
By blaankdrarry

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p r o l o g u e
o n e
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x

t w o

2.4K 97 105
By blaankdrarry

It was two weeks later that Harry noticed that something was off. He couldn't exactly place his finger on what it was, but it was something big. (Oh, Harry.)

Not in a bad way, more like in a peaceful way. Too peaceful, Harry might add. In fact now that he was in Advance Potions class sitting on the other side of Malfoy, was Harry able to notice what was different now.

It was Malfoy.

Not once since returning did the blond make a snide remark, a sarcastic comment, or anything mean really.

Not even the friendly teasing going on (Flirting, it's called flirting, Harry.) Actually now that Harry was thinking more of it, the blond hadn't once talked besides in class or the few times in the Great Hall.

Not really paying attention Harry was brought out of his thoughts when a greasy, bat git professor yelled at him.

"Potter! 5 points from Gryffindor for not paying attention," it seems that not even with the war did Professor Snape soften to Harry, "Get up and move your belongings to sit next to Mr.Malfoy. Now Potter!"

Harry tried (really he did), not to curse the Professor out loud, but he couldn't help it when "Greasy haired git" came out of his mouth.

This comment was received with plenty snickers of the Gryffindors  (Hermione being the exception and scowling at him) and the Slytherins smirking.

Of course, Snape heard it (the man really was a bat, he could here everything) and took another 10 points from Gryffindor house (which was met with groans from there part) and a detention for him.

Inwardly cursing his blabbering mouth Harry got up and sat next to Malfoy, who immediately stiffen with his announced arrival.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Harry saw Malfoy blush lightly (he looks- no don't say it!) and without thinking Harry (when do you ever think Harry) leaned closer to the blond.

After being told which potion they would be working on the two started to work silently. Harry cutting the ingredients that were required for the potion and Malfoy pouring the other ingredients into the boiling cauldron.

Something that Harry also picked up from the blond was that he would "accidently" bump his hand into that of Harry's.

Being the stupid, clueless, git (hey!) Harry was, he ignored the small touches that sent fire coursing through his veins.

They were one of the first groups to finish and they began to write the essay that Bat git had assigned. Harry felt eyes again on him and he met grey eyes that were sparkling with the slight dust in the dungeons. Caught again, Malfoy did the exact same thing as last time.

He smiled that shy smiled that soften his sharp features and a brilliant pink blush swept from his cheeks following down to his long, slender neck.

Harry just stared and smiled a tentative smile back (really idiot, it's not like his smile was going to bite you) and was rewarded with a warmer smile form Malfoy.

Harry was saved by the bell and practically ran out the doors. (Really, you'd think that beating the darkest wizard of time would brave you up, now you're running away from a smile.)

Why was his heart beating fast? Why was he blushing? Why do I feel butterflies inside of my stomach? (It took a long time, but Harry soon understood why all those emotions hit him when around the blond).

He caught up with Ron and Hermione who were probably talking about something class related.

Glad that they day was over, Harry sat in his regular spot deep in thought trying to figure the feelings that hit him (rather harshly when Malfoy had smiled that warming smile- Harry use your brain for once.)

Harry almost jumped when he felt Hermione's hand on his shoulder, "Are you alright Harry? You seemed rather lost in thought." Her face was pulled with concerned lines and Harry felt a bit bad for worrying his bushy-haired friend.

For a second Harry thought about telling her about the weird behavior of Malfoy, but refrained knowing she would most likely make a big deal about it or tell him he was seeing things.

He settled with a simple, "Yea, just kinda tired." and his friend just stared at him a bit suspiciously before nodding and going back to arguing with Ron.

Trying to convince himself that he was making a deal about this, Harry followed the rest of his classmates to the common room.

There he enjoyed the laughter and jokes from his friends and again he avoided at all cost being around Ginny.

He did feel guilty for leading her on, but he didn't want to really bother telling her that he no longer felt anything towards her.

Sooner or later the truth would need to be told, but for now Harry let himself relax in the warm embrace of the fire that crackled in the room of laughter and jokes.

Harry was sure that the Professors were trying to kill him with the amount of homework that he had to do.(It looks like work is going to kill Harry and not some dark wizard.)

Even though his classes were going smoothly with a bit of teasing from the Slytherins, more staring from Malfoy, and avoiding Ginny (more like running away from her- it's called avoiding for your information!), Harry managed it all.

Through the weeks Hermione and even Ron had hinted his relationship with Ginny, but Harry would ignore it all and pretended everything was fine.

He should have known that avoiding Ginny wouldn't last forever. (Damn it)

It was during the weekend and Harry had just been walking back to the castle from Hagrid's place when Ginny stomped to him and cornered him.

"Harry we need to talk." she said it with a matter-of-fact tone and Harry knew he wasn't going to escape this one. Still it wouldn't hurt to try, right?

"Erm, hi Gin. You know I'm a bit busy maybe ano-" Harry started.

Ginny made a frustrated noise in the back of her throat and glared hard at him for making up a (lame) excuse.

"Look, Harry we need to talk now. I'm tired of you trying to avoid me. Now, care to tell me why you've been running from me?" She folded her arms to her chest and looked at Harry expectantly.

Swiping his sweaty palms on his jeans, Harry took in a deep breath to calm down his sudden nerves.

"Well, Ginny you see I think it's better if we don't really start off with a relationship. It's nothing against you, more like I don't feel the same thing for you. I don't love you anymore, not in the kind of way a boyfriend should. I do love you like a sister and I hope we can still be friends after this. Oh, I'm sorry Gin, I really am..."

Looking up Harry noticed that Ginny was just smiling at him with an amused glint in her blue eyes. For a second she looked smug, but just like it came it was gone.

She put her hand on his shoulder, "It's alright Harry, I'm glad you told me now instead of leading me on. It's okay, we're both good so don't worry about it. Friends?"

She held out a hand and Harry sighed a breathe of relief and grasped her hand to shake.

Thank goodness that's over with. (Ha!)

a/n: late update, but i was working on other projects. i hope you're enjoying yourself tho 😊

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