Poison Paradise

By Buddhachips_

3.4K 381 389

"Come here. I'll be good to you." She was his assistant. Nothing more, nothing less. He promised her paradi... More

| Introduction


124 20 3
By Buddhachips_

"Please remember... soon."

I had frozen in place once his arms had been wrapped around my body and I found my heart racing faster than usual. I was terrified of what he was going to do, yes but, there was another feeling that was different to the usual feeling of fear. I didn't know what it was but it was caused by the grip he had on me; a grip that wasn't the strangling grip I was expecting.

But rather, a gentle kind of grasp.

Like a loving hug.

But he wasn't loving so it was just a hug.

I didn't know how to respond to him. I had clearly been snooping around his laptop but he had simply replied by telling me to remember. Soon, as well. He was the one who made me forget in the first place! And now he's telling me to remember. Why drug me in the first place then?

What did he want me to remember?

"I... don't want you to be taken away by Saeyoung as well..." He says, his voice soft like a needy little child, his grip had tightened around me and I found myself not even bothering to move as the words set into my mind. He was talking about Saeyoung... a name that sounded so familiar with a face I was sure belonged to that of Seven from the RFA.

My voice struggled with the right words to say to him. There was still that fear of messing up and saying the wrong thing, I didn't even know if he was being sincere right now about what he was saying. For all I know, it could all be just a trap but, if it was, I was falling for it because my heart ached from listening to what he had just told me and I didn't know why.

"I-I won't." I manage to stutter out, the words just seemed to find themselves and I didn't find myself regretting them the moment they came out, "I'm not going to be taken by... Saeyoung."

Once my tongue had let the words roll out into the open, I felt like for a moment that I actually knew the man who had his arms around me. Not just as my boss but as someone else. I felt for a second that I knew who I was and that the words that had rolled of my tongue was what I would've said even if I hadn't forgotten anything.

For a second, I didn't know if the words I had said were the right words because he hadn't spoken. The room was uncomfortably silent; his grip around me hadn't loosened and because of this, my heart hadn't stopped beating rapidly under my skin. I was already planning things inside my head to say when he finally did speak but my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a snore.

Startled, I straighten up and realise that the snoring was indeed coming from him. I felt all sorts of shivers race around my body as I heard it. Not because it was that loud; it was actually quite hushed. But rather because he sounded so peaceful whilst letting out such an innocent sound. He was sleeping before I came over so in other words, yes.

This jerk had fallen asleep whilst holding me in such an uncomfortable position.

And at any rate, it didn't seem like he was going to let go anytime soon.

That, or he was asleep the entire time and was just sleep acting. Just the thought of that caused heat to rush to my cheeks because knowing that I will remember this as real whilst he remembers it as a dream didn't sound very fun for my heart.

"Uhh... Boss..." I clear my throat, shifting so that I could somehow slip out of his grip but only worsened things because his grip only just got stronger and I didn't know if breaking forceful through was a safe option. Because for now, I was safe and I'd be safer if I could get out without waking him up.

"What are you doing?" I hear him ask, his sleepy voice straining, making him sound like he was in pain. He dug his face into my neck, his nose brushing against my skin and causing me to freeze all over again, "you said you wouldn't leave."

Did I?

I thought that I said I won't... what is he even dreaming about right now? I don't know if I actually want to know.

Is this even the same man who forced me to become his assistant? He sounds like a little kid crying because his parents are leaving him at school and the similarity between the two actually horrified me.

Oh, god. What was I going to do?

Is this karma?

But, he deserves the bad karma, not me.

Growling in frustration, my eyes land back on the screen painted with pictures of Seven... or Saeyoung as he called him. I stretch my hands out towards his laptop keyboard, struggling to move the cursor so I could get off the folder and hide my tracks. Whether that was his real name or not, I didn't know. But, Unknown definitely knew this Saeyoung and it seemed like I might have as well. My intention was to exit the folder however, something else had attracted by attention.

Instead of clicking the little 'x' to exit the folder of pictures, I had moved the curser over to zoom into a picture of three younger children. A girl who looked younger than the two boys, her black hair pulled up into a high ponytail with her blue eyes glinting, a grin wide across her face. Beside her, on each side were two boys, both identical with red hair and golden eyes. The one on the right with more plasters than the boy on the left who wore glasses.

The children from my dream were right in front of me in a photograph captured and stored in his laptop. But why? The question left my eyes to hover over towards the title of the image. And, it had finally allowed me to put two and two together.

Saeyoung, MC and me.JPEG

Saeyoung was indeed Seven and Unknown was the other boy. That girl was me, I was certain of it. Three three of us knew each other from when we were kids. That was why... Seven, he remembered me. But, I don't remember him.

And, if Unknown knew that I had found this out... well, I didn't even know if I wanted to imagine the endless possibilities of outcomes.

I wanted to remember this picture and I took the risk of struggling through his arms to get my phone and take a quick snapshot of the picture. Once that was done, I had gotten ridden of the tab and left it on the tab he was on, ignoring it so that the screen would black out soon.

That was one problem down. The next was escaping through his grip. He hadn't let go of me and it didn't seem like he was going to anytime soon. I sighed, closing my eyes to think carefully about how I would be able to escape without waking him up. Had I noticed that slowly, I myself was falling asleep and without knowing, I was already engulfed by a darkness that had decided to clear away in what felt like a matter of seconds.

When I had opened my eyes again, I found myself staring up at the man that I didn't ever dream of being this close to. Having, for just that second, forgetting everything that had happened before I fell asleep, I let out a yelp, startling him and causing him to release me.

I was finally free.

If only I could say that happily because I wasn't expecting the sudden release, causing me to fall towards the floor. Groaning in pain, I sit up and find him staring right at, bags evident under his eyes as he looked at me with a judgmental look of confusion, "What are you doing on the floor?"

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