Descent into darkness BxB

By Some_LoFi_Dude

153 22 4

Aiden couldn't be more normal on the outside. Good grades, perfect student, christian child born to devout pa... More

Chapter I: Descent
Chapter II: Flight
Chapter III: With friends like these..
Chapter IV: New Family
Chapter VI: Truths
Chapter VII: Answers
Chapter VIII: Reality
Chapter IX: Realization

Chapter V: Initiation

10 2 0
By Some_LoFi_Dude

I woke to some repeatedly slapping my shoulder. "OW! What the hell?!" I murmured still half asleep. Get your ass out of bed, I'd like to avoid pissing off Eric anymore than he already is. I sighed and slowly rolled myself out of bed. I was then roughly grabbed and dragged into a bathroom. "Who, wha-, Orion? What the fuck?!" I could barely process how fast I we being moved, suddenly I was brought to a halt and a bundle of clothes were shoved into my arms. "You're about my size. Shut up and wear this. Get them on quickly, we're already two minutes behind schedule." Orion said, worry was evident in his voice.

"What are you talking abo-" The bathroom door was slammed in my face. "Oh you have got to be kidding me.." I muttered before slipping on the clothes. Black long-sleeve shirt, blue jeans, and combat boots. "Why am I dressed like we're going hiking.." I said as I opened the door. Of course no one answered my question as both Kaitlyn and Orion grabbed one of my arms and dragged me before Eric. 

He was seated on a large, expensive looking couch in the center of the room. Ian was curled up on his lap, but once we entered the room his eyes snapped open and he latched onto me with his cold, emotionless stare. Whatever it was about him, kids should not make you feel like they can see right through you.

"You're late." Eric said, his voice void of all emotion. He continued petting Ian as he stared at us with absolutely no emotion whatsoever. "I apologize, sir. He was hard to wake up." Kaitlyn said, her head bowed. She wouldn't even meet his eyes, a completely turn around from last night. Orion was doing the same. "He is new, if we punished every new member who doesn't know the system yet, we'd be a pretty poor excuse of a group now wouldn't we? No matter, your shipment arrives downtown in one hour, get the table, and get back here. No excessive messes you two. We need to do a money run later this week." He said, almost as if he was bored with the entire situation.

"Understood." Orion and Kaitlyn said in unison before they stood from their kneeling position and dragged me with them. "Christ, something's got his tail in a knot." Kaitlyn muttered. "I thought you would've known by now to not talk about him behind his back. He can hear you y'know." Orion pointed out in a hushed voice. "Yeah yeah, I know." She muttered back. How is that even possible, we were already in the hallway heading outside, there was no way he could hear them..

Something wasn't adding up, and whatever it was, it was huge. The trap-door was pushed open by Orion who seemed to have little effort shoving the large steel door aside. Once inside the upper level of the warehouse, Kaitlyn led us to the truck. "Get in, and don't say anything until we're there." She barked, and I was promptly lifted into the truck sandwiched between Kaitlyn and Orion in the front. She started the engine and we exited the warehouse.

After a few minutes the run-down areas of town began to be replaced with urban shops and better off districts. "Shop should be coming up on the right. Kaitlyn pulled the van over and stopped. "Alright, listen up Adrien. Don't touch anything, and don't leave the van. Watch, and learn." She said, and with that, she exited the vehicle along with Orion. Then the strange things began to happen.

Faster than the human eye could see, Kaitlyn and Orion sprinted into the door and returned seconds later with an exact replica of the class table they had stolen earlier. Price tag and all. Somehow, they had managed to slip masks and gloves on before entering the store.  As Orion was loading the table into the back of the truck, one of the managers ran outside in an attempt to stop them. 

Kaitlyn immediately moved to put herself between the store manager and Orion. "Kaitlyn, he said not to make a mess." Orion called back to Kaitlyn. She huffed, and turned away from the clerk and began to walk towards the drivers side door. "What the hell do you kids think you're doing! Stop! Stop right there!" The store clerk marched forward, and it was at this moment, he made the biggest mistake of his life.

He grabbed Kaitlyn's shoulder. 

She stiffened, and Orion immediately stopped what he was doing and stared intently at the store clerk. Already the sirens of police units could be heard in the distance. "Take. Your hands. Off. Me." Kaitlyn growled out, her voice seemed to deepen with each word. Her eyes burned with blue fire. "Oh no miss. You are going to talk to the Police about this!" He said. That's when he made his final mistake. He tried pulling Kaitlyn away from the truck.

"Oh shit.." Orion muttered before all hell broke loose. Kaitlyn pivoted on her left foot almost faster than my eye could register and shoved the manager with three of her fingers. The manager who was much taller and much heavier than she was went flying into the brick wall of his store, and left a sizable dent. "Lets go, we're leaving!" Kaitlyn shouted as the sirens grew ever closer. She hopped into the drivers seat and sped off down the road going at very illegal speeds.

We didn't slow down until we were nearly at the industrial district. "Well, that was fun!" Kaitlyn laughed while Orion shook his head. "I hope for your sake that man is still alive." Orion said quietly. "Reeelaaaax, I didn't use enough force to kill him. I'd have used four of my fingers for that." She said without a note of worry in her voice.

"What..are you people?" I asked, my voice barely audible, however they both picked up on it. Orion and Kaitlyn looked at each other before looking back at me. "That'd be a question best left answered by Eric." Orion said and continued walking.

---Authors Note---

Heyo! I'm currently in Paris on vacation. Updates might be a bit slow due to this. However I'll do my best to post and keep everything updated and moving along. As always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Feel free to vote, comment, or follow. Any type of feedback is useful in helping me learn to better this story, and my writing. Hope to see you soon!

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