Sukor : My Idea Box

By maithu_

1.5K 123 153

Hey People, I think most of the people here know me. So straight to the point. This book is to discuss about... More

CAY = BIL-SIL Realtionship
Talk with Flechazo
What about MP?
Play with Baby!
New story: Orenda?
Possession: Word or Emotion?
Gossip with the singer!
You & Me
Walk with Mr. Cute
Question about title
Chat with Sweeto!
New Concept
Play with The Player
Write with me
Mature Contents
Stories & Titles
A New Award
Readers and Me
Phone call with Mr. Lust
Select Title
Let's get Enchanted
Advance Wishes
A word with you
Letter to Miss. to Mrs. Luck!

Open Ground!

41 3 12
By maithu_

Hello people!

How are you all?
Thanks is not enough for all your support.

Few friends of us will be busy in festival preparation, so sorry for not doing Chat with our favorites!

This session may look a bit professional.LOL
I mean why not do a interaction between the story author as author and reader as readers.
You will ask me question and I will answer.

You can ask any question related to finished stories.
Like Why? How? What?...
And if you have questions on ongoing ones, don't ask question that I can't answer. Please!

And if you have any remarks, tell me!
You can even throw me all the negative comments you want.

And also I want to know if you have ideas for what we can do here?
Like new concepts!

Advance Eid Mubarak Friends!
Enjoy well!
(PS: My mouth is watering just imagining all the sweets! LOL)

So people!
Waiting for your questions / remarks / ideas!
Thank you!

- Maithili


Hey dear!

I'm good!
Ask all the questions you want to ask, I will try to answer.

Interesting 1st set of questions.

>> 1. In cup of coffee..u have written only suraj's views what abt chakor?
>> 3. In kiss..we don't know wat suraj thinks abt chakor from the first..will u write it further or not?

Concerning your question 1 and 3, I will say it's a game POV.
So one answer for both.
In our day to day life, we don't put other's shoes to think what they will say or they can think or they may feel.
We will see them smile and we think they are happy but we don't know if it's the real case.
Same applies of any kind of emotions when it's not openly expressed.

That's what I tried to experiment there.
Just to put in one's body and see the world around them from their POV.
In COC, Suraj's POV is more interesting than Chakor's while KISS, Chakor's more emotional than Suraj.
May be in future, there can be a story where we can find both POV.

Hope this answer was appropriate for your 1st and 3rd questions.

PS: KISS is finished! So no epilogue!
It's better that ends here than prolonge it.

>> 2. In POD..we don't no wat happened btw ragini and Suraj like Chakor..Actually wat happend btw them?

As Adi said, Rajini tried to be clingy towards Suraj.
Suraj being being, fully available only for Chakor didn't take anything from that.
So kept his distance with her and his friendship with Adi just took another step ahead.

May be I wasn't that clear, but this is what I wanted to show by the play the characters!

Thanks dear for participating!

If there are any other questions, I'm ready!


Yeah dear!

That's what happening to me!

At least now I have something interesting to do!
Answer to your interesting questions!

>> How do you manage to meet your deadlines?

As I said earlier, I sketch my stories before writing it.
I get to add few things here and there and then elaborate everything according to the need of the story.
As the backbone of the story is ready, i get to write it easily except sometime when I have to think a lot to what to do.
And one secret!
I imagine those stories as if they are happening and it helps me a lot to write the sketch.
I fix the date and not time for my deadline, so sometimes I post in evening too!
Most of the time I try to finish the day before itself and do checking and stuffs the D-Day before posting!

This is how I work!

>> How do you manage to write a number of stories at the same time?

The thing is sometime some idea stuck inside my scalp and I have to write it down, at least in the form of a SP, then I get peace.
And I don't like to be stuck with one thing when it comes to something as exciting as writing a story.
So just like that jumping here and there.

I get easily bored like children and I need a lot of entertainment.
So that's how my system works!
It wasn't the case for TTW as I lost interest and now I'm starting to get it back.

For me life is like a movie.
Until it's interesting, we get to move on.
If it's not, we are bored.
And we are the one to try to make it interesting with our activities.
And that's what I'm doing!

I hope my answers are clear! Fingers crossed! LOL
Thank you for being here.


Thanks dear!

>> Are you interested in writing a dark story?

As you said, I write mostly lovely and happy stories even if I know that the world is not full of happy endings.
That's what makes us happy reading it and that's what I can think when I want to write a story.

Else, I will for sure try to write a dark and black story once I finish what I have in my hands now.
At that time, I will come towards you all for help and I will need it a lot.

>> Which of your characters is the most similar to real life you?

Most of the time I take everything that comes in my way as an experience.
If it's positive in my POV, I try to improve from that.
If it's negative in my POV, I try to learn from that.
Same goes to when I see someone else's adventures.
It helps a lot to decide what we have to do and what not.

I'm the eldest of my family and in whole clan from my mother's side who live in France.
So I'm like an example for the rest of this generation people. I learnt few things on my own without any guide as both my parents aren't fully aware of France studies and life.

And I like to have a happy moments even in sad and I think a lot by putting myself in others shoes most of the time, except when I angry and it doesn't happen a lot!

I crack jokes here and there in family and speaks a lot.

So I think a bit of me is there in every Chakor and Suraj even if it's for stubbornness.
The most I will say Chakor!

And I think with all the things I said, you can judge it better from outside than me.
So tell me who am I like according to you (if possible)!

Thanks for these interesting questions!


Thanks for your detailed answers.

For me, Chakor from POD is the most like you, sweet, bubbly but with a mind of her own. I also thought that you're friendly and have a positive attitude towards life.

It must be hard being the trail blazer in your family, especially in a foreign country, you have my respect for that.

Do you right stories in French or any language other than English?


Yep! Sometimes it's really hard to the eldest among everyone in a foreign country!
Thanks for your lovely words dear!

Coming to your question!

>> Do you right stories in French or any language other than English?

I don't know why but I love English more than French.
Until now, I haven't written anything in French not even few versus.
Whereas I have few versus written in English and in my language that I will use in one of the upcoming stories.
And the rest are all present here in this forum.

This is the 1st platform which inspired me to write and I feel I belong to here now with all your love and support.

Thank you!


So this time our author is in for some professional chat...thats cool

So here are my bunch of questions,regarding finished stories...

1.In POD,why didn't Suraj confessed his love for Chakor in a proper way,when there marriage talks were on,or right after marriage?

2.In MP,how come Suraj didn't doubt on Chakor,even for a second,after knowing that she is pregnant?

3.In COC,what made both Sukor believe that,they were the only one...coz I find it very difficult?

4.In MP,Chakor was a novice mistress,as expected;she was to feel terrible inside,while at her main job,but still,it felt as if she was also having pleasure...did she had already started to harbour feelings for him?

P.S-maybe I have answers to all the questions that I asked you,just troubling you or you can say that,wanna hear it,from the authors perspective...

And now some question to our author-

1.Every artist,though somewhere or somehow attached to each of its works,has one piece of art,that is the most special one...

So I would like to ask,which story is the one which you is closest to you,or you feel connected the most...or is your personal fav?

2.Do you miss India?


Nothing special though...just wanna tell that I like reading your works ..Actually I am not much into ff in this forum,only because I like reading stories,in peace without any disturbance,and I rarely get time for it...but somehow got addicted to your works..and I really do enjoy them.

Just a small complain,each of your stories seem to have urban and classic vibe in them,I would really like to read something that has a somewhat raw and rustic appeal to I am purely desi at heart...

My expectations for a story-

I think that you are well aware of my would like to keep it short...

You know why MP is my personal fav,coz out of the ones I have read,only this particular story has a strange emotional aura,that I feel deeply connected to...this particular story is perhaps the most confusing sorts...something that I relate to..

Though,I also like happy endings,but tragics and dark stories are also off my interest...stories where the characters portray really mysterious emotions...that is why,I love Udaan,the show as well,coz the show is really bold in portraying complex human traits,and devious sentiments of human minds...

So I would love to read something from you that is very abnormal or difficult to understand...(I guess you understand what I mean)

My idea for future chats-

1.we all can involve in some heart to heart chats,that will make us more acquainted to each other 

2.we can mention some  particular moments from any story of our choice,maybe our fav part...and first express ourselves,then ask each other...What would you have done in that particular situation,if you would have been present in the place of the character..
(I think it will be interesting)..

And lastly...EID MUBAARAK in advance to all the lovely people active in this particular thread...

P.S-I hope I didn't bored you...


Oh My God!
What is this?
A tsunami of questions!
LOL! I was just exaggerating!

All in all, everything is interesting to read!

I will reply it in 3 parts!
First one will be about your opinions and ideas.
Then answers to your queries about stories.
And finally, reply to your questions directed to me.

Let's start with the first one.

As you said, I'm well aware of the type of stories you like.
And I'm 80% sure that you will like CAY when you read it and 20% will be to wash me out for a suspense which has nothing as value. I have to wait 2 more weeks so you can tell me how that is.

Will all the people asking for something dark and abnormal from here and Wattpad, I will for sure give a try to that.
And I can already visualize that it will be for sure a SS with more than 10 parts! LOL

Thanks a lot for those ideas dear!

And you know what, here also we have something in common.
I also thought about the idea of taking an extract and think about how we will feel if we were in their place. And I thought to do it especially with Orenda as there is no mention of characters' thoughts.

For sure we will do this.
But for next week, the session is reserved with Mr. Cute from TOFM.
Hope you all will enjoy it.

Going for your rounds of questions.


Time for your questions about stories!
It's going to be a difficult task to convince you with my answers, but I will try.

My answers for all your questions are from my POV, so bear it.

>>In POD,why didn't Suraj confessed his love for Chakor in a proper way,when there marriage talks were on,or right after marriage?

Sometimes, LOVE doesn't need words to express.
For me LOVE is just a word and when we call 2 people LOVE each other, it's trust, confidence, sharing... a lot more words are included in that one word which is LOVE.
So that's what I wanted to show there.
Sukor knew each other since childhood and due to some silly/important misunderstanding they didn't keep in touch but their LOVE for each other was and is still their.
So that's why there wasn't a need to confess their love as they know and they felt what the other feels.

I don't know if it's too philosophical but that's what I think.

>> In MP,how come Suraj didn't doubt on Chakor,even for a second,after knowing that she is pregnant?

In MP, the base of their relation ship is trust.
If you remember, he didn't trust her the 1st day but wanted to give her a chance and that chance was to see if she is trustworthy or not. And Chakor won that process and little by little entered his heart.
It was the shock of becoming a father when he know the chances were very less that made him go away from that situation and take time to think.
Sometimes, keeping the problem away and seeing in from another perspective helps to resolve it.
After taking his time of reflection, he was back to his normal form which he shows only to Chakor and accepted his part of work in the baby making process.

Ouf! 2 questions finished! 2 more in list!

>>In COC,what made both Sukor believe that,they were the only one...coz I find it very difficult?

In COC, their marriage was a kind of arranged marriage with few factors or I will say a lot of factors that was likely to both of them.
Like Suraj love signing but he couldn't.
Chakor didn't have any expectations(if you remember the chat with her.)
And moreover, the aura of attraction played a role with the liking part.
So they clicked immediately.

I can' talk about others.
My marriage will be an arranged one.
So when I will see the person my parents choose, I will have few things to clarify and see if we have things in common and if we are compatible for a healthy long life, trust... And if the checklist is checked, all is well.
Like the definition of LOVE, Arranged Marriage also have it's own definition from everyone's perspective.

That is what COC showed.
Another example of this type of marriage is going on in the forum with the title name 'Arranged Marriage' it's another perspective. That's what I will say for this question.

>> In MP,Chakor was a novice mistress,as expected;she was to feel terrible inside,while at her main job,but still,it felt as if she was also having pleasure...did she had already started to harbour feelings for him?

We can't always expect our life to lead this way to this point.
She wasn't fully aware of the world of sex if I can say.
She was experimenting everything with him only.
In the 1st part, she compares her life with her school friends.
That shows what she is.
Here I need to talk about Suraj.
He wanted a mistress to feel at least to have an effect of a family (If you recall the chat with Sukor). In that case, it wasn't just a question of pleasure of him and only for him.
What I want to say is that he wasn't for sure making love to her but it was a hard and rough handling too, if you see Chakor's thought.
She was feeling things she had never thought, so in that way he was giving her pleasure and not hurt.

Coming to the feelings, it didn't happen in one shot like that, it was slow and steady with few months gape. She was fully dependant on him and he is the only person in her world for that whole period of time.
Even if he was a kidnapper and if he behaves as coolly as him(except the fact he says she is his mistress), Chakor will for sure starts to feel for him. Not only Chakor, most of humans are like that. And trust played an important role in their story.

I don't even know if my answers are clear.
But this is how I see.
May be we should one day put Chakor's shoes from MP and see things in one of the session.

Tell me if my answers were okay or a total waste.
Now, time to my questions!


This time 2 question! So I have time to breath ! LOL

>> Every artist,though somewhere or somehow attached to each of its works,has one piece of art,that is the most special one...

So I would like to ask,which story is the one which you is closest to you,or you feel connected the most...or is your personal fav?

As you mentioned I love all of my works.
And it's normal.
And especially when we get all the positive comments for every works.

Even if Nok-Jhok is my 1st story, Flechazo is the one which made me to write more.
Flechazo pushed me write different kind of stories and it was like my come back to the forum after months.
So Flechazo is the one I will say if I have to nominate only one.

But every story of mine is close to my heart as I still remember everything I have written even if I didn't read them once finished.

>>Do you miss India?

I really really miss India.
To say the truth I wanted to do my higher studies there but everyone in the family wasn't okay with my wish.
I miss the colourful atmosphere, everyday different routines, people, families(all my elder brothers and sister, I mean my cousins are there only), the enjoyment, the festivals (here we cook different types of dishes and pray and then to studies or work whereas in India it's full on entertainment that day)... I can go on like this.

Since the time I came to France, the most I missed are the families in India and festivals.

Thanks for asking this question as it made me remember the time I spent there. 

Finally answered every questions of yours.
Thanks for your wishes dear!
See you!



Come here yaar,I wanna give you a tight

Thank you so much,for taking your precious time out and answering me in such details..

You are a sweet heart...

Here also,I felt a trait in you,somewhat like me,like the efforts you put in to makes it so special,it seems how much you get involved in even the littlest of things...


Finally finished this coping this chat! Thanks a lot buddies!
It was so cool to chat with you all and share how I write stories and what I think and I got to know what you all think!

Thanks dears!

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