The New Girl

By storyteller3789

341 8 0

Ashton Arkson is the new girl in California. She lives with her mother and little sister, Macy. She soon make... More

The First Day
The Phone Number
The Figure next Door
The Party!!! :D
The Heel
The Accident
The Flashback

The New Boyfriend?!

27 1 0
By storyteller3789



I walk into a room a plain, empty, bare room with a single window.

The door shuts behind me and locks and I am standing there in a poofy princess like gown.

Then I hear a holler, "Fear not, my fair lady. I have come to rescue you."

I rush to the window in the high heels, and see Luke in armor riding a horse.

And right behind him was josh in a leather jacket riding his motorcycle .

Then they both come to a sudden stop.

I follow their direction to what they are looking at ,and right there is a big ,ferocious, flesh eating dragon that looks like it is about to strike.

But instead it says, "Wake up! Ashton wake up!"

It starts bouncing up and down making me shake.

----------END OF DREAM----------

"Ashton wake up!"

I look up to see my little sister shaking my shoulders and yelling at me.

"Macy once again I'm not def!" I yell back.

She stops shaking me and says, "Oh sorry, mom told me to wake you up for school."

I quickly grab my phone and see that it is Monday.

I look at the time and it is 6:50! I have 10 min to get ready.

I push Macy off the bed and start taking my pjs off, of course she leaves the room.

I put on some jeans and a plain pink tee shirt.

"Ashton I'm leaving!" Yelled my mom from downstairs.

I frantically slid on a pair of shoes without looking and brushed my teeth, then I grabbed a ponytail band, my glasses, phone and backpack.

I rushed down stairs and walked out to the porch.

I pull my hair up and put on my glasses.

"Great, she already left." I mumbled.

Well the bus has already came so I guess I'll walk.

I start walking on the sidewalk then stopped.

"Oh God, Mrs.Rice is gonna kill me if I'm late again."

I run over to Josh's house and banged on the door.

He came out and said, "Need a ride?" then he grinned I nodded.

We got on his bike an raced to school.

-----------AT SCHOOL-------------

I hop off of his bike and start running towards the door.

"Ummm... your gonna wear those?" he asked.

I turned around and looked down.

Shit, I put on my bunny slippers on accident.

"Oh well, no one will notice." I said. We walked into the classroom and everyone was staring at us.

The teacher wasn't in the classroom so we slipped into our seats next to each other.

"Look it's the dork who doesn't know how to dress her self." said Brooke from behind me.

Everyone laughed.

I turned around and said "Look its the bitch who doesn't know how to f*uck off." I smiled and she shot darts with her eyes (if eyes could do that) while the class was murmuring.

Then Mrs.Rice came in, "Everyone settle down. Today we are going to take a POP QUIZ!," everyone booed, "Now, Now you know we have one every Monday." she said and started passing out the quizzes.

"That was some sweet mouthing awhile ago, I didn't know you had it in you." Josh whispered.

I just shrugged my shoulders, and he slugged me.

"Ow, what was that for?"

He ignored me.

After the quizzes class was over, I rushed to the gym.

I walk to the locker room and got my gym clothes and tennis shoes and put them on.

"So I heard you stood up to Brooke?" Clair asked from behind me as I tie my shoe laces.

"Yeah, no big deal." I say carelessly.

"No big deal, no one has ever stood up to Brooke. And you my friend achieved just that." she said.

"Whatever." I say as we walk to the track.

No one is doing their stretches or running the bleachers or the track.

I ask Tina, a girl from our class, "What's going on?"

"Well the coach is out sick and they couldn't find a substitute. But we can just sit and talk for today." she said.

So me and Clair walk over to a bench and sit down.

I look where Booke and her group are sitting, on towels on the grass drinking smoothies with their short shorts and spaghetti strap tank tops. (Brooks 'daddy' owns the school, so she has her own butler.)

Then Luke walks to where they are sitting.

They start talking then Brooke stands up and they start making out.

His hand wonders over her butt and she is brushing her fingers through his hair.

They stop and Luke says something and Brooke gets pissed.

Luke's POV:

I walk over to Brooke and she quickly stands up and starts kissing me, whilst she's combing her finger through my hair.

I try to get her off of me but she won't budge. Finally when she stopped kissing I pushed her away.

"What was that for?!" she yells at me. She stares at me with a pissed off face.

"Brooke, at my party last night I heard you were making out with another guy." I tell her.

"Damn it Caleb!" I hear her whisper under her breath.

"I just want you to know that we are done, if your gonna do that to me, I think it means its time to see other people." I tell her and glance at Ashton.

"Bitch!" Brooke yells and starts walking off with her friends following her.

I start to walk over to Ashley, wait that's her name right?

Back to Ashton's POV:

Then Brooke and her posse walk away and when they were out of site Luke walks over to me and Clair.

"Hey Ashley." he says.

"Umm... it's Ashton." I correct him. "He looks over to Clair and tells her "Hey, can me and Ashton talk alone?"

She gets up and walks off.

He sits in her spot, "Hey sorry for miss saying your name." he apologized.

"'s o-ok." I stutter and feel my face turn hot.

"I found out that Brooke was with another guy while she was with me so I dumped her sorry ass." he said.

"Yeah I know, I heard you talking over th-" GAH I'm such a creep! I stopped myself, I just look down at the ground.

"It's ok, if I were you I would've listened to." I looked up and he was smiling at me, I smiled too.

"Anyways I came over here to ask if you wanted to go out sometime?" he asked.

I look at him and stare into his light blue eyes, the most hottest and most popular guy in our school just asked me out and he seems so nice and he really seems to like me. Who cares if Brooke would probably kill me? I would, but I've been waiting for a guy to love me for real and not just for them to say i have a hot girlfriend and have them hurt me so I said what every girl would say.



Hey guys and gals, so how's it going... I honestly don't know what to put so.... bye

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