the side stage and saw Abby standing beside the other girls staring at me, I shot her a quick smile and a wink before turning my attention back to the show. I loved being able to look to my left and see Abby’s beautiful face, it warmed my heart and made my stomach twist in a good feeling.

“Haz, read the question!” Zayn said to me, drawing me out of my trance.

“Okay, Sydney in section 117 wants to know…what our girlfriends love about us, emotionally and physically? What a splendid question!” I said into the microphone after reading it off. “Liam why don’t you start.”

“Okay, well Danielle loves my birthmark on my neck, that’s physically. Um and emotionally she loves everything,” Liam said and looked to Danielle for approval which resulted in her giving him thumbs up.

“Eleanor loves how cheeky I am and she says my eyes are her favorite and she can always melt in them like chocolate on a hot stove,” Louis said, getting a laugh out of everyone. “Zayn?”

“Hmmmm, Perrie loves my hair, it’s so soft and ‘delicate’ and she also loves how sweet I am because everyone tends to think I’m the bad boy,” Zayn said, earning screams from everyone in the arena.

“Well I don’t have a girlfriend but all the fans love how I’m Irish and they just love me,” Niall cockily said and caused all the girls to scream. “Harry your turn!” I tried to think of some of the things Abby loved about me but then I got another idea.

“Abby, dear, what do you love about me?” I said into the microphone while turning to face her. She started to point to things on her face, and I knew what she wanted me to say but I wanted to have a little fun with this. “I’m sorry, what is that? You know I can’t really see it’s quite dark,” I told her and I immediately saw the smirk take over her face as she raised her middle finger in the air. “Love, I can’t understand you, this isn’t charades! You know what I’ve got an idea, come here!” I said to her and motioned for her to come on stage, which in reply she shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Come on, don’t be stubborn,” I said and took a few steps closer to her, she threw her hands out in front of her telling me to stay. “I’m not a dog, seriously Abs, come here!” I exclaimed into the microphone and she stood her ground. “Everyone, cheer for Abby get her to come out!” I said and immediately everyone started to scream, the loudest I’d ever heard a crowd scream before. Yet, Abby still shook her head no.

“That’s it I’m coming to get you!” I told her and ran over to her, but she quickly sat Indian style on the ground. I handed Eleanor my microphone so I could pick Abby up.

“Harry don’t touch me!” Abby exclaimed with laughter in her voice.

“Just come out there, please,” I begged her, as I stared into her blue eyes. “For me?” I asked.

“No. No. No. I love your eyes and your dimples and I love how you listen to me. There now go,” Abby told me but I didn’t buy it. I grabbed her by her hands, took my mic from Eleanor, and began dragging Abby out on the stage, once the crowd caught glimpse of her they all started cheering and laughing. Zayn came over and took my mic for me so I could use both hands and with my other hand free, I picked Abby up and threw her over my shoulder.

“I hate you so much right now, Styles,” Abby said and she pinched my butt, making me jump. Once I got back over to the couch in the middle of the stage I stood Abby up and held her close to me so she couldn’t escape.

“Don’t say things you don’t mean,” I whispered into her ear and I felt her shutter at the gesture, causing me to smile at how I affected her. Zayn handed me my microphone and I looked into Abby’s eyes. “Alright love, go on tell them what you love about me?” I spoke into the mic and pointed it towards Abby’s mouth while I waited for an answer. I heard her sigh and clear her throat.

“I love Harry’s green eyes and his dimples, and I also love how he’s always there to listen to me and how he actually cares about what I have to say,” Abby said into the mic and then looked at me as if she were thinking ‘are you happy now?’ I smiled down at her and kissed her forehead.

“Please Abby, tell us more,” Louis said and I knew he was only doing it to keep her out here and make her mad.

“What more do you want to know?” Abby asked with irritation.

“What’s Harry like?” Niall asked like a little school girl.

“He’s sensitive believe it or not, he’s flirtatious but once he has a lady he only has eyes for her, he’s super funny always has me buckled over in fits of laughter, he’s a risk taker when it comes to having fun and oh my gosh when he wants to cook you can’t get him to stop it’s hard to even get his attention while he’s cooking and he won’t let me in the kitchen, usually it’s the other way around!” Abby excitedly told the crowd and I couldn’t help but stare on in admiration, she’s perfect.

“Yeah? What’s your favorite memory with him?” Zayn asked who was now seated on the couch.

“Definitely when I first met him,” Abby said, a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye as she stared up at me.

“And how’d you two meet?” Louis asked, and I couldn’t even be annoyed by all the questions they were asking her because deep down I wanted to know the answers.

“Some rude man bumped into me in London causing me to drop my muffin and all the contents of my purse to spill and Harold here helped me pick everything up, like a nice gentleman. You could just see how eager he was to make it up for me. I just thought how gorgeous he was so I had to give him a chance, and I really love my muffins,” Abby noted and got a chuckle out of me.

“Harry what do you love about Abby?”

“I love how wild and carefree she is, she’s only focused on living without any fear or unnecessary stress, she spreads good spirits, she’s also very insightful. I also love her freckles, they’re so adorable and I love how her eyes turn different shades of blue with whatever mood she may be in,” I said, gazing into Abby’s eyes that started to get glossy, as if she wanted to cry. I shot her a smile and she returned one, just as big as mine.

“Such love birds, well I’m afraid we’ve got to get back to singing boys!” Louis said to the crowd and they all erupted into a cheer. I walked with Abby over to side stage and I stopped us before she could go.

“What Harry? You need to go sing,” she said as she tried to go stand beside Danielle but I wouldn’t let her.

“I’ll always listen to you babe,” I told her and she smiled up at me. Abby tried to walk off stage but I held her tight against me and she shot me a confused look. “I know we haven’t known each other long, but I feel like I’ve known you for years and I know we’ve only been dating for a few weeks but I think I love you, Abby,” I told her and before she could respond I ran back over to the boys. If she didn’t love me back I didn’t want to know until after the show, I didn’t want anything to ruin how good I was feeling right now.

At the next wardrobe change Abby and I didn’t exchange any words to one another, she did greet me with a kiss, but still no words were exchanged. So you can imagine that when it came time for me to run off stage I was beyond nervous for Abby’s reaction because she couldn’t ignore me forever. When I ran to side stage Abby immediately pulled me off to the side, a serious look on her face.

“Can we talk, in private?” Abby said and I nodded my head. She grabbed me by my hand and I couldn’t ignore the shocks the contact sent through me as she led me to a vacant dressing room. Once we were in the room she released my hand and shut the door behind us and walked across the room to take a seat on the sofa, and I took the seat beside her. I tried looking at her face and into her eyes to see if I could get any kind of sign as to what she wanted to talk about but I couldn’t get anything, her face was stone cold with no emotion whatsoever.

“Abby, what’s going on?” I asked her as I rested my hand on her thigh, this caused her to look into my eyes, that’s when I saw it, I saw fear in her eyes. I, immediately braced myself for the worst.

“About what you said to me earlier on…”

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