adopted by alex gaskarth

By falling_skies__x

319 5 9

Marley is 15 years old and she lives in an orphanage just inside Baltimore, she loves to sing and she goes ou... More

chapter 1
chapter 2

chapter 3

70 1 1
By falling_skies__x

Marley's POV

I run to my room and I get some Clothes out and I get changed, I go to the mirror and straighten my hair , I put some winged eyeliner on, leave my piercings in and put my roller skates on (at the top) and I carefully go downstairs and I skate into the living room "I'm ready!" I say as they chuckle and we leave "so, do you know how to skate?" I ask as I skate backwards "I sorta know how, I'm a little rusty" Alex says "same" jack says and I nod and we get to a skatepark "can we stay here?" I and and they nod and I start to skate and do tricks (the video at the top) at the very last trick I fall on my ass and Alex and jack quickly run over "you ok?" Alex asks "yeah, yeah I'm fine my fuckin ass!" I groan and they chuckle, Alex helps me up and I smile at them as we skate together and I see jack peck Alex's lips and I smile, then my eyes catch the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen in my life. She has long purple hair and ice blue eyes, I was staring for so long I dont notice I'm heading straight for her until


she hits into me and we fall, I twist my body so she lands on me and doesn't get hurt "I'm so sorry" she says "nah, its all good, no harm done" I say with a smile "Marley! Are you ok?" Jack and Alex quickly skate over "yeah, I'm fine" I say as the girl helps me up "are you sure your not hurt bud?" Alex asks "lex I'm fine" I say with a laugh "hey, I'm so sorry dude" the girl says and I turn to her "its ok, really" I say with a smile, I extend my hand wit a smile "I'm Marley gaskarth but you can call me marz" I say with a cheeky grin, she shakes my hand with a smile "I'm Maddie jardine" she says "and these two doofs behind me are my two dads jack and Alex, jack Alex this is Maddie jardine" I say "wait, is your mom called tay?" Alex asks "yeah! I have two moms, ive been adopted" she says "same!" I say and she giggles "Maddie, hun are you ok?" A woman with dark chocolate hair calls in worry "I'm fine mom, marz took the fall the worst considering I landed on her" she says and I shoot her a cheeky smile "hello jardine, long time so see" Alex says and she looks up "gaskarth! Barakat! How've you been?" The woman asks as she hugs them "I didnt know your mom knew my Dads" I say "neither did I" Maddie says "Jenna! Get over here! Alex and jack are here!" Maddies mom calls and a blonde woman comes over "well, well, well long time so see guys" she says "Jenna!" The guys say as they hug them "uh guys?" Maddie says as I stand next to her "oh! Tay, Jenna this is our daughter Marley, Marley these are our best friends Jenna and tay" Alex says "hello!" I greet "hello love, its nice to meet you" tay says and I smile "its nice to meet you to!" I say "you to Jenna" I add and she smiles

We spent the rest if the day hanging out, jay, Jenna and the guys were catching up while I hung with Maddie "man your an awesome chick" she says and I grin "thanks mads, your not to bad yourself" I say as I playfully nudge her shoulder "ok I have a question, why dont you call jack and Alex dad yet?" She asks and I sigh "I'm scared, I mean if they don't want me to and I do, they might get mad" I say and she wraps her arm around my shoulder "man I feel for you, thats how I was when mom first adopted me, I didnt know what to do" she says and I nod, I lay my head on her shoulder "by the way, I'm super jealous of your hair" she says "dude yours is neon purple, thats fucking rad. Mine is just a plain blue with some purple streaks here and there" I say with a shrug "I plan on dying it a different color soon" I say "same" she says and I smile "man, do you wanna stay the night round mine? I'm sure mom won't mind" she says "I'd love that! As much as I love the guys, I need some major girl time" I say with a laugh "c'mon then" she says as she pulls me up, we skate to our parents and smile when they notice us "mom, can marz stay the night if its ok with you and her dads?" She asks and I do puppy eyes at Alex and Jack "its fine with me hun, Jenna?" Tay asks "I'm totally cool with it, looks like marz really needs some girl time living with these idiots" she teases with a smile "Alex? Jack?" Tay asks "we're cool with it" jack says and I squeal a I hug them both "thank you!!" I squeal and everyone laughs "thanks mom!" Maddie squeals as she hugs them both and I smile at her

"Can I go with marz to help get her stuff?" Maddie asks "if its ok with the boys then yeah" Jenna says and I smile "Alex? Jack?" I ask "sure! Maddie can stay tomorrow night to give tay and Jenna a break" jack says, me and Maddie squeal as we hug each other while laughing. We get to my house and we run up to my room "wow nice set up" she says "thanks" I say, I grab my pajamas along with my slippers and I stuff them in my bag along with a new outfit for tomorrow "you excited?" She asks "hell yeah! I dont really have any friends besides you" I say with a shrug "wait, really?" She asks "yep" I say "dude thats fucking insane! Your to nice not to have any friends! Your awesome" she says and I shrug "I've only been here for like 3 days, so thats probably why" I say with a laugh "well I'll have to introduce you to some of my friends, they'll love you" she says "I'll take your word for it" I say "girls? You ready?" Alex calls "coming!" We call as we run down

"Marz?" Jack as and we walk to the living room, I see Alex and jack holding a small box each "whats up?" I ask "we have son gifts for you" Alex says and I send a glance to Maddie, she smiles an nods, I turn back to the guys "uh, ok" I say and I sit iin between them. I turn to jack first "this is a special gift I had made for you" he says and he opens the box, I look and see a necklace with a rose gold moon and a gold heart. The heart had "daughter" enscribed into it in black while the moon says "I love you to the moon and back" enscribed on it

. Tears fill my eyes as I look at jack "thank you, I love you so much" I say as I hug him tightly, he chuckles "turn around, I'll put it on for you" he says, I turn and move my hair out the way, he puts it on me. I smile as I hug him again, I then turn to Alex "I also got you a specially made gift" he says and he opens it. I see a charm bracelet with a blue gem charm, a heart charm, a M charm and a charm saying "the love between father & daughter is forever"

Tears spill over my eyes as I look at it "thank you so much lex" I don't as h puts it on me, he pulls me into a tight hug and I grab jack, I pull him in the hug "thank you" i whisper "guys, I really hate to ruin the moment, its really nice and cute but moms getting worried about us" Maddie says with guilt in her voice. I get up and hug her "its ok, c'mon lex, bye Jacky!" I say "bye marz" he says with a grin "see you in a bit baby" Alex says as he pecks jacks lips while me and Maddie squeal

This is gonna be so much fun!

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