Equestria Ninja Girls

By MegaSamantronic

2.9K 116 29

this is a Fan made and audio version of TMNT, MLP EG, and Sonic video that might involved with music, drama... More

A New Project
Part 1 If I was Leonard in 2012 Tmnt in "Follow the Leader"
part 2 "Dealing with Mikey pizza eating problems"
part 3 "Samantha start insult Tigre Claw"
part 4 "April Revenge"
Witchcraft again!!! but kill april!!!
"Adorable face challenge"
Call 9800 Amy is a Abuse
when a frost flake Tigre became catholic
April got knocked out
me and my bffs in Yandere Simulator "need a Assassination" thrusday throwback
I'm quitting wattpab

"Pinkie Pie blow up a Twilight birthday cake"

191 9 2
By MegaSamantronic

As sunset blindfolded twilight for her birthday surprise

Twilight:huh..?? Sunset are you sure where you go in I can't see what Pinkie pie is making

Sunset:don't worry twi you will see after I have unblind you heehhehe....

5 minutes later

Twilight:may I take off the blind fllod

Sunset : yes twi

As she opening her eye

Fluttershy and pinke pie:Happy birthday Twilight

And then the cake explore

Fluttershy:oh dear pinkie did you put in that cake

Pinkie Pie:well some extra frost and extra large tnt

Sunset:*sights* and this is why I should have chosen mikey to bake a cake for twilight birthday party

Twilight:mm yummy cake hey at least the cake is good good job pinkie pie and Fluttershy

Fluttershy:thank you

Pinkie Pie:your welcome

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