Descent into darkness BxB

By Some_LoFi_Dude

153 22 4

Aiden couldn't be more normal on the outside. Good grades, perfect student, christian child born to devout pa... More

Chapter I: Descent
Chapter III: With friends like these..
Chapter IV: New Family
Chapter V: Initiation
Chapter VI: Truths
Chapter VII: Answers
Chapter VIII: Reality
Chapter IX: Realization

Chapter II: Flight

21 2 0
By Some_LoFi_Dude

I groaned in pain as I crumpled to the floor. Only having a moments respite before I was once again picked up and this time, slammed into the wall. I cried out in pain, however with mom being gone to work by this time, there was no one there to hear my cries. "Good for nothing waste! You are not my son! No son of mine would ever be a faggot!" He screamed, each insult was punctuated by a kick to my ribs. I gasped each time as I felt the air leave my lungs. By this point, all I could do is stay on the floor and cover my head with my hands.

"I'm going to end this once and for all!" He spat, and then stormed off towards his room down the hall. Which could mean only one thing. He's getting his gun. "Oh god he's really going to kill me." I thought to myself. It was odd, the thought didn't scare me, but sent my mind to a quieter place. I don't know where I got the strength, but I stood up, and limped toward the window. "If he wants to kill me, then I'll make sure he doesn't get any satisfaction out of it." I murmured grimly, before unlocking the window and opening it. 

Just as I heard his heavy footsteps stomping down the hallway, I jumped. The tree underneath my window broke my fall, however I didn't escape unscathed. As I landed, a sickening crunch was audible, and my left arm was immediately in pain. "Fuck!" I hissed as I cradled my arm to my chest, tears fell from my eyes as the pain continued to pulsate from the broken bone. "Boy! Where are you! Get your fairy ass back here!" I heard my father scream from my room above me. I quickly limped out of my yard and down the street. 

Once I had made it a ways away from my house, I pulled out my cellphone and dialed my mothers work number. It rang once before she picked up. "Mom!" I sobbed into the phone. Nothing but silence was heard from her end, before a click resounded. She had hung up on me. She usually always answers, but she had hung up on me, just like that. I was lost. My house was a death sentence, and my mother had abandoned me. I did the only thing I could, I headed deeper into the city.

Everyone I passed ignored me. Probably chalking me up as just another homeless child. My clothes were ripped and bloody, and the long-sleeved shirt I was wearing did little to ward off the cold. Half mad with pain and anger, I stumbled into an alley and collapsed. I quit, after all that running, life just wasn't worth it. I closed my eyes and prepared to eventually freeze to death. The time that passed seemed to be an eternity, however laughter forced me to open my eyes, and I found that I was surrounded by the same boy with the red hair from earlier. However, I could now see his two companions that stood just slightly behind him, their posture defensive.

"Well damn, you look like shit." The red head said as he smirked at me. I fixed my gaze on the people behind him, the tallest of the three was a large, dark skinned boy. His curly hair was buzzed and his dark brown eyes seemed to be looking right through me. His gaze seemed to radiate a silent anger.

His other companion seemed much nicer. She was shorter than both of them, however her figure was certainly something teenager girls tried so hard to achieve. Easy on the eyes with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Each of them could be considered perfect in their own right. Flawless features with an air of dominance and superiority.

"Eric, don't be rude. The poor kid's almost crying himself to death." She said nonchalantly, as if death was something that didn't bother her at all. "Oh please, he's not going to die. Not yet at least. He might be useful." Eric said, staring at me intensely as if he was measuring my worth.

"Don't tell me you're taking in another stray." The dark skinned boy muttered. His voice rumbled deep in his chest, almost giving off the feeling he was growling. "So what if I am Krieger? Wasn't like I was asking you for input." Eric said as he glared at Krieger. "Remember what happened to the last one you took in..?" The girl muttered. "That's not important what's important is tha-" Eric was then cut off by Krieger. 

"The problem is, I end up having to train the whelps. It's a serious drain on my ener-" Eric turned to stare at both of them. "Silence." He snapped out. Just like flipping a switch, both of them lowered they heads and didn't say another word. Eric then turned to me and fixed me with his perfect smile. "Well now, as things stand, you have a choice. You can stay out here and freeze to death, or you can come with us and live. Truly. Live."

I simply sat and stared at them, too tired and confused to say anything. These three were weird, and going with them didn't seem to be a good idea. I slowly rose to my feet, and without a word, bolted towards the alleyway entrance. I had left them in the dust despite my limping, and it was unlikely they'd catch up. "Krieger! Fetch!" I heard Eric call playfully. Next thing I knew, I slammed into a wall of muscle and was promptly scooped up. "What the hell..? You were behind" I muttered, still not processing how he caught up. Someone as large as Krieger should not be able to move that fast. 

"Stick with us, and you might just find out kiddo." Eric said, with his now trademark smirk plastered across his face. "Kaitlyn, bring the car around. We're going home."

---Authors Note---

Second chapter woo!

Yeah I have a weird amount of inspiration for this book. Dunno why. Thanks for reading!

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