Alpha Jaxon

By TheGreatMysticArcane

11.1K 141 41

"Foolish Alpha's! I told you this bond is unbreakable! I warned you if you did this great power would come, e... More

Alpha Jaxon
Prologue- Sinister Evil
Chapter 2: Unbinde What Has Been Taken
Chapter 3: The Moons Omen
Chapter 4: The Luna's Shift
Chapter 5: The Chosen Mate
Chapter 6: Choices
Chapter 7: Maxium Secruity
Chapter 8: Silver Linings

Chapter 1: Alpha Jaxons Mate

1.3K 17 1
By TheGreatMysticArcane


A growl escapes my throat. Before I could even stop it. Everyone's eyes snap to my shaking form, alarmed by the sudden sound, small murmurs spread through the pack. Confusion and curious glances are thrown my way. Why had I just let out a menacing growl in the direction of our new Alpha and his 'mate.' I was practically signing my own death sentence, challenging the said Luna and Alpha of the pack. It was unknown to anyone to willingly challenge their Alpha, not unless you were on a suicide mission.

"Mate" I growl out, my feet moving on their own, walking towards them.

The people closest to me gasp at hearing what I had just said, their voices floating faster through the pack as they repeated what I said. To say they were shock was an understatement. Why would their Alpha present another female as Luna, claiming to have found his mate?

He has chosen another female as his mate, as his Luna. Just the idea had my wolf threatening to surface and tear this females throat apart for touching what is ours. But I couldn't, I could only stare and hold the anger inside of me. Even though I had my wolf, I had yet to shift. I couldn't shift, my wolf was present, but when it was time for me to shift I never did. Devastated by it, I feel into deep depression and eventually I threw myself into training. Proving to myself that I wasn't weak because I didn't have my wolf, that I could still just be as powerful with just my human side. I still possessed the qualities of a werewolf. I had heighten sense, I was stronger than an average human and I could heal just fine. The question still lingered in the back of my head as to why I never shifted. However in this instance there was a bigger question lingering in my mind.

I knew he was my mate as soon as he had stepped out of his vehicle. How had he not known we were mates? He was an Alpha he would've know we were mates as soon as he became of age. Yet here he was with another female presenting her to the pack as his mate.

Something wasn't right. I could feel it, a dark cloud loomed over my head as I continue to watch the scene in front of me unfold.

The bond we share was there, it was weak, but I could feel it. My wolf could sense it and I had felt my wolf trying to reach for someone. I didn't know who, but now I knew she was trying to reach for his wolf. I didn't know it at first, not until he stepped out and the world seemed slow down as I took him in, with new eyes. How quickly my wolf jumped to joy, thoughts of the possibilities, things we would do as a mates raced in my mind. I couldn't help the grin growing on my face, how badly I wanted to run into his arms. As fast as time slowed down it also sped up putting my fantasy to a sudden halt when he opened her door.

Another growl escaped my throat, it echoes in the small clearing. I could feel my wolf snapping her jaw and fighting for control. My form shook inevitably anger pulsing through my veins. My teeth elongate themselves, puncturing my bottom lip. The metallic taste of blood bloomed on my taste buds. My wolf wanted blood. It was becoming increasingly harder to control my wolf as she paced back and forth in my mind. It was as if she was literally caged in my mind without any release. Which was partially true because if she was able to shift at this exact moment I had no doubt she would ripped that she wolfs head off and maybe her mates too.

Ignoring everyone's pitiful stares I slowly made my way towards him. Making it clear what I wanted and narrowing my eyes at him, making my emotions loud and clear for him to know. To know the pain he's causing me right now and the anger me and my wolf are sharing.

"Mate" I growl out louder, making sure every single person could hear it. Hear the claim I am placing on my mate. My hands fist themselves tightly against my side. A collective gasp spread throughout the pack, as they realize the truth behind my words and the severity of the situation between the Betas daughter and their Alpha to be. More murmurs and whispers erupted.

I ignore the commotion around me, my wolf and I focused on one person in the pack.

My Alpha, my mate.

My eyes zero in on his form, to his arm which gripped another female's arms protectively, my wolf sneered at that thought. My eyes travel down his legs and up to his face. Our eyes locked together, the world faded before our eyes. Our worlds coming together to create a world that only we could resume in. His wolf reached from my wolf for the first time. Both of them acknowledging each other as mates. The feeling of recognition is magnified, and electricity was charging the air with a newfound love. It buzzed the air, warming my inside filling me up with a charge I have never possessed. The bond was weak, I could tell it was there, but it was muffled as if something was blocking it. As quickly as I felt the bond it quickly disappear.

His hazel eyes shifting, interrupting the current we resided in. My eyes narrow, a frown deepening my features. Guilt, pain, and devastation crossed his eyes before he looked away. Reality shocking me, as I frantically stared at his figure. My eyes trailing down his body once more, traveling down to his arms, his arm that still held a strong grip to a pale one.

His grip tightens, even more, his body shifting closer to the female in a protective stance. I growl lowly, a warning for him to stop and he does freezing in his spot, not moving just staring at me.

Conflict swirls in his iris, to protect this female or to choose his mate? I could tell he's arguing with his wolf trying to make a decision, but my wolf and I had already come to the conclusion that he had already picked one. My eyes flicker to the form next to him. A female laid in my mate's arms, it should've been me in his arms. My wolf howled, recognizing the intimate stands her mate had over this female and she did not like it one bit. The female cowered behind my mate and my wolf snapped. Seeing her seek comfort and protection from my mate, and our mate showing her such kindness while ignoring our bond hurt me and my wolf to the core. This didn't feel real, this couldn't be real.

My wolf broke down, snapping in my head. Her pain multiplied with mine. Her mate accepted her, his wolf side, but the human side rejected me, rejected us. She couldn't bear the pain I felt, she growled in my mind. Rejecting his wolf, she stood by my side. His wolf howled angered by his human, you could see him surfacing and fighting for control trying to reach his mate again. His wolf still recognize us as his mate. So why didn't his human side accept us?

My mate looked at me with pain and regret as he blocked his wolf. He couldn't even hold my stare any longer. The emotions inside of me swirled, making my head spin. Chaos seemed to erupt from every corner of my mind, and as if the wind knew of my pain it picked it up so quickly rustling the leaves of the trees. The dark clouds that stalked over my head now took place over the small clearing of the pack. The once sunny clearing darkened quickly that you wouldn't have even tell that the sun was out just minutes ago.

Wiping the lonely tear that fell down my cheek. I let the anger my wolf held ignited more, a dangerous flame flickered inside us ready to burn anything in our path. Putting my pride and hurt to the side I force myself to be aware of my surroundings and to calm my wolf down. I had to be rational, I had to compose myself and not show weakness. I was better than this. I have trained my entire life to never show weakness to an enemy and my enemy right now was my dear Alpha.

The pack members had all split right in the middle, allowing me to walk right through without anyone blocking my way. I rolled my shoulders back and held my head high. I will be damned before I break down in front of him.

Meeting his gaze once more, my heart stutters. His eyes hid so much guilt that it was almost suffocating. Just looking at him, I knew he struggled with what he wanted, making my heart tumbled harder against my ribcage, threatening to leap out. To spill itself in front of my mate and pack, begging him to give into the desires and to pick me instead and end this madness. Did he not choose me because I couldn't shift? Did he think that made me weak as a Luna?

My wolf began to pace inside me, she huffed and growled, making my body tremble slightly. Her rage filled me up so quickly again I couldn't process what was happening. It didn't stop there, she clawed her way to my mind snapping her jaws. I close my eyes willing that my wolf to stop, she didn't. Her anger was building up as her pace increased inside my head that she could probably burn a hole through my mind. The anger was piling up slowly again suffocating me. My breath quicken, my already beating heart increase its rate. Making me clutch at my head in confusion. The tower of anger seemed to reach its peak, close to tipping over, it just needed that push in order to explode. I didn't know or understand why my wolf had become so anxious and furious over again. But this time it was ten times worse, I could feel it she was going to blow up. I've never experienced anything like this before, and it scared the hell out of me. I didn't know what to expect, I couldn't stop the wild thoughts that raced her mind.

Taking a couple of deep breaths more, I halt, that's when I notice it. The wind picked up faster, the leaves being rustled against their own will harsher this time. As if it had a purpose to prove. A certain smell lingered in the air as it passed through. The smell lingered, making me sick to my stomach. My heart twisted in agony, slowly it was being pried open forcefully. No longer could I breathe, the air stung my lungs and my skin recoiled. Eyes darting everywhere trying to make sense of it all. They land on the faces of my pack members who seem to know what I didn't know. I circled around, my eyes darting from my pack mates, to my Alpha in the distance who was steady making his way to the clearing and now to my mate. My eyes watered, threatening to spill tears and stain my rosy cheeks.

I shift my gaze to the female, she wasn't tall, she fell around my height. Her blonde locks fell softly on her shoulders, body quivered as her blue eyes darted around the scene avoiding my stare. Fingers played with each other like a small child would. I looked her up and down, sizing her up. She was nothing, nothing special just a random girl who my mate picked, and yet here she stood right next to him as his equal. My eyes traveled from her face down to her neck, I inhaled a sharp breath. There laid two small puncture marks swollen and inflamed. The reason the mate bond seemed to be muffled.They were the mating marks, the first step to finishing the mating bonds. They had completed the first phase, meaning that they were one step away from accepting themselves as mates.

My wolf howled in pain thrashing inside my head as she realized, the female wore our mark. The hair on the back of my neck stood, my wolf howled in rejection, his wolf whimpered at the sound of his mate hurting. He tried to talk to my wolf, tried to explain. Tried to maintain his connection as my wolf separated herself from him. Making it easier to do as his human side had yet to establish that connection. His wolf knew that he wasn't going to be able to withstand my wolf's hold, he latched himself to my wolf. Whimpering, begging for forgiveness. My wolf ignored his calls, feeling the same pain I am feeling, the betrayal, the rejection, and the heartache.

My eyes widen at the sight, suspicions confirmed by that single mark. A heart-wrenching sob tore itself from my throat, I slap my hand covering my mouth willing no other sound to come out as I suffocate on my own breath. My sob got the attention of those around me, the talking seized as my heart shattered in front of me. In front of my mate who might of well had ripped it out himself. The female stood awkwardly in the middle of my pack. Staring into her eyes, she stares back at me. Fear swimming in her eyes as she now stood in the middle of a battlefield that she created. Whimper echo in my mind, my wolf lost in despair. The tower tipping over inside of me, snapping like an elastic band.

"No.. No" I whispered choking on the words as I shook my head, walking backwards trying to put enough space in between me and the world around me. I shook more, my body trembling so hard I could barely stand. I covered my face, humiliation seeped into my pores.

My mate didn't want me, he had mated himself with another. My wolf growled something in her demeanor changing now, she pushed for control. Pushing harder than she has ever done before. My body couldn't handle it, couldn't keep holding me up.

The world spun as I fell to the ground on my hands and knees my head bowed down to the ground. I could hear my name being called, yet the voices sound distant and all I could hear were my wolf's growls, as she chanted in her mind. She was out for blood and she was going to get it. I gripped the ground, the soft, cold dirt crushing underneath my hand. My hold on her weakening each second. My body shook harder no longer being able to keep her at bay I collapse mentally and physically. With a ferocious growl, she pushes me to the back of her mind. Holding me there as I now saw the world through her eyes.

She looked directly at our mate sneering at him and just like that something in my mind snapped. The wind howl, lightning cracking against the skies. As if it attempted to comfort me to whisper that it understood my pain.

My wolf stood, picking us up from the ground. She held everyone's gaze, and they all stood there not moving frozen in place by the power my wolf held. Astonished as she stood tall with grace, some members stared in awe while others stared at us with fear in their eyes. For this was the first time they have ever met my wolf. Our gaze went back to our mate, eyes locked and we held it.

Alpha Jaxon was now only a couple of feet away from Daphne and he also still held the other female behind him as he attempted to get closer to his mate. His worry took over his senses as soon as he saw his mate collapsed to the ground. The pain she felt he felt too, he felt all of it through the mate bond. Although he could feel the fear that Lily felt, his mates pain and betrayal over powered the bond. He couldn't do anything, but stand still, like a coward and watch his mate crumble to the ground in agony. He wanted to run to her and grab her hold her and beg for forgiveness. But he knew what he had done was not something even the moon goddess herself could forgive. He didn't know if he ever could be forgiven, but right then and there he'd be willing to sacrifice anything to stop the pain his mate was feeling.

Daphne laughed, it was deep and almost sinister laugh. Wiping away the loose tears that had fell as she let her laughter shake her entire being. Everyone stared at Daphne, weary of what she would do. No one knew how to react, they didn't understand the meaning of this or what their Alpha had done nor could they imagine what Daphne was going through.

Daphne abruptly stopped and looked her mate dead in the eyes.
"Elements of the sun, Elements of the day, Come this way, Powers of night and day, I summon thee, I call upon thee, By the power of three times three, I invoke thee, I call to you smoke of air fire of earth to unbind what has been take from me" my wolf chanted, her voice echo as if there were two of her speaking. I froze in place not understand the meaning of this. Unbind what has been taken from me?

Before I could understand what was happening. The lightening flashed across the skies now flash in front of me dancing around my body. It spread marking the floor every time it touched the earth. I flinched when it shot down. My wolf held her ground and kept us in our spot while everyone else scrambled to get away. Eyes widen with fear as the atmosphere of the clearing changed. You could feel it being charged and amplified by dare I say it. My wolf.

"By the power of three times three, I invoke thee,
I call to you smoke of air fire of earth to unbind what has been take from me," she chanted again shifting her gaze to the skies.

The sky responded to our chant. The clouds swirled above us and thunder clapped lightening follow right behind it. Unafraid of the chaos surrounding her. We didn't fear the wind as it thrashed around us, we didn't coward away as the lighting continued to dance before us and as the thunder boomed across the clearing. We found beauty behind the chaos in front of us it swelled in us finding power behind natures own fury. My hair wiped around me as the wind picked up a wicked smile made it ways to the corners of my lips.

"Daphne, I command you to stop!" Alpha Matthew yelled as he came to the clearing. Pushing pack members out of the way to get to the middle of clearing. Our gazed snapped from the sky to look at Alpha Matthew and then to my father who was right behind him. Worried etched across his forehead. Something flashed before his eyes, but as quickly as it came it was gone.

This should've stopped us, this should've have scared me straight to the bones. Had me tuck my tail in between my legs and tailgate home in fear of being thrown into the dungeons. But it didn't.

The Alpha's command had no affect on me. It rolled off me in waves and intensified my anger once more. My wolf shifted our body in his direction. Alpha Matthew stumbled back, in shock to my defiance. I didn't bow my head, I didn't quiver to the boom of the Alpha command. I had no intentions to stop. To stop whatever it was my wolf was doing and it was clear to the Alpha that not even he could stop me.

"No, dear Alpha I will not stop by your command. In fact let me show you what really power is..." shifting away from our Alpha we stared too the sky and a surge of power fueled by anger coasted in my veins and we chanted once more,
Elements of the sun, Elements of the day, Come this way, Powers of night and day, I summon thee, I call upon thee, By the power of three times three, I invoke thee, I call to you smoke of air fire of earth to unbind what has been take from me," my wolf howled and the wind responded echoing the howl into the distance and throwing into the distance for all to hear. The forest responded as the clouds parted and thunder chased the wind. As if I had broken the seal rain started to pour down and lighting struck down to earth again, but this time instead of multiple lighting strikes. Only one bright white lighting bolt magnified the sky and craved a direct path towards me. Striking me making the world around me flash bright white and then as quickly as it came darkness consumed me like a velvet blanket.

But not before the my wolf whispered to me "In the darkest hour, we call upon our sacred power. I command the unseen to be shown. Unbind what has been taking from me. Now shift my child"

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Brought to you by
Yours truly TheGreatMysticArcane🖤

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