Descent into darkness BxB

By Some_LoFi_Dude

153 22 4

Aiden couldn't be more normal on the outside. Good grades, perfect student, christian child born to devout pa... More

Chapter I: Descent
Chapter II: Flight
Chapter III: With friends like these..
Chapter IV: New Family
Chapter V: Initiation
Chapter VII: Answers
Chapter VIII: Reality
Chapter IX: Realization

Chapter VI: Truths

16 2 0
By Some_LoFi_Dude

As we entered into the main room of the underground bunker, Eric was lazily reclining on a large couch with Ian curled up next to him. His head snapped up and his green eyes locked onto Kaitlyn and Orion. "You better have my god damn table." He snapped. "We have your table sir." They said in unison and bowed their heads.

"Wonderful!" Eric shouted and jumped up from the couch. Ian was knocked sideways and let out a low growl, before settling back down again. I swear that kid is weird. "I knew I could count on you three! Did you encounter any issues on your little field trip?" He asked, shooting Kaitlyn a knowing look. "Just some manager who decided to touch me." She replied in a bored tone. "Did you kill him?" Eric deadpanned. "Of course not. Just gave him a love tap is all." She said, smirking as she made her way to one of the many couches and flopped down on it.

"I'll get Krieger to bring in the table." Orion said and bowed his head slightly before he disappeared into the direction of the sleeping quarters. "So, I no doubt you have some questions that need answering m'boy." Eric said as he fixed me with a pointed stare. "Well..I have a few.." I said, keeping a watchful eye on Eric for signs of movement. He flopped backward onto his couch and fixed me with a lazy grin. "Well, ask away sunshine."

"What exactly, are you?" I asked, deciding to decipher this once and for all. Eric tilted his head to the side as if pondering something. He then hopped up and walked towards me. For every step forward he took, I took one back. Eventually my back hit the wall and he was staring down at me. Even though we were nearly the same height, he seemed so much larger than me. I involuntarily shrunk myself down as he leaned close and spoke, his mouth directly next to my ear. "Why don't you come and find out?" 

I only had a moment to register his words before pain bloomed from the right side of neck. His mouth was on my neck. Holy shit he fucking bit me. This kid's a god damn vampire. Holy. Shit. I struggled weakly in his grasp before my vision began to darken. Before my eyes shut fully, I was aware of several people being in the room. However I couldn't make out who. My eyes finally closed and I dropped out of consciousness.

My dreams were strange and filled with discordant music. I couldn't see anything, but I felt warm. Very warm, as if I was on fire from within. The warmth came in waves, alternating from slightly uncomfortable to searing. I tried screaming several times, but I had no voice to scream with. I suffered in the dark, silent and alone. 

The music swelled to a crescendo, thousands of voices clashed with each other as they sang, and someone pounded on a drum creating a furious tribal beat to pull it all together. Then in a moment of unity of all the sounds, when the pain of burning from within became the greatest, I heard it.  The howl of a lone wolf, clear amidst all the noise.

I woke with a start and sat upright on my cot. I was in my curtained off "room" and I was currently covered in sweat. My body felt hot, and ached all over. "What happened..?" I muttered to myself. I reached toward the nightstand for my glasses until some strange became apparent. I could see perfectly without my glasses. "What the hell is going on.." I said, my heart beginning to pound.

I pushed the bed sheets aside and stood up. Immediately I regretted this decision as my legs gave out and protested in pain. I fell backward onto my bed, it felt as if someone had taken a stick and beaten me all over. I moved my left arm, and stopped, the blood drained from my face as I inspected my arm further. The bone had healed perfectly, overnight it had seemed. In fact, several things didn't feel right. 

I lifted up my shirt and stared at the stomach. Where the bruises from my fathers kicks had once been, smooth skin remained. Although unlike the flat stomach I was used to, I had a four pack. Even if it wasn't as defined as every other teenage movie star's, it was there. I quickly checked the rest of my body and came to find that my muscles had acquired more definition where there had been none, or simply seemed to appear overnight.

"What the actual fuck." I asked myself, completely confused by this turn of events. Just then the curtain to my sleeping area was pulled back, and Krieger stood before me. He wore a tank-top and grease stained jeans, and once again, his ever present unsmiling face stared down at me. "Eric wants to see you in the main room. Now." He muttered, his deep voice causing me to jump. I nodded in response and he promptly left. I'll never understand how one so large could move so silently. Rising from my cot once again, I managed to make my way to the main room using the walls as supports.

As I entered the room, everyone's eyes were immediately glued to me. Kaitlyn whistled provocatively at my poorly concealed muscle development. Orion nodded in acknowledgement, Ian glared at me, and Cyrus ignored everyone. His face still buried in a book. Eric clapped from where he was seated and flashed me a grin. 

"Well well well, you turned out nicely didn't you. I'm so glad you've decided to wake up. It's only been two weeks." I was out for two weeks? The hell? "What did you do to me!" I shouted, and clenched my fists. Normally I wasn't this angry but I felt the need to hit someone. To kill someone. It was an irrational thought, but my clouded judgement went with it. I charged Eric. He remained lazily reclined in his chair, grinning at me as I charged across the room with my fist raised.

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