A Fairy's Tale 2: The Inspira...

By NicholasWrite

887 43 0

This edition follows our fairy friends once again as the are on the quest for another new power to stop a new... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

58 5 0
By NicholasWrite

We got back to Miss F's office and she was waiting for us at her desk.

"Miss F, we found the Gem." Said Alexis.

"That's great. You have completed the first task. The gem will enhance your natural abilities until you unlock your next Transformation." She replied.

"How exactly do we do that?" I asked.

"By doing acts from the heart and within Nature's boundary worthy of a fairy. Tomorrow you will tour Earth in search of these twins. The Inspiration will give you enough power to equal your power with their's." She responded.

"So how are we going around the world?" Alexis asked.

"By balloon, and Professor Daphne will go with you." Miss F said.

"We will leave immediately, so lets go!" Said Daphne.

"Daphne, it's so good to see you again. This is Dove, Josh and Matt. They will be coming with us. Dove is also a Realix Fairy." I said introducing them.

"Pleased to meet you. Now lets go. Our first destination is South America." Daphne said escorting us to the Balloons.


We had been soaring the skies for a few hours. It was interesting at first but then it slightly got boring. We were in two's in the balloons, so the balloons were; Alexis and Matt, Josh and Michaela, and Dove and myself. Daphne was in her own balloon.

"Look, it's looks like we are coming close to land." Said Dove.

"We are, this is where we are landing." Said Daphne as we started descending down into the forest.

Once we landed we tied down the balloons we tied them down and transformed.

"We are looking for the village of Pixies. It's a small segregated village where the Pixies live and with your Realix Fairy dust we can shrink down to Pixie size." Said Daphne as we started through the forest path.

The forest was so beautiful, you could see nothing but plants and animals.

"It's so beautiful here, I can feel the happiness of Nature through the wild life." Said Dove.

"It is amazing, Nature can be so beautiful." I said walking with Dove.

"OUCH!" Shouted Alexis.

"What?" Asked Matt.

"I said OUCH! I just walked into something." Said Alexis hitting Matt playfully.

"I think you've found the Pixie's village." Said Daphne.

We heard a giggling and seen 4 little colourful spheres flying around.

"Hello!" Said a voice.

"Who's that?" Said another.

"I think it's the Fairies we are looking for?" Said one.

The village appeared, as if out of thin air. It was so cute, the houses and buildings were like little mushroom houses it was almost like the fairytales.

"I'm Tiffany, Queen of the Pixies." Said a voice.

"Lets shrink down." Said Alexis as we used our fairy dust to shrink down.

"That's better." Said Tiffany shaking our hands.

"We have been searching for you!" Said one of the pixies.

"We have been too. How did you know we were coming?" I asked.

"That is Caroline, the Pixie of Fortune." Said Daphne.

"Correct!" Said Caroline happily.

"Hi, I'm Sirena, Pixie of The Elements." Sirena said coming over to me.

As soon as she came over to me, we were both silhouetted by a bright aura.

"What's happening to them?" Asked Michaela.

"They are bonding. Once a fairy and their Bonded Pixie meet, they bond by sharing each others magical essence." Said Tiffany.

"Thank you, Nick, you have restored my power!" Said Sirena.

"Restored, what has happened to you?" Asked Daphne.

"The pixies have been drained of our powers, those twins have drained us when they attacked our village. Thankfully we protected it." Said Tiffany.

"The rest of you come forth and bond with your Pixie. Please." Suggested Daphne.

The others bonded with their Pixies. Michaela's bonded Pixie is Caroline, Alexis's is Tune, Pixie of Manners, and Dove's is Celeste, Pixie of Weather.

"Tiffany, if you go to Galatea Academy, there are more fairies to bond pixies to , to help restore your powers." Said Daphne.

"Thank you Daphne." She replied.

"We will go with you on your journey, we can help you in your quest." Said Tune.

"Thank you so much." Said Dove.

"Well then, I guess we should set out to our next destination." Said Daphne.

"Goodbye and thank you!" Shouted Tiffany as we went back to our balloons.


We were sailing next to Africa, it seemed like an odd route but the Pixies said it was the way to take.

We each really got to know eachother on this trip.

'Alexis and Matt'

"So your the Fairy of Music?" Asked Matt.

"Yes, and your a student at the Magix Defence school." She replied.

"Ok, let's not make this weird!" Said Matt.

"Ok, have you heard of this awesome new music group from Melody?" Asked Alexis.

"You like KMT?? No way!" Said Matt.

"They are the best group I have heard in a long time, all they have out is these dumb little boy bands. I like how original they are." She said to him.

"I have some of their music on my iPod, wanna listen to some of their music to pass the time? I mean if you want to?" Said Matt, moving closer to her.

"I'd love to. I am the Fairy of Music after all. I can even amp it up a little." Alexis said, using her musical modification spell to make a sound system in their balloon.

'Michaela and Josh'

"So, do you have any other things you like to do? Besides saving the world?" Asked Josh sarcastically.

"Yes, I actually wanted to go into Law before this." She replied.

"That's cool, I like to do a lot of event planning on my spare time. I took a course on it over summer break last year. I find it really fascinating." Said Josh.

"Seriously?" Asked Michaela.

"I know it's lame..." Said Josh shyly.

"No, it's awesome. I didn't think many people liked that other than me." She replied back with a smile.

"That so cool. We actually have a thing going on back at school and I could use some help planning it, if your interested?" Josh asked.

"I'd love to, why don't you tell me a little more about this. We can brainstorm a bit now while we wait." Said Michaela.

'Dove and Nick'

"That was really cool back there how you used those translation spells and helped so much." I said.

"It's my thing. I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to stuff like that. I even design my own stuff like you." She replied.

"That's really cool, you'll have to show me your designs when we get back. We could even design together. I do both clothes and interior." I said.

"I do too. I really like how Nature ties into things." Said Dove.

"Nature is like my biggest inspiration." I said.

"Me too." She replied happily.

"I know, here's some paper. Do you want to work on something while we are waiting to land?" I asked.

"Sure, lets work on some designs for fashion ideas for our trip!" She said, scooting over to where I was sitting with the paper.


"Okay everyone, here we are." Said Daphne as we tied down the balloons.

We all got off and looked around.

"This place looks pretty dead." Said Alexis looking around.

"I know, but we have some sort of mission here or else we wouldn't have come." I said.

"There is a natural power source here, I feel it." Said Dove.

"So which way do you think we should go?" Asked Matt.

"I'm not sure." Said Dove.

"Caroline? Can you sense where we will go?" Asked Michaela

"I will try. Give me your hand." She replied reaching out for Michaela's hand.

"What do you see?" Asked Michaela.

"I see a large waterfall and an extremely bright light. There are lots of animals and plants around where we need to go." She said.

"Anything else?" Michaela asked.

"I'm sorry. That's all I can see right now." Said Caroline sadly.

"No, you tried your best. We can use our natural instinct to look." Said Dove.

"We can use the inspiration as a guide." I said.

"So which way are we going?" Asked Alexis.

"Lets follow go over towards that Jungle. There's bound to be a waterfall by that jungle." Said Josh pointing towards it.

"Okay, lets go and see." Said Daphne walking ahead with the Pixies.

We continued towards the jungle and got to the jungles entrance.

"I hear something!" Shouted Alexis.

"Miss Alexis, a lady musn't shout." Said Tune scolding her.

"I'm not very lady like." She replied back.

"Uh, guys. I think we have bigger problems. What is that other screaming noise?" Asked Matt.

"We have to keep going." Said Daphne.

"Well I guess we will have to deal with whatever is ahead." Said Michaela as we continued into the Jungle.

As we were walking we seen these weird bubbles. They had little noises coming from them.

"Are those bubbles singing?" Asked Josh.

"I think so." Said Sirena.

"Why would they do that?" Asked Tune.

"Pop one and find out." Suggested Matt as he popped one.

It sang in a loud screeching voice and we heard another loud scream from something else.

"I think we just woke something up." Said Dove.

"Look!" Shouted Celeste pointing to the sky.

"That's not an animal that's usually from here." Said Sirena.

"Well whatever it is we need to make sure it doesn't attack us." I said.

"You guys go ahead and go to the waterfall, Josh and I will hold it off." Said Matt.

"Be careful." Said Alexis.

"Don't worry about us. We will meet up with you." He replied.

We flew through the Jungle and reached an open part.

"Do you think we should wait for the guys?" Asked Michaela.

"We don't know where they are." Said Daphne.

"I know how we can find them." I said.

"How?" Asked Alexis.

"Do you remember the communication spell we used on the Ice Planet?" I said.

"Yes! Genius." Said Alexis.

"Auroris Josh!" Michaela said as the sound portal appeared on a rock.

"Hello, Josh. Matt?" She asked.

"Yes." Said Matt.

"Oh it's so nice to hear your voice." Said Alexis.

"We are fine. We're heading back to you. Where are you?" Asked Matt.

"We are in an open part of the jungle." Said Alexis.

"Okay. It's getting darker so why don't you guys set up camp and we will be there by morning for sure." He said.

"Lets do that. I can use a protection spell to make a barrier that they can pass through." Said Daphne.

"Okay. Make it back here soon!" Said Michaela.

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