One Direction Baby Series

By prefercence1999

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This is One Direction Baby Series book . if you enjoy this book please read my other one direction preference... More

one direction baby series
1. He Finds Out
2. Morning Sickness
3. Sleepless Nights
4. Cravings
5. Finding Out The Gender
6. His Tweet To Tell The Fans
7. Setting Up the Nursery
8. Name
9. Movement
11. Sore
12. Baby Shower
13. Away for the Day (His POV)
14. Birth Class
16. Maternity Clothes
17. You're Insecure
18. Forgetful
19. The Future
20. Godparents
21.Telling the Family
22. Management
24. Skin on Skin...(His POV)
25. Alternate Ending

23. Labor & Delivery

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By prefercence1999

arry: "Aunt (Y/N), look what me and Uncle Harry made!"  Lux comes bouncing into your room and gets right up close to your face.  She waves around a piece of paper with Harry’s scrawl and her drawings that says, "Lux and Carter Bestest Friends In The Whole Wide World"  You giggle a bit and inhale sharply.  Harry sees the immediate fear in your eyes and ushers Lux out of the room saying, "Hey Luxie, why don’t you go pick out a movie to watch, hmm," her short little legs carry her out of the room and Harry turns back to you, "(Y/N), what’s wrong?"  He runs his hand over your side as you say, "I think that was a real contraction."  You suck in a hasty breath and say, "Yep.  Definitely real."  Harry calls Lou immediately to come and pick up Lux while you sit up and try to put on socks.  Harry comes into the room and takes them from you, "I’ve got this, love.  Alright, we can do this together."  In stark contrast, by the time you get to the hospital, you’re screaming bloody murder, cursing Harry to hell and back for doing this to you.  You get set up in a room and your doctor comes to check on you, finding you not only in labor, but ready to have the baby!  You push and scream and cry, Harry’s hand gripped in yours the whole time.  Finally, you hear the best thing you could at the moment, a heartwrenching cry coming from your tiny baby boy.  You look over to grin at Harry and notice tears in his eyes.  He bends down to plant a firm kiss on your lips, communicating everything that needs to be said with just that touch.

Liam: Liam desperately wanted to go to a football game with the boys, as sort of a last hurrah before Scarlett is born, so of course, seeing as you’re three weeks out from your due date, you tell him to go and have fun.  You’re only going to take a nap, and by the time you wake up, he’ll be home.  It seems like fate is on your side until you wake up in a wet spot on your sheets.  “Shit, damn, son of a bitch!” you shriek a string of curse words, more frustrated that one thing couldn’t have gone your way rather than the fact that you are in labor.  You pick up the phone and call Liam, who immediately answers.  “I’m on my way home sweetheart, what can I do for you?”  “Just keep the car running, Li.  Scarlett obviously got the compulsive need to be early from you.”  You heard him swear on the other end of the line, something he rarely did, and then say “I’m literally 10 minutes away, do you think you can keep it together until I’m home?”  You do, and 11 hours after arriving at the hospital, you give birth, relatively painlessly due to a fantastic epidural, you are cuddled up with Liam and baby Scarlett Isabel in the tiny hospital bed.  Liam smoothes the hair away from your forehead and presses a kiss there before taking your daughter from you and snuggling the both of you close to him, lulling the two of you to sleep with a quiet version of “Little Things”, made raspy by the happy tears that have been falling freely from his eyes since her birth.

Louis: Since Louis is always pranking the boys, they decide to play a little prank of their own, asking you for help.  Their idea is similar to the Nickelodeon prank, except that you would only be at dinner.  Harry pulls you aside and runs through the plan, which you readily agree to, before walking in.  About halfway through dinner, you start feeling a really uncomfortable pain every couple of minutes that intensifies until you feel a gush of water and realize what’s going on.  “Louis, I’m in labor.”  He flies into a frenzy standing up and almost rushing out without you.  The boys all crack up, irritating you tremendously.  “Oi!  She’s having a baby, why are a you all laughing?”  Zayn starts to speak, “It’s just a—”  “IT’S NOT A DAMN PRANK, ZAYN!”  His eyes, and the eyes of the other boys go wide as Louis aides you out to the car and rushes you to the hospital.  After eight hours, you welcome to the world Sawyer Matthew.  The boys come in quietly to greet you, and Zayn says, “So, thanks for that (Y/N), you really went above and beyond on that one.”  You simply glare at him from your place on the bed, snuggling with your family.

Niall: You’re laying on your bed, already half asleep, exhausted from one of your last days at work before you take maternity leave.  Niall is sitting on the edge of the bed, taking off his dress shoes and tie from a rather important meeting with management.  Your eyes follow him as he climbs into the bed and pulls you to him.  “Hey princess.  You know I really, really love you, right?”  You smile sleepily and say, “Of course, Ni.  I mean, in a few weeks, we’ll have this baby and I’ll be constantly reminded that you loved me enough to have it.”  You settle in and quickly fall asleep to his soft humming, only to be awoken by a sharp, shooting pain.  You know exactly what it is, and are well prepared.  You nudge Niall, who’s immediately awake, and say “Hey, baby.  Baby’s coming.”  Four simple words communicate everything, and Niall, calm as can be, gets you out of bed and into the car with your bag hanging off his shoulder.  You arrive at the hospital and he requests a room, the necessary paperwork, and an epidural like a gentleman, until you start really feeling the contractions and letting him know very clearly, only then does he begin to get a little frazzled.  You get everything you need, and a solid 5 hours after your arrival, your sitting with little…Declan Oliver wrapped in your arms and a soft blue blanket.  “He’s perfect, (Y/N), our little boy,” Niall says ecstatically from his place next to your bed, stroking your arm and the little one’s face lightly.

Zayn: “Zayn.  I am SO SICK of this,” you complain for at least the sixth time since you laid down on the couch.  He comes over and kisses your lips, balancing his weight on the arm of the couch on either side of your head.  You happen to be at least a week and a half past your due date, and thoroughly ready to meet your little girl.  Zayn sits on the floor next to your head and strokes your cheek while you sit there, unable to fall asleep or even muster up a positive attitude, until your water breaks.  You perk up and start shouting, “Z!  She’s coming!  Come on, let’s go!  Come on, come on, come on!”  He chuckles briefly before grabbing your overnight bag and ushering you out to the car in the garage.  Despite your sour attitude earlier in the day, everyone from nurses to the randomest of strangers on the floor comment on your sunny disposition while experiencing labor, one of the most painful experiences on earth.  After an entirely too long 12 hours, you are holding your baby girl in your arms.  You grin widely, so wide your face hurts as Zayn climbs up in the bed with you and says, “You know what, (Y/N), I think this is it.  I’ve never seen you happier than right now, and while I should be hurt by that, I am so proud of what we’ve done together.”  He coos at little Anna Eloise and holds you close, your family absolutely perfect and whole.

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