Perfect To Me

By Youadoremeik

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Perfect To Me
London Calls Me A Stranger
I'll Keep You Warm
Got A Real Solution
We Don't Even Have To Try
Time Escapes Me
Mighty Glad You Stayed
Watchin' Him With Those Eyes
Are We Friends Or Are We More
Giving Me A Heart Attack
Just Give Me A Reason
Wanna Call You Mine
I Feel Like This Is The Beginning
Lay Your Weary Head To Rest
Take Me By The Hand
Decide You Had Enough
You Best Walk Her Way While She Shines
One More Small Piece Of You
And Yesterday You Were Here With Me
Ditch The Whole Scene
Same Old Fears, Wish You Were Here
You Put Your Arms Around Me And I'm Home
Can You See The Sunshine?
You Shot Me A Smile And My Cares Were Gone
Wake My Dreams
She's Suddenly Cool
We Have Each Other To Lean On
Lights Will Guide You Home
Never Leave A Fight Unresolved
With You Beside Me
See The Signs
What Are You Waiting For
Pop Some Tags
Spotlight Shines Upon You
I'm Still Looking Up
I'll Be Coming Back For You
In A Place Like This
Wanna Hold You Tight
Trying To Make You Understand
Don't Think About It
Just Be Here Now Against Me
Lift Me Up
Even If The Sky Is Falling Down
Rescue Me
In Case You Just Want To Come Home
The Room Just Lights Up
Kill Me With Words
Don't Say Maybe
Don't Wanna Perish
Whatever It Takes
Don't Get Lost In Your Worried Mind
Want To Be Loved By You
Too In Love To Let It Go
Don't Overthink
Out Of The Whole World
Take A Breath And Let The Rest Come Easy
I Need Your Grace To Remind Me
I Guess She Had A Point
Let's Get Some
Your Heart Was An Open Book

Hit The Pedal, Heavy Metal

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By Youadoremeik

It’d been two weeks since my photo shoot with the boys and I have been up to my ears in work, I mean it has been photo shoot after photo shoot after photo shoot, you get where I’m going with this? Summer is coming up so all the fashion magazines are scrambling to get their spreads shot and put together. Currently it was a Saturday so I wasn’t at work but I was still doing work I swear sometimes I wish I charged a fee for people needing shots at the last minute. I hadn’t seen Harry for a week and half because he’d been in the States doing press for their album and I’d rarely talked to him due to the distance but we’ve been emailing back and forth. As I sat in my living room listening to music and going through some shots trying to find the best ones my home phone started to ring. I quickly grabbed the device from its base on the side table next to my couch.

“Hello?” I said into the receiver.

“Miss. Grimes?” A man on the other end asked.

“This is she, who is this?”

“My apologies, this is Charles I’m the front desk attendant for the day and I was just calling to inform you that there is a package for you. We would normally put it in your box but it’s too big. Do you think you could come get it?” Charles asked.

“Yeah I’ll be right down! Thank you,” I said and hung up. As I stood up and slid my shoes on I quickly thought of who might have sent me something, then I remembered my Gran sending me an email saying she sent something my way. Once I took the elevator down to the first floor I looked over at Stan and after waving I noticed a bunch of girls outside, which was weird because Harry doesn’t get back until tomorrow and he would tell me when he was coming over. I walked over to the front desk where I was greeted by Charles handing me a package. I thanked him and made my way to the elevator. As I stepped off the elevator and walked towards my apartment I saw a boy with a mop of hair on top of his head leaning against my door, a smile took over my face.

“You aren’t supposed to be here until tomorrow!” I excitedly said as I approached Harry.

“I lied, I wanted to surprise you,” Harry said as he pulled me into a tight hug.

“Well I’m surprised!” I said as I walked into my apartment with Harry behind me.

“What’s in the box?”

“I don’t know, it’s from my grandparents,” I mumbled as I set it down on my coffee table and grabbed a pair of scissors to cut the tape. I pulled the packing peanuts out and dumped them on Harry’s hair and looked at the contents in the box. I pulled out a tiny ring box and inside there was a ring that said “Not all who wander are lost” and it spiraled around, there was another ring that said “Wherever you are you will always be in my heart,” a quote by Gandhi. Also they sent me a picture in a frame, on the frame it said “Sadly We’re Related” and it was a picture of my grandparents making silly faces. Further into the box my Gran sent me a scarf with a matching beanie that she clearly knitted in my favorite color, maroon. They also sent me some of my favorite candy, Sour Patch Kids and gummy worms. I picked the letter up out of the box and began to read it:

Our Dearest Jet,

We are sending you a ‘care package’ even though it’s mainly filled with gifts and not things you need to survive like food—which we know you are getting plenty of. We sent you a ring with a quote by Gandhi on it, your Gramps and I both have identical ones, we felt they were very fitting in our situation. Our situation being that we have to be away from the light of our lives. The other ring we felt fit you and your desire to travel and not live in the same place for a long period of time, although we feel you will live in England for the rest of your life. You’re happy, not lost. The picture we just felt like sending you, we know you’ll look at it when you have a bad day, send us one too sweetheart. We already have a picture frame waiting for your picture the frame says “Yes, She’s Our Pride and Joy” it’s quite funny your gramps made them. I know it’s always a bit chilly in London so I knit you a new scarf and beanie in your favorite color. We miss you very much and can’t wait to either come visit you or you come visit us. Your Gramps misses Sage, I bet she’s getting big! Your parents called again, this time I told them if they wanted to talk to you they would need to contact you themselves, I hope they do. I really want you all to work things out, you were all they had and I know they miss you terribly. Give us a call, we’ve heard about you and your new British boy. He’s very good looking, it’s a good thing you swept him up before I met him, all my students at the middle school keep telling me they envy you. Anyways let us know how you are doing, I know you love sending and receiving letters but we would really enjoy hearing your voice darling.

Sending our love across the pond,

Gran and Gramps

As I finished reading the letter I couldn’t help but tear up a little, I felt so guilty for leaving my grandparents to come to London, especially when I’m so close with them. It never gets any easier being away from them. I felt Harry wrap me in a hug and rub my back.

“Hey, what’s the matter?” He soothingly asked.

“I just miss them, that’s all.”

“Yeah wanna talk about it?” He said as he swiped away a few tears.

“I just feel really guilty about moving to a whole other continent sometimes. I put my happiness before my grandparent’s happiness. In plus, I know my Gramps is having health problems and it hurts when my Gran doesn’t tell me about them,” I simply stated as I pulled out of his embrace and went to slip the rings on. I smiled down at them knowing I had more pieces of my grandparents with me.

“Are you ever going to tell me about the real reason they call you Jet?” Harry asked as he sat down on my couch and I sat down next to him.

“You really want to know? It’s nothing special,” I said and he nodded his head. “Well like I said before they called me Jet because I couldn’t stop moving because of my ADHD, I was constantly bouncing off the walls and dancing. That’s when it initially started then my Gramps would always put me on his shoulders and let me act like an airplane right when I would first see him, but it really came into effect once I graduated high school. I left San Diego to attend Stanford where I dropped out after 3 weeks and moved to Ohio where I leaved for 8 months then packed up and left for London. They call me Jet because I like to travel and constantly be moving.”

“Is that why you are always wearing that airplane necklace?” Harry said as he picked the necklace off my neck and examined it.

“Yeah, they gave it to me when I was 5, that’s when they started calling me Jet,” I told him as I stared at him.

“That’s really neat. How come you don’t go visit them?”

“I don’t have the time to right now with summer being right around the corner, that’s when I’m the busiest.”

“Well that’s too bad,” Harry casually said as he leaned in and kissed me. “Guess you’re just stuck with me!”

“Yay,” I said sarcastically and he just smiled at me. I checked the time and saw that it would be about 2pm in Cincinnati before pulling my phone out. “Do you mind if I call my grandparents?” I asked Harry and he signaled for me to go on. I tapped the name ‘Home’ and put the phone up to my ear as I waited for one of my grandparents to pick up. As the phone continued to ring I watched as Harry ran around my apartment with Sage hot on his heels.

“Helllllooooo?” I heard my Gramps saying into the phone and I quickly averted my attention back to the phone call.

“Sorry Gramps! I was distracted!”

“It only took me a minute to get your attention, Jet, what are you doing!” He exclaimed with happiness, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Nothing, sitting around my flat. How are you doing?”

“My hearts still kicking so I’d say I’m doing pretty good!” My gramps stated and I couldn’t help but chuckle at his response.

“I’m glad to hear that. I got your package, thank you for the rings.”

“No problem dear. You know you’re always on our minds and when we saw those rings we thought they would be perfect for all of us.”

“They are,” I said as I played with the said rings on my fingers.

“When are you gonna come visit old me?” My gramps said and my smile turned into a frown which caught Harry’s attention.

“I don’t know Gramps, It’s almost summer time and you know that’s when I’m the busiest. I’m trying to figure it out, when are you coming out here?” I asked him. I felt the couch cushion shift as Harry sat beside me and listened to the conversation.

“Hell if I know! You know Granny plans all that junk and then tells me the night before to pack my shit cause we’re visiting Jet!” I laughed at his response and saw Harry widen his eyes at my Gramps language.

“Gramps you never change,” I told him with a genuine smile taking over my face.

“Not for you baby girl. Listen Jet, your Gran wants to speak with you. I’ll talk to you later, it was nice hearing that precious voice of yours. I love you darlin’” My gramps said before I heard the rustling of him passing the phone to my Gran.

“Well if it isn’t my sweet Jet!” My Gran exclaimed through the phone and my smile got bigger.

“Hey Gran,” I told her as I slapped Harry’s hand away from trying to mess with my face. Instead of stopping he just started dancing his fingers all over my body and I couldn’t help but giggle. “Harry, stop. I’m talking to my Gran,” I sternly told him and he held up his hands as if to say he were innocent.

“Oh, Harry is there with you?”

“Yes ma’am,” I told her as I smiled at the mentioned boy beside me.

“Put the phone on speaker dear, I want to talk to him too.” I hesitated but did as she asked.

“Okay Gran, you are on speaker.”

“Hello Harry,” Gran said and I watched as Harry smiled.

“Hello ma’am,” Harry said in his husky British accent. “How are you?”

“Oh honey, I’m just fine. How are you? Are you taking care of my grand-daughter?”

“I’m well and yes, I am taking great care of her if I do say so myself,” Harry lightly said as he looked at me.

“She’s being fed then?”

“It’s impossible to get her to stop,” Harry joked and I shoved him.

“Isn’t that the truth!” My gran exclaimed and I couldn’t help but laugh at how mean they were both being. “So Harry, are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?”

“No ma’am.”

“Well then what in the world are you? I know you two are more than friends, at least that’s what my students say!” My gran exclaimed while chuckling at the end of her sentence.

“We don’t know. But when we do you will be the first to know, I promise. Are you a teacher?” Harry asked, making light conversation with my gran. I decided to hand him the phone so I could go get something to drink and feed Sage. As I prepared my dogs food I watched as Harry communicated with my granny, I could tell she was behaving and liked him with how he was responding. That made me happy to know that my grandparents approved of the unofficial man in my life. As I spaced out and thought about my family and Harry I felt a pair of hands resting on my waist and it pulled me out of my trance.

“What are you thinking about?” Harry whispered into my ear and it sent chills down my spine.

“Just my family,” I said to him as I turned around to face him. “What did my Gran say?” I said to him as I walked over to my impatient, hungry dog and set her bowl down.

“That I’d better continue to take care of you, make you happy, send her photo of us and Sage oh and to make lots of love to you so you can give her a great grandchild,” Harry listed off, he laughed at me as I almost choked on my glass of water at the last one.

“No she didn’t?” I asked in disbelief.

“She totally did,” Harry said as he leaned in closer to me.

“She’s so embarrassing sometimes!” I said as I shook my head.

“Oh stop it, that’s her job,” Harry said as he took my hands in his and stared into my blue eyes.

“You’re so weird,” I said to him and pushed him away.

“How am I weird?”

“You just sit there and stare at me sometimes, it’s creepy,” I told him as I made my way back over to my couch.

“I can’t help it you’re beautiful!” Harry sang and I shook my head at him as he plopped down next to me. “Come back to my flat with me, all the guys and girls are over for a late dinner.”

“I can’t Harry, I’m piled up with work,” I told him as I mindlessly played with his curls.

“You can take a break for the night! You have been busy with work for the past 2 weeks!” Harry exclaimed. “Please love, come to dinner and just hang out?” Harry pleaded and I couldn’t say no to his face.

“Fine, let me go get my shoes on and grab my purse,” I told him as I pushed him off the couch and made my way to my room.

“You always abuse me!” Harry said from my living room and I just laughed.

“You’re annoying what can I say!” I said and I felt him rest his hands on my hips as I stood in front of my closet.

“You think I’m annoying?” Harry seductively said into my ear and I got goose bumps from the huskiness in his voice.

“Sometimes,” I nonchalantly said. I felt him slide his hands forward and pushed them under my shirt. I shivered at the coldness from his hands on my stomach.

“I think you’re hot,” Harry said as he placed kisses on my neck.


“Yeah,” he said as he bit at the skin on my neck, I’m sure there would be a mark there tomorrow.

“Feeling’s mutual,” I told him and turned around in his arms and brought my lips to his. He backed us up, never breaking the kiss, until he collapsed onto my bed and brought me down with him. We continued to move our lips against one another’s when I felt Harry get a little too happy if you know what I mean. I broke the kiss and stared at him.

“Time to go hang out with everyone!” I said as I climbed off Harry and finished slipping my shoes, I grabbed my bag and skipped out of my room.

“You are the devil,” Harry said as he walked out of my apartment with me, I simply smiled at him.

We arrived at Harry’s and quickly got through the questioning paps and made it safely into his flat. I walked further into the living room where everyone was seated.

“ABBY!!” Niall yelled as he ran over to me and picked me up in a hug.

“Hi Nialler!” I said to him as I hugged him back. He set me on the ground again and ruffled my hair.

“When are we going to Nando’s together?!” He questioned with eagerness as I laughed at him.

“Whenever you’re ready!” I told him and went to hug Liam, Dani, Louis, El, Zayn and his new girlfriend Perrie. I then went and sat down next to Harry on the loveseat.

“Abby how have you been? Harry never told us how you were when we were visiting America, we’ve missed you terribly,” Liam said from across the room.

“Busy, I have work up to my ears since Summer is coming up and everyone is rushing to get their lines advertised.”

“Well that’s too bad I’m glad you could join us tonight,” Liam said again, I swear he was the sweetest one out of all the boys.

“Yeah well curly over here forced me to stop working to come. But that’s okay I was hungry anyways,” I stated as I smiled at Harry.

“Preach it sister! I’m hungry too can we order the food now!” Niall yelled and I laughed at him. The boy never stops eating. Louis got up to go order the Chinese food we all decided on and Eleanor stood up to come sit on the armrest beside me.

“Guess what love?” She asked and I looked at her to go on. “You’re shooting yours truly this Friday.”

“Really?! That’s awesome!” I told Eleanor and pulled her in for a hug.

“Yeah, what do you say we have a little girl’s night the night before, yeah?”

“Yeah that’d be great!” I told her and reassured it with a genuine smile. We all sat around, everyone was curled up with their other, minus Niall since he didn’t have a girlfriend or almost girlfriend or whatever. We all chatted aimlessly and when I looked over I noticed Niall seemed to have something bothering him because he wasn’t talking and Niall NEVER shuts up so this was weird. I shook it off and assumed it was because he was starving and ready for the food to get here. Once the food arrived we relocated to the large dining table and we all started to dig in.

“So Harry and Abby you two boyfriend and girlfriend yet?” Zayn asked from the seat opposite of me.

“Nope,” Harry and I said simultaneously.

“What are you then? If you don’t mind me asking,” Perrie asked quietly.

“We don’t know, but whatever we are we both like it,” I said as I looked at the curly haired boy that was sat next to me with his hand placed on my thigh.

“We’re more than friends,” Harry said as he squeezed my thigh, smiling at me.

“I’m gonna throw up, you guys are so lovey dovey and cute,” Eleanor said as she looked at us.

“We aren’t lovey dovey,” I said to her shaking my head.

“Well you guys are cute!” She exclaimed and everyone laughed at her.

“I think Perrie and Zayn are cute, it’s about time Zayn asked you to be his bird! He wouldn’t shut up about it!” Louis claimed and I saw both Zayn and Perrie blush at one another.

“Louis stop it, you’re embarrassing the poor lad,” Eleanor said as she slapped Louis in the arm.

“We’ve all got birds or almost birds in Harry’s case, except little Nialler, ain’t that right lad?” Louis said to Niall. I completely forgot Niall was there because he wasn't talking and when I looked at his plate he had barely touched the mountain of food on it. That was extremely strange.

“Yeah Lou,” Niall said with a forced smile on his face.

“That’s because he’s so bloody picky when it comes to girls,” Harry joked from beside and I shot him a glare that said knock it off.

“Yeah, he wants a girl for her heart and her beauty would just be a plus!” Louis said as he grabbed his heart in mock while he and all the other boys laughed.

“He doesn’t go looking for the girl because fate will lead him to the lass!” Harry said as he tried to control his laughter. The rest of the boys began joking around about Niall’s love life and when I looked at the Irish boy I could see he was getting angry.

“Okay, knock it off guys,” I sternly said but everyone ignored me as they continued to poke fun at him. Next thing I know Niall slammed his hands down on the table as he stood up and walked out of the flat. I let out a sigh and slowly stood up to go check on him.

“Love, don’t go out there the paps will eat you up,” Harry warned as he placed one of his large hands on my arm.

“I’m going to go be a friend to Niall since none of you want to be right now. You obviously hurt his feelings,” I said to Harry who took his hand off my arm as I spoke. I pulled my cardigan on over my large flannel shirt, slipped my shoes on and made my way out of the door. The paps surrounded the door, cameras going off in a frenzy. I walked down the stairs and looked to my left and right but saw no sign of the blonde haired boy that stormed off.

“Have any of you seen which direction Niall headed for? He left something and I need to give it to him,” I asked the paparazzi’s knowing it was a risk. They all pointed to my right and to make sure they didn’t follow me I lied.

“Danielle and Liam should be heading out soon too!” I yelled as I jogged in the direction the paps told me. After a few minutes I came up to a park and saw Niall sitting on a bench looking rather depressed.

“Hey Niall,” I said to him as I sat down, concern apparent in my voice.

“Just leave me alone Abs.”

“I’m not here to joke around with you Niall. Are you okay?” I asked him.

“I’m fine. Just wanted to get away from all the jokes.”

“They were out of line weren’t they?” I said to him with a smile on my face when he looked up at me.

“It gets old. Who cares if I don’t have a woman! My mum and dad raised me to look beyond the girl on the outside. They want me to fall in love with a girl for what her heart is like, not for what’s in between her legs,” Niall angrily said. I placed my hand on his shoulder to let him know it was okay and to go on. “I get tired of all the jokes. Yeah Louis has Eleanor who is beautiful and a lovely woman on the inside, Liam has Danielle who is as sweet as him, Zayn has Perrie and Harry has you. They all got lucky, they went after the looks first and just got lucky. I don’t go chasing girls to be my bird, I do let fate lead the way. I know there is a lass out there for me, there is someone for everyone.”

“Well if it makes you feel any better I think it’s sweet that you don’t want a girl for her beauty, you want her for her heart and her personality. You’ll find a girl Nialler, and when you do everyone will know because she’ll steal food off your plate and you’ll be completely okay with it.”

“Thanks Abs, Harry is a lucky guy! You are the best and my favorite out of all the girls!” Niall said as he pulled me in for a hug.

“I try you know,” I said nonchalantly.

“I wish the boys could see my way of love like you do. I just wish the boys would actually see me, it seems all they want to do these days is hang out with their girls,” Niall sadly said as we both stood up and made our way back to Harry and Louis’ flat.

“I think I might know how to fix that,” I told him.

“How so?”

“Well Eleanor and I are having a girls day/night on Thursday so how about I invite Danielle and Perrie over too so you and the boys can have a day to hang out with one another, how’s that sound?” I offered Niall as we got closer to the flat.

“You’d really do that?” He asked in disbelief.

“Certainly. You need to hang out with the boys and I need to hang out with the girls. In plus you’re my favorite Irish man who is also my food buddy so I’d do anything for you,” I told him with a reassuring smile on my face and he pulled me into a hug.

“You’re the best!” Niall yelled as he pulled away the hug and he took off running for the flat. I shook my head laughing at how crazy the boy was as I shoved my way through the paps and back inside.

“There you are!” Harry said as I shut the door to the outside world.

“Here I am!”

“I was worried the paps might have taken you hostage!” Harry joked as he pulled me into his chest.

“Nah, I beat them up,” I joked back as I looked up at him.

“You’re so brave!” Harry joked and I slapped his chest.

“Go away, you’re mean!” I yelled at him as I ran from him. He chased me around his flat and I was just about go run upstairs when he grabbed me by my waist and carried me to his room as I kicked and screamed rape. Once we got into his room he threw me on his bed and sat down next to me and brought his lips down on mine. I moved without breaking the kiss so I was straddling Harry’s waist and his hands were resting on my hips. I broke the kiss as I smiled mischievously at him as I pushed him back to where he was laying down on his back. He lifted his arm to where it was resting on my neck and pulled me down and brought our lips back together, he left one hand on my hip and put the other in my hair to hold us close to one another. I slipped my hands underneath his shirt and scrapped my nails along his abdomen feeling the ridges of his six pack. Only breaking the kiss for a second I removed his shirt and threw it somewhere in his room and brought my lips back to his in hunger for more, I dragged my hands down his chest again, smiling as I remembered he had four nipples, and began to fumble with the button on his jeans. He pushed my hands away as he went to the hem of my shirt and slowly unbuttoned the buttons one by one, once he got to the last button he peeled my shirt off and threw it in a random spot. His hands immediately started to roam my torso as his lips moved to my neck, he found my sweet spot behind my ear and I let a small moan out. As he kissed and sucked on my neck I got the button to his pants undone and he helped me finish taking them off, we laid there Harry only in his briefs and myself in just my bra and tights when Harry moved his hands to the waistband of my tights, he teasingly played with the waistband as our lips moved against one another’s again.

“Hey guys we’ve got ice cream down—oh, you guys have other ideas for desert, I’ll just shut the door then,” I heard Louis say from the door followed by the door clicking signaling it was shut. Harry and I continued unphased from the interruption. He pulled my tights down and I helped as he struggled to get them off and we couldn’t help but laugh into the kiss. I worked my way down his chest, kissing and sucking every spot, until I got just above the waistband of his briefs, I slowly pulled them off while staring at Harry through my eyelashes, eager and lust filling his eyes as he sprung free. My eyes got wide at how big he was, not being able to remember from when we slept together last since we were both drunk. I smiled seductively at him as I licked his length still holding my eyes with his as he began to get vulnerable at my touch. I flicked my tongue over the tip and then quickly took him in and bobbed my head up and down, I stopped when I knew he was about to release and brought myself back up to his lips and started kissing him again.

“You don’t get to have all the fun,” I seductively said into the kiss and I felt him smirk as he worked his fingers with the clasp of my bra, once he got it off he threw it to the side and cupped one of my breasts in his hands and I moaned into our kiss. After a while we both laid on one another naked, heat radiating in the little space between us as he thrusted into me, filling my body with pleasure. We screamed each other’s names, I scratched his back making sure I left marks, and he had my hips in a death grip where I’m sure there would be hand marks tomorrow. After we both released Harry collapsed on top of me panting, I reached up and placed my hands in his hair curling one of his curls around my finger. He finally caught his breath so he could pull out of me and toss the used condom into the trashcan. He laid down next to me and pulled me into his chest as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

“HEY LOVEBIRDS! PUT SOME CLOTHES ON AND COME DOWN TO WATCH A MOVIE WITH YOUR FRIENDS!” We heard Louis yell from downstairs and Harry and I both chuckled before moving the blanket off of us. Harry climbed out of his bed and handed me my thong and bra as he slipped his briefs on and walked over to his dresser to get some sweats for himself. I pulled my undergarments on and when I finished Harry threw a pair of his briefs at me and a t-shirt that I could wear and I slipped the clothing items on. When I finished I looked up and Harry was staring at me with the sexiest smirk on his face.

“What?” I asked as I stepped closer to him and placed my arms around his neck.

“You look amazing in my clothes,” Harry said as he leaned in to kiss me.

“Come on superstar, let’s go downstairs now,” I said to him with a smile on my face as I broke the kiss. We laced our fingers together, Harry grabbed a blanket, and we made our way down to the first floor where our friends were waiting for us. Harry plopped down on the couch and pulled me down after him and then threw the blanket over us.

“You two are loud,” Niall said from beside me and everyone busted out laughing including myself and Harry.

“Sorry Nialler,” I told him as I patted his head.

“Don’t apologize. It’s not like I won’t have nightmares now or anything,” he sarcastically said and again I laughed at him. I snuggled into Harry’s side as the movie began.


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