The Emergence Of The Alpha Tw...

By YOLOwriting101

942K 27.4K 3.6K

"You belong to us." "Not one of us, but both of us." "We will share you." "For you are our mate." "We're bo... More

1. Who Are They?
2. Gut Feeling
3. No...
4. Impossible
5. This Isn't Normal, Sorry, But Not Sorry.
6. Food Fight
7. Coy, You're My Only Friend
8. Dexter
I like me some QUESTIONS!
9. Ernest
10. Only To Understand
11. Learning 'Bout The New Me
12. I'm The New Luperca?
13. Embracing
14. Hi...Awkward...
15. Nightmares/Truce
16. Comfortable Kisses
17. Where'd Ernest Go?
Part 2
18. Is This A Game To You?
19. Elizabeth/Monster
20. I am What?!
21. Chocolate's My Favorite Food
22. Secret Stupida** Brother
23. Her History
24. Birth of Four
25. You F**cking Bit Me!
26. Baby Class My Ass
27. Chienne
28. Hearing My...Pups?
29. Lewd Payback
30. Babysitting...
31. Eyes
32. Odd Feelings
33. Hybrid Twins
35. Stressed Out
36. Some Information
37. I See You
38. Final Battle
E. 1
E. 2
E. 3
E. 4
E. 5

34. Infuriating

4.2K 190 8
By YOLOwriting101

This is Part 3 of the whole book, and the last Part. So that means when I'm done I will forever be done with this book. But I might do - wait you'll see - maybe. And that's Liam's father, Royce Couteau.

I walk into a CVS Pharmacy, grabbing a cart as I see people notice that me - a Couteau - is shopping in this place. I mean, usually when I was still a part of the Couteau clan we had people go places to buy us things. So I get that I was in Target with Gabby and she said she was pregnant. So that was out and was all over tabloids, but enough about me!

Now I grab a package of six bottles of 7UP putting it in as I now go in the medicine isle. Not much in store if I say so myself, and the cough drops section is full of opened bags as cough drops are sprawled anywhere. I was tempted to grab one for free, but since I'm a gentlemen...

I grabbed some painkillers from a shelf as I threw them in a basket. Some people stared as I was even grabbing this thing for pregnant women where you wear headphones and you can hear the heart beat of your kids. I get it, I haven't been in the public eye that much but there was a big scene at Target when I was with Gabby and she got in a argument with that woman.

As I got out that isle my phone started buzzing frantically in my pocket, and no one ever calls me. My number is a private number and I don't give it to just anyone.

I took it out as it read UNKNOWN, and I had a feeling that I should answer it.

So I did, and I could hear that whoever this person was was driving. I could hear the sound of a car driving on road and the wind impacting it. Then I heard someone crying, not crying, bawling, and they were trying to say something. It was a female as well, and she sounded familiar.

"Who the hell is this?" I finally say, and when I heard a chuckle on the other line, it made my heart stop. No one chuckles like that...a deep rumble of the throat as the laugh makes shivers go down your spine. Except...impossible...

"Aww, that is no way to speak to your Father."

I freeze as he starts chuckling some more. My hands begin to get clammy, and the thought of him being alive makes bile build up in the back of my throat. Immediately I go to the cash register, putting my stuff there.

"Why - how are you still alive you son-of-a-bitch?" I hiss, and the cashier glances up at me with worrisome in his eyes. He tells me the amount and I throw him some bills.

"My oh my, I thought that at least my own son would be happy to hear my voice. I am your father."

"I stopped considering you my father the day I buried you into this earth. I saw Ernest slice your neck, you were dead." The guy passes me the bags as his hands are shaking, I'm not even trying to hide the fact that I'm pissed right now. And that I was hoping my devil spawn of a father was dead. I took them, leaving the place as I got in my car, able to raise my voice.

"I was dead. But, someone saved me, almost like I... resurrected out of the dirt. Almost like a...zombie."

"What the hell is this are you telling me your a zombie? Like I'd believe that bullshit."

"Then you tell me how you could let a werewolf bite you and turn you into one of those beasts. Once you do, I'll tell you what I am now."

I don't even think I'm breathing.

I heard a bloodcurdling scream come from Gabby as my father started laughing. I heard Chienne in the background saying something to her, then the sound of something getting slapped.

I could feel her pain as it oozed though the phone, her groans and pleas filling my body with burning rage.

"What the hell are you trying to pull old man!? Who is that you have right now? And I'm not some damn werewolf! Are you?"

"Yes actually thank you for asking." Who the hell bit my damn father? And why would they want this evil man back alive?" And don't lie to me son, this Gabby person said she bit you and you guys are ' mates ' and all this crap. And I can't believe I'm going to be a grandpa, this excites much-."

"You sorry excuse for a man you better not hurt my Gabby! If you do I will make sure you are dead for real this time, I will cut off your head and-."

I heard him start clicking his damn tongue, and from whenever I was younger that meant to shut up. And unconsciously, I did just that.

"My son, you know you were always my favorite. And you still are, and that will never change. So I won't hurt any hairs on your precious Gabby, but there will be a cost. I didn't kidnap her for nothing."

I grind my teeth, wishing I could punch out his face into a bloody pulp. And I can only imagine what they are doing to her right now, because I can feel pain in my system that is coming from her.

"And what is that."

"It's obvious that you're gonna be a father, that's great - wonderful even! Your mother would be proud to-."

"You didn't call me to make chitchat old man, what's the deal here? Every second you talk makes me want to scratch out your throat even more. Cut to it."

I can hear my father sigh as he can feel sadness pass to me, I almost feel like it's real... But it soon fades away when he clears his throat.

"I do love you Liam..." He says. And I hear silence from Gabby and Chienne, and I am silent too. He never says ' I love you ' to anyone, and doesn't toss it around just for his benefit." And it hurts me that you want me dead so much. I never did anything to you except build you into the man that you are-."

"And that's what I hate you for. For making me into this."

"But you've changed. You found this Gabby person and have started a life. Chienne told me, and I am proud to call you my son and to see you sticking up to me. But I don't want you to hate me even though I loved you. And it killed me when you turned on the family to protect those...werewolfs. But son...if you really love this werewolf, I would like you to meet me tonight at the nearest gourmet restaurant. You're smart, you'll find it. And...I love you."


He hangs up, making me throw my phone in the back seat. But I soon reach back to grab it as I call Dexter. I don't like the dude that much, but I'm getting used to him. He will get this and he is the smartest one in this - I'm not saying Ernest isn't smart, but he jokes to much and is sarcastic and I can't tell if he's serious in lots of situations.

"Liam why are you calling me."

"It's Gabby - my dad - Chienne - the twins - deal - restaurant-." I start choking up as something is clogging my throat. My stomach is queasy and tears are making my eyes glossy.

"Okay! Okay! What is wrong Liam?! Stop being a baby and 'fess up!"

"My father took Gabby and he's alive and a werewolf and he's saying all this sappy shit and I am believing him and he wants to see me tonight to talk and-."

"Wait your dad is alive!? Ernest killed him!"

"Obviously not! And he took Gabby!" I scream, putting the phone on speaker as I start the car, speeding out of the parking lot as I'm heading to the condos.

"What!! How the hell did they even get in!? Ernest, Renee get down here!" He shrieks, and I am speeding as cars are honking at the Lambo that is bolting through the streets. And I am finally at the condos as I leave the stuff in the car, no point of it now.

I get my phone, taking the stairs I sprint up them to his room.

"Liam are you okay?" I hear Renee and it pisses me off some more that she'd ask me that question.

"Of course not why the hell would you ask me that question!?"

"Woah chill out bitch! All I did was ask you a question. I get it, you're pissed, but don't take your anger out on me." She yells, reminding me that she's my friend, not some random person I can rage on.

I am now in near their room and the door flys open right when I'm in front of it. Dexter and Ernest are arguing in the middle as Renee pulls me inside.

"You were supposed to have killed the guy!"

"And I did! I'm sure of it! I didn't bring him to life or change him, I promise!" Ernest was panicking, and it was obvious it wasn't him.

"This is not your fault. It's my Fathers. And he's one of us now to make matters worse and he is planning something. The worst part is Gabby is pregnant and she is in pain, I can feel it..." My voice falters, feeling like I can hear the cries of Gabby in my ears. In my heart, deep down, she's hurting." He wants me to meet him at the nearest restaurant, what is that?"

"This Italian place called Frank-Os. Cheesy name but their food isn't bad, nice spaghetti actually."

I sneer, knowing what my Father is trying to do.

He knows I lose my senses when I'm around Italian food. And he knows ever since I was a kid that I say and do things that I wouldn't typically do when I eat that delicious shit.

"I'm at a loss here. I don't know if he's being a kind father for once or if he's just being the conniving son-of-a-bitch that I've always known him to be. But either way, I have to go."

Ernest patted my shoulder reassuringly.

"You're our hero."

"Don't flatter me to much. I'm not doing this for any of you, I'm doing it for Gabby and to see what my Father is up too."

Renee grabbed my hand, and I instantly felt calm and at ease. Those damn powers, making me weak in the knees with relaxation.

"I've always wondered, what's that guys name - your father."

"Royce Couteau. I should say Royce the IV. That name was passed down and I was lucky enough to not be named that. My mom chose my name so I like it. Why?"

"Because, he's been walking around here and no one even knows his name. Now we do, it makes things more interesting."


I am sitting across my Father as he smiles at me.

My arms are folded tightly to my chest, and I look around as people are starstruck at my damn fathers presence. He passes me a menu, and I snatch it as I set it down.

Silence fills the restaurant, making me uncomfortable as I remember, they're humans. I smile, opening the menu as I chuckle.

Good thing I'm used to having to act like things are fine, when they aren't. He does the same thing, and people start going back to their thing, slowly.

"What do you want?"

"To just have a nice dinner with my son? Is that to much to ask-."

"That was not why I came over here! You were going to tell me where-." I stop talking as his eyes flash red, making me fall silent as my lips are almost sealed shut.

Red...doesn't that equal-

"Alpha? Yes. Yes it does. And I want you to join my pack, son. And if you do, I'll give Gabby back to you while you both are a part of my-."

"Never!" I am able to shout, the place falling silent once agin as they stare. I bang my fists on the table, and he sighs.

"Son I'm not asking for much-."

"Stop calling me ' son ' I'm no longer your son."

Fathers face twisted into such sadness, making my emotions falter a bit. Is he seriously trying to make me look like I'm the bad guy? He's the bad one here!

"Liam... When I was bit it was by a male. He was an alpha and I killed him so that I could be at the top. And now I am. Look at me... I don't want to be a beast, but if it means I can have power, and yet kill the bitches-."

"Aren't you just turning against your now own kind? You only think about yourself and only yourself."

"I thought about you when I decided to make you an alpha with me. So that we can rise to the Alphas together. Then kill those twins Hester and Bernest."

"Dexter and Ernest you old shrub."

He laughed, raising his hand as a waiter rushed over.

"Let's eat." He looked up at the female as he told her what he wanted. And I didn't even care for whatever they had.

But before I could say anything she walked off.

"I ordered for you - your favorite - spaghetti!"

"Shut the fuck up." I grabbed a butter knife, pointing it at him as he smirked
excitedly." I might not have thrown a knife in a while, or cut someone up in awhile, but I can make an exception for you. That's just how much I hate you."

"Your hate and resentment towards me is-." He took a long ass gulp of wine as he smiled-."delicious."

I grind my teeth together, feeling wolf claws coming out my nails. But I'm able to stop it, folding my arms on the table.

"Liam you know how I feel about-."

"Shut it, what's your deal. I keep asking and you're telling me but there's more. There's always more..."

My mind is focusing on Gabby at this point, I can't think straight and now there's a hanging cloud over this table. He keeps looking at me, waiting for me to break, and I want to slice his neck so much right now. But if there is a way to get Gabby back...

"I'll do anything." Is all I say, and I watch as a long ass claw grows out of his index finger. I extend my wrist as he scratches my skin, and immediately I feel a whole force of power hit me at once.

I grabbed my wine glass as I looked for my reflection in the glass. And my eyes flashed a red as I found myself smiling. But I toned it down, I don't want power - at least I didn't want power... Now I just want so much power and looking at myself makes me think... I'm just as powerful as you Dexter... Wait...

"Feel the power...don't you?"

I glance up at my father, finding a another smile creeping in as the scratch in my wrist heals.

"Yes. I think I hate you less now," I snicker, all of a sudden seeing Chienne and my oldest brother Aaron appear from around the restaurant," And I can't believe I'm actually happy to see you two."

Aaron comes to hug me as I stand, and Chienne smiles as she hugs me too. They sit, and now we are really being watched. Not to mention Chienne is known to be very beautiful to men - which I think she's quite hideous. And Aaron and I are considered some sexy men in my opinion and others. But I'm more sexy to myself...uh! I'm so full of myself.

"Liam is on our side now. Where's the girl?" Father asked Aaron, his face contorting into a flash of panic and confusion. And to make matters worse is that when his face goes like that that means he did something wrong and is in the wrong.


"No, Jessica - yes Gabby! Where is she!" He whisper yelled, and I glared at Aaron as he fiddled with his fingers.

"I kinda...she kinda...was taken..."

"By who?"

"The...these twins-."

I jumped up from the table as I was about to leave. But a sudden gravitation was pulling on me to sit back down. And I looked to my father, his eyes red as he pointed to my chair, and pain started building up in my temples. Then I remembered, I don't belong to the twins anymore.

I thought they'd give her to me, and he scratched me, now I'm in his pack. And he's the alpha of me, and even though I am an alpha now he's the alpha over me. Damn it...

I sit down, the three of them laughing at me as I have been outsmarted. That I gave in so easily for Gabby, and now she's safe, that's all the matters. But now my freedom and happiness is ripped away from me, but I'd rather her be safe. I don't care about how I feel, that's irrelevant.

"You fucking lied to me."

"I did not. She was really in the car until those twins ripped that away from me. Now my plan is half and half. I got what I wanted, and you got nothing in return. I'm sorry." When he apologized it wasn't real. Nothing, I mean, nothing, can explain the hatred I am feeling at this very moment.

"I hope you choke on a dick," I say to Chienne, making her face turn pink," I hope your fucking dick falls off," I say to Aaron as he chuckles," And if I could, I would fucking-."

"What Liam? You would do what?" When he interrupts me I can't find myself to finish my sentence. I just rest my head on the table, wishing to cry. Because I am filled with fury, and I wish someone in my family had my back. And if my mother was alive, she'd fix this real quick...

It's just not fair...

"Life isn't fair son. It just isn't. And you'll understand it more being in my pack. The Couteau pack. We missed you son."

I banged my head on the table, crying silent tears, thinking...I fucked up...I fucked badly...

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