Kiingtongs little secret(will...

By 1boogie

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This is a story between two YouTubeers graser10 and kiingtong and they find out they love each other on a vac... More

Un named :P
The hospital
Do they know its a lie?!
The new place
What happens wen couples live together
Grasers leaving!?!
The little mistake....
Away in the woods
The negatives
Back to normal
Ain'T about dat life
Graser you had to go there
Awww graser
Oh no its the cute off!
Will stop it your too cute!
Wedding planning
Shoping i guess.....
Scot is dead?
And the killer was!!!!.....
Mom dad!?!
Dad!!!!! Leave me alone!
Graser....graser wake up!.....graser....
Just chilling
We will be back
We made it!
The plan
Just keep it hiden
All love has a moment
All love is cute
Your perfect to me
I won!?
Just a normal day
In eachothers arms
A favor?
This is how life should be
Its over
All about will
I need help
She came
No mess ups.........
The wedding?!
Back home
I cant forget it...
You butt snatcher
Shes back...
Somethings there?
Girls night?
Be a good boyfriend
Found him......
Do i really like guys?.
Kiss every inch of him

The park

333 6 4
By 1boogie

They get to the park and pick out a nice spot to hangout then will lays out a blanket of his and Shelby puts the basket down on it and Graser sits down on the blanket and leans back against a tree then will sat beside him and Shelby and H sat beside each other on the other side of the blanket

Will:this is so comforting
Graser:yeah it feels great to go somewhere outside and just hangout
H:I'm just excited about the twins and how soon it is and we are close to the hospital just in case
Shelby:heh I'm excited too it's just going to be hard keeping them a secret
Graser:wait what if some one sees you Shelby?
(H puts his jacket over there and hand her a pillow for her to hold on her stomach)
H:they will see her cold with my jacket and her holding a pillow
Will:well let's just talk about are plans for the future
Shelby:like what?
Will:maybe the twins?
Shelby:what about them
Graser:what will u name them?
H:oh yeah what will we name them?
Shelby:I don't know.....
Will:why don't we come up with some baby names
Graser:it's a girl and boy right?
H:let's come up with names
Will:everyone write names on a slip of paper 2 girl names and 2 boys names and we can narrow it down
(Everyone gets a pen and she starts writing names on there papers)
(Will put "Sarah" and "Cleo" for the girls and "Luke" and "caden" for the boys)
(Shelby put "poppy" "daisy" for the girls and "Cameron" and "Dominic" for the boys)
(Graser put "jasmine" and "katie" for the girls and "William" and "brad" for the boys)
(H put "Ava" and "faith" for the girls and "James" and "ash" for the boys)

Shelby:I kinda like Sarah
H:I like that name
( T-T it's not because that's my name it's because the meaning of the name I googled all of this so give me props to that)
Will:Graser your literary used my name as one of the boy names
Graser:i couldn't think of any
H:hah...anyways what's the boys name if the girl is Sarah?
Shelby:hmmm.....H you choose
H:I kinda like Cameron
Shelby:so Sarah and Cameron I guess it is

In Hebrew the meaning of the name Sarah is: Princess. In the Bible, Sarah was the wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac. Her name was originally Sarai (quarrelsome), but God commanded that her name be changed to Sarah before the birth of her son.
(I'm a princess T-T)
Will:I like those names a lot and H why ash
H:uh...I couldn't think on anything else
Shelby:heh at least you tried
Will:well maybe we can start making a kids room at home for them
(Too girls run up to will and sit down and hug him)
Graser:who are they?
Will:I don't know?
Girl 1:hay I'm Zoe I'm a huge fan I just turned 12 today and I was wondering if I could have a photo
Girl 2:my name is Bethany and I'm 11 I'm also a huge fan and I was wondering if I could wear your hat and if you could sign mine
Will:oh ok Zoe of course I can have a photo with you and sure Bethany but be careful
(Will gets up and Zoe takes off his hat and puts it on and will and her takes a photo then Bethany hands her hat to will and he signs it then Bethany put on his at and hugged him then she gave it back and will gave her hers and the two girls ran off)
Will:that was cool
Graser:your lucky
H:how come everyone only likes to come up and hug you
Will:I don't know let's just eat
(Everyone reaches in the basket and grabs everything out there was 4 heart shaped sandwich witch mached there face paint and some random bags of chips)
Will:let's dig in I guess
(Everyone starts eating then will layered against Graser and just relaxed while everyone else just continued eating)
H:maybe we should tell everyone about everything....
Graser:that was random
H:I was just thinking about it but I don't mind if you guys wanna keep it a secret
Shelby:why do you want to tell everyone?
H:it's going to be hard living apart from each other I mean I love you guys and well I kinda wanna see my twins but they would have to stay with Shelby and well it will be kinda hard if people start hearing baby sound in the background
Will:that is true but aging it's are personal life and they have no need to know everything and plus I don't think me an shelby are ready for people to know
Graser:I guess....let's just relax
(Shelby starts heavy breathing)
H:what's wrong
Shelby:my water just broke.....
(H picks her up and runs her to the car and will and Graser ran behind them then H say her in the background then sat beside her and will drove and Graser sat in the other seat,they hurried to the hospital and people came out and rushed Shelby in and H followed and Graser and will stayed on the car)
Will:il park then we can go inside
(Will hurried and parked then him and graser went inside and went to the front desk)
Will:hi I was wondering if we could know what room a girl named Shelby was in
Front desk lady:what's her last name?
Front desk lady:oh sorry you have to wait in the waiting room until they are done
Will:thank you
(Will and Graser walk to the waiting room then sit and wait)
Graser:how long should this take?
Will:I don't know but I'm going to stay hear until I get messages from Shelby or H
Graser:you sure?
Graser:there is a bench behind that wall and no one ever goes over there would you like to go over there and lay against me
Will:heh can't I don't want people to see us
Graser:it will be fine I can just say you were tired and we were waiting on an injured friend
Will:you sure?
Graser:yeah plus they is no one else in here because normally people are allowed to visit the rooms right away but in this case we can't
(They go the the bench and Graser sits down and lays lays against him and they wait)

(2 hours later)

Will:Shelby are you ok?
Shelby:I'm H I'm on her phone
Will:oh hay H is she ok did everything go ok?
Shelby:yeah everything was great and they said you could come in
Will:what about the front desk
Shelby:show them this "269379"
(Will gets up and goes to the front desk and Graser follows and will shows her the code and she lets them go to see Shelby)
Will:H Shelby!
Shelby:hay guys.!
Graser:aww it's the twins
Shelby:yep the one H is holding is Cameron and the one in my arms is Sarah
Graser:that's awesome
Will:they are cute little ones
Shelby:i can't come home until Wednesday (it's Monday)
H:yeah so we have to wait
Shelby:il miss you guys
Will:just take it easy
(H kisses Shelby on the forehead and then will Graser and H leave and H drives them home)
H:she didn't have a baby shower or anything so I wanted to make her a kids room and surprise her and I have a surprise but you have to promise not to tell anyone (he shows will and Graser the ring)
Will:wow...are you committed
Will:how are you even going to do that without people finding out
Will:that's the problem
Graser:we could have me and will and your family H and Shelby's family but the problem is we have to make sure there are no extra photos getting online and we have to get a pastor and we can do it at a beach
H:yeah but first I have to propose and ask her dad and I'm just nervous
Will:how about this I can get all the information and you just be ready to ask her farther
Graser:your talented but not that talented
Will:you two go to bed too tomorrow will be a long day
H:how come?
Will:just tell me this...are you sure you want to marry her
H:of course
Will:then I want you to go to bed and lock your door and just sleep peacefully
Graser:can I help?
Will:no you just need a good nights rest
(Will hugs Graser then H then they both go to bed and lock there doors then will gets to work)

Wills pov
This is going to be hard but it's for H.......all I have to do is get into get phone find her dad's information then ask him to come to these locations then I can pay him the money for his trip then H can ask and then going from there I guess.....I just need to stay up...(he starts using his computer to get in Shelby's phone and he sent her a text and said "if your phone acts up it's me just don't touch it" then he hacks it and gets the information and downloads it on his phone and then he starts texting Shelby's dad)

Will:hay I need something for you
Dad:uh who is this?
Will:it's a friend of Shelby's
Dad:what can I do?
Will:there is something really important going on and someone wants to propose to your daughter and I'm a friend of him
Dad:ok so what am I supposed to do
Will:I can send you cornets and I want you to go to the air port and show a person this
Dad:how do I know this isn't a lie?
Will:I can not prove myself right or wrong but it's really important to me and my friend that you come
Dad:ok il go to the air port I just need the cords and who to ask
Will:(#########)ask the older man who stands beside the snack machine he's in uniform and he will take you on your plain
Dad:how will I pay for this?
Will:I already have everything handed it's all free
Dad:ok I trust you you seem like a truthful young man
Will:are you going now?
Dad:I just arrived at the air port and I see the man
Will:ok good just tell him it's from me and show him the code
Dad:ok I did now what
Will:is he leading you some where?
Will:just get one that plan and your should be here in 2 hours
Dad:what should I do until then
Will:just relax
Dad:what happens wen I get there?
Will:il pick you up
Dad:ok il be there soon
Will:I'm sorry it's already 12:00 but it's important
Dad:it's ok it's important right so who cares
Will:just relax and take a nap I guess
Dad:ok I guess

(1 hour and 50 minutes later will leaves and goes to the landing area )
Dad:hay I guess I'm here's nice to meet you
Dad:so we're are we going?
Will:did you bring anything
Dad:a few thing like some clothes just in case
Will:ok let's go back home and we can just relax
Dad:it's 2:00am
Will:yeah sorry about it
(They both get in the gar an go home then will gets the things out of the car for Shelby's dad and then they both go inside)
Dad:ok now what?
Will:well I have to do research on where there are good wedding places to go too and I'm looking for some just random things it you can sleep on the couch if you want
Dad:oh ok thanks
Will:oh wait one question will you let this guy marry your daughter
Dad:I don't he nice
Will:yeah and he has a dog
Dad:does he really love her
Will:yeah I asked and made sure earlier
Dad:why are you doing this for him?
Will:he's my friend and so is Shelby and I want them happy
Dad:I really appreciate you thank you so much
Will:oh yeah um..there was an accident and well we have to keep them getting married a secret from YouTube and everyone basically
Will:well I trust you so I can trust you but well me and this guy he's amazing his name is graser he and I kinda are dating and Shelby and H are dating and we just aren't ready for people to know but uh there was an accident and Shelby got pregnant and she had twins today and we trusted you enough to bring you here and hear all of this
Dad:wow.....I appreciate the trust for me but she's pregnant with twins!
Will:shhh....two people are asleep and yeah she had them today there names are sarah and Cameron and h and her are just trying to keep it a secret
Dad:oh ok....well,I like this H guy
Will:his real name is Liam but everyone just calls him H
Dad:well thank will I appreciate this
Will:heh any time just get some sleep
(The dad goes and falls asleep on the couch)
Will pov
Ok now that he's here and everything is ready I just need to set up a kids room hmm.....
Maybe we could do the empty room in the back beside Shelby's room..maybe wen they get older I can I just need to get a crib or cribs in Shelby and possibly Hs rooms hmm I can get them and then maybe later I can do more first I need cribs....these ones!!

They are perfect!...oh it's 7:00am how long did that take me!it should be tomorrow perfect!! And it's cheap! Ok il get it(he orders them both)oh no some one is getting up
(Graser unlocked his door and comes out and will closes his computer)
Graser:will!(he kisses will on his forehead)
Will:just wait for it
Will:I was up all night for this
Graser:I can tell you look exhausted
Will:I'm fine just waiting
(H wakes up and walks out of his room then will jumps up and wakes Shelby's dad up)
Graser:who's that?!
Will:this is Shelby's dad
Graser:your literally a miracle worker
H:oh nice to meet you
Dad:you must be h
H:yes sir
Dad:will explained everything to me last nigh so yes
Dad:will told me how nice you are to him and my daughter and yes you may marry her and I would love to bring my family wen ever you have the wedding
(H runs up to Shelby's dad and hugs him then shakes his hand)
H:sorry! I was excited
Dad:it's ok
H:will thank you so much
Will:heh any time
Dad:I'm going back home today I don't know what time tho
Will:actually in 10 minutes
H:how did you calculate that?
Will:I planned everything the time we was going to get here and how long you guys would sleep and wake up so we had 10 extra minutes to talk and hangout
Graser:you out did yourself this time
Will:heh I just tried my best
Dad:anyways il get changes then you can drive me back to the plane
Will:ok il be in the car
(The dad hurry and changes and then gets in the car and will drives him to the plane then he starts flying back home then will went back to the others)
Will:well surprise
H:thank you so much!!
Graser:how did you even get his number?
Will:I hacked Shelby's phone and took it from there and don't worry she doesn't know about it I hid all traces of me
H:I'm proud of you(h goes up to will and hugs him)
Will:heh well now that that's done I can eat
Graser:what are these two boxes for
Will:oh yeah I also did this
(Will take s the boxes to Shelby's room then he opens them and shown Graser and H the princess and moon crib
H:they look awesome!
Will:I'm going to sleep then tomorrow we can let you propose you get sleep you did enough for the day
(Will walks to his room and falls asleep on his bed)
Graser:wanna decide?
(They spend the whole day decorating while will slept then they slept and the next day began the day Shelby was coming home and the day H was proposing as soon and this came into wills head he jumped straight out of bed and ran to Graser room and kissed him on his forehead waking him up then he ran to Hs room and wake him up then the went to the living room)
Will:today's the day!!
H:I'm nerves......
Will:hay why don't we make you dressed up well maybe that will make you more confident
Graser:will we can dress up too
Will:we can do that! Ok so everyone go in there rooms and pick out a nice outfit and then come out and we can judge each other
(Everyone goes in there rooms and Graser puts on a t-shirt with a jacket around it and some pants with a hat,will puts on a red hoodie his red hat that he always wears and some pants,and h puts on a hoodie with and blue jeans then they leave there rooms)
Will:heh H twins
Graser:I think we look good
H:so what's the plan?
Will:I planned this out
Graser:I'm worried for you
Will:I'm fine...ok so I'm going to go pick her up and take her back and H is going to hide in the back of the car then Shelby is going to go inside with me and then you follow without her knowing then you get on one knee behind her and il make her turn around and then you can pop the question
Will:are you ready because we have to leave like right now
H:I guess
Graser:what about me?
Will:you can make everyone sandwich or some thing to eat after
Will:thanks babe(he kisses Graser on the forehead)
Will:uh nothing!!!lets go!!
(Will runs out to the car and H follows and gets in the back where no one could see or hear him but he could hear everything)
Will:you ready?
(He raises his hand hi and gives a thumbs up then they hurry to the hospital and go inside)
Will:ok up where is Shelby grace
Front desk lady:room 27 she's ready for you
Will:ok thanks
(Will goes to her room)
Will:how are the little cuties?
Shelby:they are great they are just sleeping right now
Will:can I hold Sarah?
Shelby:sure just be careful
(She hand Sarah to will)
Will:aww she's so little
Will:let's go home and show Graser and H
Shelby:ok lets go
(Will carried Sarah to the car and Shelby followed with Cameron)
Shelby:how are we supposed to hold them in the car?
Will:just hold on to Cameron and I can hold Sarah with one arm and slowly drive
Shelby:ok just please be careful
(They drive home safely and Shelby and will get out of the car and will sits the baby's on the couch and then he told Shelby to close her eyes then H hurried behind them and went one one knee)
Will:ok Shelby turn around
(She turned)
Will:open your eyes
(She opened her eyes and saw H proposing to her)
H:will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me Shelby grace
Shelby:yes!(she ran up to him and hugged him tightly and he put the engagement ring on her finger)
Will:mission accomplished
Graser:you know everything will don't you
Shelby:wait what about my dad
H:about that......
Will:I flew him here yesterday and he said yes after H asked and don't worry he's keeping it a secret
Shelby:thank you so much will
H:oh yeah and we decorated and will go the baby's cribs
Shelby:aww thanks guys
Will:any time
Graser:let's eat!
(Everyone starts eating there food except will he goes over and picks up Sarah and Cameron and brings them to H and Shelby)
Will:here's you little munchkins
H:heh thanks will
Will:any time
(Ring ring)
Graser:let me go go answer this
(Graser leaves the room)
Shelby:so wen are you going to propose to Graser
Shelby:you two seem close I was just wondering if you were going to propose
Will:......I don't like to think about it......
Will:its complicated
Shelby:do you wanna play truth or dare later just for the fun of it
Will:sure I guess
H:why not now
Shelby:ok lets go
(Everyone goes to the couch except Graser)
Shelby:where is Graser
Will:he's on the phone......
H:why do you seem so nervous
Will:he's supposed to go home.........
Will:his parents were worried about him so they want him to come home.....he's trying to explain to them that he's ok....
H:that's terrible......
Shelby:let's just play and forget about

To be continued

Sorry it's short I just had a brain fart so I have to get thinking for what's next if you have any ideas just tell me and I may use them...bye!

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