Chapter 1: Directioners and t...

By lifeis1Derfulx

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Meet Kaitlin and Ellie 2 huge New York Directioners, when they find out what hotel the boys are staying at th... More

Chapter 1: Directioners and the city.
Chapter 2: City Bound!
Chapter 3: Meeting the Boys
Chapter 4: This moment in time, I'll find the words to say.
Chapter 5: Hanging Out with the boys
Chapter 6: Saying goodbye
Chapter 7: Leaving the hotel
Chapter 8: The Video Chat
Chapter 9: The Day After
Chapter 10: The Concert
Chapter 11: When Niall met Jessica
Chapter 12: The Interview
Chapter 13: Ellie and Jessica's First Day Back
Chapter 14: Kaitlin's first day back
Chapter 16: News
Chapter 17: The Big Decision
Chapter 18: Packing
Chapter 19: On Our Way
Chapter 20: The Dinner
Chapter 21: First Full Day in Bradford
Chapter 22: Planning the perfect date.
Chapter 23: The Date
Chapter 24: I'm not ready..
Chapter 25: Twitter
Chapter 26: Ireland
Chapter 27: The Club
Chapter 28: The Morning After.
Chapter 29: 3 days Left
Chapter 30: Time Flies
Chapter 31: Sweden and the start of the tour
Chapter 32: Cali-forn-ia
Chapter 33: Florida
Chapter 34: Actions speak louder than words

Chapter 15: What happened.

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By lifeis1Derfulx

Jessica's POV:

The boys finally got to party last night, their first time legally drinking since being in New York. I had trouble sleeping last night, I trust Niall, I know he would never cheat on me. I am a little worried about Harry and Zayn because I know how crazy they are when they get drunk.

Ellie's POV:

It's Harry's first time partying with me as his girlfriend, I know they went to the bars and got drunk, I don't care. I am just scared if they did something like cheated on me. I know I am being paranoid, Harry is a great guy, he would never cheat intentionally. I guess we will just have to wait and see with the tabloids.

Kaitlin's POV:

I woke up confused, what happened? I had to take another zanex because I was so stressed and nervous. Not just about Zayn partying but about everything in general. How am I supposed to go back to school knowing people are going to be talking about me. I finally got out of bed, checked my iPad and went on twitter.

It was all over twitter, photos of the boys partying, getting really cozy with these beautiful girls, I knew it was too good to be true. I was just a temporary girl until Zayn found someone prettier, more his age, someone who had an amazing body. Someone who wouldn't kill themselves. I opened up some photos and saw a photo of this blonde girl, she had to be somewhere in her 20's she wore a tiny black dress that barely covered her crotch. Giving my boyfriend, a lap dance. I couldn't believe it, it bothered me a little, but I know they are just teenagers at a club its not a big deal. I scrolled up my timeline and then I saw a photo in my mentions. My heart broke. Zayn kissing the blonde girl. His hands grabbing her butt. I started to feel my eyes water. I couldn't believe it, my mentions were flooded saying "see we told you, Zayn never loved you, he was just waiting for someone prettier to come along" some people were supportive saying "dont listen to that hate, Zayn would never do that to you" I had no idea what to believe, I just indirectly tweeted "I guess I can't trust anyone anymore. Not even you." I guess Zayn was online but he saw the tweets, he saw my tweet and text messaged me. I didn't want to answer, I was too upset. I looked at my phone and he said "Is everything okay babe? I read your tweet." All that went through my mind was "Is he serious right now? Does he think I don't know what happened last night? I typed back as fast as I could, "I knew I was just a pity girlfriend, until you found someone prettier and everything that I am not" He wrote back "What are you talking about?" I sent him the photos "Come on Zayn, like you didn't think I would find out?" Zayn called me. he wanted me to hear what he needed to say. "Babe, those arent real, I was good last night. I had a few beers, I wasn't with any girl, I danced with a girl but not her, I never seen her in my entire life." I asked him "Then how is she in these photos? How come you are kissing her? I thought you loved me, but I guess I can be forgotten so easily." He was shocked, he said "I am more hurt in the fact you don't trust me, the fact that you don't believe me. I will get the boys on the phone, they were there with me all night" I said okay let me talk to them. It was 6 in the morning and Zayn put Harry, Niall and Louis on the phone, Liam was doing a twitcam that night so he didn't know what was going on. They told me that all Zayn was talking about was you, we were fooling around saying get your mind off Kaitlin for a while and have a good time dance with someone, he didn't want to, some girl was trying to hit on Zayn, she started giving him a lap dance and right after the paparzzi took the photo he told her to get the hell off of him because he had a girlfriend. He loves you Kaitlin, you know that, he would never want to hurt you. I asked them "EXPLAIN THE KISSING PICTURE!!" They said, don't you remember, your part of this fandom, they are masters in photoshop,the tabloids will do anything to sell a story. I thought about it, I realized I was wrong, I over reacted. I never had a boyfriend before, almost all of my past friendships were ruined becasue they broke my trust. I couldn't loose Zayn. The boys left Zayn alone in the room again, it was just me and Zayn on the phone now. He said, "Do you believe me now? I love you too much to ever do that to you, I would never leave you for some girl I met at a club" I apologized, I said I am sorry, I felt horrible. He told me I needed to get ready for school and he made me videochat with him because he wanted to pick out my outfit. Weird.. I know.

I was still in my PJ's I looked like a crazy person, my hair was a mess from sleeping last night, I had no makeup on. Zayn slept in his boxers and no shirt, I could see his tattoo on his collarbone, he looked so perfect when he was even waking up. He told me I needed to wear shorts, my black converse and his varsity jacket. It still smelt like him, I remember wearing it the first day we met. I couldn't help but smile. I threw a blanket over the webcam and quickly got dressed. I asked him if I looked okay, he said I looked beautiful. I felt safe wearing his jacket, it hid my cuts from yesterday, I felt today was going to be better than yesterday. I had to sign off and get ready for school, he told me he loved me and to text him if I needed him.

Jessica and Ellie had no issues with Harry and Niall. They spoke to each other before school and then the boys had to go to the arena to do some rehersals. We all realized that the boys can be trusted, that this was a commited relationship, that jealous fans photoshopping things, silly tabloids, all the hate, isn't going to break any of us up.

I tweeted again, "Thanks guys for clearling things up @harry_styles @niallofficial @louis_tomlinson some people go way to far and try to mess everything up" then right before I went on the bus I tweeted "Wearing @zaynmalik's jacket, thanks for picking my outfit out for me today ahah xx loveyouu" Zayn tweeted back saying "no problem don't let the hate get to you, your so much better than that loveyouxx" Zayn never really shows affection in the public, he wanted to let everyone know that I was his, he was mine. That no matter how much hate we got, nothing will ruin us.

It was time for school, I had a lot of anxiety going back, I knew I didn't want to cut again. I felt a little less nervous because I talked to Zayn is morning, and I was wearing his jacket. The aroma of his Gucci by Gucci cologne comforted me and brought back memories from the day we fist met, I walked into my health class, and I was fine, thought the day things started becoming better and better. In photography a girl asked me if I was really wearing Zayn's red and white varsity jacket, the name Malik was embroidered on the right sleeve. I have never noticed that before. I told her yes and she swooned, I couldn't believe I didn't feel the urge to cut. I text messaged ellie and Jessica to ask how their days were going. They both responded great and asked how I was. I told them I was doing good, no urges or anything, I wanted to talk to Zayn, I knew he probably couldn't answer because of rehearsals, which I was okay with, I shot him a quick text saying "hey babe hope rehearsals are going well tell the boys I say hi love you:)xx" I guess he was on lunch break or something because within 5 minutes he sent me a photo of him and the boys and then said "were doing well they all say HII! Send me a photo of what your doing, oh I have some news for you later" I took a quick photo of myself in math, and then I sent another photo of the right sleeve of his jacket asking him if he ever noticed Malik embroidered in it, He replied saying yes, that I was probably one of the only people who have noticed that! He told me he had to go and rehearse. I wanted to know the news.

I guess I will find out later....


Find out in chapter 16

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