Love You Long Term (Sequel to...

By thatonetallchick00

296 33 4

Andromeda (Andy) Grew up knowing she would never live the normal life she always dreamt of. She wanted a hand... More

Chapter One- Andromeda
Chapter two- Escape Plan
Chapter three- She can be trusted
Chapter four- Back to School
Chapter Five- I can't
Chapter Six- Hell and Back
Chapter Seven- Deal
Chapter Eight- The spell
Chapter Nine- Six hours
Chapter Ten- Date Night
Chapter Eleven- Safe house
Chapter Twelve- The woman in white
Chapter Thirteen- Hey Siri
Chapter Fourteen- Christmas Baby
Chapter Fifteen- A Golden lab Named Biscuit

Chapter Sixteen- Welcome to Team free Will

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By thatonetallchick00

"Okay so Here's what I've got." Dean said as I walked into the kitchen. I had just woke up and was on my way to make coffee but Dean saying he had a lead on Prometheus was all I needed to wake up. 

"You found him?"

"Yeah." Dean snorted and moved his chair slightly for me to come and look at his computer screen. "Crowley picked this kid for a reason but its not because hes smart."

Sam walked in and placed a hand on my shoulder in a silent hello before going to the coffee pot.

"I mean- hes logged onto three different public Wifi servers with the same computer in the last forty eight hours. All with in a reasonably close location." 

"How far?" I asked.

"like three hours."  

"Okay lets go." I grabbed Dean's keys and headed towards the door. 

"Whoa slow down Princess." Dean said, grabbing the keys to the impala back. Sam walked over and handed me a cup of coffee. 

"We have to be smart about this." He continued for Dean. "We don't have Cas or TJ so its best to be careful."

I snorted. 

"You're the Winchesters. I didn't know careful was even in your vocabulary." 

Sam chuckled. 

"Go get dressed. We'll leave as soon as he logs on to another internet source." 

I did as I was told. 

After wiggling furiously to squeeze into my jeans, that were a size to small, and throwing on a sweater, I sat patiently on the bed and awaited our departure. 

What was I going to say to this kid when I met him? How were we going to convince him to come with us? I know it sure took me a bit of convincing to not kill Sam and Dean. I thought back to when I attempted to choke Sam. I didn't bother to check his pulse after he had passed out. If I had, I wonder where I would be today. Dean would have probably killed me. 


I jumped off the bed and grabbed Sam's duffel bag. I met him in the hallway and handed it to him. 

"Wow someones eager." 

"I just want this kid to be okay."

"Than lets go." 

He flung the duffel bag over his shoulder effortlessly. This act truly showed how massive Sam is because that bag was full of weapons and ammunition, not feathers. 

He grabbed my hand and we made our way out to the impala. I sat in the middle of the back seat. Dean was in the drivers and Sam in the passengers. 

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Same place as last night." Sam answered. He had hi laptop open and was typing furiously.

"Yeah but like- a hotel, a library.."

"A coffee shop."


Sam laughed. 

"We think so. Either that or the hotel right next door." 

"Well we should have a plan." I decided. Sam and Dean glanced at each other. "Awe you made the plan without me?" I complained. 

"Sorry Andy." Dean responded, not sounding very sorry. 

"Okay so what is it." 

"You go in," Sam started, "And convince him to come with us."

"You're kidding." 

"How hard can it be?" Dean asked, glancing at me through the rear view mirror. "You give the kid a choice. He gets tortured by the king of hell, or gets free protection from us." 

"The kid's an assassin now." I answered, leaning forward so my head was right next to Sam and Deans. "Remember when I almost killed you two?"

"Yeah but we also chained you up."


"So plan is-" Dean started. 

"convince the kid to come." I continued. 

"Don't die." Sam added, counting off a number two on his fingers. 

"And don't tie him up." Dean finished. 


Dean parked the impala behind the coffee shop. 

I threw my hair into a ponytail before taking a deep breath and slipping out of the impala.

I entered the shop and didn't look anywhere but the counter. I ordered a water, payed nothing for it, than sat down at a table in the far corner of the shop. This allowed me to look around. 

I saw collage students studying for their classes, an elderly couple having an in depth conversation, and a group of high school girls were giggling as they drank their far to expensive drinks. 

Then, I saw the boy with brown hair and round glasses. Prometheus was actually here. Lucky for me he was sitting by the trash can. His laptop, open wide. He seemed to be very focused on something. His forehead was wrinkled in concentration. 

I stood and walked towards the trash with my water in hand. When i was close enough, I fake tripped and dropped the water on his lap. 

He shot out of his chair and began to wipe the water off his pants .

"Oh- I'm so sorry!" I said multiple times. "I'll get you some napkins!" 

I grabbed some off the near by counter and held them against his stomach. I placed one hand on the back of his chair and patted his leg and stomach with the napkins. 

"i'm so sorry." I continued to say. 

"I can clean myself up miss." He said awkwardly, trying to help me get the water off his lap. 

My hand that was sitting on the back of his chair, near his neck was holding a switch blade. I switched it open and pressed it to the back of his neck. 

His body went ridged. 

"I need you to come with me, so I can help you get cleaned up." I said very slowly and calmly. 

He stared at me, frozen. I closed his laptop and grabbed it, than stood. He stood as well. I moved the knife to his lower back and slowly led him outside. 

We got to a small ally between the hotel and the coffee shop. 

"Your name is Prometheus Newton, correct?" 

He nodded. 

"And you're working for Crowley?" 

He stayed ridged but said nothing. He had been sworn to secrecy. I had been too. 

I held up my hand and showed him the scar from the blood bond between Crowley and I. 

"You have one of these on your arm?" 

He said nothing. 

"I used to work for him too. He tortured me too. I'm trying to help you." 

I knew it was coming before it happened. I was suddenly dodging a knife and slamming him against the wall, forcing the blade out of his hand. He cried out in pain and dropped the knife. I held one arm behind his back and the other against the wall. His cheek was pushed against the wall, his glasses and the lap top on the floor. 

"That was a mistake." I said. He grunted and struggled against my grip. This kid was so young.  

"I was in the business a lot longer than you kid. I know how much it sucks. Please come with me. We can help you." 

He stopped struggling and panted. 

"You wont kill me?" His voice sounded a lot younger than I had expected. 

"Not unless you try to kill me." 

He panted for a moment longer, than nodded his head against the wall. 

"Yeah okay." 

I let go and brushed my hands off. He rubbed his shoulder with is hand and picked up his glasses. 

One of the lenses had broke. 

He put them on anyways and stared at me silently. I picked up the lap top and walked towards where Sam and Dean were. I didn't turn to see if he was following me. I knew he was. I opened Sams door and handed him the lap top. He got out of the car and smashed it on the ground. 

 Prometheus  stared at it in shock, but didn't ask any questions. 

"Nice to meet you." Sam said with a huff. He threw the broken laptop into a trashcan and got back into the car. I opened the door to the back seat and let Prometheus slide in. I slid in after him. 

The car sped off as soon as I shut the door. 

"Can I ask where you're taking me?" Prometheus asked after a few moments. 

"Oh!" Dean said excitedly. "He speaks!" 

"Were taking you somewhere safe." Sam answered. 

"Safe?" He questioned. "man I haven't heard that word in a while." 

"Im Sam by the way." Sam said. "And this is my brother Dean."

"Wait- you're the Sam and Dean?" 

"In the flesh." Dean answered. 

"And that means your the Angel's wife?" Prometheus asked, looking at me. 

"No." I chuckled. "That's TJ. I'm Andromeda." 

"So your who im a replacement for?" 

"I guess so." I furrowed my brow. Prometheus went quiet. I didn't blame him. He felt like it was my fault he got into this mess. 

"So what do we call you kid?" Dean asked, breaking the silence. 


"Prometheus is kind of a mouth full." 

"Oh right. I go by Theo." 

"Nice to meet you Theo. Welcome to Team Free Will." 


For now we had to make Theo stay in a storage room with metal doors so we could lock him in at night. He seemed to understand that we couldn't quite trust him yet. 

He had been here for two days now and he hadn't told us anything. Not how he got to be involved with Crowley, or why he threw away his life. 

I decided to sit him down and ask him. 

"Man- I don't really know where to start." 

"Just start." I suggested. 

He adjusted his broken glasses. 

"Well- I've been passed through foster care since I was ten. My Dad was pretty abusive so CPS took me away."

"I'm sorry." 

He shrugged. 

"When i was eighteen, they kicked me out of foster car because I was legally an adult. So I uh, I resorted to stealing things. I went to steal this car one night. I had done it a few times before but the guy I stole it from happened to be possessed. He told em i could live if I worked for his boss. I agreed not really knowing what I was getting myself into and uh- here I am."

"Just like the mythology." I muttered. 

He didn't say anything. 

My head began to pound but I ignored it. I thought I saw Theo flinch but I didn't say anything. 

Sam walked in. 

"Here." He handed me coffee and sat down next to me. I sipped, ignoring the burn of the liquid, hoping that the caffeine would stop the pounding in my head. 

"have you guys heard anything from Crowley recently?" Theo asked.

"Nothing." Sam answered. 

I felt a boiling anger bubble inside of me but tried to push it down. 

Theo rubbed his forehead and squeezed his eyes shut. 

"Are you okay?" Sam asked him. 

"Oh- yeah i'm fine." 

My stomach lurched and I fell forward off my chair and rammed into the table. Sam jumped up just as I heard another loud thud. I began to dry heave onto the ground. 

I heard coughing and choking next to me. 

I myself began to cough and gaps for air in between dry heaves. Eventually my arms were to weak to hold me up and fell onto my side. I gasped and held my throat. 

From the floor, I could see under the table. Across from me, Theo was laying on the ground, his hands on his throat, gasping for air. He reached out and grabbed the table leg to brace himself. 

I began to feel faint from lack of air. Suddenly I saw Sam leaning over me, steadying my body to not let me hurt myself further. 

I managed to look back over at Theo. He was still choking. Dean was leaning over him, holding his shoulders. 

We made eye contact. Then we both feel unconscious and were no longer in our bodies. 


My voice was deep and had an accent. 

"They got him too?" I screamed at a terrified man. 

"I'm sorry sir." He responded. "We thought he was smarter than the last one." 

"Well obviously not." I slammed my fist on the arm of my chair. 

"Find me someone capable of killing the Winchesters and their angel, and their Shaman and those failed attempts at servants!" I screamed. 

The man scurried out of the room. 


I woke up with a gasp and immediately began coughing. 

Sam was next to me in a second. 

"Hey- hey- are you okay?" 

I nodded and held a hand to my chest. 

I was still on the floor in the library. I glanced to my left and saw Theo sitting up with his head in his hands. Dean was sitting cross legged next to him. 


"You get them too?" He looked at me. He was so young. So innocent and terrified. 

 I nodded. 

"We have to be careful." I said, looking at the three guys. "It seems like this can happen to any of us in moments of extreme emotion." 

"If we get to worked up, He could figure out where we are." Theo's brows were furrowed and he looked like he was on the verge of tears. 

"That wont happen." I said quickly. "We just have to stay calm."

He was quiet for a moment. His eyes darted around like he was thinking. He looked back up at me.

"Have you ever been inside of me?"

I hesitated.

"One time." I answered honestly. 


"Right after the blood bond was formed." 

"During the-"

I nodded.  He rubbed his face with his hands. 

"Have you been inside of-"

He nodded.

"What was happening?" 

"Well, since I've only been in this mess a few days, I haven't really had much of an opportunity to..."

"Just tell me."

"It was fast- like two seconds but it was just- you were holding a stuffed dog." 

I looked at Sam. He looked like he was trying to be serious but I saw the corner of his mouth twitch. 

"Well- I guess its good that were together." Theo said. He looked over at me. "We can tell each other when we feel it coming on and help one another calm down." 

I nodded. 


After the episodes we moved Theo out of the storage room to try and keep him in a more comfortable living situation. Keep his Anxiety low. We put him in TJ and Cas' room and covered the crib with a sheet. 

Sam is sleeping in the living room now. I cant have any romantic excitement so he took Biscuit with him. 

I figured out what Crowley saw in Theo. He was quiet. Almost silent. Every time he walked into a room he made me jump. I guess it came from his past of stealing things to get by. Past... it was only a month ago. The kids been living on the streets for less than a year. 

Sam ordered him new glasses online. Dean tried to talk him into getting contacts because he could "Get more ladies" and  "look sexier". Theo said he wasn't concerned about looking sexy and just wanted a pair of circular glasses like the ones he had. 

Dean ordered the glasses. But he also got a pair of contacts.

We haven't heard anything from TJ and Cas. I hoped Esther was okay. When ever I thought about them I got worried and had to think about something else so I wouldn't work myself up. 

I was lonely at night. I never realized how warm Sam's presence was until he was gone. 

So i stopped sleeping. Instead I loaded up on coffee and started researching blood bonds. I could only find information about bonds between a human and a Witch. I couldn't find anything about a bond between a human and a demon or even two humans. 

But I wasn't going to give up. If  I was going to somehow get rid of this bond and stop Crowley, I needed to know more about this bond. 

Theo found me awake in the middle of the night and joined me. We went through four pots of coffee before he found something. 

"A blood bond can only be formed with the assistance of a Witch," he read, "and can only be broken by the same witch."

"Well that sucks." I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "We have no clue who Crowley used."

"Yeah but were one step closer."

I nodded. 

"That's true." 

I sighed. 

"I'm going to make more coffee." 

Theo nodded. 

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