The New Savior #MyHandmaidsTa...

By JulianoftheNorth

15 2 1

A glimpse into the life of a young woman, as she meets her New Savior. More

The New Savior

15 2 1
By JulianoftheNorth

I cast my eyes downward at the crumbled earth beneath my bare feet, as I must in a Savior's presence. He had not been among us before, this new god before me. He was different than the other Saviors, his hair golden like the sun.

"How long has she been here?" he asked my Giver-Savior. His voice was music.

"Almost a year," said my Giver-Savior, his words no less sweet. "We date stamp the back of the neck. Look here."

I held still, as I must when Saviors are close. One touched the hair that covered the base of my head, just above my neck.

"Why was she chipped?"

"Same as the rest," said my Giver-Savior. "Illegal activities, anti-social tendencies."

"What is your cost per labor unit?"

The two Saviors stepped back, their magnificent auras dissipating. Other Fortunates like me shuffled past, great piles of the rock piled inside the baskets on their heads. I worried about my own quota, knowing I still had thirty-two baskets to fill. But it was not time for such thoughts. I must be grateful for the gift of being close to these Saviors.

"Five thousand pesos per month, including food, which is scrub pellets."

The New Savior made a high-pitched sound that resembled the song of a bird I had once seen... No that wasn't right. I was confused again. There were no birds at the Sacred Mountain. I had to stay focused: thirty-two baskets left to fill.

"We're spending four times that in Appalachia."

"But your government doesn't allow chipping. This makes me wonder about the reason for your visit."

The bird appeared again, its feathers a vivid red: a cardinal. It hopped onto my basket. I squeezed my eyes shut. I remembered that bird, just outside our window.

Blessed fire stabbed into the back of my head... I mustn't do this. I didn't want these forbidden images, but some wicked part of me wouldn't let go.

"Olivia," I had said, back long ago. "Come look at this."

Those tiny legs, that mop of chestnut hair ran to me.

An inferno erupted in my head as a thousand needles stabbed into my body. My knees buckled at the pain. The Saviors mustn't know of my disgrace. Just thirty-two more baskets to fill.

The New Savior voice brought me back. "It won't be long now. We'll be the first to reorganize our mines with chipped units."

"Excellent--I can guarantee the priority of your order."

The evil images faded with the pain. My eyes opened. They hadn't noticed my disgrace.

"Can you assist with domestic production?"

"Let's discuss that back inside. Number Seventy-four, you can resume your work."

I let out a breath as I grabbed my basket. The two Saviors walked back to the Divine House, as I turned towards the Sacred Mountain. I had been blessed today. I ran to the Mountain, a smile on my face.

I had just thirty-two more baskets to fill.

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